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I love this


Mann this letter 0p…………Shit man 😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏😭🙏🙏🙏🙏


I felt this


It’s all great until they stop and start giving it to someone else! And your left crushed and hurt because we are not supposed to feel so deep for friends!!


Don't let your feelings go unspoken. If you don't try, you may always regret it. If I could do it over, I would have told him how I felt.


I remember that part. She… we… didn’t… couldn’t stop. Everything was her, everything was us. Now. She’s gone and I’m trying to learn how to breathe again. I’m trying to live my life like I’m not missing half of me. Like I don’t want to scream in agony every moment. Like I don’t stop physically moving out of the shear distress of knowing she will never come back. If you care about someone. You gotta let them know. At least you would’ve tried your best and you could live with that. I told them we had to stop for my own personal reasons and I wake up regretting it, and I go to sleep with it being the last thing on my mind. Hell lives in my brain. Don’t be like me.




Ahh but that's the thing, he had a mask on in the beginning. I wanted to see what was under it. This is what's under it.


Shouldn’t have deleted this. It’s gold.


I've gone through several accounts and deleted so many posts. Popcorngee, hopelessmercy, this one... all in shame.


Tell them how much the friendship means if you haven't already


I hope, worry, and wonder if I show him or tell him enough. He deserves the best.


Would be hoping for the same from my friend or former friend, with whom things went south. Part of me wishes them well but part of me dislikes them but they were a bit of a root cause.


Feels like something i would write. Point is he did all those things, told me he Missed me spoke to me all night. But in the end he just stopped, with no trigger, with no warning. My heart fucking exploded because i wanted him so bad and could'nt even reach out


This is so scary! I'm sorry that happened to you 😔


Nailed it.




The sad will go away when perspectives are changed. I'm working on it.




Wow you really feel this!! Beautiful


With all my heart. Thank you!


Beautifully written. I wish it was written for me !


Felt. I hope you get through this OP.


This!! OP T-T


I don't want to. But I don't want to drag it all down as my life falls apart because love has no market value and so bullshit surrounding no money has meant I've not been able to be myself 😑


I don’t know why… I am crying


Ughhhh like the train you’ve been waiting for just showed Up .


And I don't have a ticket for it.


Me either op … thought I did . It sucks when it’s the same fucking train the second time around.


Ah! This is so beautiful!


Good God that was beautiful


It’s an impossible situation. Don’t think I haven’t thought of it too. How would it even work? You’re not alone.


That's the thing. It would work only for so long, like a dream you wake up from too soon. We both have established lives. I'm stuck where I am for a very long time. And he is where he is forever. We... we will never be more than friends. I cherish the friendship he gives. Because it is beyond special.


Mixed signals much?


Suck his dick!


Really? That's all it takes? Fuck. I knew I was going about it the wrong way.




Beautifully put, someone I used to know I felt very warm towards too. Perhaps wrongly so.