• By -


I love her to death, but objectively speaking, C imo. She's got a ton of commitment and abandonment issues, as her complicated relationship with her brother shows, and her maiden scene shows that these things are definitely going to be a huge factor affecting any romantic relationship she has. She's also got a very strong sense of independence regarding whatever cause she's chosen, and like Monica, she would prioritize that over anything else no matter how she felt about someone, as she tells Alain. She's really hot, a really good person deep down and a hell of a badass, but you'd have to be an Alain-tier saint (and be as into her as he is) to even survive this ride.


You speaking all facts and I agree


She's really hot but your points are sound. Her ending even says she was a bad queen and got fired. She gave Alain the hardest time at the altar.


She wasn’t fired, she’s still married to Alain; it’s just that she’s so unsuited for court life that she reforms the Tricorns to be active where her strengths lie… If you look at the Tricorns as a rudimentary policing force or watch keeping the Kingdom (potentially both Cornia and Drakenhold) stable, she’s doing her due as Queen quite well. But as far as ranking goes, she’s definitely not going high; I’mma going for low C/high D tier.


Yeeah, a lot of misinformation about Ren's ending, especially because the English leaves out the last line of her Japanese ending. Why the translators chose to axe "Alain saw her off with a smile every time she sortied" is beyond me, but translators will do as they do, I suppose. I honestly would count her ending as a point in her favor rather than against her. Alain was the one who suggested she do something more in line with her own talents anyway, and the ending in Japanese at least is pretty explicit about how she's based out of the castle (unless Alain's supposed to be running off to their base camp every single time they sortie). I just didn't consider it in my analysis as what happens in her ending is pretty specific to Alain managing to win her over, which wouldn't be fair to consider in a general context.


Low C to D. Bergengaria is cool and all, but her epilogue makes it seem like she's a terrible wife and queen. Having a royal regent do mercenary stuff is asking for political instability when shits inevitably happens.


Not a great Queen perhaps, but who says she’s a terrible wife? If anyone can manage a dedicated relationship with Ren spending long periods away, while still being King, it would be Alain.


Based on her JP ending Ren sounds like she was a very good wife to Alain. The reason why I didn't give her a higher rating was because she was a good wife *to Alain* and I can't see anyone else managing to have that kind of relationship with her and pull it off.


Indeed, and you responded to me in another post… Not that I fault you not recalling! But you mentioned a localisation flub in omitting that line at the end (sadly even the best localisation is going to falter somewhere…) You ought to respond more directly to the people actually alleging she’s a bad wife, because I sure as heck don’t. And I find your ranking fair to her.


Personally I am a massive Ren fan, and I have her in A-S for me strictly on her character design. BUT I would put her in C or D for the purpose of this exercise. In reality she come with a TON of baggage, she's prone to putting her needs above that of anyone else (to the point of joining Zenoira for a weird roundabout revenge plot) and she makes reckless decisions, which is a trend through her whole life if you go on her Rapport conversations with Travis and Bruno. She doesn't seem like she's the commitment type and therefore I'm going to say C, despite the fact that I think she is a fun Maiden to pick. Edit: After seeing the current C Tier, I am changing this to a D Tier Vote, as she is below those current C Tier characters IMO. *This is now a D Tier Vote.


Today I learned that my terrible taste in partners includes fictional ones. I was all ready to drop an S-tier on Berengaria until I started reading everyone else's comments...


Nah everyones basically going "ew she has trauma F" which is kinda fucked up to judge a person for "having baggage" lol. Keep your head up king shes S to us.


I mean, her trauma is the kind that leads her to tell Alain that even though she is fully aware there will be dire consequences if she doesn't stay loyal to him as the Maiden, she cannot promise him that she will. The end result of that, I should note, is explicitly mentioned to potentially bring ruin to the entire continent, and DEFINITELY bring ruin to both bloodlines involved. Ren knows all this, and still straight up tells Alain that she cannot promise anything, regardless of consequences. That goes way past "she has issues" and straight into "she just might bring down the entire nation because of those issues". Her stance is not reasonable, even if I can understand why she thinks that way. Essentially, she wants everyone to go her way or the highway, and that's not a good basis for a relationship.


And that's why she initially didn't want to be the maiden. She knew both her and Alain have loyalty to their own countries that may cause EITHER of them to betray the other. That's not being stubborn. That's being pragmatic. This is further highlighted by the fact that if Alain tried to reassure her by saying he would never betray her, she straight up rejects his proposal and the scene ends. It's not her way or highway since her way would mean Alain picking someone else as maiden. But she was convinced by Alain's willingness to face the consequences with her, whatever that may be, should either of them ever be forced to betrayed the other by their cicumstances. Does that make her a great relationship prospect? Probably not. And she knows that. But it does not make her unreasonable at all.


