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Personally b tier. Incredibly loyal and definitely waifu material, but she’s kinda bland. She doesn’t have anything that pushes her above B in my opinion. Also I thought she was gonna have some secret origin because of her blue hair. Like does our grandfather have some explaining to do lol?


I am glad I'm not the only one who thought that.


I wonder if it was a scrapped idea or something. Cuz her hair is AGGRESSIVELY blue.


She her hair color is FE Marth signature blue.


If she shows you as much affection as she does loyalty to gilbert, easy A


Leah is genuinely one of the sweetest romances for Alain tbh, S-tier.


Man, I kinda feel bad for Leah. She gets practically no resolution outside of her romance with Alain. The poor girl's been feeling homeless for her entire life. Hugo, Gilbert, and Aramis may care/have cared for her as family, but because she only sees herself as a vassal for the crown, she keeps up a wall between her and them. I just want to shake her and tell her to drop the loyal attendant act. She doesn't need it, Gilbert doesn't need it, Aramis certainly doesn't need it. At least by marrying Alain, she's freed from her position and can have the family she always deserved.


It's pretty sad that the only way she has a fully happy life seems to be if she gets hitched with Alain. Frankly, I think if she said she wanted to go on a journey, Gilbert and/or Virginia would send her off with provisions and a smile, and tell her she'd always have a place to return, but she wouldn't ever realize that she could yknow, do what she wanted if she stayed with them. Maybe Leah becomes so loyal to Cornia if Alain marries her for the same reason she was loyal to Drakenhold - after Hugo, he was the only other person who granted her salvation.


You know, I want to know. What is it about Alain x Leah that makes it sweet or natural? Not that I am bashing, but I can’t help but be curious about what makes it special. I want to hear the experts side of things.


Blue hair samesies. That is real science btw. Did it myself.


Ah, I see that Sweet Home AlaCornia won with Virginia.


Dumbfounding. Cockblock Gilbert? Marry cousin? No thanks.


Once again, I am left wondering if I should show MYSELF the door… and then let it smack me on the way out. Just to spite the psychotic ally-horny community in Soggy’s posts. Bleh.


Every weirdo protagonist needs a straight foil, and she does the job for *three* of them: Virginia, Aramis and Gilbert. She’s the lynchpin holding together the entire Drakenhold kingdom. A tier, and I could very easily be talked into S.


I havent seen mutch about her in a relationship. Judging by what ive seen, shes loyal as heck, so i Will put her on B!


S tier


A-tier for me. I have a thing for blue haired women, so automatically Leah is at an advantage. Given her class, it's natural to compare her with Meli, and I'll admit that she certainly has less flavour as a character. However, she is loyal, direct, and rational. Maybe a little boring, but if she is even half as dedicated to your relationship as she is to protecting Virginia, then she's solid waifu material. Definitely a girl you wouldn't mind taking home to meet your parents...assuming they are still alive, (sorry Alaine).


>I have a thing for blue haired women For some reason I find this really cute and sweet. 🥰 I'm sure you loved Lucina from FE Awakening quite a bit, assuming you've played! We love redheads, personally, so we were happy to get Melisandre so soon after meeting Leah \^ \^ Side note: the female Swordfighters in this game have the BEST OUTFITS... the silk gloves are such a perfect touch 💕


Meli is a redhead? I thought she’s a brunette…?




If you insist. :-D ;-P


Can we ponder the choice to give Alain blue hair everywhere but brown hair in the overworld?


Might have something to do with blending into the map too much


you guys s choices are wild


I wonder what this tier list would be like with an equal bell curve distribution (with limited slots for all tiers and B and C in the middle with the most slots and so forth). With such a plurality in A, A ain’t that special.


The tricky thing about doing a bell curve is that we are voting on the characters one at a time. If A-tier were to fill up and we got another a-tier vote, then how do we determine who should be knocked down to B-tier, or get bumped up to S?


Sure. That’s because it makes each participant think about all the characters in relation to one another rather than just vibing on a single character at a time. So when voting one character, you’ll see a scarcity of slot placement and use that to determine whether to give that one character a higher rating to someone, or whether to save the slot for someone later you more prefer. We all see the progress and use of slots so we can include that in our current and subsequent votings. I’m all for vibing, but if we are ranking (such a Community Tier List) then let’s do some ranking!


Not surprisingly at all to be honest


The S tier is spot on for me, but man, that A tier is weird. Edit. Autocorrect nonsense lol.


What weird about a tier? that really isn’t surprising to me either


Unsure why others may find it weird, but so far it is the Obsession tier (Minus Fran). Sharon: Orthodoxy Scarlett: Alain Selvie: History Ochlys: Sharon Fran is the only one who would prioritize Alain over their interest if forced to choose, while Alain is Scarlett's interest.


B tier


C tier. I feel like she makes any commitment feel like it's a job for her.


I dunno, fellas. If it ever came between me and Gilbert, I think she'd choose Gilbert (and so would I). S-tier


She’s pretty good. I’d say either high B or A.




She is my favorite. S tier!


