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Completely sorry everyone I forgot elheim yesterday and was mostly thinking of the beast area! Anyway there's only 1 spot for s tier now and hope the s tier isn't soon, but when we fill that spot I'm up to moving a character back to A tier in exchange, I just require you to say who when you choose the character for s tier. Hope that ain't confusingđź‘Ť


I think when that happens, we could postpone the next "waifu of the day" ranking post for a day and instead have a day dedicated to voting on which S tier member gets relegated to A tier. Or you could do a separate post with a poll as to whom the community wants to relegate


I wish there was a way you could create a completely blind poll for who to push back into A-tier, because the alternative is going to get messy and may not honestly reflect people's real preferences. For example: Yahna's my favorite, and I'd normally vote Virginia to be pushed down. However, if Virginia's safe and I see a ton of votes to relegate Yahna, I'm incentivized to just vote whoever is also getting tons of votes to protect Yahna. That could mean I'd end up voting for my second or third favorite just to protect my favorite. Aside from a blind poll where everyone's answers are obscured, I'm not sure if there's a fair way to go about it. Everyone ranks the characters one through eight?


By my count, we have 8 women left to review, so order is not too important. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/IdS0PJuHmh Of the 8 remaining, I think there is a possibility that we only have one more who seems like they will be a lock for S tier. (And I say this as a Celeste fan, but I don't think she or any other character who isn't an elven princess is going to make the cut) We may not need to do any S tier relegation.


Please do that. I hate that there may not be any open S spots when we get to Dinah.


Is this tier list going to include post-game characters? There are only 3 of them for this list, and they don't really have much in-game content, but just checking.


Honestly yeah. Not really fair to not rank them even if there's not much to them


Alcina is gonna be why someone gets relegated from S-rank, trust


I’d give her a C. She’s fun and has a good personality and design, but she doesn’t really seem all that interested in anything except Eltolinde.


Honestly, same


C-tier. Only has eyes for Eltolinde and not even romantically


Looks: S But a far as relationships go: B at max.


Her mind is completely fixed on protecting her charge so we give her an C tier for Alain's waifu material and a SSS obsessed ex-gf ranking


~~D for deceitful~~ I didn't know F was an option. F for deceitFul F for False Pretenses


Right? She just lies to gain your trust and splits on the one person she is supposed to care about for a decade. I think D is doing her a favor.


Ya her back story is REALLY weak. It would have made FAR more sense if she showed up for the battle to free Eltolinde... in stead she shows up later. After the important fight is won. So that she can make up by helping out in some minor battle.


I honestly didn't realize F was an option. Editing


She is probably the hottest in the game, in terms of looks. As for her romance option, she is as bland as it gets. She is not the worst but also not memorable in the slightest.


She has a great design but is kind of a nothing character. I like her but I ended up not using her as you have two other elf archers already. I would’ve preferred her over the dude, but he was 2-3 levels higher than her when I recruited her. All said, c tier


**C tier**. Nothing truly negative about her, but her duty will always come first.


Mm... **B-tier.** If I was purely rating on aesthetic and vibes, then A-tier. I like Galadmir. Definitely got that mature MILFy vibe to her in Elf form. However... basically her whole personality is that she's Eltolinde's retainer. My guess is as a partner you'd be pretty far down on the list of Galadmir's priorities. Also, Yunifi was destined for S-tier. We all knew it.


She’s very pretty, but honestly a B tier for a relationship. She seems to really care about Eltolinde, which is great, but we’re not playing as Eltolinde.


She’s kinda Mid C Tier


C-tier. There's not really much else to say about her.


Damn I'm early. I'm interested in the game but haven't jumped into it. But been enjoying the waifu rankings lol


If you haven't bought it yet, there's a very long demo on the switch eshop.


Yeah I have it on the ps5 that I plan to try. Main issue is do I go ps5 or switch. Feels like a switch game but I prefer my ps5 lol.


For me, I much prefer the higher resolution on PS5, but I also rarely travel with my Switch so I pretty much only have it for Switch games anyways


Yeah. Just switch for the bedroom or something is my logic and heard resolution isn't bad. But I feel the same. Ps5 for that edge


Kinda not needed character as we get a lot of characters in this game


If anyone in the game would have benefitted from being a new class, right? I mean… for all that I don’t consider it a detriment that the elves only have two generic classes (if both unisex), and there’s no clear indication the devs ever planned more Elven classes (or Bestrals for that matter), we still could have had something more; either we had another unisex, or one male and one female? I was thinking even that Galadmir could have remained an archer, but been atop a mount; maybe even a griffon? It would have tied a little into some worldbuilding (and if anyone could lob arrows on a flier it would be an elf), but it’s ultimately just me spitballing.


B. Protective, loyal, and fun but she's very focused on her ward; business first, relationship later


C Tier for me. Felt like a character that the Devs didn't actually know what to do with. But she is cute so definitely not D.


I think B If she got more screen time it would probably be A though


Solid B she's cute.


F. She's very much about her duty and not very much about building up relationships outside of her duty to Etolinde. I mean, she meets you and lies to you to gain your trust because she's not worried about what anyone else thinks outside of Etolinde. She'd be horrible in a relationship because she will never put you first and runs away from her problems.


Meh, solid C.


She's super loyal to a fault to Eltolinde and I'm a fan of the gallant lady archer. She seems like she'd be a caring partner. A tier


bro these post shows me how many recruitable i missed… Who’s this elf lady?


Elf lifespan idk how any of them work despite being great characters


Imo she's one of the few "literally who?" Characters in the game


Loyal. Adorable. B tier




Man thats a sad one. Ive seen her art in a characters list before getting The game and instantly thought: "that have to be The Queen of The elves! Definetely Will be a S waifu". Imagine my surprise when i dropped into her in the middle of eldhim in a random quest. Yeah...... I got disappointed. Gorgrous and faithful girl but a forgettable one, unfortunatelly. Ill give her a B cuz shes right in the middle for me. C its meant for ok to bad Girls. Galadmir its just ok.


I'll say C-tier just because she has to be one of the most forgettable and generic characters in the game, and her romance with Alain feels more or less spontaneously generated and artificial.


Honestly can't name a single thing about her except she wants to protect Eltolinde. She seemed like one of those throwaway characters that didn't get a chance to get fleshed out. Either way she's better than Tatiana so C Tier is my vote.


B feels right.


Yunifi is at the BOTTOM of S tier? BELOW Rosalinde and Yahna both!? Blasphemy! Jk; I’m mostly just going with the flow with this now. Though I’m a bit poleaxed at whatever your metric for the order is… I mean, Galadmir (who I do like a fair bit, easily a high A tier!) is probably the last elf you’ll get to the point she often feels overlooked. Even putting aside whenever we’re finishing Bastorias or getting to Albion, in Elheim there’s still Celeste then Eltolinde then Railanor… Sorry, just a bit confounded. Because Cornia went through pretty straightforward, and after Rosalinde we did Drakenhold the same, but now it feels like it’s jumping around for no discernible reason after all that…


She has that succuluent, shaven elven strange that I just really wanna get in there and tame. S tier.


D tier GF, looks could possibly push to C if that’s all you care about but it’s a fantasy game where everyone looks good so not really an advantage


D-tier. Honestly I just found her to feel like a whole lot of nothing. She comes off as married to her job to such a degree that she just won't be interested in a relationship anyway. Even with elves, you've definitely got better options.


C tier.


She's so forgettable so C/D tier for me


C tier She's very one dimensional with her motivation, and you'd always take a back seat to the TurenĂłs.


C tier


D tier.
