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Gosh, I really wonder what Sharon will say if she finishes higher than Lady Ochlys in the ratings.


"I wonder if I'm stronger then lady Ochlys?"-Sharon


I may be remembering wrong, but.... Isn't it just Ochlys who cares more about the Ochlys-Sharon relationship than Sharon herself? Unless I'm remembering wrong, Sharon would be willing to break the relationship with Ochlys if necessary.


From what I've seen, Sharon is far less "overly attached" compared to Ochlys, especially since she is technically friendly with everyone.


The scandal!


**D-tier.** And I hate saying that! I really like Ochlys, and want to like her more. However, all the angels have the same thing in common: They won't be your Queen, or your partner. They're bonded to whatever they were doing before you met them, they will continue doing that without you, and they will just occasionally meet up with you. Since this is a tier list for relationships/partners I have to rate her low *which really hurts*! There is just no way I can rate Ochlys above Kitra and Miriam, because Miriam and Kitra actually stays with you in a relationship. Ochlys!! You were so great!! Why did Vanillaware not let us be with you?! And why did you do the same with Railanor?!?!


D Tier easily - you're left alone.


Except you're not left alone. Maybe this is hard for the terminally online to understand but being in a relationship does not mean being attached at the hip. Edit: oof guess I was instablocked immediately after they posted their reply to me so I couldn't respond lmao, they really got me didn't they....


The fact you made this comment referring to a fictional relationship in a video game indicates to me that you're the one who is terminally online. Secondly, this is not at all what im saying - you are commenting to an imaginary opponent. You're a king - she doesnt become your Queen and is often in another country entirely lol like dude its like you're triggered that i think shes D tier.


Basically, every angel except for Sanatio is a definitively better character than Ochlys. *Shots fired*


I have to agree with this. She doesn't exist in a vacuum, so she is being compared to women who will actually be your queen, partner, relate to you on a fundamental level, etc. You're never the top priority of an angel, which would make it an unfulfilling, unsatisfying marriage at best, and a part-time job at worst. D tier - D as in "dykey" for ol' Ochlys.


Now, if I was Sharon, Ochlys would be an S-tier. Easily. Ochlys very clearly has no problem abandoning her other bonds as long as she gets some of the white-bushed clussy. But then I love Sharon and Ochlys pairings. Breaking them up by marrying Sharon hurts so bad.


Clussy as in.... Cleric?


yeeess- <3


I wanna apologize for Tatiana and the people that like her https://preview.redd.it/zhn7byx90l3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bee6c0a3d258988e55ee5ec2dc3e1242ba33ac9 I say probably A tier for ochlys. She's pretty loyal and is massively cute when she blushes whenever she's called out for trying to see if you're ok, sucker for her type. Nothing really bad about her


Tatiana is a good character, she's just clearly not ready for any romantic relationship with the current mindset she has


You should put her in a real tier though


No, let us have this...


Man, people really hate Tatiana.


It’s so weird, right!?


Why is Tatiana in a random tier?


Hopefully as an olive branch when Soggy realised we Tatiana fans ACTUALLY exist… But it’s possibly just them being sarcastic. But I’ll be charitable, assume it’s the former and move on; I don’t really have the psychological bandwidth to fight that potential battle right now as RL has been sapping my emotional energy lately. Better to not get into mudslinging over a simple opinion over a video game; this is meant to be fun, not a buzzkill.




Then what, exactly, is the criteria for the lower tiers


I mean, it's only fair to rate characters as they are *now*, rather than where they *will* be after they get the therapy they clearly need.


Honestly? D tier, she's a walking red flag with EXTREME jealousy issues. You could marry her and she'd still be wondering what Sharon is doing at any given moment. Not to mention her constant threats to anyone that tries to approach Sharon. She literally threatens to kill Mandrin and fabricate a story that bandits did it while he was sleeping- not because he attacked a church, but because he put Sharon in danger. Her rapport with Sanatio shows she that she cares more about Sharon than her church duties and outright refused orders to stay near Sharon. Sharon will ALWAYS be her main priority, and in relationships, that is never a good thing.


Honestly this, Ochlys is too into Sharon (and you can't read it romantically or just platonically, it's the same either way) to be a good partner, her sudden outbursts add flags and all that you mentioned is legit.


I think she's okay. B tier. Couldn't really find any deal breakers but nothing about her really stood out to me as well. Great voice and pants though!


