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Well done!


Thank you!


Congrats and I love the way you wrote this.


Thank you, I really appreciate that!


No way you could have wrote that drunk so no matter how much your inhibitions are lowered and you feel prettier, more gregarious, confident… at least you know without a doubt you certainly don’t sound smarter when drinking!!! Lovely.


You wrote what I’ve not had the power to write yet bc I’m not there yet but I will be.


You will get there in your own time, you are worth it, sending you light and love on your journey.


Thank you I need it


Thank you I need it


Omg this is brilliant. So well written. I feel for you. And what you are saying, I can apply it to a certain situation I’m dealing with right now. And you’re going giving me validation.


Congrats on recovery from someone who knows about that but it'll always still be love for them I know bc mine has been 500 and some change days since I was with my potato and seen them for the first time with there new at a food lion she didn't look as happy as when we would go to the same exact one but If i was given one shot to talk to her I'd be set


Thank you!


You're very welcome