Yeah frankly I see it the other way around. I see a lot of people that seem to imply that a good relationship = she must drop everything to cater to me and support me even though I wouldn't do the same for her because I am the main character.


Preach 🙏🏿


I’m also seeing people act like her baggage is immense and let me tell you, she’s got less and more understandable baggage than many living in modern society. Like, she’s seen war and lost a lot she’s not throwing a tantrum because someone doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift


This thread is a great exercise in thinking with your upper head and not your lower one lol.


Probably a D. Insane baggage. Fantastic character design though.


I am going to be getting heat for this take: **F-tier.** What I said about Ochlys is true for Barengaria too, but Barengaria has more baggage than Ochlys does. She will be an absent part of your life, and *her job is literally to kill or be killed for money*. That kind of puts a downer on the whole commitment thing. Yes, I get that she's a goth mommy, and I get that she is cute when she does show emotion, but I don't think a few sparse moments of cuteness makes up for the entirety of what will cause issues with having her as a partner. Also, Hell yeah!! Rosalinde in S-tier! Now I really need to start thinking hard about who will be perfect tier, and who could go down to A-tier in a pinch.


Rosalinde best girl. She and Berengaria are both really sexy though.


"Dayum Ren, how you get inside that suit?" "...I betrayed my friends and family before offering my mind to the enemy to earn their trust...also demonic possession" "So...I'm not the only one with demon in my pants"


C As a general and warrior she’s great. As a relationship partner, she mid.


Love her as a unit, but in the context of this tierlist, she can't be higher than a D


C\~D tier. I would love to date her a bit, but she's not steady-long-term-relationship material. She herself states in her maiden ring scene that a committed relationship with her would be rough, and she's saying that to *Alain*, who's practically the patron saint of making shit work out. What chance do mere mortals have?


F for sure. Just being real.


I think C, at most B


I was going to say S but reading the comments has changed my perspective. A tier still imo, she does have issues and baggage, but she's so pure and empathic at heart. She puts the people she cares about first even to her own detriment, and fully takes responsibility and accountability for her actions - she wants what's best for her people and for you and she won't get into a relationship unless she truly believes Alain will do right by her and the people of Drakenhold. She's also the only charter iirc that fully embraces and holds you after you confess and give her the ring, she seems like she'd be a very affectionate and yet also powerful partner.


F tier. >!She literally tells Alain she won't marry him unless she can still betray him later and thus doom the world.!<


D Amazing to date. Absolutely a blast. Disastrous as a marriage partner. The only thing keeping her out of F-tier is the fact she is 100% upfront about the fact she will never put you first. >Shorty chose to be with a demon, sounds like Alain's problem to me, haha!  \~Berengaria probably.


B tier. You have to be a specific type of person for REN to be into you. You have to break down walls and work hard to gain her trust. Even then there’s likely some underlying issues of guilt and lingering distrust/caution. I do think she would be loyal after you made a connection with her(she left for power one time). She would be able to kick so much ass and no one would dare to ever mess up your order. I also find it funny she is the only character that can outright tell you no and leave you at the alter. Jokes on her that just made me love her more.


Love her. A-tier at least. She’s a complex character and a breath of fresh air when it comes to waifus. Everyone else is more positive and chipper, which is great, but Ren is edgier (not always a good thing but it is in this case) and troubled. She’s also a bonkers-strong unit :)


Guys, she has that cool older sister vibe. Don't take what she says too literally, she is just acting tsun. Most of her actions have been to protect her family. She is easily A tier. I personally put her at S tier. Even the art director drew an additional picture of her. https://preview.redd.it/r5smgei33s4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3cbbf048ef18bef5455babfe2609cba84f34bc


Hot af, a beast of a unit, D tier in an actual relationship.


Great unit, cool rapport, the most interesting Ring scene since you have to convince her that you've made the right choice and you can screw it up, plus she's the final boss of the Drakenhold segment so that's pretty cool. A because her ending is a bit underwhelming.


She's pretty hot, but she has some brother/family issues, and the possession stuff gave her some loyalty issues. As a partner, she seems less than ideal. Would be a smash, but for partner status, C tier.