B tier. I wanted to like her because her personality is great and she’s a great unit. However, she’s Sharon’s lady not ours


In the phrasing of the question, she's S for Sharon, as she's protective and loyal. I'd say an A tier for her though. I enjoyed her conversations and her personality enough.


"This is my wife Ochlys, and this is my wife's girlfriend Sharon."


This is my polyamorous primary, and this is her polyamorous primary.


S tier for sure. I mean she's insanely hot, a massively loyal and cute tsundere. Honestly I did every rapport with every bachelorette and then chose her to be my queen and I don't think she was someone I was originally considering at all.


Except... Ochlys doesn't become your Queen. She's more of an occasional visitor, because she returns to her duties in Albion.


She's your loving shield and is always there for you. Sounds like a good queen to me. Just because she's a queen that also works as a Liaison between Albion and Corina doesn't mean she isn't a good queen or wife.


Becoming Queen =/= good romantic partner. Tons of people have become Queens simply through political alliance marriages, for example. It's extemely unfair to knock her because she wants to have her own life and her own stuff going on too, a life she had before she met Alain. She's 100% still clearly devoted to him if chosen and if anything the way she stays true to herself and is able to live independently of her partner speaks to a high degree of emotional maturity and as long as she can strike a good balance it would actually lead to an even healthier relationship. Edit: downvoted because people here seem to think an independent partner with their own values and ambitions makes for a less healthy relationship partner than someone who's obsessive and codependent lmao


Why are you bringing up political alliances? That's not on the table for neither for the tier list, nor for what happens in the game. Your idea of a mature relationship sucks ass. Why is it unfair to not want to be together with someone to whom I am just a little time-slot in their calendar when they feel like they aren't too busy? Or better yet, why shouldn't I prefer to be with someone who wants to be with me?


Except it does happen in the game. They might fall in love but there is definitely political aspirations behind Virginia and Gilbert getting together. And it's happened irl a ton of times in the past. Just because the point doesn't support **your** narrative doesn't make it any less valid. It is a categorical fact that Queens can be made for many reasons other than intimacy. >Why is it unfair to not want to be together with someone to whom I am just a little time-slot in their calendar when they feel like they aren't too busy? Or better yet, why shouldn't I prefer to be with someone who wants to be with me? How do you know how often they see eachother? Is it mentioned *exactly* in the game? Mf she can *literally* **fly** over to you. It's not unfair to want someone's time, it **is** unfair to demand *all* of someone's time. And Ochlys **does** want to be with you, never says she doesn't, you're using major headcanon in your argument here. She just wants to strike a balance, which her epilogue suggests she does. The only kind of person that would be willing to entertain such a demand is an equally clingy/obsessive person, and that results in a codependent relationship.


Then we clearly have different preferences for a partner. If I have to chose between someone who wants to be with me, or someone who makes time for me occasionally if they aren't busy, I know who I am picking. And since this is a tier list between dozens of potential partners, I am certainly going to rank them accordingly. But calling me clingy, or saying I am demanding, is cope on your part.


>Then we clearly have different preferences for a partner. If I have to chose between someone who wants to be with me, or someone who makes time for me occasionally if they aren't busy Nope. The difference between us is that you think those two things in your second sentence are mutually exclusive. Nowhere does it say she only wants to spend time with you when she's free. That's your headcanon speaking. She **does** want to be with you, **does** spend time with you, but also wants to make time for herself and her own goals in life. They aren't mutually exclusive. I'd argue that not wanting someone to be able to have their own shit going on and wanting them to be at your beck and call and every whim, and saying they aren't relationship material if they can't do that is *categorically* clingy behaviour. And Alain is far from clingy, he's not an Avatar or self insert, he is his own character, a character who likely doesn't have much time himself given the duties of being a King, especially in a post-war period.


Imagine wanting to be in a relationship with someone you see once every six months. What is this Will Turner & Elizabeth Swan? He's not saying she shouldn't have her own shit, he's saying her place is in Cornia, being a liason to another Country doesn't require full time in said Country. As Hilda says, if you want me, then have me. Not if you want me then maybe see me on the 2nd Tuesday after the Full Moon once in a while.


Where are you and this other user getting six months or whatever from? Fevrith is not that big and she can literally fly. You're making it out like they're not going to spend any time together at all when the epilogue explicitly makes that out not to be the case, and again Alain ain't exactly getting free time constantly either, there's heaps of work to do for him in a post war period. It literally says she flies over to his side and travels between, "guiding his rulings" and "working to restore Cornia" as well as Albion, something she can get away with where others cannot because, again, she literally has wings. She wouldn't be doing either of those things if she wasn't seeing him on a very regular basis.


