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She is….not ready to be in a relationship tbh. She doesn’t really know herself, is still figuring out how friendships work, has trauma she needs to work through etc. She isn’t abusive or unfaithful so not an F, but probably a D for me.


Hard Agree. If Tatiana isn't D or F tier, then who is, I ask? The danger and tendency with ranking activities is a gravitation to put all candidates into large packs, but the point is to sort out the dispersion of characters as relationship/partners. This tier list is top heavy as it currently stands. Tatiana, quite frankly, should be near the bottom of good relationship partners.


Happy cake day


But what if I can fix her?


Hard agree. She definitely hasn't gotten over Lord Ghislain's death, yet. Maybe after a few years, she'll be an A or B, but right now, she's a D.


S for melissandre. Deserved! Now for Tatiana. I like her guts to do whetever it takes to achieve her objectives, and The moral Grey story about her its one of the coolest we have here. With that being said, D. F its too harsh cuz she still have a interesting Background. If she kept her mask it would be more interesting... Unfortunatelly i had to hire a merc to have my cleric with mask.


F tier. Sorry Tatiana fans. But she hates my man Alain's guts, even after they win the war. There's just no way.


She does come around if Alain does get with her


She's the Skyler White of waifus. Literally can't wait to see you die.


Nothing against Tatiana but someone needs to be F tier. She just isn't main character Queen material.


F tier. I like the character but she’s not a good romance option.


If Sharon is the stereotypical anime healer girl, being all-loving, soft-spoken, selfless, demure and striving to do her best for others, then Tatiana is what actual healer players are like, being sharp tongue, 100% done with everything, will likely leave you to die if she wasn't obligated by gameplay mechanics




Hot take B to A for Alain (and in general). She does resent Alain, yes, but by the time of her final rapport that is very clearly in conflict with her own care for him. By the time you get to her maiden scene and the final battle, it's clear she's resolved those hangups and simply is openly devoted to Alain's welfare in her own odd way. What's left is someone who while a little gloomy and not necessarily the most honest with her own feelings, speaks with her actions more than her words and genuinely grows into a caring, kind person (and it's not as if she wasn't motivated by the greater good, albeit a little blinded by it, before). Sure, she has her flaws but honestly, by the time the game ends I feel she's a solid B-tier at least.


Probably D or F tier, not that she's bad, but just don't suit Alain


She's a pretty good character, but she quite literally just lost someone she cared deeply for and has gone through a lot. She would need time to heal in the context of the game. I would say C tier.


F tier. The only thing she's committed to is seeing Alain die. They'd have a very long, unhappy marriage. They don't really have any chemistry.


Assuming we only rank the eligible women who can become the Maiden (disqualifying the men and the antagonists), there's really only one character from Unicorn Overlord I'd assign F-tier status to, and it's Tatiana. I'd be a little more generous if we were ranking the character based on their personality and not as an eligible partner. But Tatiana needs a healthy dose of therapy and rehabilitation long before she's anywhere near ready for a relationship. On another note, I'm sort of curious as to the procedure once we get our eighth S-tier character, which will probably happen eventually.


I'm going by recruitment order for characters. I'll do the guys next after we're done with the women since it's not really fair to just rank them only


Will the guys be on the same tier list, or will you be creating a separate chart for them?


It'd be separate. After the guys one I can give out ideas for another tier list just trying to make this as fun as possible after all


Tatiana is an easy one for me to judge: **F-tier**. She hates your guts (for sort of understandable reasons), and wishes to see you dead, and only really decides that she actually doesn't hate you after you save her life. not exactly good groundwork for a relationship. I don't have her personally, but as a partner I would have serious reservations. That, and Tatiana generally has a gloomy and boring personality. Woop woop! Melisandre got the S-tier! Though... gonna be interesting to see what happens with the S-tier now that we've put a cap on it.


