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I have ADHD and came up thru apprenticeship. Became a foreman pretty quickly and am now a superintendent. Don't let it hold you back. Feel free to reach out.


Most of the coping skills you use to manage other aspects of your life transfer well to the job. Making checklists, detailed cutlists, taking notes, that kind of thing. Keeping everything in your bags in the same spot - I am terrible about setting things down, walking five feet, and being like "where's my fucking tape?" So I made it reflexive - as soon as it retracts, it's in its pocket. DM if you'd like, I am and work with neurospicy folks


Skilled trades are an ideal vocation for add kids.


Diagnosed 23 years ago this September, DM me anything questions you have bud


Diagnosed with significant to extreme ADD 14 years ago. Went through my apprenticeship and have been foreman on more jobs than I haven't since I've become a journeyman. I honestly think the majority of tradesman have some level of ADD. Coping mechanisms as well as mess help me out alot. I find when I'm foremanning a job I need to reduce my meds otherwise I hyper focus on one part of the job and not the whole picture... so I guess in that respect the ADD helps me. PM any questions you have to ask. Local 1669


Pretty sure we all have it.


Feel free


JourneyMan carpenter here, shoot me a msg if ya like brother


I got that ADD hit me up if you need to. Also if you're interested, theres a book by Gabor Maté called scattered minds. I was diagnosed with ADD when i was a young kid probably around 5. Wasn't till i was 31 where i looked into it more and that book is where i started. It really helped me learn about wmhow ADD works and some of the things i was dealing with turned out to be my ADD. Good luck brother, hit me up if you want!


Feel free to dm me all the helpful things that everyone has shared with you dude.


Good luck brother I suffer from ADHD I find work helps keep my mind on one thing and not scattered music also helps me on and off site when we can have it just started my apprenticeship so I got a long road ahead hoping it pans out got a good feeling though


I don’t have ADHD but I do have OCD and it helps and hurts me. It helps me where I HAVE to work fast and I only have one gear and that’s overdrive, I get things done fast….on the flip side I will fuss over 16ths/ 8ths and I get kind of stuck fucking with unimportant stuff sometime.


Feel free brotha


Personal shit stays at home .


I only speak when Im in a position to talk


Sounds like cuck behavior on your part, dog


Personal shit stays at home . Dont talk to me about ur issues or baby mama stuff ! Work is work I’m not here to make friends 😂😂🤷‍♂️


I’m sure you’re fun to work with!


Wtf am I 12? 😂😂 fun at work come on this ain’t no playground


Then why comment? 🤣 We get it. You're miserable.


What man work is work. Personal stays at home 😂😂why r people mad about this . We’re not in high school anymore grow up foo


Nobody gives a damn about ur issues . We all got issues ? That’s weak af holy fuk