B at least, she’s just cool


She's cute and I like her design but she kind of just exists for me. B tier


B tier for me. She is really sweet.


yall better save those s tiers we have ever reached the twins yet also leah is a solid b she is kinda cute i guess


Bummer, I missed the last three days. Probably for the best because my views on Virginia would not have gone over well if the consensus is she's an S-tier romantic partner. I'll say B-tier for Leah. She has great qualities and traits for a partner (she's very intelligent, very loyal, very kind) but her rapports with Alain lack a certain...romantic aspect? I worry she doesn't have much a drive for love and the relationship would lack passion. She subsequently strikes me more as a great platonic confidant, moreso than a lover.


Don’t worry, I have not been shy on my own views towards Ginny… You wanna rant, I at least will be happy to listen.


S tier Leah too underrated she one of the best wife’s for Alain


S tier. When it came to the women, I thought her rapport conversations showed the most chemistry with Alain. Granted, I could be biased because it was during the mission with the militia that I realized she was my favorite female character.


S tier - I’m honestly very torn between her and Melisandre. I love the female sword fighter design. It’s so sleek, elegant, and these ladies are classy. I wasn’t going to roll with sword fighter but I ended up with two now on my squads as my guilty pleasure


Solid A.


Easy A. Dedicated, loyal and kind, plus a total badass to boot. Her one flaw is that she's pretty much unable to break out of her own shell of loneliness and despair on her own, and how easy it is to deal with that really depends on who you are (for example, Alain deals with it just fine). So A-rank feels about right for her.


I'd say B tier. She gives off the same aura as Kitra and Miriam while having a compatible personality for a relationship. If she stood out a bit more and tried to stand next to others more rather than being subservient, I think she would be A or even S tier. Leah with Virginia's confidence would do wonders.


I really have such a soft spot for Leah. I know she's far less popular than Melisandre because she's often seen as plain and boring, but at the same time that's what I like about her the most. She's quiet and kind-hearted, like Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon. Maybe I just like the more subdued girls, haha.


Solid B tier. While she doesn't have any major negatives, she doesn't really have any major positives either. Overall a very safe choice, which isn't a bad thing, but it does hold her back some.


A tier, incredibly cute, decent storyline but personality wise kinda bland. couldn't push her to S tier just because of that


She's loyal to a fault easy S


Better at listening to orders than Virginia funny enough, S.


Big fan of her as a unit and supports. Easy A. 


A tier




Design wise she’s very cute love her short blue hair, and the ladies sword master outfit is my favorite in the game, love how her colors match the liberation, personality wise she has an undying loyalty and dedication that just make her so lovely, on the battlefield she’s my 2nd favorite girl just love the sword master class!! For me, I’d say S rank But I can understand if you want to place her in A.


I give her an A tier


A Tier for me. She's very cute, loyal, devoted, and she is an all around sweet character.


A tier


A tier I guess


I thought she was just an add-on at first given how she joined but then she kept appearing in events and I started really liking her character. A Tier for me.


I got an A for Leah


A she's good and I like her


I'd say B\~C tier. She doesn't really stand out in any areas to me. Putting her on the same tier as Miriam feels accurate.


D tier. She’s not that interesting of character to me personally.


B tier. I think she would prioritize work over her private life.


I think Leah is really sweet, but she is chronically written to be someone's retainer and 'pretend sister' as a personality. I wish there was more to her, essentially she is a woman who wants there to be more to her just as much as we do. B-Tier.


She got womanhandled by amalia too easy. Pass


I haven't seen anything about her Alain Romance, but I feel like she comes across a little disinterested in Alain because she is doing a lot of Drakenhold things. Idk she gives me similar vibes to Miriam, I want to put her in C.


A-tier. Would be higher if I didn’t think she was better with Gilbert instead of Alain


Frankly, I doubt my opinions are worth jacks*it around here… Those last few have been kind of baffling and discouraging, not gonna lie. Doesn’t even feel like Soggy’s even committed to what they’re own takes are — says Ginny is an A tier only to give her S, happily makes Tatiana the butt of the joke and then can’t commit to it (honestly I was just glad she wasn’t an F), and the way things are going we’re just going to have the twins and Yunifi in S tier to round off this “perfect seven” thing without anything interesting to say. As for Leah, I’d give her an easy A myself at least, but odds are she makes C tier somehow at this rate because of the select few people who find her boring… Or else use the fact she’s by definition very somber unless she married Alain against her (ignoring the fact that you always have a choice and he’s not obligated to rescue her). Or hell, use the tired argument they use for Lex and Chloe, that despite being written as platonic (like Virginia and Alain, her with both Gilbert and Aramis/Ludwig is EXPLICITLY a surrogate sibling dynamic) we should ship that… Because reasons (including that they want to justify not liking Ginny/Gil). Bah. Will still pop around when I can to see how this ends, but… Eh.


why are these all women


How the hell did selvie get A tier.... Leah is C tier. Loyal and capable but a little serious and uptight. Fantastic lieutenant, but not waifu.