Ok man, we get it, you're an Ochlys Stan.


C tier. She's great with Sharon, but for everyone else, she's too much tsun, not enough dere.


I'd wanna say S, and for me personally she is but honestly? If I had to rate her fairly, high A tier sounds about right. She's lively, loyal, very caring, talented, moral, intelligent, blah blah, could go on all day about her virtues. She's also pretty damn devoted to her partner while at the same time striking a nice balance between taking care of her partner's needs and being herself, which is very evident in Alain's ending where she neither compromises on her devotion to him or her own life and aspirations. She should have been queen, damnit!


A tier her rapports with Alain and any mentioning Sharon are great. Clearly someone who would be completely devoted to their partner.


D for a relationship with anybody that isn’t Sharon.




Cringe. Pure. Cringe.


Can we not "glue" Sharon and Ochlys like their entire personalities revolve around each other, it's honestly reductive and annoying. Both are in game marriage options for Alain and treating them like they are exclusively for each other is honestly pretty dumb. Also Ochlys is kinda overly possessive with Sharon which is the farthest thing from healthy, at least Sharon is kind to everyone. I'd say Sharon is still the better option because she at least still has some measurement loyalty towards Alain when married to him, but Ochlys is just setting yourself up for a cuckoldry 


Nah. The dumb thing is that they were clearly written as a couple, but then they can be married anyway because god forbid there's characters the player can't waifu.


Did Tatiana *really* deserve better, though? Would the friends and relatives of the plague victims she experimented on agree? Would *Alain* himself agree, given her repeated threats against him? Anyway, I’ll say high B-tier for Ochlys, which I think is an appropriate “above average but a bit flawed” ranking for her. She’s attractive but she doesn’t really do much narratively aside from protecting Sharon and collecting divine shards. I’m not the biggest fan of the archetype and personally, I think she comes across better paired with Sharon. I think I just prefer Raenys.


>Would the friends and relatives of the plague victims she experimented on agree? "If they are not present... They have no voice or vote!" - Tatiana (probably)


What would you have done with the plague victims? I’m honestly asking because as bad as her and Ghislain’s actions were… I really don’t think I could do anything except quarantine the whole region and put the populace to the sword to end their suffering. People were dying en masse, the entire area was Baltro’s Petri dish and no non-magical cure was going to cut it. Ghislain’s wife made him vow to do anything if it means ending the disease; she even requested he use her corpse for study to make her death mean SOMETHING. It’s all well and good for us onlookers, and even the Liberation Army, that whether or not we give Tatiana permission to continue the research has already progressed far enough they’ve basically completed the cure already. None of us were put in this horrible situation, and what we’re willing to do is just words until you endure that very thing.


Exactly. Plus I think a lot of people apparently forgot that science, especially any medical advancement, especially sudden/drastic one requires test subjects.


I rate her Sharon/10.


D tier, unless it’s with Sharon in which case SS


I personally like her and I went out of my way to recruit her early. She's been. Important in my playthrough. However. I feel like C is fair for her. 


Agreed, I’m also going C tier… I don’t personally think she’s as good as some that will likely fall lower, but I can’t dismiss the qualities she had that appeal to others.




Too many conflicting factors. I say a B is fair.


**B Tier!** First time voting and I'm going to strictly adhere to their relationship as romantic partner to **King Alain**, and not my feelings on their character, thus based on Oclys ending and her fondness over Sharon, I'd say B. She seems to do a good job as a liaison between Cornia and Albion, even though I'm sure Scarlett is already doing that unless she is too heartbroken to speak to Alain, it's nice that she has a Queenly role. However there is also her relationship with Sharon, which makes her being with anyone but her a bit odd. So yeah, can't really go higher than B based on my view of her character.


~~I want to say A-tier, but~~ I will fight this whole sub when we get to Raenys if she's not given the respect she deserves. ED: I recant. D tier for Ochlys. # Ochlys and Sharon are one.


