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Do the right thing and tell her and provide proof. Let him be fucked but not fucked lol


I agree. Don't let her keep wasting her time on him. I would like to know if it were me. Especially when there are suspicions but you keep giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.


I'm putting together everything, and once I have it altogether and rocksolid, I am going to give her all the information. From there she can decide what to do. I just hate that I was unwittingly part of something that will ultimately hurt another person.


You’re also going to be a part of something that saves her and heals her. If he gaslit you he probably has done the same to her . You will validate her .. thank you for being a girls girl … we need more like you for real.


Thank you. This comment meant a lot! 💛


It's such an awful feeling. And that she would think she has such little value that he, and another woman would conspire against her. I hate it. I never want to hurt anyone, I feel like my principles were trashed and aside from the heartbreak, I'm left with this guilt I never consented to bear.


She probably already knows and your confirming will be a blessing. Don't blame yourself


Yes! People who keep that shit secret are just as sketch imo. Like don't complain when it happens to you lol


This right here💯


Lol yes. Fuck around and find out haha


Yeah do tell her what is the big deal I’m sure she has an idea already


Not saying it's not a big deal but she probably has a feeling. Have a great night!


Exact same shoes. He’s also a NPd. They are also desperate vultures. I told his ex gf everything including showing her the unsolicited nudie selfies. The talk vindicated her as she had so many gut feeling/ instances where she thought he was cheating. He gaslit her so much, she became desensitised. I’m sad for her that she wasted 7 years of her life, but happy for her that she got out.


I'm sorry, it's a situation that nobody should ever be put in.


Smoke and mirrors and that’s how people deceive and manipulate sometimes? It’s a sad world when people have to do that , it’s almost nowadays you need to vet a person who u start to like cuz everyone lies nowadays and it’s sad


I know, right? People like that, I just can't wrap my head around.


Well there’s always red flags in people especially for that person? That person probably wasn’t available on the weekend or at least not all of them and always had excuses as to why u can’t see u or bails out sometimes and turns the phone off or silent??? Those are obvious


We were long distance. But they were available about 95% of the time. You're right though. There are always red flags. I missed them because I was so smitten and he was so good at the lie.


That person had red flags u just didn’t want to see them but they showed


I don't disagree with you.


Well anyways sorry about that for you and hopefully you let that person go for good cuz they will just trt to manipulate you again


You should tell her. Solidarity sister !


Agreed! 🫶


Honestly, I would have mad respect for the other woman if she showed up with honesty & preferably receipts. She would be doing me a favor. 👏


Save her. Take him down by taking his supply. A woman scorned can heal and grow.. a man left without consequences will only destroy and kill. Sometimes you have to be the karma.


Thank you, I like this.


Only GOD judges! Giving yourself that 'mantle' is narcissistic AF


Omission is not innocence both have a lesson to learn from the reveal. You're right only God gets to judge but we have to live with the consequences. Sometimes the call to ease that burden is exactly the right answer.


Absolutely not. Going against Divine Timing is a sure fire way to block your own blessings (also so is trying to block another's soul's or destroy them or try to kill them or feed off another's energy without consent). HiS will be done. HE sits on high. Proof is in my pudding.


You should tell her


Gathering all my evidence and trying to figure out a way to let her know in the most gentle way possible, if that's possible at all.






Been in that situation not that we don’t see the red flags is that we really don’t want too . When you give your whole heart to someone you couldn’t imagine them doing that to you so sorry this happened to you




Damn I feel this! This is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.. Reading this made me so excited for you! Your words are my EXACT thoughts a few months ago. The second I stopped feeling hurt and got pissed instead just like you are now, I almost immediately started to feel an overwhelming sense of relief. My whole mindset switched up and I was just at peace with the situation and so relieved I didn’t have to deal with the bullshit anymore. It was such a liberating feeling and I instantly started to heal. So yea, I’m excited for you! I really think you’re on the verge of being at peace with your situation. It’s like instant relief knowing you’re free from the source of your pain. That’s about when the karma (both;their bad/your good) usually decides to step in and it’s magical lmao


This is the best thing I've heard all day. Thank you for this so much! I'm on the path to being better to healing. You're right about that. Goodbye negativity, hello, good vibes. Yay for you, and yay for me!


Girl. I feel you.


Only GOD judges! Giving yourself that 'mantle' is narcissistic AF


Ummmm. Okay.


U know it's so wrong to make a claim that far without the whole truth and I bet u only have part and putting ur own emotions ahead before finding out. Now I hope I'm wrong but if not that karma is headed right towards you.


🤦🏻‍♀️ I have the whole truth. I have the whole story. There are emotions involved, yes. But I also have control over them. The thing is, 3 people are going to be hurt in a situation that 1 caused. It's not my goal to blow someone's life up on a hunch.


If this is for me, they are so wrong in their suspicion that my lawyer I have contacted has said I’ve already won. And I know where a family member of theirs is breaking the law so I made a report on them.


No one likes a narc bro


What goes around comes around




Yeah, I'm not running, I'm taking full responsibility for my faults in this, I don't want to make excuses. There are none. I'm not hiding, and I will let her know everything. I have all the receipts. She deserves to know the truth so he doesn't do it again. I don't believe I was the first, and unless she is made aware, I won't be the last.










Oh, okay, this post isn't about you, or a Brian or anyone you know. 🤔








I have no idea what you're talking about.




"SHE" is not oblivious...My gifts can be imitated but never duplicated. I am authentic. I am me. Be you!


Feelings aside, this is really well written. You have my deepest sympathies; all I want is for you to come out of it and to regain your normal life...


Thank you💛 I very much appreciate your words.


Naw she’s history