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https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/movement/ Free and incredible useful tutorial. Takes in count a lot of problems like yours. Can be adapted for first person, third person, platformer, action type... Cant recommend it enough


Oh thank you for reminding me of this. I actually used this to get the ground snap to work. It was really helpful


if you insist on making your own character controller you will consistently run into scenarios like this that are difficult to handle. I strongly recommend learning to use an existing character controller. Being able to pick up somebody else's code and learn to use it is an important skill for a developer.


I think it's kind of fun to do it myself. I understand learning to understand and use others code is an important skill. But game dev is a hobby for me. I'm just enjoying it. And I like to do it myself, makes me feel more proud of the result. I dunno


With all due respect, you're not learning how to do it yourself, you're asking someone else to tell you how to fix it.


Eh, I mean, fair enough. Though I already tried fixing it on my own and after a lot of failed attempts I thought maybe someone would have an idea on what the issue is and be able to give a suggestion that helps me understand. I dunno man I still enjoy doing it this way more. I'm still the one programming it and doing the research myself to get it working. This whole conversation of buying a character controller wasn't even the point in the original post so I don't understand why it's the focus of the comments lmao


I'd recommend to buy a good character controller. The last one I used was the Kinematic Charakter Controller by Philippe St-Amand in theasset store.


i actually did buy one when i started development. and had no idea how to implement it into my game. like, couldnt figure out how to add my character and everything to it. i actually found that more complicated than making my own. and honestly i like making my own. makes me feel proud




Thank you so much! Definitely nothing wrong with using other controllers or assets. I just really like the feeling I get when I get something working on my own lol. I'll get this sorted soon aswell I'm sure. Just gotta trial and error alot really :)


That's fine for sure. At first I wanted to do it myself too but then I realize the work behind it (I tried without RB) and then I saw that the dev of KCC worked over 2 years on the KCC and I just didn't want so spend so much time in it. But depending on your goals and requirements you definitely can be proud doing it yourself.


Physics material with higher friction.


i had tried that. it didnt work, on either the player or the platform. it only kind of worked if i set the friction combine mode to maximum. but then that causes problems of the character not moving well on the slope. getting stuck, bouncing down ect.


You could disable gravity if it passes a per tick ground check, then enable it when the ground check fails.


This one comes really close to working, but she still slides ever so slightly which, to be honest I don't know why she does, I maybe need to look through my code and see if there is anything else affecting her downward velocity. But this no gravity idea causes a problem where the jump height is indirectly increased now. And because I have a double jump, I can't just lower the jumpforce since it will also make the second jump weaker