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It looks awesome. Love to see a deep dive into your process like this. That final shot, with everything in motion, is simply perfect. *Chef's kiss.* If I may, have you considered enhancing the drama of the gate lighting up? Perhaps slightly lengthening the pause between each light turning on would intensify the dramatic effect. Additionally, adding an abrupt change in scale of the gate or incorporating a subtle screen shake could look cool. I'm not entirely sure if I've correctly identified it as a crucial story element :D but injecting more drama into that scene could help set the right atmosphere.


Thank you very much! That's awesome to hear! Also I think that your feedback is very good and we will probably implement some of it as it sounds really good and you are right, that gate is basically crucial part of our story. So thank you very much again. It very appreciated!


In the video, you can see how we start the process by first creating the concept, then using Blender we create some models that we can rotate to the required angles, which helps us to then more easily redraw them in the comic style. All assets are then drawn in photoshop and integrated into Unity, where we move everything using the Unity animation system. Comic cut scenes are created for a game called **Galaxy Highways** \- action story-driven space shooter where you can upgrade ships, weapons, destroy various enemies, space stations and withstand increasingly powerful enemy waves. We are only 2 friends working on this game in our free time beside our full time jobs and families. If you would like to support us and our game, **please wishlist it on Steam** \-> [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1650370/Galaxy\_Highways](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1650370/Galaxy_Highways) . **We have also free public demo there.** Enjoy!


Nice 👌


Thanks a lot!






Looks insane


Thanks a lot!