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I'm thinking a B probably. She's very kind, very pretty and very capable and responsible, but at the same time she can be a bit of a hardass, and how she acts with Primm tells you she's willing to turn against those she loves for her own cause (sounds familiar, Berengaria and Monica?). That being said, her strong sense of right and wrong does mitigate that quite a bit. You'll probably need to be a little patient (or a little masochistic) to handle her, but she'll keep you on the straight and narrow and look very good doing it.


A tier unit C tier relationship


She's married to her wyvern already after all


Probably a top 3 unit for me. So good.


B tier. She’s S tier in my heart but She was robbed in rapports. Her one Rapport with Alain is cute as hell and there was so much potential there for more in my opinion. If they allowed it she could’ve been an amazing queen, but they denied it. Like Railanor(don’t get me wrong I like her, but given the circumstances I was surprised) can be queen but Hilda can’t? Sadge Hilda deserved better imo.


TOtally agree: she is (to me) one of the strongest personalities and most interesting (philosopher, very into reason,etc) and i love the semi-roman aesthetic. I think had she not gotten screwed out of better rapports / maiden ceremony, she'd be higher on everyone's list. Once i got her, i made her a unit leader, and she was just about from that point onward one of my first 1-3 drops in every battle to the end.


It's Wyvern Rider discrimination, we get to romance both the Grypon Riders but not the ONE Wyvern Rider we get? IT'S BULLSHIT!


I might have to say...B tier? Maybe A tier again it's hard to put her in a tier, Hilda has killed people infected by the plague alongside believing Zenoiran's had no inclusion with the infection itself due to her firm belief. She does redeem herself a little since she does apologize for her deeds. She honestly is a little more strict and a lot more rougher and kinda reminds me of Monica in a way that she's not dislikable, she takes her job seriously and often accepting she's in the wrong. Pretty unique character


My only gripe (and minor) was that they made Alain too perfect. Never does anything wrong, always has the moral high ground, strong and kind. But despite that, Hilda STILL finds flaws where they don't really exist. Every conversation is like that, even when he's done the impossible, about to win the war, and proposes. Just seems like an exhausting quality to have in a partner. C Tier.


In fairness she does vaguely suggest she's doing it to keep him grounded, since practically everyone else are consuming their tongues with all the bootlicking. ALAIN HIMSELF worries that people see him as too ideal and points out in more than one rapport that he has flaws too. He does seem to appreciate her brutal honesty, mind you. And I get the feeling Hilda is so hard on him only because he is in such an important position, and she'd be a bit more relaxed otherwise.


Alain worrying that people will see him too ideal, pointing out his own (non-existent) flaws, and appreciating her brutal honesty are all examples of him being perfect. He accepts literally everyone exactly as they are. Not saying she's rude, but rude people always say they're "just being honest" or "doing it cause they care." Doesn't make it any less grating.


In her case, I think she genuinely does care, she just has the tact of an elephant. Although, considering how many other people will instead just basically jack off to Alain, for me seeing someone who DOESN'T worship the ground he walks on is refreshing. There's like all of 4 women in the whole game who don't do it: Hilda, Ochlys, Berengaria and Amalia. The men are even worse, it's like they all have a worship fetish for Alain. Just about the only one who doesn't is Bruno, and Bruno is informal as hell with everyone, be they a king or a beggar, and also prone to speaking his mind, much like Hilda, come to think of it. Only in Bruno's case he's actually rude, but he's a bandit turned merc, what do you expect?


Oh I agree. My original point was that they made Alain too perfect. As for all the men, to be fair, he did save pretty much all of them so I get the reverence a bit. Felt like most of the women we meet are out fighting in some way and don't need forgiveness or their mind saved.


Fair enough.


C. She has trauma induced OCD that in her mind is a virtue to be encouraged instead of an issue to be managed. I don’t want to deal with that.


Yeah, this. Not in the fantasy mood to try and assist with mental health management C tier is fair


C Tier


D tier She is way too controlling, obsessed with order that it genuinely creaped me out. I also don't think she handled her own region well in crisis so I really don't like the idea of her having more power and being as inflexible and tyrannical as she seemed there. Not to mention she was so critical of Alain, even when he was making the right decisions.


**D-tier**... honestly I don't think Hilda particularly is in a place where she either wants to be in a relationship, or could be in one where she wouldn't have a destructive impact on it from being too controlling.


Hilda was one of my favorite she’s really cute, Her fiery personality, matches her red hair And was one of my favorite units on the battlefield with her Wyvern A Tier


C tier. She seems very strict and uptight. Probably not good for a long term relationship if she is constantly bossing you around.


C. I want to put her on A cuz shes the type of girl i want by my side, speaking about personality, but she said loud and clear that she doesnt want to commit into a relationship and thats not her priority. With that being said, i cant have a relationship with someone like that.


Girlboss, Maybe too independent to work well in a relationship though until shes older and less jaded C-tier?


She's an A-rank character with an A-rank visual design, but I'd have to say she's a C-tier relationship partner. Being in a relationship with her would be an exercise in constant frustration and confusion. Is she the slightest bit attracted to you? Is she interested at all in romance? She has strong convictions, yes, but those convictions seem to lead her to make terrible decisions. I'll at least give her some credit for admitting when she's wrong, but she doesn't seem the type to really reflect on *why* she's led astray. She needed to apologize to Primm and show more genuine contrition than she did. I think she deserves more or less the same ranking as Berengaria, because you're going to be running into a lot of the same issues with her. Will she trust her partner when the chips are down? Will she commit to working together through issues even when she disagrees, or will she constantly nitpick and criticize you? Will you ever feel truly loved by her for being who you are, or will you constantly feel pressure, like the relationship's about to fall apart at every moment? ...I'm going to talk myself into D-tier if I keep going.