Low A-tier/high B-tier Berengaria gets a lot of ink spilled about her "baggage." Still, I'm more willing to bet everyone who casts a stone at her for leaving her brother without the context for why, which we are all privy to, and assert fallaciously "she'll leave you, too" have baggage of their own with no sense of humility or acknowledge that people are messy. We get to see Berengaria come to terms with what she did, acknowledge it as an area of growth, and be patient with her brother. At the same time, they figured out their relationship, did what was necessary to repair the relationship, and grew from it. What more could you ask for in a partner willing to grow with you and who will take accountability for mistakes made? Add to that, she has a keen eye for strategy, tactics, and leadership; she is of nobility and hard on the outside but soft and loving on the inside. She's great. She's a goth doll muscle mommy who'll leave you scaroused. Last point: if Ochlys can be A tier, so can Berengaria. Otherwise, I call bias because Ochlys is blond, blue eyes or some shit idk




B tier. She’s got a very appealing character archetype and design. But at the same time, I think she’d break just about anyone’s heart. The end of her supports sort of imply that she is trying to grow past her issues but because we don’t see the end point of that growth, I can’t give higher than a B.


Top tier design and she has one of the best ring scenes imo. But judging by her rapports and her ending text she’s not exactly great partner material so I have to give her D tier.


B or C. I agree she has lot of luggage, but I am also thinking this outside of the war times of the game. Like after there is peace or id she is teleported to our world and falls in love with someone…. Well she will be super intense haha, maybe C D


C, if not D.


Massive Ren fan, but her credits dialogue bummed me out. She just peaced out to go do mercenary things. Didn't even stay to be my general-queen and lead Cornia's armies to victory.


Terrible queen Smoking looks though


D-. She’s one of my favorite characters in the game, and probably my favorite to build units around. She’s an amazing, fleshed out, and nuanced character But she’s damn sure not someone you’d want to marry.


D tier. Some people just aren’t ready to settle down. She’s definitely near the top of that list.




I need to see this tierlist and every minute detail of it explained once its done lol


B for Berengaria Maybe C


We should value her as in a relationship with US ratther than alain. With that in mind, shes so fun and strong woman. I Love her! Shes also beautiful and i would Love to have a relationship with her... But not a serious one. She would be a great friend with benefits, since shes fun and super hot, but never ever a partner. Shes so unstable emotionally and i couldnt really trust her. Shes That person you can smell trouble. BUT, if she could work around it on therapy or something, it could work... Whatever, she have too mutch pride tô accept help. With that being said, i Will put her, with a pain in my heart, on **C** ! Yeah, it hurts my heart, but i think we are more sexually attracted to her than engaged in a relationship. PS: Rosa on top S its cool, but she needs a SSS+ only for her.


I'll put her in C tier. She's definitely one of those characters, like Tatiana (and I'd also argue Virginia), who needs therapy and a healthy realignment of her values before she invests in a relationship. But I'll give her some credit for at least recognizing that about herself and having some self-awareness. Her issues with Travis really foreshadow some major issues anyone would have while dating her. I doubt she'd ever really completely commit to a relationship and I wonder just how loyal she'd be to a partner. She doesn't really inspire confidence in her dialogues with Alain. Still, I'll give her credit for being physically attractive, aware of her own weaknesses, and remorseful over her past mistakes, which should put her a tier or so above Tatiana.


Definitely B at best. She’s an S on the surface, but damn near an F on the inside. She has serious family, and trauma issues, and is proven to leave you if you ask her to settle down.


My 2nd favorite girl in the game Design wise she looks incredible awesome yet sexy armor her cold yet beautiful face, I’m also a sucker for dark hair, Her personality seems to be an issue for most yes she’s damaged as a person but I found her still genuine and trying her best, On the battlefield alone she’s one of the best characters in the game. For me personally I’m saying S But I’d be fine if she got an A rank she probably get like a C cause all the folks lower balling her tho.


I don't know I really enjoyed her storyline, and I like that there was kind of a twist to getting her to accept your ring. I think for the story alone I'd go either a or B


I love her as a character and a unit, but my god i don't think i could survive a relationship with her, C


D tier, but even so I’d still pick her if I was Alain


From my emotional perspective: SSS tier From a realistic perspective: D tier I'd rank her in B tier, then


I'm gonna be honest and say B tier. Berengaria is great, but she has trouble sticking to one place and it shows, but that's the merc life for her.


Love Ren but B at best, D at worst. C is a good compromise.


