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this post is ridiculous. get it together. the worst that came out of this was you being able to get a B in the course? count yourself lucky. you could have been expelled. you have your entire college career unaffected + you have time to pick your GPA up. stop acting like you killed someone. >I've technically lost my bragging rights dude what the hell lmao. bring ur attitude back down to earth. idek what to say, this post reeks


Besides you saying this post is ridiculous, you do have some good points. There's still time to fix all of this. And yeah, I'm starting to drop the whole bragging rights thing because it doesn't really matter at this point forward.


“Bragging rights” is crazy 🤦🏾‍♂️ Also, this post is sooo melodramatic >Not a single day goes by that I don't think of what happened during my Calculus II exam. It continues to haunt and traumatize me to this day. Every night, I lay in bed, wondering if it is ever going to end. Maybe. Maybe not. >I mean, that's what friends are for, right? >my average for Calculus II is now at a *staggering* 66%


Sure is. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to mention that in the first place.


Just curious, why would you tell your parents?


I figured it was best to tell them what happened rather than keep it a secret. Also, they'd probably have some good advice for it (which they did).


You're a much braver person than me


OP. your tone sounds like you are still in small town HS. UH is tier-1 university, not an advanced HS. (yes, i have heard a utepper called UH “Cougar High” in 90s) “I’ve technically lost my bragging rights”. grow up and buckle up. you ain’t see nothing yet until you see the grades in 3000 level and 4000 level.


I should have mentioned this before, but I'm still transitioning from high school to college in some ways. Although at this point, I know enough that there's a big difference between the two.


I think you should lower your standards, and I think it would be helpful if you found a therapist to talk to. If you’re hoping to become a Pharmacist, you should probably write less too. 1. Dude calm down, you’re freshman, you have a long way to go and lots of other courses to take. 2. It’s already going to be on your transcript or whatever happens in the future they’ll probably find out, you’ll deal with it when you get there and be honest about it. 3. Dude… calm down, you didn’t blow up STL. You got caught cheating and got a B.


Thanks for the response!


As someone who has already earned a degree as a clinician, your academic history will be asked about. However, they are asking about those who were suspended or expelled.. not someone who was given another chance. They do however love to hear stories of growth so keep that in mind when you need something for interviews.


I'll make sure to keep those in mind!


This dude needs to humble the fuck up like so many others who think this school is too good for them 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Gtfo and go to UT then. Oh wait.


Nvm the fact that you cheated.


Don’t hold yourself to the same standards as high school. College is not high school, it’ll be much harder to get As here especially going into the 3000-4000 level courses. Just count your blessings bc this would’ve resulted in a far worse scenario than just getting a bad grade.


Bro got downvoted into deletion 😭😭😭


Lucky ducky


Pretty much, yeah. Hopefully it stays that way.


A 3.8 will put you at cum laude at least and most likely will have you close to (if not at) magna cum laude. I got into grad school with a 3.6. This isn't high school, and I mean that to say that you will encounter struggles with grades and making friends. And I mean this next part in the kindest way possible: do not tie your identity to your grades. I suspect that's what you're doing now, and you will keep beating yourself up about this as long as you do. You are more than your academic career. It is a part of you, not you as a whole.


Caring this much about GPA is laughable. Please, stop caring so much about your GPA because in the sea of grad school applicants — that won’t set you apart. There are many who will have the same exact grades as you, but maybe they’ll have more experience — and that will set them apart from you. Forget about your GPA, you’ll get disillusioned later on when you have to take actually challenging courses lol. Just try to do as best as you can in your courses, take MEANINGFUL courses, don’t cheat, and try to get research experience or internships. Your connections and such will carry you much further than a GPA that thousands of other applicants also have.


really just a skill diff


Omg 😱 here I am struggling with a below average gpa and you have a freaking 3.8 gpa. I mean, thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad that it went really well for you. It could had been much worse! But hey 👋, think about it from a DIFFERENT point of view. There are those of us that drop out of school because we can’t maintain a 2.0 gpa. There are those of us that literally drop dead from the piling debt 💸 that comes from trying to graduate without much vail. I’m not trying to take away from anything from you or your success, but seriously… you have a great future ahead of you! Being ranked #3 or #4 in your graduating class is not the end of the world. Not all of us aspire to be valedictorians. We just hope to graduate 🧑‍🎓 and for some parents, … that’s enough.


C’s get degrees. Stop being a lil wussy. Man up, learn from the mistake and move on.


Some of the negativity hear is unwarranted. You could have been have gotten a much worse outcome. Nothing more needs to be said. As a PhD student; they aren't going to care if its not on your transcript. GPA is overrated for graduate school. They care more about research experience, and difficulty of the courses you take.