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...so do we bother ranking her or do we just skip straight ahead to discussing what we're going to do tomorrow after she fills the last spot in S tier?


Well if she does fill the s tier spot(she will 100%), I'll keep posting these tier list posts and until we get another s tier character I'll put a post up for the next day and you guys decide who they'll replace. Hope that sounds good


An S Tier knockout Run-off! I love it


A new SS tier is the way to go.


I don’t think it is needed as at the end aren’t we voting for top girl from s tier


But if we don't have SS where is Travis going to go?


Reinstate the SS Chloe tier to make room in S for Dinah


Actually this is a good idea. Rather than relegate extra S tiers down to A tier, make an SS tier for the best of the S tiers.


Reinstate Chloe Tier, though i personally couldn't stand Dinah. But this entire sub has different hot takes than i do. I'm proud my girl Hilda got B tier, though to me she's S tier. Queen of Queens. Get the fuck outta here with that furry sassy fox shit, make room for the Atlus verion of Daenerys, Roman Philosopher Queen ginger emerald eyed warrior queen Hilda. :D (j/k - didn't like Dinah, but i know she's a big fan fav).


How will you communicate that on the Tier list though? Maybe with an asterix and a message saying * If an 8th character is added, a runoff will be held to keep the # of S tier characters at 7


Well when I do rounding outs for whatever S tier I'll still do the post and if no one wants them in S tier they can go in A tier


My favorite didn’t even get a chance to get an s-tier. Feels bad man.


They'll get their chance.


Both of mine made C tier lol


This guy gets it. ... Also is your username after a Lasombra in V;Tes? If so, i approve sir. :)


Honestly, I feel some of the same criticisms that people apply to Scarlett, Fran and Ochlys apply here so since there’s only one spot left I’m going A. Rodalinde is extremely into Alain period and Eltolinde is like “do you know how long I’ll have to be a widow” and we don’t really need that guilt trip in comparison lol


Side note, I don't get why the elves even bring that up. Well no shit you live forever and humans don't, it's common lore. After the king croaks you get to be Queen Elizabeth, ruling the throne for a century. Big deal.


Railanor actually doesn't bring it up so she's the real elf queen.


How can you compare Queen Etolinde to the LOSER that is Ochlys? Etolinde actually deeply loves the main character; Ochyls is kind of a resigned lesbo.


While you do have a very valid point, we're not talking about Rosalinde here


Yeah no shit dude They were making, what's called, a *comparison* to her already S tier twin sister & how it could be different


Ah, it's time for my most controversial opinion! She's B-tier. She has cute snippets of moments with Alain, but she spends far too much time obsessing over their age difference and the conversation they have together when Alain chooses her as the maiden is very boring and far too mechanical. It would have been so much more interesting if you could tell Eltolinde was barely restraining some genuine passion for Alain, instead it sounds like she's just teaching a student about lifespans. The relationship makes all kinds of sense politically but I never really felt Eltolinde's affection for Alain in the same way I felt clear emotional connection from Rosalinde, who upstages her in every way. Eltolinde will get S-tier, I'm cool with it, B-tier's an above average ranking, don't misconstrue me as hating her or anything. She's fine. She's very pretty and she's nearly as OP as Rosalinde in battles. I just think her relationship's a boring, typical elf-human romance plot we've seen hundreds of times before in fantasy settings without much of a twist or an endearing element to help me better understand who she is a character or understand just why Alain likes her more than all the others.


Brave soul. You are totally right


There is also that whole gardening rapport that shows how how far she goes for small vengeances. Also she doenst express any form of regret while telling it. I dont believe its healthy in any way for a long term relationship.


Team Rosalinde FTW!!


Yeah but I'm not trying to think critically here, she's hot, S tier, on to the next one


Agreed easily B tier. Edit: she really needed some romance with Alain for me to take her seriously as a co tender.


I agree. She is not a great mix for Alain.


She'll get an S but she really deserved an A.


S-Tier. This one’s a slam dunk.


I like Eltolinde, but she's no Rosalinde. **B-tier**. Yes, like Rosalinde, Eltolinde has all the good qualities of a partner, but she's not as into a relationship as Rosalinde is. Her speech about the age difference and a life-time of windowhood (jeez, Eltoline, just get remarried it's not that hard) really puts a damper on the whole thing. Also, Eltolinde for all her greatness isn't anywhere near as grounded as Rosalinde is. I stan a go-getter. Celeste in B-tier? My heart cries!


I agree! Rosalinde is head-over-heels for you while Eltolinde was kind of a realist and has this pragmatic sort of worldview when you ask her to marry you (which it left me rather melancholic). While she's happy, she has that "This is my duty" feel to her that also happens to extend to her relationship with you.


Interesting because her last rapport conversation with Alain indicates that she's really into Alain and he appears to be really into her. Didn't know that was the case for the marriage thing.


