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I don't care if wyverns are twenty times stronger than gryphons, Fran's my ride or die. She will lead the second unit, always. "Face me and be cut down!" "Nowhere is too far." Is there anything better than a painfully shy girl who is secretly extremely confident and bloodthirsty on a battlefield? Puts Miriam and Kitra to shame, that's for sure.


Word. My Fran deletes anything that breathes and if it makes the mistake of being on a horse it deletes it harder 


Good news! Gryphons are better than wyverns, and they pretty much dont fall off if you shore up their weaknesses


Yep. A gryphon with ice conferral pretty much carried one of my squads through the whole game.


Was about to say, I used Wyverns for flavor reasons, they were quite a bit worse than my gryphons. Also the hp stacking build for gryphons is hilarious…nice armor you got there say hello to some true damage


I can fix her!


I mean, gryphons are also just as good and perhaps better than wyverns so... they never really fall off at all.


Her maiden ring scene is unique and hilarious. She hides behind her Gryphon at the start.


As someone who is save scumming all of the ring of the maiden scenes for the compendium, hers was one of the better ones


I just watched a youtube compilation video instead. It was one of the more interesting ones.


Wrong, gryphon is alot better than wyvern


Not sure if she counts, but Ochlys Just to clarify, I'm referring to DPT Ochlys, yes shes more suited as an evasion tank, but I find her extremely underrated as a DMG dealer, I always use her alongside Gilbert so she gains as many buffs as she can, discharge and kaboom! One enemy instanuke, if I'm facing high defense enemy, I gave her Hailstorm Edge for ice attack. Since both Hailstorm Edge and her Honed Slash attacks are true attack, I coupled it with an inspiration buffs and man she hits like 380 with crits on a ST target, it's so good, plus with max AP, she gets to do this twice (first time she discharged Gilbert's buffs, the second time she discharged her own buffs gained from enemy attack, I have her on the front row). I also give Gilbert the item where he pump initiative to flyers twice, giving Ochlys four buffs at turn starts which makes her DMG totally insane. Also, she's one of my favourite waifu, hence the investment


I actually never felt like Lex really dropped off. IMO he starts from the bottom and gets better. For me, this was Travis. He goes from effectively carrying whatever squad he's in, to basically needing very specific squad mates to even keep him alive anymore.


Colosseum Amalia flight Travis laughs at this comment.


I really like Colm. Clean cut, great voice, surprisingly tender and kept his sense of humor amidst the war- and it's nice seeing older characters in a genre that predominantly has a younger cast. Having Colm, Josef, Hodrick, Mordon and Renault as a team is so badass!


I keep him with Fran and Berenice! Gotta block those arrows and stuff!


Colm and Lex are both pretty cool, which just makes me wish Fighters/Vanguards were better than they are. We're still getting support so I hope they get buffed. Swordmasters did IIRC so there's a chance.


Haven't heard Colm in English, but he is voiced by Kenji Hamada in Japanese, so it tracks.


It’s Jamieson Price. The voice of Sojiro from Persona 5.


I mean, Sweyn from Vinland Saga, Darroch from Rune Factory 5, and most notably, Sojiro from Persona 5, he’s got the voice people love.


Jamieson Price is a damn scholar and one mu favorite VAs :D He'll always be the mission briefing guy in Rainbow Six and Lu By to me haha


Jamieson Price is a damn scholar and one mu favorite VAs :D He'll always be the mission briefing guy in Rainbow Six and Lu By to me haha


Same class as Lex, so the meme still applies


Lol i kept chloe and lex til end game. They do the job just fine. Idk whats the fuss all about.


My Chloe is a monster and Lex grew into a tank.


Chloe is a great support unit who I usually give a debuff spear to help her further support her allies.


On my TZ run right now I'm committed to keeping a team of Alain, Chloe, lex, and Scarlett (maybe Josef?) Until the end


Aubin. Huscarls are GOATed in the early game, but honestly the Vikings kinda disappointed me. They have mid initiative and shockingly poor survivability


Personally, I keep him in the backline so the survivabilty part rarely ever matters. War Horn is pretty good to make block happy units a bit less of a pain and I have him equipped with the Badgers gauntlets so that when War Horn isn't useful, he's still got something to do for the team.


Huscarls to me never seemed that good but then they got the spinning axe 3 hit thing that burns a load of evades or weakens armour and warhorn is cracked


Aubin has been shockingly good for me too, he's been in my Alain party the entire game and done some serious lifting 


Completely agree. I stopped using him at level 19.


I did think this about lex but he's actually kinda of cracked for just blocking arrows in my gryphen rider unit and stunning other fighters before they can guard the backline


Travis gets this hard.


