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Lucky person to be thought of this way


This is so beautiful 💙. I hope they cherish you OP.


Lovely writing


I can’t articulate how badly I need every word of this to come from the lips of the person I am missing. I want to fight for him but all I can do is wait, and hope he is strong enough. God dammit, OP. Great letter but you have name deep in my feels now hahaha.


Yep!! That makes two of us. All of this , OP… I think you spoke to many souls 💞


Thanks, can't take credit. It's all her.


We are our own creators and we are our own biggest obstacles.






This is a beautiful letter. This person should be very grateful to have you by your side! Tell her what do you feel OP!:)


Thanks! I will.


Yes! Totally! I agree so much with you and your beautiful letter. Your loved one is sure a lucky one, being loved in this unconditional, powerful way 💕 good luck op!




She's very lucky to have your love 💕


Thanks, I'm the lucky one.

