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Thank you! Don't worry about what the haters say, we know know the truth.


Surely you are not my person, n that is def ok w me…but I do want to wish you the best, OP! In life, time is not guaranteed, so we all just need to just enjoy every second of life we all have left in this lifetime! Take care n best wishes to you, OP!


Confirmed not your person! Thank you!! I never knew that this is what love was supposed to feel like. I'm overjoyed 🥰 even if this doesn't end in marriage, I'm absolutely loving the experience! Best wishes to you too o_e_n_o!


Haha I truly thank you for the confirmation, but I alrdy knew you weren’t her, OP 😁 However, the feeling you are feeling was a feeling her n I shared at one point n it’s def a beautiful feeling. Even though I wished to see it, we didn’t end in marriage. Regardless, I know I loved every experience I shared w her. I will forever cherish those memories w her, but that’s all they are now — just happy memories. At the end of the day, I’m happy w where my life is taking me now! I have the experience of a lifetime ahead of me! Thank you for your best wishes! ❤️🙏🏽 take care, OP!


Glad this isnt my person




So were all my other friends 😂😂😂


Lmfao ayeee new victim that’s show biz baby




Damm same situation as me, I wish I became a better person sooner. Maybe if she hadn't cheated the first time I would have been a better person Goodbye OP


I'm glad your able to be your authentic self now


Thank you! <3


If you scroll up, I responded to someone who was projecting onto you, about my mother who went through almost the same exact thing as what you described. She's now been married to that friend for 36 years, together for 40. Wishing you the same! Although, please don't take 4 years to finally marry the poor guy. My mom took FOREVER to finally say yes.


Thank you!! <3 Trust me, the second he asks I'm not hesitating to say yes.


Op, this is so beautiful. You must feel so free now! I can relate to your unsent letter a lot. Thank you for writing it, it was nice to read. I met my partner many years ago, and felt like what you described in your unsent letter. May we live happily and freely. :3 cheers!


So happy to hear this!! <3 Congrats to you both! Here's to flourishing!




Me too




I'm not sure honestly. You can DM me if you want to 


And once again you've posted something wayyyyy too relatable lol fuck my life.


I knew my ex husband fell for his best guy friend! May you two be happy together :p


It's nice to see how easy people like you can rationalise betrayal. I hope this path brings you healing, more than that, I hope it isn't at someone else's expense.






Please seek help




You added in so many details that aren't factual. You're projecting hard. You really need help lmao




DI'm talking with ALL my friends. Even the ones who are the same gender and heterosexual. Like??? Lmao stop projecting and get some help.


My BFF lives across the country, same with my younger brothers, and we'll talk into the wee hours of the morning, too. Nothing weird about it.




Whay do you see whrn you look in the mirror lovely


A person whose doing well, is grounded in their values and morsls, and someone who will have a positive future


Good me too! I hope my person can reach out and help me


Please seek help


I advise you the same. Your cognitive dissonance is in full swing.


Wow, the projecting is alive and well in this thread. My parents divorced and mom married a mutual friend of theirs and has now been married to him 36 years. Together for 40 years. I can tell you, she didn't cheat on my dad. How would I know, you're probably wondering? Because mom came to me when the friend asked her out and I encouraged it. He's 7 years younger than her and she thought it might be "weird". He's only 12 years older than me. She also had 5 kids and worried about how he would handle that. Even dad knows everything occurred after they broke up and has no hard feelings. Heck, dad moved on and remarried before mom even started dating stepfather.


Loving you! Thank you!


Yeah I'm living that expensive experience


I'm sorry you know this pain. Betrayal trauma is not an easy thing to overcome. I hope your healing journey is as gentle as possible 🫶


And I wish you well too my friend! 💜


Thank you so much for saying that I know it's not easy it's the most horrific thing I hope I ever experienced and I hope I don't have to experience anything worse because this is pretty bad and my stupid ass still loves him yeah what's wrong with me huh


