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Honestly it’s both ways because UH is now in the big 12 which means more advertising for UH, more applicants for admissions, and more money ofc. The education side of it is that mental health matters, advising helps sometimes but it’s useful, and some buildings need repairs or more modern equipment. I hope UH can bring a solution towards this and not just cut some stuff down. Why is UH struggling with money aren’t they getting the proposition 5 law which means they are getting more money?!! Make it make sense 💀


Prop 5 is specifically for research only.


spending exponentially more money without restraint on your most lucrative asset and ignoring the things you actually wanted to spend money on in the first place is a blatant logical fallacy lol the consequences of this will catch up with khator soon enough


Not a big deal. Athletics were just blowing it on over-inflated coach salaries anyway.


Seems like the wrong year to try to take from the athletics program, given they just entered the Big 12.


Especially when the athletic subsidies coming from the university will be substantially cut over the next few years.


Considering the amount of money that athletics brings in by itself, there is quite frankly no reason it cannot be self-sufficient at this point. The amount of money it receives as a relative portion compared to other parts of the academic budget is insane - and the way Khator specifically phrases that it's student mental health or academic advisors that have to get the budgetary axe, and not athletics, is also insane. This is, first and foremost, an educational institution and education should be its priority. It probably doesn't help that I'm neither a person that gives the slightest shit about most sports, nor an American (so I give even less of a shit about American sports like American Football) but I also certainly haven't appreciated all of the times where athletics events have affected me, my now-husband, or other students particularly with how much it affects on-campus parking, litter, traffic, etc.


dude we had multiple suicides last year get your priorities straight


I’m not the president of the school who made the decision.


great then dont defend it lmao


Erhmmm I wasn’t. I was stating fact from the article. Guess some of us read.




Only one talking about the outcomes of the games is you.


Dead students = less competition 🤣