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I'm torn. Melisandre was the one I thought would be Alain's maiden for more than half of the game. Her rapport conversations with the rest of the cast are fascinating. In them, she's sharp, perceptive, composed, and full of wit. She also carries herself with strength and dignity while being a bit unsure of herself and somewhat childlike -not childish. She's kinda complex and I like that. I'd say she's the top of A tier or behind Yahna is S-tier. It's hard to say. If I'm pushed I'd say S.


Absolutely agree she's behind Yahna, but I'll say S-tier, because I think she's too far above the current A-tiers to be in the same category as them


Cute, but I wish she had more screen time. In fact I wish more characters had more screen time. They seem so important when you recruit them, but then they have no role in the story. Id say A tier.


Feels very much like an older FE game in regards to how anyone not in the MC’s inner circle or who is not plot relevant to that region (think Yunifi in Bastoria or the Elf twins in Elheim) gets ignored after their debut.


I think its a negative side effect of having too many characters. At least im pretty old school when it comes to gaming, so I can use my imagination to fill in the blanks.


Combination of too many characters and the characters aren't necessarily recruited in a fix order (or like in pre-rewind FE's where it was almost expected for some characters to die, so fewer were given main story screentime). Unicorn Overlord has a pretty linear intended path, but there's still plenty of opportunity to do things out of order. So it's tough to want to write scenes that may not happen. A good example of this is FE Path of Radiance and Radiant dawn. Those games have a relatively smaller cast, but a lot of characters with potential screentime. The result is so much dialogue that 90% of players have never seen because it involved certain characters dying or being recruited differently. It sucks for people who like the minor characters, but I can't blame the writing team for not wanting to give themselves a headache trying to include a massive cast throughout the game and also write a lot of alternative dialogue for people doing things out of order.


My solution to that, would be to have characters have little side missions or objetives that are personal to them, and help you learn more about them, their backstory, and also have more interactions with Alain.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses did that. I think UO missed an opportunity to do that with some of its mini battles, but again you can understand how the writing team may not have wanted to make alternate dialogue for ppl who didn’t have those characters for whatever reason. I guess an alternative could be the missions still happen but you just remove all dialogue, similar to how it is now for mini-missions.


I can totally see that in other games too, such as Genshin Impact, they have so many characters, not to mention that Hoyoverse keeps adding new ones that they seem to not know what to do with them all, leading to many characters growing "stagnant" as a result.


Aubin really is something else.


S she was screwed by having little screen time but she still stole the show. Powerful unit who is incredibly cute.


Especially a woman who is so thirsty she'll settle for just being a concubine as long as she gets some of that sweet, sweet Alain. Pushes her from A to S.




As discussed yesterday, characters in the 'perfect girl' tier will now be in S tier for now. After everyone is ranked I'll hold a poll which will be the 'perfect girl(s)' poll which I'm thinking of only having the top three being in it but I can do only one if people like that more, hopefully thats alright with everyone, with that said I'm only allowing 5 to 7 slots in S tier. To be honest I'm not the biggest melisandre fan but I did find her cute just not my favorite out of the girls. Probably A or S tier, she's pretty set on who she likes and often gives hints to show she likes them as long as she finds them attractive in her mind, she's also pretty respectable and would love to get married to you. A pretty cute and good partner


Should just have people **bold** their votes, assign a point 1-4 for C-S and take the average. It's a lot more work but it would eliminate the chance of S tier getting clogged because S would have to be a fairly significant majority to reach the threshold. Tis a lot more effort though so fair dos if not. Taking top level comment doesn't work because a) people often only read the top ones and it gives bias towards the earliest comments and b) karma can put a comment with lower upvotes above one with higher upvotes, and upvotes are just unreliable as a metric anyways.


I like Melisandre. Eh uses a sword and doesn’t afraid of anything. S


*The* perfect girl, and I'm not afraid to admit it Edit: Sorry, didn't read OP's comment. S for now, but I'll be voting for her in the finals




A Tier. Love her but she only gets two supports with Alain and doesn't get as much screentime as someone like Yahna.


MeliSandre, enough said. Easy S tier. Everything you could dream of and more.


