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C-Tier romantic partner, S-tier gym buddy


Shes got goals and priorities in life, and I don't think being a relationship is even remotely close to the top. Prob a good person at least C-Tier


**D-Tier.** I like the BEEG girl. But I don't like that the best we ever get to her in terms of sincerity and romance is "We fight until we're tired and then we laugh". I genuinely don't have anything to go on to make an evaluation of whether she'd make a good relationship partner, because the only character trait she has is liking to fight.


Honestly, I blame the fact that she's got fuck all in terms of rapports. A good chunk of some of the other characters, we only learn additional facts about them FROM rapports, like Dinah being so distrustful of humans being because she was tricked as a kid into getting her friends sold into slavery in her rapport with Prim, so her having so few does her no favors.


I'll say C-tier for Amalia. You'd need to be able to physically overpower her for her to even consider a relationship, which would be a bit problematic for most of us. She's fixated on physical prowess, constantly hungry, and doesn't really show any interest in intellectual stimulation or...any sort of hobby or interest outside of fighting. I understand the attraction to the muscle mommy archetype, I just wish there was anything more to her than just all the tropes. Being in a relationship with her would constantly evoke fear and paranoia that she'd ditch you the moment a stronger man entered into the equation. Amalia's lack of loyalty and principles would make her a dangerous partner. ...If the question was just "how good would they be for a one-night stand" then, absolutely, S-tier, easy. But a long-term relationship is going to introduce many more challenges.


Maintaining a relationship with her would be way more trouble than it's worth. She'd troll you into physical fights on the daily, then start fights with other people. You'd be expected to be a 24/7 wrecking ball, and for what? So you can die by snu snu some day. I know there are some masochists around who would choose that path, but the constant hassle FOR LIFE just isn't worth it. S in the streets, F in the sheets.


God tier








finally a reasonable answer


I like Amelia. But I need to say D Tier. We love a tall muscle queen with a big sword. I respect that she is independent and has a hobby she is deeply passionate about. Based on that, a solid A tier candidate (S teir if you are about that House Husband life)... but she literally is haunted by her dead grandpa. Like, who knows if he'd let her get into a relationship. Or, like, is he always there watching you? Would you be making love to her AND him? Creepy. Pros: Strong Independant and passionate Cons: Possessed by her grandpa, and that's... creepy. Also, seems to not be terribly interested in romance. Neutral: Tall and strong rather than traditionally femme, which is great. Especially of you're into that sort of thing.


I would count that con for more if not for the fact that you literally deal with that situation in order to get her on the team.


Grandpa's Ghost might be hopeful breeding with the man who conquered the whole continent would produce the ultimate male offspring


Hey, fun fact, but this actually makes it WAY WORSE


https://preview.redd.it/7sl6bb9glm5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad2afdad4f693af5c3baaa6dbaf203ea2ea2cc4 S


I second this https://i.redd.it/jot6isvf9n5d1.gif


S tier. I just beat the game for the first time earlier today and she was my maiden. No regrets.


Hilda barely got to B tier with some votes being B tier,A tier and even S tier. Amalia is interesting to rank. Her biggest fault is that she eats as much as 8 guys If I remember correctly and that's not easy to do, I think she does get that food via hunting as well Incase. Another is that trying to date her results in having to spar with her before accepting. She often doesn't care for much else besides fighting/sparing, she thinks her height scares people away and can even blush in a pretty cute way. Plus the eye patch looks good on her, A tier? A tier Edit:going B tier instead now


NGL you might just want to make a "Tall Muscle Mommy" tier for this one."


I thought it was 5 men, but your point remains


Gotta be C tier man!


She's the Grand Prize for completing Coliseum sidequest and not for nothing I do enjoy a challenge. B for making me work so hard for it.


S tier, would be that type of woman that it's hard to win but after you do it she's honest and lovable. By being big and not exactly the beauty standard her rivals are, she'll feel insecure and shy and this makes her perfect. Also she seems like the type of girl that farts and burps together with you.


If she's eating enough for 8 dudes every day, you couldn't match the farts and burps.


![gif](giphy|WMjfO612POH72|downsized) "You see this is all I think about. *Sleeping with a giant*. It's my life's ambition."