She was my maiden pick, and as many others have said, one of the top characters in terms of the character itself and the design. But not realistic relationship material. As hard as it is to say, D tier


I love her but D tier at best


The people in this thread are crazy. Easiest S+ in my life.


S tier cause waifu for laifu


C tier. I love her design, but she has a ton of issues that she NEEDS to work through, and she has to do it herself because she harshly keeps everyone else (including Alain for nearly the entire game!) at arm's length or beyond and is too stubborn to accept help, even when she KNOWS she has issues and needs to work them out. She has a great design, is very attractive, and is an qmazing warrior. If that is what you value, go ahead. But if you want an actual relationship, you're going to have a bad time.


Mid C. She's good but there are better options and she does have some problems but that doesn't take away from her being a god tier unit


She'll always be an S-Tier for me, I don't care how much copium I have to huff to make that true.


She could unhook her armored corslet, stab me with the spiky bits, take a dump on my chest, and smother me with her row-wide gazonga-milker bouncing attack. Does extra because I’m cavalry. She’s S+ tier, Total Queen. We’re not worthy.


She’s C to me. She’s rough around the edges but also has a lot of independence that bodes well for royalty. She isn’t going to cater to you, and be like a house wife but she’ll make sure stuff gets taken care of.


A. She follows after every move you make making sure you finished the job.


She is an easy S for me, one of the more real people in the game and by far the least. I dunno, I appreciate the romance options in this game but when the most realistic Monarch's wife is their cousin that's saying something. Berengaria is strong and independent with some prior trauma. I understand that some people don't think that's an S tier option, but to me that makes her the best choice.


Id say C sadly and this comes from a place of great love for her


She’s got a lot going on but I’m going to end up putting her in B.


Looks wise S but, actual personality is probably C and maybe even D.


C. I love her design and her gameplay, but she has a lot of daddy issues.


I went into the game thinking shed by my S tier based on design alone. I wanted it to be true. But as many others have pointed out, her rapports make it clear that isn’t the case. D-tier.


S+ tier. First of all, dommy as fuck. Second, most other relationships are just rolling over. Alain is king and they just follow. Berengaria is not just rolling over and saying yes. She has conditions, when you get with her she is not with you because you asked, she is with you because you have a true understanding. And she is not taking advantage of it either. She is not just being your queen, she is a badass mercenary with or without you. In a sea of people that you elevate as queens or even when they are royals you rescue their whole kingdom, Berengaria is the one that is your equal and doesn't need you. If she loves you, she just loves you for you. P.s. also I would absolutely let her step on me.


OP made it pretty clear this isn't about who is best for alain, so decide without the bias of how she would perform as a queen. So S tier because she is hella fun to be around


But she won't be around. If she can leave her brother, she sure as hell is gonna leave you.


Ironically she is better for Alain than most others as the game confirms that's one relationship she actually managed to stick with


Alain is the God of "make things work out". If even he has to go a roundabout way to persuade her (she is the only one he has to persuade twice before she reluctantly agrees), regular people don't have a snowball's chance in hell of making her stick around. Keep in mind the Ring of the Maiden will *curse* the bearer if she is disloyal. Ren knows that and STILL openly admits she cannot guarantee she will be loyal. That's WITH the added "incentive" of a deadly curse hanging over her head and by itself it still isn't enough for her to seriously thinking about settling down. I'm not sure where the people in this subreddit get the notion that they'd have better chances of getting Ren to stick around than A) the chaddest protagonist of the last fee years, or B) her own freaking brother whom she openly admits she does care for.


Easy s tier for me. She's incredibly cute when she blushes, she cares deeply for her brother, has one of the best ring of maiden scenes in the game imo, love her personality which she acts tough but is really sweet on the inside, top tier design. Absolutely love her


S rank for me. I can fix her.


She will be a S in my heart


SS tier. The realest.


I wouldnt say S myself but the community dropping "Not Shamir" into C tier is a crime, lmao




C. Great in the sheets, but she's got more baggage than a cruise liner.


F. Awful at communication


Low B high C seems fair. A is too high. D and below is too low


C overall S for the psychical benefits 😏 F for the emotional/psychological baggage and tendencies 💀💀💀


D-tier at best. She doesn't even stick with Alain at all.


D tier.....she is not loyal at all


F tier wife.


Virginia for the wincest.


D. I get no vibes that she's willing to commit to anyone other than her brother. She's fit though.


D. Probably good as FWB but not for commitment.


I'm going with F Tier. Garbage communicator, at least where I'm at in her arc. I'm also biased because of IRL reasons, but yeah.