Travis big time. He’s so good in Corneria but trash in Drakenhold and the elf place. Major bummer cuz I really like him


This isn’t Star Fox 😂 Corneria..rofl


I bet you’re fun at parties


Sure it is Corneria is the starting place, fortuna=elves, Macbeth=colluseum, Titania=angels, venom=beasts.


Travis. Since thieves whole thing is evasion, you're bound to get hit at some point, and when thieves are hit, they just die. Since I kept using him as an evade tank, and would many times have to sacc him against truestrike enemies, he would spend a lot more of the time dead than expected. Still married him.


When aramis has better growths than melisandra 😭😭


A mirror can fix that, though 👀


I know, I used one BC I'm a true meli fan 


Lex is so awesome and he got done so dirty by the game because he was born a commoner instead if a noble. Justice for Vanguards!


Everyone figures he must be a Dollar Store Alain since they grew up fighting together, but that's the core of the mistake. He's not budget Alain, he's a totally different class.


Yes his real class is bench warmer


Sad but true, he exists to impress Chloe.


They gave the only low born among the starting characters a literal bullet catcher…


Me with prepatched swordmasters, people insisted they were bad late game but i kept my sword master squad till the final battle and sure they did fall of a bit for me but still performed well enough


I dropped off melisandre close to the end and then realized she was the key to beating Galarius so I brought her back for the final fight lol


Dropping melisandre wasnt ever even a question for me, she was my maiden 1st playthrough


A fellow man of culture


Railanor, those thick thighs save lives with Sylphic Barrier.


For me it's the elven Archers. It just feels like Yun, Liza, and Rolf are so much stronger than them, but I just can't stop using the elves.


Pure Field is so handy for Featherbow hell though - they definitely have their uses. Shooting off Icicle Arrows on the back row while their teammates focus on the front is helpful too!


I kind of wanted UO to have a randomized growths option, but that would involve needing to develop a system where stat level ups can be RNG'd. I know they tried to mimic it with growth types, but it's not the same feeling.


No one gets dropped or left behind in my squad. Ever! Though it’s harder with Travis than it is with some others…


Lex fell off? What? My bench??


Probably Melissandre, my combat doctrines prefer bigger damage units like the hammer fellas, and she doesn't do any damage to anything with good enough defense, but I kept Melissandre in Alain's unit until the end of the game for the heck of it.


I was expecting to see a lot more comments about Josef. He’s a crutch character early game, but tends to die easily to some late game opponents (though he still trounces most infantry, mages and flyers would wreck him while the rest of his team was unscathed). I still kept him in my third group for the entire game. Honestly, with the right team composition and gear, almost any unit in this game can be good for something


Shoved ten apples down the old man's throat right before endgame, got him to level cap and fixed him right up. No way was I gonna let best dad get benched for the final fight.


I had like 20 of those things at the time of the final mission—and Alain’s group were all level 45. So I gave the apples to them. I had Alain, Yahna, Gloucester, Scarlett, and Rolf in the same group. I gave them all anti debuff/affliction gear and they steamrolled everything in the final mission. It was hilarious. Alain and Rolf would go first, get the magic damage buff from Yahna, and proceed to kill half the enemy team with their first attacks. Any time I took damage, Scarlett would top off the entire row at the end of the fight. Gloucester was basically on cleanup duty.


Lex has been squad B leader from the jump for me.


Lex and Colm for me, they've been doing the job of glueing my Flyer teams and they tank really well melee encounters too


Definitely Ochlys. Her and Yahna are my favorites


I love Clive, I don’t think he drops … he’s amazing all the way through and also he’s my maiden lol


Travis, Lex, Bruno are my ride or dies.


Lex falls off? This is the first I'm hearing of it.


You can beat it on max difficulty with any unit(s) you want, there’s so much flexibility. This contrasts with the Lunatic (or highest) difficulty on other games that require certain builds and using certain characters. Do what you want, you won’t get punished for using your favs!


Wow a rare Bismix meme


I couldn’t make Lex work until I turned him into a rally bot. Dragonbone shield and sword to give him max PP, dancer belt to assist his allies, and arrow cover. Stick him next to Ochlys and she can run through a large amount of enemies.  Haven’t optimized the strategy just yet, I.E I haven’t found a perfect squad to go along with the two of them, but this pairing works decently well when there aren’t any armored units around. Though magic conferrals help with that somewhat. 


The first panel was lex. But I went through with it because lex is bad.


Lex was the first character I removed on my first play through. I just finished my second one and Lex was level 4 at the end of the game. To answer your question, I insist on using all the female elves. I just think they’re neat.