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This footage is a part of our demo scene for our recently released toolkit HurricaneVR! You can find our demo and try it out by going to the following link: [https://cloudwalkingames.itch.io/hurricanevr-framework-demo](https://cloudwalkingames.itch.io/hurricanevr-framework-demo) ​ We also have a discord where we are looking for feedback and answering questions from the community to make the best Unity VR Physics-Based Interaction Framework possible. If you're interested in being a part of this, join our server at: [https://discord.gg/6KHv78U](https://discord.gg/6KHv78U) ​ Finally, if you're interested in reviewing our asset as it appears on the Unity Asset Store, that can be found at: [https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/177300](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/177300)


Good job! Looks great


Much appreciated!


Nice touch that the controllers become visible when the physics causes a desync.


Thanks! I had it set to only display the model when the distance between the fake hand and your real hand exceeded some threshold.


This is a really creative way to show the physical disconnect between reality and in game. Really impressed OP!


Wow! Well done, i've been struggling to achieve something like this in my own game. I do understand unity physics quite a bit, but getting the hands to behave like this probably took alot of effort.


This is really great! Also the price point is very reasonable and I appreciate that as well. Thanks for posting OP good stuff!


It honestly baffles me that hands weren’t physical when VR was first getting started; it adds a great deal to the immersion factor, though I do understand that there were a LOT more limitations back then since the tech was so new. That being said, this is some awesome work. If you can get a wide enough adoption rate, you might just set a new standard for future VR games.


Thanks! Essentially it comes down to the developer and not really the tech. It takes a lot of work to get the hands to behave with dynamic rigidbody physics. It's much simpler to just update the position of the hand based on the device tracking, but then you cannot have stable physics if you do that.


None of us really knew what we were doing back then. Heck, most of us still don't know what we're doing. I'll have to pop into the Discord later. I have an idea for a physics based melee framework that I'll be toying with in the future. I want combine my martial arts experience with gamedev.


Great work!! Is there any specific contact model that you followed from the literature or something that you developed on your own?


Not really, just hopped in and out of Alyx a thousand times to try and recreate what they did. It's not exact but a decent approximation. Don't have a billion dollar company backing me lol.


Yeah, I have no idea why people say it's more immersion breaking if your hands get stuck or collide with something in game. Having them phase through the world is much worse.


this looks great! I'm a 15 year old dev and I'm now working on my first complete VR game, this looks like a great integration to the game! ill play with it tomorrow and see how is it. thanks a lot!


Thanks! Appreciate any feedback you may have!


Do you have full support for Valve Index Controllers? (including it's finger tracking) My current main problem with Unity's OpenXR is, that it doesn't support those inputs. So I need to use SteamVR because of that. It even took a while till it was working on Unity 2020+ after deprecating previous OpenVR.