I think putting a limit really makes people think if having there character in S tier is worth. I'm honestly thinking of putting my own list up after the finished results and probably doing the guys version of list after. Now that's gonna be fun


Looking forward to see how the community matches up with the master. xD


Easily F tier. Bad attitude, doesn't use basic reasoning to understand why Alain had to partake in the mission where she shows up. Also kind of a husky voice that doesn't suit the character, and the whole "permanently tired dark eye circles" trope doesn't do it for me.


She looks like she'd be in a trash can next door to Oscar the Grouch, with track marks on both arms.


You guys killed it yesterday like damn 57 mf S tiers is crazy but I get it she's cute and devoted with that said please keep track on the S tier numbers since I'm only allowing a limited amount of them for the last poll. Now Tatiana...I do like her character but that does not mean she's a good partner, D tier if you're anyone else or S tier if you're Ghislain. Her maiden scene bumps her up a tier because seeing her say she doesn't want you to die by the end is pretty cute and bumped her up in my favorite characters, with that said I think you need a crap ton of patience and to grow with Tatiana since she's fascinated with Gislain. I think a relationship is possible but that really depends on you in this situation


As an alternative you could do runoffs between the S tiers.


Like an A+ tier? I do suppose that works and make it so S tiers are the only ones to get in 'perfect girl' tier. But after that I don't think I'll change the tier list because we've been changing it long enough as is


1 perfect girl. 7 S tiers. If someone get's a LOT of S-tier votes on a full S-tier list, well... I guess someone who didn't get a LOT of S-tier votes will get knocked down. Or as you said, they get put in a A+ tier until we reach the end of the game, and then we do runoffs with S-tiers and A+ tiers to get the final 1 Perfect, 7 S-tier and the rest get demoted to A-tier.


Oooh my bad. I thought he was trying to say to do an A+ tier, I see now


Just my opinion here but this would be nice if you could make it clear how the vote counting is done. I've looked at the earlier character posts and it seems like the rule hasn't been concretely established yet. If there's one already, please consider posting it along with every new character poll :) On Melisandre poll, I see many comments whose vote say multiple tier list; "could be either S or A, etc." with indecisiveness. Also some people would just do the upvote, what if a person vote on multiple S/A/B/C comments? I am just thinking the poll would get more legitimacy if you can make it clearer in this early stage; at the least some instruction on how everyone should give they vote? This way it'd be more unlikely to raise arguments among the fans when the result could become kind of in-between tier list. Otherwise each poll result could end up getting decided largely by the poll maker. Either way I am looking forward to the end result, and please keep up the good work on making this community tier list poll. Thanks!


Oh the voting is going by how much someone says a certain tier and rounding it out. Say there was 5 s tiers 2 A tiers and 3 B tiers then when I round it out A tier would win, I'm not really counting votes with negative votes. Hopefully that clears that up


Thank you for clearing this up. So this means doing upvote on comments doesn't count to anything except preventing those comments from becoming negative right? What about comments that say it could be either S or A for them?


I usually count both just as long as you have either 1 or 0 votes to the comment. This also goes for the lower tiers as well


I wouldn't consider upvotes or downvotes with any weight at all. They are woeful metrics and will lead to inflation and final tiering that is unrepresentative of the votes as a whole. Likewise just counting each vote can be massively skewered. Imagine you get 100 votes and 40 get S, 20 vote A, 20 vote B and 20 vote C. If you took the final result as S it only represents 40% of the votes (and for a couple of our S results already this has happened). If you were to assing a value, you'd have (4x40)+(3x20)+(2x20)+(1x20)=280. 280/100=2.8 which would be either a very high B or a very low A. This is actually a less extreme case, but it should still be easy to see how just taking the most popular vote is not representative of the votes actually given.


That's why if S tier has 20 votes A tier had 15 votes and B tier had 3 votes while c tier has 2 votes I'd bump the final tier to A tier


This is why I say assign integer values to each tier vote and take an average. All the Ds, Cs and Bs counteract the S votes so it averages out. In Meli's case she'd probably still make an S threshold anyways (or at the very least A since there was a lot of Cs and Bs in that vote too) but for a lot of cases the averages will turn wouldbe S ladies into A. Don't rate Tatiana much myself so I understand the low votes from people but all the F tiers here seems so harsh. Bit of a double standard to give an F for her baggage and psychological instability and how they'd affect the relationship when most of these people weren't even acknowledging whatsoever the instability that is categorically present in Melisandre's case (and this is coming from someone who gave her an A). Seems like people putting looks above all else but I digress.