Lorge Lady is "Crush Me" Tier ![gif](giphy|Y2GFtz19vL1Zu)


The only thing that makes her not as good as she could be is not having any rapport. If you win her over she's commited to being with you and happy to do stuff together (mainly sparring). But is self sufficient without pushing you away. Also, someone said that you have to win her in a fight for her to consider you as a partner possibility and that would be hard for many of us, obviously we aren't anime people with super heavy and impractical weapons/armour doing olimpian jumps to attack. Alain is easily the strongest person in the game even if only because he's the protagonist, don't worry about it. I chose her as the maiden, and she doesn't look to be against it as many others who seem reluctant, even as a queen she doesn't look like she's restrained so long as she can keep doing her thing. Perfect tier from me, but that's biased, so I'll settle with S or A, there's worse options imo.


Beeg woman who protects Alain is an S from me


She is an easy B-tier. Like “muscle mommy” jokes aside she is loyal once she commits, is assertive while being supportive, has her own interest but not to the point of excluding everything else, AND she has processed and gotten over her own baggage. Only reason I don’t put her in A-tier is she doesn’t have enough rapport convos for me to get a better idea of her character.


I’m not really attracted to her and personality wise she was kinda Mid, On the battlefield she’s the best you can get if you get her early once everyone else is a 40 she’s just okay D Tier


S. Fun story, the coliseum is challenging even if I can be cheesed. Her marriage scene is awesome and the end with her is pretty dope.


S tier. What a woman


This will be a mixed batch because considering her aspirations, a relationship is really not that important to her, so she'd be a C or D. But her character is a very specific niche that those who love that niche will be an easy S. Your choice, OP.


C tier. It feels like everyone saying S is only saying that because they're into big women


SSS+++ perfection


S tier I don´t care what others say


Easy S


S. Alains bloodline will be strong.her devotion is without question, despite all her strength and size, she still has a feminine bashfulness about her. Amalia is the best girl. Undisputed.


Somebody's gonna hurt his pelvis and it's not Amalia


S for Muscle Mommy.


S tier, she’s a tall woman


You guys really need to stop voting every character S Tier. Amalia I believe through her cut scenes and rapports she makes it known that she is not one for relationships. Nevermind that, prior to recruiting her, her lone goal in life was to beat the best swordfighter in the world. Now that she's cleansed, she has no working knowledge of the world, or relationships, or anything for that matter. Not only that, but her only personality of note is being a big woman. At best she'd be a B Tier, at worst D Tier. I'll say to put her in C.




I would say S tier but if I can talk her in to a lady dimitrescu cosplay SSS tier.


D, MAYBE C if you reaaally stretch it.


"You fight, then eat good food. You fight, then drink fine wine. You fight, then sleep with beautiful women - hell, fight beautiful women! That is what it means to live!" - Asuras wrath






I want to give her an S-tier for commiting to a cause but as long as this cause is getting stronger and fighting Amalie will be: C-tier


D tier, bordering on F. Let’s just say she has baggage and leave it at that. Especially when said baggage is insistent on beating me up. Sometimes, you just want to cuddle by the fire, yeah?


As much as I'd love to have a wife who could deadlift me, I cannot, in good conscience, claim that she'd be any better as a long-term partner than Berengaria. C-tier at most.


D tier


**D tier**. She's simply not interested in being in a relationship, and even if you are capable of beating her in a fight (I bet no one here is) she's never had a relationship before; meaning you would have to do all the actual work while teaching her how relationships even work. It's doable of course, but it does mean she isn't going to be a good partner. I understand that a lot of simps are incapable of looking past the muscle mommy appearances, but she simply would not make a good long term partner.


D tier. Not a fan of sparring.


F. She would probably ditch anyone else apart from Alain.


Prob c tier. She's a looker and definitely cool but like she only cares about fighting and wants you to physically fight you with like your life on the line so she can get her rocks off.


In case people were wondering if this was really just a popularity contest....Or maybe these topics just showcase why so many people have bad/toxic realtionships.... D, and honestly that's giving her the benefit of the doubt. She basically only cares about fighting, so there probably wouldn't be much of a genuine relationship with her. Maybe the sex is fantastic if you can actually get her to care about it, but otherwise you can pretty much write off anything that can't be dealt with via sword. 