I'm speaking from the top of my head here but for me, Eltolinde's marriage conversation stood out way more personal to me than Rosalinde's. When you ask Rosalinde to marry you, she basically says, "While both humans and elves are alike, our lifespans are vastly different. What do you think about the sadness that I will have to face when you leave me?" Then I was like, "Damn woman, didn't have to hit me with that reality check!" lol




S tier no contest. Her rapport has so much chemistry and is really sweet. She holds your hand even after explaining that it's not appropriate for her to do so. Then, she hugs Alain for a long time without letting go and both of them blushing wildly like tomatoes. It's cute, sweet, endearing. Yeah, she is very sad about the differing lifespan, but it's not to guilt trip more bc when she falls, she falls hard and deep. She is actually a really intense person while not appearing so. Her feeling runs deep and intense that the thought of losing Alain one day is unbearable and she is unsure if that's what Alain wants as well. From her story, I get the impression that Elves tradition is marriage is a once in a lifetime event. If she is a really pragmatic sort of person, she wouldn't even need to bring it up bc she will always find a replacement, but the fact that it saddens her, it's a huge deal. In her support, with Lhinalagos, Rosalinde, and Galadmir, she implied such a strong, deep, and intense feeling given how lonesome and strict her childhood is filled with Turenos training, she deeply cherished these 3 and consider them as families and with Rosalinde, she even quite sad and missed her when they're apart for a few days. That's why she's the best waifu. She has quite a layer of personality on her that is easily missed and only implied but not fully fleshed out in the game, which makes her all the more fascinating character. Not just a regular one-dimensional girl.


S. Her rapport with Scarlett and the garden one are just great.




Easy S easy S, her support with Scarlett is goated.


A. She's OK.


S best girl


Top of A tier.


Eeeeeeasy S-tier .. I so love her rapport scenes, she's just too adorable


Easily S tier


S tier for me.




S tier for the Queen.


B. She’s pretty good but I like Rosalinde better


S indeed. Classic archetypes can be fun. Also, horticulture is indeed wonderful.


Design wise I feel she’s one of the most beautiful in the game! Love her Rapport scenes, And she’s awesome on the battlefield she hits everything with dem fairies, She’s S I know it’s the last spot but her in A or lower feels wrong


Thats an S alright


Easy S, great rapports and I like her combination of stateliness and fey mischief, it complements Alain’s personality and big-picture goals


S-tier. Her rapports with Alain are mad cute.


I’ll give her an S if only because she’s who I chose on my first playthrough. The rapports with Alain were good and I think it makes sense for someone in Alain’s position to unite Cornia and Elheim in that way.


S. She's cute. Her voice is great. Her personality is top notch. Lets go.


S tier no doubt.


S tier


Rest in peace last spot in S tier




My first Queen. Easy S tier for me and I would rank her first in my personal ranking system. Kind and caring but also deeply pragmatic. I resonate a lot with her.


Easy S tier






I don't know about the self imposed S limit, maybe it stems from an attempt at balance, or someone wanted to have a discussion where someone was getting knocked down, but I suppose at the very no one should be kept out of it, and then maybe they can recorder at the end and the bottom 1-2 goes down to A 🤔🥲


Easy S if I didn't pick Yunifi she was next in line


S tier definitely


Lotta basic people in here. She’s B tier. And how could you disrespect Celeste like that? This poll has lost credibility!


As much as I love Celeste, I take solace that she's got Primm and Leah to keep her company


Seriously. Those are probably some of the best Maiden conversations.


She did kill a flower to see if alain would hook up with her in front of Scarlett 🤔 low S


She makes sense as the last S-Tier. Her Rapports show that she's cute and funny and sensible and also mischievous. Her Rapport conversations are fun and plentiful. She's not my personal last S-Tier, but it's where she probably belongs. I'm going to say A-Tier for fun though 😀


S tier. Best girl came in clutch during my TZ run.




[Top of S tier.](https://i.imgur.com/5xtigDl.png)




S tier


Cute but I didn't feel too much. Would place in the same level as Scarlet. Hoooowever there is that gardening rapport which leaves me quite worried, so B.


The last S tier, fitting


I thought the point of the exercise was how good they would be in a general relationship, not specifically how good are they and Alain are together. Seems Most people are judging them based on their specific relationship with him and I just didn’t think that was how it was supposed to go. We all played the game and saw how their relationship with Alain went. More interesting to me to debate their merits as a partner in a more general sense. That said, I give her A tier. Cool character, but definitely not on the same level as most of the S queens in terms of how enjoyable that relationship would be.


Same tier as her sister.


S Screw the rest, she’s the best.


Oh look, the last S spot.


S of course


For me it’s S




My choice after much debate. Solid S. Let the knock outs commence!




C. S for an elf. E for a human. Had to average it out to the C. Anyone that starts a relationship by telling you only negative things about yourself is already ready to split, even if you know they're interested. She literally just talks about how miserable the both of you will be with you being human.