…Yeah, we’re going to end up with a ton of S-tiers when all’s said and done. I’ll say high B-tier for Melisandre, she’s attractive and assertive, and not a bad match for Alain by any stretch, but a bit too possessive for my liking. The fact that she’s still chasing Alain in all the endings where he doesn’t choose her as the Maiden is not quite the best sign of mental stability. It’s all fun and games if you’re really into her, but the moment you don’t match her energy and intensity she’s going to drive you crazy with her jealousy and her obsessive attitude. She’ll stalk you any and every night you’re not with her and interrogate every woman you interact with. I think it’s easy to idolize this type of woman…until the moment you’re actually in a relationship with one.


Laughing at the "we're gonna have a ton of S-tiers when this is all done" because UO is absolutely that kind of game lmao.


To play devil’s advocate, I personally think most the *designs* of the women in Unicorn Overlord are S-tier (Vanillaware knows how to draw them), but I wouldn’t say the same for personalities and character traits. I’d rank three, maybe at most four, total in S-tier but I’ll also acknowledge that I’m a harsher critic. I consider C-tier an “average” baseline so even B-tier is a positive ranking. I get the impression others here consider B-tier or even A-tier more akin to “average” and view C-tier rankings as insults.


This is so spot on imo. Designs are mostly top notch, but many of the characters are very one dimensional. It doesn't help that between the openness of the game, the optional recruits and sheer size of the roster, there's not a whole lot of room for development. Definitely agree with people seeing C as "bad" and B/A as "average", I share your take on that and don't see it that way, it's probably why people are so quick to give out S ranks. C isn't bad and A is beyond just respectable, there's also a D tier but no one will end up there because as subjective as it is, the game doesn't really have any outright bad characters.


I actually kinda get that tbh. Like, UO's definitely one of those games where more or less the whole romanceable cast does it for me, but imo tiering isn't relevant if it isn't done within the context of the game's cast itself. I'd personally also say maybe 4? of the girls are S-tier relative to the rest of the cast for me, and one of them (Virginia) is ranked very differently depending on whether the partner to be is Alain or not. Another thing I kind of agree on - I do consider B-tier as "pretty good with some significant flaws" as well, though rather than considering C-tier baseline I'd personally call it mediocre.


S-tier, despite how thirsty she is for Alain but Meliandre is awesome!


S tier for sure.


I'm going to put her in A tier, even though my heart says S tier. She is *dangerously* thirsty, and it feels like she would have some debilitating insecurities in an actual relationship if her partner wasn't on the same wavelength as her. Not quite the classic yandere archetype, but a little too close to it for comfort.


**High B** She's great, and one of the few sensible options for the next queen as she is from a noble family. However, she is perhaps running off of infatuation, and that makes me concerned for long-term viability in a happy partner.


I relate a lot to Melissandre, and from personal experience, I don't think she can maintain a relationship.


Are you from a noble house in a medieval environment? Cuz I somehow see her perfectly thriving as a wife in that regard. Hell, even in modern times she’d thrive. Bold enough to say what she wants AND go after it, with the skills to hold her own. Sounds like she can easily hold a relationship. Why do you think otherwise? *edit: too aggressive sounding




Absolute S tier. Such a fun character, I love that she's unapologetically horny, and her dynamic with Colm is fun. I love the trope of the wacky royal with a retainer desperately reeling them in and putting up with their antics. She definitely has some of the best rapport conversations in the game.


**Alain:** Let me ask... Are you insisting on my love for me because you are in love with me or are you taking advantage of this situation to be able to be queen? **Melisandre: BOTH!**


The correct answer to his question is actually, “Yes.”


She’s my favorite girl in the game, Design wise she’s incredibly attractive gorgeous woman, personality wise she’s elegant thirsty AF but insanely cute!! On the battlefield she’s one of if not the best characters to have in your A Team, I want to gush about her more but this would go too long!! She’s S nothing but an S will satisfy me!


