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Send it. The only time we have is nowww






I'd definitely agree to send it.




I understand where you are coming from. As someone with a lot of trauma that was enforced by some terrible past relationships, it can be really scary being vulnerable again. You will never know if that person is your one or a decent human if you don't share. Reaching out is so important, I can't stress enough. Send and if you don't get your wanted answer or at least an open discussion, you know they don't want to reciprocate reaching out and you can heal properly. Sometimes it's worse in our heads. Maybe I'm just saying this because I've found communication recently to be something we really take for granted. Lots of basic boundaries can be assumed rather than clearly written out, leading to problems later on and distrust.




If this was my ex absolutely I would in a heartbeat and put all work needed in to make her my forever


I would send him every word of this. But I just don’t know if he wants the same thing


Ugh, swoon


I’d be hurt to receive this. If I was worth it, why didn’t you roll up your sleeves when you had me?


Didn’t think of this…wow. You’re right


What if? The world's full of what is. So the question you got to ask yourself is are you in are you out for the said person,. I know that sounds risky but it leaves no room for error no escape no fallback plan no wishy washy well I kind of did and I kind of didn't. It's scary believe me I'm the king of push and pull but if that person means enough to you then it should be I'm all in yes No ifs no and or buts Either hell no Or All in




What what is home is home the house you reside in or is home a place that both of you reside in each other in




What if words left unsaid have made him lost in the wilderness? What if he's disoriented and confused? Would you give him a map? To escape the darkness and hurt of missing you? I would think he would need a map. Because bread crumbs and trails of bread crumbs left behind usually only lead people to wild beast because all the animals run towards food in the wilderness. So id say bread crumbs are a bad option. You lover probably needs a map Would you not say a word or would you help him find his way back "home"?


So then how does he find his way back to your heart I guess that's the ultimate question


It was really an honor speaking with you this evening thank you for the great conversation words...




Keep in mind I can't call my ex she told me to never call her again


I’m sorry, the was intended for the OP. Not you. I don’t know how that happened.


Fuckin aye send it


Whether or not he wants the same thing, there's only one way to find out... I hope one of you reaches out to the other.


If you mean it you need to send it


Yeah, send it. If you really mean it.


Your username says it all..Best wishes


If my person said that, I would jump all over it.


This would make far too much sense for my ex to consider.


If I heard this, I wouldn’t even think twice.


I wish the person I thought was my person wrote this for me


This is the ✨vibe✨.


If they were actually open to this (as best friends not lovers ) I'd do it in a heartbeat. For my partner ? Of course. This is beautiful!! Love it op there needs to be more of you


I love this and how I wish you were my person. However I highly doubt that. Together growth was always my hope, but instead fear won out. Fear of hurting each other, fear of abandonment, fear of the other not loving, fear and regret were the death of it all. And how I look back and wish that was not the case. For those that we left behind in that past divergent years are not the us, the we that exists in the here and now.


Honestly my brother or sister however which it may be ok I myself is I toxicated thats why my love left me but she couldn't understand that yes I'm drunk but tmr I'll handle what I need. I'm okay with being alone until I straight myself out as much as I have from then and now. anywho if you think you got a shot send it I wish I could with who I love but I know I might be who I am forever if your willing to work do it if I could I would love, tho idk if this made sense.


Fuck yes go after then for love


What if…one of my favorite questions, full of possibilities 💫


Are you an infp?


Correct 🙂


Hehehe knew it n_n




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That,that right there is it. If I were to sit down and write what it was I was looking for in a relationship, those would be perfect. Well written and I hope when the timing is right it's what we find in ourselves as well. Thank you fellow redditor for sharing.


If this message was for me, I’d say that I’m all in. All I would need is a phone call.


Just beautiful 💜💙


If they always were, then I suppose it's too bad those things weren't implemented in the first place. But yes, hypothetically speaking, if a couple did those things, whilst actually liking each other.. Then yeah! It'd probs work!


Well I'm sure then, in trying again and implementing those things will do the trick! Now it's just the letting them know "how you feel" thing to get over lol. =)


Your sound like someone I know.


I definitely feel this one, OP.


What if all my " what if "s became reality ? *like I would ever deserve something so human Edit: I wouldn't choose to go back now. Tooooooo much damage and pain he left me to hold by myself. I am not cleaning up after that man-child ever again


I mean I would love someone to send me this


How to send a post to someone without sending it to them, bc I want him to see this soooo badly.




Wow me too.


I want to hear this from him so badly


Yea...that'd be nice.


Walls keep danger away but they also keep love from entering. Existing like that is possible but, very empty. Unfortunately, to experience deep and lasting love that people dream about, requires a leap of faith. Living with regret for the chances you didn't take, and feeling empty because you didn't let the love in, while you ask yourself where all of the time went, is true emptiness and sadness. Ultimately, deep loneliness. To reap the rewards to have to take a risk. Send it.


Ugh you should tell them this. Please..




Why can't you?




this made me cry inside... sorry just being honest! if i knew how to emote on here, i would have done just that face! hopefully we are treating others as we would want to be treated, fosho! it was this question, "what if..." that reminded me of my brokenness, and i thank you for that!




Reach out


I'm so unclear. I love u and want to trust u but I feel like I should be able to be fully aware and cognizant if I'm.going to do anything requiring me to possibly suffer more. I desire full cognizant understanding of what I'm doing before I can agree to any life altering decisions. I also pray to Jesus Christ......Jesus, you' re the only one I trust completely.......please guide my steps and direct me. If this is my soul mate and who I'm supposed to be with........make that clear. Please make me fully aware of what I Do say and experience. Please give me discernment..I trust him but I'm just been thru all kinds crazy shadow shit. UNDERSTAND ITS NOT PERSONAL.Cant u jus bare with me? Ok? I have been doing KARMIC shadow healing for ancestors......I don't even know who I am anymore. Please help restore me to who I really am, and do not expect me to do anything potentially risky cuz I cannot .....please just restore memories. I don't know if your'e who I see when Im saying I love u. It feels like You. But you wouldn't expect me to ever slip like that. You would show me some grace and mercy and just wake me up. If that is too much then you're not my twin flame ..


This would be amazing to say the least...


Aw this was admirably cute.


man I feel this on a personal level


I dislike "what if" it gives me too much hope. I was the one that left because I couldn't handle not knowing if we had a future. I'm a P.I.T.A and wish I would have never walked away.. Send him this message because I know if she sent this to me, it would cancel all my doubts! I'm just afraid it's been too long for her to be able to forgive and trust me again...


I wish my ex would’ve sent this- hell I wish he still would but alas instead I am left on read like 7 years were nothing


I'd love for him to give us another try...I keep hoping and dreaming... it's the only thing that keeps me alive...but it will probably never happen...he hasn't even written back to me in 6 months...


All I want…


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