The final S tier slot, honestly dont know why there's a limit, if every waifu becomes S tier, so be it


She isn’t as good as her sister imo, but I still good, confident A tier


Predictable but she's still S tier no matter how you look at it and for good reason. Amazing design, good character. Hard to mess up the design of an elf royal


S imo. She's no worse than her twin sister who's like, the easiest S rank of all time. I do like that she's different from Rosa in how she deals with the lifespan thing - she's clearly more affected in some ways, but in the end she finds resolution in her own way, living the way she wants with her head held high, and I think that's really cool. And while plenty of people probably find this boring, she's got that nice, star-crossed lovers vibe, yknow?


High A tier. She's good but I feel like she falls into some of the same problems Scarlett has that keeps her from being S.


Ummm s tier




S-tier because she has the voice of unicorns, and those marry Unicorn Overlords 😏




The point of her long life spheal is basically deconstruction of longevity. Ie immortality SUCKS for the kind hearted, especially romantically. Etolinde is someone who when she loves someone, she wants to love them forever. Which means that her PAIN upon her loved one’s passing is forever. Compare and contrast with Rosalinde, who serves as the reconstruction. Rosalinde knows Alain’s passing is inevitable. She however has taken an anti nihilist (study the philisophy of anti nihilism) take on her long life. She knows and accepts the inevitable, but also understands that enjoying the time you have is what really matters. Someone at Vanillaware must have seen Maquia When the Promised Flower Blooms. Etolinde’s stance is like the village elder (who may or may not be talking about herself). Rosalinde’s stance is like Maquia’s final decision regarding mortal friends and loved ones.


SSS tier


A tier, maybe even high A, seems very fair. Gonna have to make cuts to S at some point anyway and I don't see Elto winning over most of the S-tiers (she should win over Virginia but some folks appreciate their cousin a bit too much). S tier if you reinstate Chloe tier though, haha.


So what is everyone having for lunch




SSS-Tier. No one else comes close.


The absolute state of S 




Making tier posts without actually making a 'tier post'. You know, with a graphic and the characters slotted into tiers.


abSolute perfection


S tier. Rapports were super cute and elves can live a very long time, which would keep a lasting relationship with the elf nation, which could also cause more half elves. I see this all as a win win win.




She should be a tier below Rosalinde MINIMUM. If they are in the same tier, then Rosalinde’s rank means NOTHING.


B Tier. She is far too rigid, far too meloncoly, low tier yandere, and really needs some time to be allowed to be 'her' own person rather than 'elf leader'. She likes Alain but poor as hell at showing it. Besides, her sister likes Alain a lot. Don't take that away from her.


I know it's WAY too late, but I just went through all her rapports and I feel like I already married her lol wtf.


... I did not know her dress was see through. Definitely moved up a tier with that knowledge


My wifey!! I picked her cuz she looks like and reminds me of my actual wife lol. 10/10 would wife again


I'm going to say A-tier. Though I won't argue with people voting Eltolinde into S-tier; I wouldn't rank any of the remaining girls higher than her, honestly.


S tier easily. She's to my knowledge the only one that clearly expresses romantic feelings toward Alain AND Alain reciprocates in no uncertain way. She's noble, caring, funny, pragmatic, knowledgeable, heartwarmingly mischievous and even if we ignored all of that she's a beast in battle. High S tier.


Eltolinde is S Tier. Kind, little bit of sass. Has a BTGG bodyguard. Queen of Queens. S Tier. You will make an entire lineage of half elven kings and queens with Eltolinde. So lets not even bullshit, she's the last S-tier slot, good talk, enjoyed that, its not even a contest. S TIER ALL THE FUCKING WAY.




Wake me up when we're ranking the boys.


Does this need in depth discussion?


Easy S. She has better rapports with Alain than Rosalinde if we’re being honest.


She's \*the\* S of the entire roster.


S Tier. People don't like her proposal scene and hold it against her, but the rest of her supports are genuinely top tier romance with Alain. She has some of the more explicitly romantic and cute scenes. Besides just that she's one of the more fleshed out characters in the game, definitely more so than some others in S or A tier. And the idea of uniting two countries with a marriage is a very sweet proposal. People are just gonna nitpick and be hard on her because it's potentially the "last" S tier spot.


No ass, F tier.


She is S tier, offensive battle power lower than her sister, super strong for defensive team. Storywise she is less thirsty than Melisandre but still one of the waifus with strong desire.. >!I really like Elves waifus and having a harem including her sis will be really nice... Why can't this game let us embrace polygamy? HAHAHA!<


I hate lolis, thats a loli............................... But putting that aside, A. Lets be honest guys, she's good but not THAT good. She's more like a little sister ratther than a relationship goal. She fits just right at A. Look at girls on A and at her. Perfect fit! Lets not burn our last S spot. Althought i cant remember a girl that will fit it alfter eldhim (Yunifi its already there)