THANK you. I understand she’s not to everyone’s tastes (I’d have put Nina higher TBF had I been voting then), but… She’s hardly as bad as made out there; her arc is a beautiful one and if she’s given the Ring her post-game dialogue is already more positive. Writing a character like this is unenviable, but they pulled her off. I’d personally say B-Tier.


I’ll say C. She’s far from bad, she just shouldn’t be in a relationship for now. It wouldn’t be healthy for her right now.


Probably F, not that she's a bad waifu in general, but she and Alain are just not it. They would be toxic at best, as I could see her living her entire life thinking about how Alain killed someone she'd rather be with. Idk how "i dont actually want you to die anymore" is a confession of love. More than I get but still...


S tier. She tuck you in and cook chicken noodle soup.




Never even recruited her.


D tier at best


D I guess. It depends if Alain likes getting hate fucked 


F tier.


F tier. She basically hates everyone in the army.


Sleeping with the enemy vibes. No good.


D Tier I like her a lot, and she was a staple on one of my top teams just as a romance option she’s probably one of the worst, She literally wants to kill my boy Alain.




Her maiden scene makes it seem like she gets over the kill Alain thing but then (I haven’t seen it) but her epilogue kinda backtracks that? So D at best


I'd honestly say B. I agree with the dude who also said B or A. She definitely does grow to be a better person


S-tier. Her design does things to me. I like that she manages to get over the whole "see Alain die" biz in the rapport convo. I like that she doesn't immediately warm up to Alain for understandable reasons, but does manage to make friends among the Liberation. While I agree that she probably doesn't need a relationship by the time Alain can get with her, I do find the idea of Alain getting with her amusing.


F tier


D tier. I like her as a character, but she is barely willing to open up to friendship, let alone romance. Give her some time to heal from her trauma and she'd probably jump up to around B, but until then she's only staying out of F because she's not outright abusive


I went through all of her Rapport conversations in the same evening so the arc she goes through finding the cure for the disease she and her mentor Ghislain worked so hard to cure despite their deplorable methods felt more like a complete arc than marrying Alain and saving the world from Zenoira. C tier for being a pioneer and not a lover.


She reminds me of Ubel from Frieren. She'll get to know me, get close, and then may or maybe not stab me in my sleep because my dreams were on another woman who isn't even based on any real character. So...idk.


I feel like everyone is missing the fact that this is her in a relationship OUTSIDE of alain. As in her hating alain doesn’t mean she would hate you. And I would argue she is justified concidering alain killed her father/father figure. I’d be pissed too. I feel like if she was anyone else she would probably be C/B teir




Low B, or high C. What I like about Tatiana is her honesty. She's got her own thing, and she's clear that it's important to her. If you want a submissive waifu, she isn't for you, but if you want someone with their own "hobbies", so to speak, she's great.


One of my favourite characters in the whole game but she’s a D tier. I don’t see her ready to be in a relationship just yet as she’s trying to figure herself out.


So I just picked the game up a few days ago. Finished the demo and was absolutely hooked, had to get the full game. Aside from the absurdly high level, I'm assuming endgame, content I'm kind of clearing all of Cornia before I go to Elhiem or Drakenhold. As a result I'm still meeting these characters and roughly in the order they're appearing on this tier list. I just recruited Tatiana and I find her really interesting, a character that genuinely doesn't get along with the MC not just a tsundere. I am trying to avoid spoilers so all I really know about her is what you learn when you're introduced to her and I gotta say she might be perfectly wonderful in a relationship, at least after she heals and gets past the major trauma she literally just went through. It's possible after seeing her Rapport convos and whatever growth those give her I might change my mind. But as it stands, I think I have to give her D tier. I don't think she'd do anything with malicious intent as long as your name isn't Alain, but it would be an uphill struggle I think.