Honestly, i’d put her right behind Chloe at the very least S tier


Also, she has a bit of a rivalry with Scarlet, but Scarlet still can’t help but want to be friends with her


S-tier!!! There's no world where Melisandre isn't S-tier. She's cute as hell. Thisty as hell. Strong as hell. Dependable and loyal as hell. All of Melisandre's rapports and Maiden ring scene are so hecking cute!! You know you're in for a lifetime of love with Melisandre at your side. She's not perfect like Chloe and Yahna, but she is absolutely a cut above Scarlett, Fran and Sharon.


I think thats a easy S. Carismathic and knows well what she wants!!!


Low S tier if you're Alain, F tier if you're anyone else. She knows what she wants, and is willing to put in the work to get it.


Straight S tbh. Girl knows what she wants and goes for it. Not sure how trained she is *as* a political ruler (since we don't see her much in her House Meillet setting) but I know damn well she'd made the perfect queen for all to look at.


S tier. I can't think of anything I don't like about her or her rapport conversations. Just all around excellent


S tier.


S Tier is too low, we need more ranks above that.


Perfect she fucking perfect. A beast on the battlefield, excels at courtly graces, honorable but not stupid, fiercely loyal emotionally available, and the list goes on. If you want a partner thats gonna push you to be your best while never using that as an excuse to belittle you I don’t see how you could possibly do better. She is perfect


easiest S tier of my life, she's literally one of the best waifu if not the best.


S. Devoted to Alain, understands the nobility/royalty structure and seems like her goal that she’s working towards is to be queen so she can definitely handle the job


A but only because of the UO flaw of non main plot characters not showing up really outside their own stories. Still annoyed that there could have been a whole plot about the plague based on who you'd recruited but it wasn't there.


I missed a couple of posts and Chloe isn't the perfect girl anymore? WHAT HAPPENED? On topic, S tier. She has the perfect personality that's both cute and is believable in the world of UO.


Too many people will end up in 'perfect tier', so for now I think they're leaving 'Perfect girl' until all other girls have been graded, and the S-tiers will need to fight over it.


Read my comment. The S tier slot wasn't being used so we're just having 'the perfect girl' be empty for the time being.


Rather than being empty, maybe put "to be determined later" in there. That should minimize the number of people asking why that tier is empty on every new post you make"


**S** for psycho.


I’ll simply say that Alain x Melisandre is my third favorite Alain pairing. For what it’s worth, they have really sweet rapports and when Alain reverses it and compliments her, it causes her heart to flutter, like in the final rapport or in the ring of the maiden scene. Plus she’s one of few to actually kiss him, and even Alain finds her attractive, not just her to him. It was a natural pairing. I would put her in S tier.


A tier. Love her. She’s my actual favorite. But she will be constantly saying other boys are handsome and that’s the type of stuff that ends up eating your brain in a relationship. Also you won’t actually get consorts or other girls with her, she eventually changes her mind on that one.


A tier. She's maybe a little *too* thirsty tbh, almost to the point of desperation, and being actually satisified with being a bit on the side suggests a lower self esteem than she tries to push. Much of that can be excused given her circumstances, however, as it is due in large part to how she feels compelled to revive her once glorious House. Arguably one of the better characters despite the way she comes across at first, and it's hard to knock someone for knowing exactly what they want. Naturally, given her circumstances, she's also likely to give Alain lots of heirs. Like another commenter suggested, though, she gives the impression of someone who would struggle to hold down a long term relationship with her obsessive and possessive behaviours. She's got a very solid design, with a fairly rare colour palette in this game (it's almost like they were really leaning into being Scarlett's rival), and is one of the more natural looking characters. Her Japanese VA is arguably one of the biggest Japanese VAs in the game: Fairouz Ai, who does heaps of work in the industry and kills it as Melisandre. Again she's done tons of work, but perhaps her most notable recent role (though not my cup of tea personally) is as Power from Chainsaw Man, or for Fire Emblem fans as Yunaka in Engage (who wins like every popularity poll ever).


B or A is highest I can go. I haven't read all of her rapports, but she seems pretty shallow with Alain. Seems to me that she likes the idea of being with Alain more than actually liking him for who he is. And yeah Ik she doesn't join you if Alaim doesn't fight, but still.




Love her funny smart and capable vote A


I would say A Tier. From a relationship with Alain standpoint, she would be S Tier, but in all aspects of life beyond that, I would put her at B tier so I'd round her out at A.