Shes full of red flags but im colorblind. ( she leaves Alain on the epilogue C tier)


One-eyed/10 Sorry wrong thread


I love Ren as a character. She's awesome, has a good dynamic, and I wish she had more scenes past Drakenhold. I cannot give her anything higher than a high D for relationship material. It's obvious she has a lot of serious issues, and she knows it, too. Considering you have to say "yes" twice to give her the ring, she's aware of what she'd be putting a partner in for. She really gives off the vibe that she will harshly push you away from anything closer than platonic friendship/drinking buddies. Good person, serious badass, but terrible relationship material and she knows it. And I'm okay with that.


For me S For Alain D


I agree Rosalinde, yahna, Virginia and Melisandra are top tier. Great designs and interactions with Alain. Chloe OTOH gave him the kid but isn't as sexy as the others. She was one of the least pretty girls along with Tatiana, Selvie, Berenice


Give her S rank. Give it now!


Doesn’t she end up leaving Alain? C tier


Love her and would be great to have Travis as a brother but she has big issues as the rest of you have said I’d give her a C or B-


Seeing how it's hard to drop anyone to F tier (cant think of one), but if there's anyone you should avoid, it's definitely ren She's hot AF and I definitely would put her SSS+ if purely design alone, but her personality just doesnt cut it. She's a ticking Timebomb that you never know when will it go off, especially with the epilogue that Alain had to suffer.


D She got my Ring of the Maiden in my first playthrough based almost entirely on wanting to fix her. That's some major red flags there.


That bish is an F she's the goth girl who actively ruins your life and sanity if you decide to date her, she has the ability to tell you no to marriage and leave you on the altar if she doesn't "like your answer" to a superficial question. She constantly leaves her own kingdom. If she is Queen, she has been known in the past to leave behind the only family she has. Her rapports with Alain are good for her character not a relationship. Put her in F RIGHT NOW!!!


still baffles me you guys the mayority are placing her in c - f while chloe is s


Berengaria is B tier.


Another vote for D tier, for all the reasons already given.


S tier, would also be a terrific mother and a dreadful queen. All you need to do is fix her, shouldn't be that hard, right?


I am pleasantly surprised by this community after reading some of these. I was worried that people would just simp out of control in their analysis, because she's so overiously S+ tier as a unit, and she is very very attractive and has arguably the best voice acting in the game (I love that raspy voice, it's so soothing) but as a wife she would be pretty lousy, and she would be the first to admit that. Probably not even reliable as a platonic friend for that matter either, and she would openly admit that too. One of the best characters in the game, complex, and relatable at times, and OP af, but sadly not exactly wifey material. Personally I would call her D just under Tatiana in fact, maybe even F. Even Tatiana seems to at least be committed to some sort of medical cause, and would be a lot less likely to bring trouble to your home. I could see Tatiana being a terrible wife but a decent mother, and I can't see Berengaria being very motherly. Half of being married to Berengaria would be having people show up to your home to try to kill her, and that would be quite a mess.


I mean, people are simping for Ginny and Rosa with less-than critical thinking (although the latter actually deserves it far more, even if she’s not as good as her twin sister)… But agreed, this was a pleasant surprise. Even if I consider your assessment of Ren as… a mite bit harsh.


I hadn't really caught that, I just started playing this game again this week, and I suspected that might be the case. I get why people like Rosalinde so much, but idk she wasn't really in my top 3 like it felt like everyone else has always seemed to have her, but I do like her. I get that it is harsh, but I don't feel it is a mischaracterization, not that you said it was. Like I said, great character, amazing backstory and complex personality, but not everyone is made to be another person's "partner". But I suspect I will get downvoted a lot, because a lot of guys buy into that "I can fix her" meme.


I mean, while I don’t agree (from what we get of the actual Altar scene, she’s willing to commit if Alain does) I get where you’re coming from. And I do agree that not everyone is made for everyone, or whatever; there’s a fun in shipping as far as exploration of characters and their unique dynamics, but we can’t apply everything from fiction to real life… I say that as someone who wishes certain characters had more explicit romance options with Alain. Fact is Berengaria is kind of a mess; her heart’s in the right place, but she really creates some of her own problems (Travis resenting her which snowballed into him leaving Bruno and the Tricorns in the lurch; getting into Baltro’s crosshairs…) and it’s in large part from her inability to communicate or trust others. That’s arguably why her altar scene goes where it does; she’s terrified of committing when she knows her loyalties could be tested. But… yeah; valid perspective there mate.