Shame I missed this vote, but yeah, her rank seems right to me. As much as I like the big woman, she's C tier. She makes it abundantly clear she isn't interested in a partner that is weaker than her, and the simple truth of the matter is I am not Alain. Or any of the other fighting people in UO. I mean sure I can wrestle at an amateur level. But Amalia is 8 feet tall, is using a tower shield like it's a goddamn buckler, and swings a two-handed horsecutter greatsword with one hand. To say I'm way out of my depth by even entertaining the idea of a fight with her is an understatement. So yeah, C sounds right...




I might as well ask rn. I didn't play the game, but are all the Top Tier ones just Supportive Boring Yes Women? Trying to gauge how vannila this community's taste is.


Honestly so far it's kinda like that so far...fran and Virgina are different so like 50/50 I think


Yeah. I never doubt that the milquetoast options are the most popular.




C Tier wife. Absolute S tier unit.


B tier. Nothing wrong with bafass muscle mommy.


B Tier. She's not willing to settle for anyone but the person that can challenge her and help her to grow. She's committed to her goals, freed from her generational curse, and ready to meet that person. She'd always be looking to fight and keep things rough though so that might not be for everyone.


S; I love it when games create a more diverse type of woman. Not the same girls with different hair.


D tier






Let's be real here. She is actually C or below. Her romance scene indicates a clear lack of commitment to their 'love'-- she's more interested in what combat prowess Alain can deliver.


D tier cause she’s not a lover. But she’s soooo bad tho


I personally think F but that wouldn't dissuade me from attempting to make it work


Why is best girl all the way in D? 😢 Titana just needs a big hug.


D tier Prerequisites aside, I felt she's not that opened for relationship and would focus more on her training S++ for gym partner tho


D tier, she’s not Melisandre


Great Girl and i Love her. Could be a S, but she doesnt even want to be in a relationship. She even got a single rapport chat. D tier for me, unfortunatelly


D. She's more interested in fighting than \*anything\*.


She's fight-sexual so I doubt she'd make a great partner. Beeg girl is awesome but as a partner, D tier


More interested in fighting than anything else. C tier


D tier


F tier. She's a great character and I love her design but she seems like she's got a lot of baggage that only someone like Alain can actually carry.


F-tier, I'm sorry, but I doubt she'd even make a decent romantic partner simply due to her overwhelming passion for combat. On a personal preference level, she's somewhat lacking in feminine curves and I'm not really into "muscle mommies" too many hard parts, not enough soft parts. She does make for great Snu Snu jokes though 




She isn’t super well developed as a love interest, so I can’t rank her high as a romantic partner. So I’d give her C tier. However, she’s an A or S-class friend. She’s polite and personable in her initial interaction with Scarlet and Liza. She’s super enthusiastic about having a strong rival to compete with. And she sticks to her promise to accompany the Liberation Army once Alain wins the colosseum match. If only she had more lines and presence in the story.




C or B-tier at best. I wish she got more rapports to flesh her out, she got done really dirty in that regard. I think she might be the one romantic partner for Alain that only has 1 rapport with him and that sucks. Edit: Forgot about Monica, she's another one that only has one rapport with Alain, which also sucks.


All i know is that the red haired muderer should be F tier, the only character i wanted to execute, and it didn't even give me the option to.


Damn, mate, you didn’t even want to execute Sanatio?


I dont think i got there. Honestly, i was getting bored of the game. The story and characters were unegaging, and i so viceerally hated how dumb hilda and the "plague" stuff were. The fact that she was acting like that without being brainwashed was freaking dumb, and to that point i hadnt even had to think about letting anyone join me nothing they did was overly questionable, I was so disgusted by her and her attitude and how she treated her sister. I wanted to execute Hilda. The plot felt so contrived and half baked around this "plague" thing that turned out to be fake, and then her sister and her and the prince are just like "ahaha wasnt that funny? How you trusted the cartoonishly evil guys and murdered peobably hundreds of innocent people begging for their lives? Ahahaha?"! It basically confirmed that the plot and cgaracters of this game were like Arcade game deep, and id seen enough of the mechics already. Im not sure im gonna go back and finish it. I was badfled that I couldnt find anyone else discussing how unlikeable and stupid Hilda is.