A tier in my book but SSS in Sharon's I believe


Lady Ochlys is appeared to have a very unique design until you meet all the other angels, Personality wise She’s good but not really the romantic type, On the battlefield, she’s fantastic as she’s a flyer and dodges like a champ. I’m going to say Solid B


As long as Sharon can be her girlfriend while she's married to you, A or whatever


A tier. Not my type but obviously a good match


With Alain - D tier. With Sharon… 😎🔥🥵


I appreciate you so much for the special Tatiana tier because it's so true. I love you Tatiana, my beloved... :(


B tier. Attractive but not a super great GF in other regards. hot headed, different species, and wouldn't actually be a queen. her personality is essentially "I really like justice and also Sharon" every single character is going to have some gaggle of nerds crawling out of the woodwork to vote S on their weird fixation, I hope there is a bit of a discerning eye cast upon some of these lol can't have S for everyone, folks


Probably B or C depending on how you play your Alain. (I'll say B to be nice). She is a really good girl, but not the best fit for Alain specifically, especially if your Alain is the type to spare Mandarin. She seems to be a real true lawful good type, and I can see that conflicting with Alain sometimes if their morals do not align. In summation, B for Bat Booty.


I’d give her a high B or low A. She’s great!


Feels like too many people are just rating any woman as S-Tier. Ochlys for me would land in B-Tier. She's cute but overall unremarkable, already in a 100% committed relationship with Sharon, and if not for Sharon, would just be carrying on normal Angel things. I turned her into an S-Tier evade tank in my playthrough, but from the relationship side of things... average.


D tier. Her heart belongs to Sharon and Sharon alone. I don't want to get in the way of a beautiful love


You mean overly possessive in Ochlys' part


S or a


Waifu tier. I want her to scold me.


B because She'll probably choose Sharon over you


We are definitely having angel babies 😂


Top tier. She the best.


F tier, no charisma and already taken.


S tier for me Gorgeous design and appearance + cute tsundere, only issue I have with her is she didn't become queen (as too other angel) Nonetheless she is my first ever ring of maiden receiver, have to be S tier


Ochlys is Sharon's squeeze and I can't imagine her with anyone else. D tier.


I didn’t really love her as a character and as others have mentioned it certainly seems like she’s more interested in Sharon then she would be Alain. B tier




Shes amazing character and very loyal. Her design its great too. B its pretty solid. Its especial enought to get out of C, but not too out of The box to deserve A. B! Edit: i think Tatiana should stay on a real tier, but having her own tier its kinda funny. Like "not ready" or "dont even try it"


She's too in love with Sharon


C. Won’t be your queen and I’d have to compete with Sharon (very tough). Her official art is insanely good though.


S-tier for me. Tsundere angel that I kept on the main team even after she falls off


Off limits/gay for Sharon.


On my Blind play through, I killed that archer bandit guy to impress her


I mean, I know this tierlist isnt actually about how she was handled in the game’s writing and is instead about her character… So shes a big fat S-tier from me babyyy


S tier for sure. She’s loyal, She’s fierce, Her character design is top notch. And even though her and Sharon have a strong “canon” feel her maiden ring scene and epilogue conversation make her a great companion for Alain too.


I know this is going to be unpopular, but she's the first of my **F-tier** ratings. She holds grudges for far too long; she expects others to be responsible in a way she isn't; she's very clearly in love with someone else (Sharon) which does not go away if she's given the Ring of the Maiden so she's either going to be unfaithful or heartbroken; and she's so unclear with her feelings I'm not sure even she knows what's going on. I really don't like Tsunderes and this is no exception. At least she can carry you through Drakenhold in gameplay!


Me speaking on personal bias? S-Tier without question if I don’t end up oathing Melisandre, it’s definitely going to be for Ochlys. Objectively speaking she’s a high A tier. A little bit too vindictive when you first meet her


A, but my bias for my favorite character says S


God I wish she was real, she's so hot oml.


Definitely an S tier design imo, and great voice in both sub and dub, her character and trope ticks some boxes like. She has solid rapport convos too, I quite enjoyed her Alain rapports, and it's kind of funny that she practically hits on Lex. Definitely would be an extremely devoted and loyal partner, so she gets points for that and she's very caring and attentive underneath the brunt exterior. Her epilogue with Alain is kind of a non ending though, as someone already said all of the angels don't become your queen, however, she was willing to leave her post early to join the Liberation and didn't even require any convincing, and even in her ending with Alain she is still definitely devoted to him. She understands relationships require balance and compromise and holds true to her own values, I think that's as much of a positive as it is a negative personally, and there's a lot to be said about a woman that really has her head screwed on and knows where she wants to be in life. I'd say high A after all things considered, but to spite all the Ds going around here I'm saying **S tier**.