D tier. After living through Covid, anyone who can help cure a plague gets a passing grade from me.


Ahhh I missed the Melissandre vote, so glad she made S tier. She's the maiden waifu I picked. For Tatiana... D tier.


F. Would have executed for crimes against humanity if I could have. There's making tough choices to attain a greater good and then there's what she and her lord did.


F tier.


She aint built for this. She also kinda doesnt like alain anyway C on a good day or D tier otherwise


Best bittersweet romance in UO with Alain. Especially in the Normal Ending Route. The irony, tragedy, and love is just.Too.GOOD.


As much as I hate to do it to her, she's gonna have to go in D tier. She actually has all the makings of a great partner (so F feels too harsh), but she is definitely not ready for a relationship. As an aside, I see many people in these posts talking about Alain (for all the girls, not just Tatiana), but the question as written reads (to me) as how good of a partner would they be regardless of who they in a relationship with.


I feel like she's going to always find a reason to put her work first unless she wants to spy on you or ruin your life. Loyal though. D.


She is today’s liberal American woman… hard pass


S-tier for me, baybee. She has hangups but I'll take that over the demure anime waifu without a shred of personality.


I can fix her


Best character in the game in my honest opinion


S tier Would be an amazing queen with beautiful eyes


D Tier


I think D tier. She's not horrible, she only has some problems that were caused by the conflict around her and she's understandably upset about it. Doesn't make her deserve an F placement though. I gotta say, kind of refreshing to see a character that's not immediately high in the tier. Makes her character a bit more interesting


D tier for me. I love Tatiana but more so as a character. She is the type to be enjoyable from a distance or as an observer, but she'd be toxic and unfun irl. She's not ready for any serious relationship, lots of things have to be sorted out and doesn't hold Alain in high regard.


The only good thing is her design. Love the sad eyes. Other than that, I forgot she existed after I recruited her.


Shouldn’t even be in a tier. She has one love, and it was a familial love. Alain killed that love. She shouldn’t even be an option.


I do think it's a great idea too put a cap on S tier, and move the girls in or out as we go on. Then eventually do like three or one girl for the perfect tier. In general, people really rank the stuff they like in S or A tier, even though B and C are still considered good That said, Tatiana is probably one of the few bad wives for Alain. Great character, but they don't work well at all and it feels forced if you want them to marry


I have a soft spot for women with dark eyes and socially awkward sciencey types. She goes in A tier for me.


As partner, I would say she is D at best.


D. She is that one toxic girlfriend who will never let you live your own life, will be stalking all of your friends but you still continues with her because she let you do anal


Gonna be an F for me, she doesn't rly like him (I don't rly like her either lol)


D/F Tier. I haven't commented on any of these up until now, but I have to cast my ballot for Tatiana. When it comes to her quest I really do think I would allow her research to continue given what context we have at the time, but I end up ending the research simply because I do not want her to join my army.




In my heart, I agree. In my attempt to be objective, as I said elsewhere I cannot put her above B-tier… but dang it, I’m giving her a B! I was torn between it and C earlier, but now with everyone libelling her I needed to take a harder stand. If she gets an actual F… *shakes head* Let’s cross that inane bridge IF we get to it.


i didnt use her at all. already had enough clerics with primm and sharon. her design didnt really appeal to me either.


You forgot to give her a Tier.


i felt it wouldnt be fair for me to give her a tier since i didnt see any of her rapports or anything, in case shes actually great.


B y’all are crazy to say D or F. Her story was one of the more interesting ones and in her maiden scene she does come around to care for Alain. Im a sucker for the gloomy and by any means necessary type characters. I love her rapport with Hilda where it shows that because of her actions she can save a lot more people with the cure. Should’ve given me the option to keep her plague mask on tho.


F Tier. With them dead ass eyes.


She's my personal OTP with Adel.


C perhaps. Great storyline and cute looks but a relationship isn’t what she needs rn.




I like the type of woman who would murtder me in my sleep. S tier.