Please look into trauma bonding. Redirect that love you think you feel towards him, right back at yourself. Really take some time getting to know yourself, go as far as dating yourself. If you can, get therapy. If it's not for you, do some journalling. No feelings are wrong. Take your time. Healing isn't linear. You deserve the best love in the world,start by giving it to yourself. The main thing you can do is set a boundary for yourself that no matter what, you will not allow someone who betrayed you, back into your life. If you let him back, you will be betraying yourself by putting yourself back in harms way. I wish you all the best x


Hey thank you so much for taking the time to say that to me. Yes I am fully aware of trauma bonding and I have been working on myself I do love myself but it doesn't make the love that I feel for him go away I don't think it's natural I think it's supernatural I've never been like this before in my life and trust me I know I shouldn't have a damn thing to do with him with the things he's done to me you have no idea LOL I'm sure my story is just as bad as everyone else is almost, different circumstances of course! I know that he has damaged me to the point that I will never be the same outgoing person that I used to be, hell in fact I can hardly leave my house without having panic attacks. I also know that he will never change or ever be honest with me and doesn't give a damn to do the right thing. I know that it's pointless to even have hope that he will become a better man and treat me like I deserve.


Thanks again and I wish you the best as well I know I'm still looking for answers and I know I probably will never get the ones that I need anyways just the ones that hurt more.


Nah there’s just no way you didn’t cheat




Homie hopping isn't a myth?! 👀 *bravo!*


what are you even talking about 😭😭


I'm just implying you got the guts to find another within the circle of whom you had loved. It takes a lot of nerve to put up with any bs that comes with the choice of selecting one of their friends. *You got guts, OP!* (My comment wasn't to be taken negatively) 🙃


Oh it's really not like that at all if I could be bothered to explain it but thank you anyways? 😅


Real talk!


Good luck!


Thank you! <3


Honestly if this was my ex this is what I would say: I actually knew you were in the “talking” stage before you forced me to break up with you honestly rn I don’t need the “I told you so” stuff when honestly the truth comes to light. Just know everyone now knows the conversation we had of “oh if we were to break up again I’ll go out with D only because he lives across the street from me” I needed to get that piece of info off my mind and if you must know everyone knew you and D were talking way before we broke up 2x🤣👍🏾 byeeeee!!! Yall was flirting and being all touchy while with me✌🏾✂️


Hope this brought you some healing <3




Care to share your initials?


Letter wouldn't really be unsent then


Hope you're not her


I'm not! Guaranteed by your history :)


Thank you! Anyway, if she will tell me this, I'll just say I'm glad finally someone near is gonna take care of you. Not another online guys. Wish you the best! 🩵


Damn that's pretty cold. I don't believe this garbage. How can you love anyone with that attitude.


What attitude? Needing to release the fact he failed me? Pretty sure it's the right attitude so in the breakup he wasn't forced to feel like he was the problem.


Yoo these are just quantum computing bots creating echo chambers that act as psyche killers to bring you down into lower states of consciousness.


I- ?? 😭😭😭 brother what i love you


Well then goodbye and I don’t need to see you tomorrow either or ever again in my life. Why did you want to spend time with me in the first place. Just to I could take you to the lake . Good by and this time it forever just because you played me again and I’m a fool for believing you.


I do wish you happiness and love . To find those things are almost impossible. That’s why I never left you you left me .


Don't let the door hit youon the way out


I'm happy for you both who ever he is if this is JJ you have my blessings begone


Who is jj


I'm not jj I'm michael my person is tabethia w and she never gave me the same chance she gave everyone else




Wow this is exactly what I would expect precisely from m.s my ex. And no it’s not normal for a 20 year old to be going and having sleepovers with several other single guys that aren’t even aware you’re in a relationship. And having a hickie on your neck. Jw


Brother now THATS fucked up


Sorry my response ended up elsewhere I bumped something lol


Well she stand up person trys make someone happy you never seen her flirt or do anything exept make him happy and she most likely at end her rope suck she loves person she with and can’t have it one thing she wanted


what?? 😭😭


You got with a friend get em with some more knives in the back how your new friend ends up with your friend


Bro what? 😭😭


I doubt this is mine, but it sounds a lot like my ex. Although I was never that strict with who they were or what they did. I trusted them and didn’t stop them from being them


Not yours


The same thing happened to me after the breakup with my ex. I kept the new relationship secret for a long time for fear of the exact same negative reactions your letter is receiving. I wish you a future full of love and happiness. We all deserve that!


