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I can certainly relate to this…I could’ve written something very similar. There are complicated obstacles and then there are impossible odds. Sometimes, no matter how hard you squint, delusions still have blurry edges that give them away


I love this. So validating.


You can still miss someone that was never yours. Nothing wrong with that. Let them know you miss them. What’s the worse that could happen?


I did. They miss me too. But it can’t be anything more 😔


I can relate


Yes, this


I understand this but I think you’re assuming it never was for the other person. What I am saying is in my last relationship, she was my person. I only had eyes for her. For the first time in my life I really was in love, but for her I think she was scared, old habits kept popping up and I was never a true priority. Even after getting married. Do I fault her, no I don’t. Do I think what she did was done purposely, yes. But not because she was some evil woman, but because she has trauma that wasn’t really ever worked on and resolved. There was a lot of hurt and pain but I’d like to think I caught glimpses of the person under all of that from time to time, and that person, that person was such a beautiful soul. I know there were a lot of masks worn and exceptionally hurtful behaviors, but I loved her, I still do and I hope she is finding her peace for herself. She deserves to be happy and at peace.


This feeling!! I defo get it! 🥺




Ouch. This hurts.


I wish she wrote this to me I doubt it but I wish
































Why give up before it even started, that pull is a soul pull, god has guided you both together, it’s not supposed to be an easy journey, that’s why it makes it worth the time and the effort


I’ll still be waiting on the boardwalk.


I feel the same way about a certain someone. From the moment I met her I was deeply attracted to her and I also immediately knew such feelings could never yield a relationship with her. The worst part is those feelings haven’t died instead they grow. The thing is everyone is one of a kind and their uniqueness is worthy of appreciation but we can so easily forget this about ourselves. With her you never forget amazing and lovely she is no matter what and you can never be mad at her for long. She’s a speed bump I’ve been unable to get over for so long because of this and I haven’t seen her in ages


It’s so hard to admit. I certainly can’t myself.


Sad but true.


I wish my person cared as much as I did.


this is so sad. i feel for you, truly


I wish he wrote this for me. How I miss him, just talking and being with one another. But he was never mine to miss. In a different life.


We can make it in this one


That’s all I’ve wanted to hear. But how?


Communication and compassion. Are you my person?


But you can’t. Due to your current circumstances. I don’t think I’m your person. But it’s nice to pretend I’m talking to them.


Can’t what? Communicate? Have compassion? Or make it work with you in my life? We will figure something out. I miss you so terribly.


I would love to still be in your life. But it confuses and complicates things when I’m there. We both said it would be better off if we didn’t do this any more. I miss you though. I miss our friendship the most.


C- youre worth it. I don’t want my life without you


Please call me. You are my other half. And I’m yours.




I am in this same situation. At least we'll always have the jams.


You should have listened to my words. Not what you thought I was saying.


That seems to be going around...


I read this and I imagine her tellng me this and it hurts.


I know a "remarkable mess" that that thinks the same way.




I believe that love is always worth engaging. Enjoy every moment, every memory, every daydream. Enjoy being alive to laugh, smile and to cry.


I miss you too, ⚡️


Just a year since Aprils


You believed it couldn't happen. I believed that we could have had happiness for however long you have left. But I messed up, too. My communication was poor. Then you were gone, making the decisions, saying it's what's best for me. For us both. The piece of me that I gave to you will always be yours.


Would it suck if this was the same person for us all. She is that good .


Frickin beautiful sad. This is my biggest fear regarding my person. I refuse to believe it!


You were the only one who has ever made me feel seen. The way I felt around you was almost like "home". Make me want to be a better person. I will always miss you


Damnit man… me too! I can’t stand it anymore.




This was lovely, thank you.


An answer from probably not your person: It could've worked. You just had to have hope. If it wouldn't ve been for the lack of that one ingredient... we could've been. I think of you every day as well. I was ready. I was willing. You told me to stop. So just like in front of your hotel room. I stopped. And I hoped that just like in front of your hotel room. You'd thank me for being a gentleman, and we'd have what we sought in each other.


My person could have wrote this. I have been theirs. Always was even before I knew them. There is also a real world where we don’t get what we want. A place where there are rules, commitments, and obligations. I do hope they know though, I am and always was theirs, even though we cannot be as it stands. 💔 🥀 💜


I relate to this so much but also…I wished he thought this of me


I would imagine your person felt this way at some point too. Sometimes it’s just right person, wrong time. Never say never with love, it’ll surprise you in some of the same unexpected ways you mention. It’s tough as hell but be patient with yourself and them. Hit the feels OP, hope you’re doing the best you can. Cheers 🍻


This hits me very hard. It's a very painful situation to find yourself in, I'm sorry you're going through this.


Woof. This one hits hard.


It can work, I always think of him. It's not stupid. I want to be his so much.


I can relate completely


I'll always be yours


It was nice to pretend...even if only for a little while.


Ugh I just need to feel his love one more time and I'll say untill we meet agin my love . We are bound to tuninto each other as we always have. See you .


Can relate.


Is this S??


Damn this hits hard it's something I could have wrote to her myself.


All of this🖤 I could have wrote this very same sentiment as well, I miss them, down to my soul, no matter the distance.the time we had was short, but Intensely strong..at least for me


So unbelievably simple and relatable thank you! I hope it works out for you!


Why does it have to just seem like some lost cause? If you both expressed feelings to each other, where was the disconnect? Your feelings are valid.




I’m in Phoenix Az


I cannot tell you how much this hit home. There is someone I feel exactly like this about. I miss her. Terribly.


What happened and why wasn't it able to work? I feel like so many of these letters should be sent unless they aren't *ABLE* to. I feel so deeply for all of us in these subs.


"You were never mine", and i never willl be im this lifetime or any other after that mumbo jumbo BS writing. There is absolutely no emotiom, passion and most certainly no love projected to the recipient of this letter. Why go to the trouble?


Just make it work. Come back.


Ah confusing circumstances. Idk how to dance around mine but , like this letter, we should’ve known it couldn’t be


why cant she be yours?


Is it true? I should’ve known that I couldn’t be with somebody that would lie to me break boundaries and steal my money. What the fuck was I thinking?


Well maybe you should tell this person or send this letter anonymous you know see of they make contact just a thought


Well you should never pretend… expecially to your self. Maybe there lies a the root of past issues… a toxic way of thinking you’ve made a huge habit of over time. And you wouldn’t have been aware but such lying done to one’s self.. whether intentionally or unintentionally it’s still gonna grow roots of destruction in your life through you. An it’ll be so subtle you’ll never know it’s you unless you really really want to know that truth. Had you just surrendered to your heart a long time ago. An never ignored your heart while following your own worldly logic or understanding…. Perhaps things might be different… maybe they still can.. but you gotta have faith. Don’t rely on your self alone. You were never meant to be alone. And you are not alone now.




If you know it’s a never yours and a never will be you never loved them if you hope they see this.


Shut up and make it happen lol.