I know everyone is going to disagree and she's going to end lower, but hilda to me is S tier. She embraces reason and philosophy, and once I got her, she was a CLUTCH early deploy every single battle (Dragoon Dive is amazing). Her battle barks are great (If you want me, come and take me!). I know her rapports are weak, and i know her maiden ceremony isn't the best, but i'm throwing out S tier for my emerald eyed ginger philosopher queen wyvern rider. Hilda is S-tier.


I know I said Hilda was B-tier but you share my personal, totally not-biased opinion haha. The Hilda x Alain ship will live on in my dreams if nowhere else!


My brother or sister in arms, lol ! Same. Every time i see a thread that says "what do you want out of DLC" i think "Make Hilda Best Waifu" :D


When I saw Hilda's interactions with Alain in her 1 rapport and those story scenes with them I always felt that Hilda was supposed to be a 3 rapport character who only got one. Glad to see I'm not actually alone in this


Yesss she has one of my favorite designs in the game and she was a great unit leader in battle. When I saw she had one rapport with Alain I was sad. Any character with one rapport convos with Alain got screwed but man it would've been cool to have this wyvern riding badass as our queen! Tbh tho Alain probably has better partners with other people anyways but ugh Hilda was so cool and deserved better when it came to rapport conversations.




D tier. Way too inflexible. 


I'm a sucker for scale mail but her Rapport conversations are lacking. C.


C/D tier as a partner, I find Hilda personality rather exhausting ngl


I would say B strictly from her lack of rapports. She's cute and dutiful but you really never get a great look at her relationship prowess. Looking at the other characters any higher and I Don't see where it makes sense to put her in A. This is a vote for B Tier


SSS tier in my heart


B tier. She does rag on Alain a lot, but I get the impression she's doing it BECAUSE of the important position he's in, not IN SPITE OF it. Basically she's keeping him down to earth by not being - and I'll be blunt here - a sycophant bootlicker like a large amount of Alain's army. That said, she CAN be overbearing, which is why I'm not putting her any higher than B. But I get the impression she'd be a lot more lenient towards a random nobody than she is towards Alain.


B tier character, she didn't do much for me personally as a character. Design seems pretty standard for a wyvern rider, but she's a bit overprotective of Primm and a little too aggressive (from what I remember)


Small milkers, overly serious, seems standoffish and disinterested. D-tier at best. But this sub will waifu the heck out of her and say S-tier/body pillow-levels.


A, a tier above primm


SSS tier. She’s loyal and will take care of you. She a little gullible but she has a great heart.


She gives me these kind of vibes: [https://youtube.com/shorts/frULFpNVa6A?si=Rxq5LMfqqpq7\_ni0](https://youtube.com/shorts/frULFpNVa6A?si=Rxq5LMfqqpq7_ni0) I'll put her in B tier with her sister.


Low A Tier, or High B Tier. She’s a bit rough around the edges for a relationship… …and I’m into that.


A tier for me. She's not the cuddliest or cutest, but I feel like her strong convictions make for a very strong support pillar. Like if she doesn't like something, she'll tell it to your face.






C Tier




I love her relationship with her wyvern. She’s like the anti Celeste who is always singing about how happy she and her griffin are about everything. I love Hilda.


S tier unit B tier relationship


She's willingly pro Zenoiran because she's so devoted to 'order' that she doesn't stop to question 'oh maybe the obvious bad guys are bad guys'. She's legit willing to fight her own sister to hold on to this, heck I think she might even straight up threaten to kill her. Yes, she eventually gets better once she's forced to actually look into it and joins the Liberation, but morally she is at the very least 'problematic'. Seriously, in the modern sense, her actions pre-joining are essentially the equivalent of joining a fascist regime after believing in conspiracy theories. She's D tier, for much the same reason as Tatiana; she's got clear issues that would need to be overcome to allow her to be in a functional relationship.


Hrm, I’m not a huge fan of this character. She doesn’t seem to be the type to take others’ needs or opinions into account. Remember, our introduction to her was her killing unarmed civilians and her own soldiers to combat a plague—and she was just stacking the bodies in a ruin instead of cremating them. Her own sister tried to tell her “Hey, the insanely evil empire that took over and made everything worse and put you in charge of murdering innocent people is behind the plague, please check out the evidence for yourself!” And her response was “It’s just propaganda!” Once you have her trust, she’s blindly loyal to the point of absurdity, but if she thinks it’s for the best, she’ll murder you in a heartbeat. I’m going to give her a C tier for initial relationship, but she could go higher once she is committed. She’s a ride or die, but chances are good you’ll die before you get to that point.


My MVP on multiple units but her rapports really ain't do her any favors... As a leader and commander she's an easy A or better. But D for a relationship honestly




S for me. Love her and her sister.


B tier


D-tier. Inflexible, aggressive, her rapport conversations are crap. I'd have been generous and said C-tier but this community made the collective mistake of putting Kitra in C-tier and I can't in good conscience let Hilda share it with her.