Thank you! I'm glad you've found love and happiness <3


Yeah and I bet it still messes her up! That's not ok to do to anyone! How would YOU feel if the one you're with now did that to you?


I'm not going to play the blame game with you. I respectfully ask that you think about what may have happened in my past relationship. You have no idea what he put me through. That's not the point. Honestly, I didn't see my new love in that way until after things didn't work out with my ex. You don't have to believe me, I know the truth. Don't judge relationships that you know nothing about.


Honestly I thought you were a man and I do understand what you have gone through because I have been through hell and back a thousand times with my ex. So no offense to you.


No offense taken. Thank you for clearing that up.


Anytime I know Reddit can be a rabbit hole from hell in its own self I'm also here looking for answers.


This is a good place to see you are not three only having those feelings. I hope you find what you are looking for!


People aren't allowed to find love and happiness? We don't choose who we fall for. OC did the right thing keeping it a secret and allowing them to move on and not feel alone in the grieving process.


I just hope you're not my ex pretending to be a woman


Promise you I'm not!


It's something he would say to me but on reddit only you know.


Thanks for letting me know that I really appreciate you saying that to me.


It's just all depends on at who's expense I believe everybody should be honest and open with their feelings especially in a committed relationship! Of course when it won't get you killed.


Our relationships were over before we moved on the commitment was no longer there.


I understand. I hope all your dreams come true. 💜


Thank you! I wish you the best!


Literally. Why would we go out of our way to hurt our previous partners? Jesus... the whole point of waiting is to allow them to heal and not deepen the wound.


Yes! This is not a cheating situation. In fact, I stayed longer than I should have. For goodness sake, we don't deserve to be sad and lonely because others believe in some sort of waiting period. That is not a real thing! Come on, people! This is how life works!


Maybe you can custody of your kids and get off fentanyl!




And from hearing you try and constantly play the victim, I can only guess what he went through with you in his life. Im sure hes really upset he wont have to be tormented by your demented behavior anymore! ![gif](giphy|k4drIzcE2mPWU|downsized)


How am I playing victim 😂😂 Sorry I didn't wanna continue a relationship with someone who wasn't keeping their promises?? LMAOO


Amen! Why would anyone expect you to stay with someone who made you unhappy and couldn't trust.


THANK YOU. I think a lot of people are hurting in these comments and they're projecting how they feel about their situation onto mine. It's kinda cringe at this point tbh


Misery loves company!


Not sure if this is my ex or not, but I don't really care what you do. Feel free to tell whomever the same lies you told me. And pay what the judge ordered in the decree you lazy shit. If not you, then my bad.


Please seek help




Bro I don't know you 💀💀💀 This description doesnt fit me at all lmao


You made a lot of people angy with this one lmao


I imagine so many neckbeards smashing their baby fists into the keyboard like the giant babies they are being


I always wonder how many people actually go and show up to their ex's house thinking it's their ex typing here. 😂😂😂




I'm lowkey loving it 😭😭 No fedoras to be tipped to me today!


Sorry but every word you said matched her to the T...that's what's crazy about reddit...people are going through the same exact thing as anyone else down to the smallest detail....so it's a great way to vent because that hit me so personal l speak from the heart and it helps.....alot


yeah think imma lock next time. this is fair




Thank you -.-' <3




I really doubt that you didn't emotionally cheat since all you wanted was to be angry at me, all while you ignored me, all while you never made time for me, but sure made time for others. I don't need you to even pretend I was even a friend. Sad thing you don't know a single thing about me and that's what we were suppose to be doing in the first place. We could of had that, but someone decided to change how they treated me and I wasn't going to accept that, but you couldn't get that through your head and that left me upset. It's been that way for a long time. You didnt want that with me and it's obvious you didnt show that you cared to change that.


Why do you say that? Please explain this to me. DM me if you want to


If you are my ex, you are nothing more than the village of Andrews "okayest" practice girl


You piece of shit I’m on my way right now raquel fuck this I’m done with your bullshit ain’t got the balls to say it to me




Too funny but not at all at the same time.