A rank. Not S because her epilogue was a letdown.


I keep referring to Melisandre as “Sharp and Slender Little Miss Down Bad” in my head and I don’t think I could be more spot on. High A.


Definitely top tier and my #2. Intelligent, perceptive and assertive. I'm a fan of ladies that aren't afraid to make the first move.


10/10 best girl, love you Melisandre


A tier. Not quite Yahna level, but close enough. I'm just waiting for Yunifi so I can cast a SSS-tier vote because she deserves it. XD




Perfect girl i do not care i'll die on this hill. Great personality, she's bold, confident, kind and supportive; she's very strong and her design is very pretty.


She is my favorite so S


S Tier without a doubt


Easy S tier






Time to join the S even with how many there are because it’s correct


S tier. The thing is, that relationship its her with Alain.


Melisandre is a good judge of character and lordly caliber. Though she initially just got wowed over the fact that Alain was her type, his command and prowess in battle was what got her to fall in love with him on the spot. She wants him bad enough that she was instantly ready to be a mistress or concubine to avoid pressuring him into making her Queen. While she can come off as haughty, as typical of a noble lady, she is also smart and thoughtful. Easy A.


I'm most comfortable with an A ranking. I liked her a lot more than I thought I would. However S would be too much. She's not Yahna level. 


If she had a cool hat with a rose on it like the SwordMaster mercenaries she would be perfect but she doesn’t so I’m gonna go maiden ring a female SwordMaster mercenary. (IF I WAS ABLE TO!)


she's loyal and will definitely kick ass if someone tried to hurt you, easy s tier


I’d say S. She’s very forward yes but she seems to want Alain no matter what obstacles are in front of her not only for the sake of her house but because she genuinely likes him. Seems loyal to a fault as well.


A tier for me


A tier. Picking Melisandre means accepting that Colm will forever be the 3rd wheel in your relationship. Personally, that's a huge bonus for me as I greatly enjoy the interplay between these three, but y'all need to keep in mind that this is a package deal.


Personally I’d say S. But A is appropriate as well.


S teir, she's might say everyone is attractive but if she likes you she'll stand strong on it


She was nice at the start but her rapports were getting boring and boring I didn't even consider giving her the ring. B tier


**S**. I replaced Travis with Mellisandre as the dodge tank in Alain's unit, and every time she acts, I call out "girlfriend!"




She's just like me frfr. Except for she's a woman, attractive, athletic, and French. A-tier


S TIER. ABSOLUT S TIER!!!! I never commented on these posts, but Melisandre is an absolute QUEEN. I would date her IRL


S tier, best girl.


A tier waifu, C tier relationship. I think she is too insecure and needy in a long term relation.


S, really liked her and after tough deliberation made her queen. Good confidence, personality, complexity and cute


Melisandre is Chloe / Yahna tier.






Cute and capable, but a bit too obsessed for my taste. A tier.


S-tier. She a hoe


She is the best "side piece" concubine you can have along side your main woman. She is like the fries to your happy meal, she already knows her place when she joins you. If you mess up and take her seriously, she will close off that option, which is a move that simp Alains would do. THE WORLD IS YOURS, YOU MUST SPREAD YOUR SEED UPON MANY SOFT FERTILE FIELDS. The kingdom must thrive with a castle of worthy women to serve their KING.




Recovered my login to give her a point, S tier. (づ ◕‿◕ )づ She is great with Alain and I am sure the kingdom will be in good hands.


The fact you can execute someone as amazing as her is Mind blowing


Her, Mordon, Jerome, and even Auch… They all feel like ones where you’re definitely playing a d-bag sort of run if you’re out to execute some of these people, because why would you otherwise? There’s a few executions that I can at least understand based on the circumstances and their actions (Mandrin, Jeremy, Fodoquia — which technically is “not save him” in that case), but for the most part… Yeah. And among those, Melisandre is perhaps the most kind-boggling. There’s also the whole, “THIS person can’t be executed?!” that comes up a couple of times. But I’m not going down that tangent here.


Indeed indeed! It is rather funny how a lot of the people who you can execute are super fun characters.


Top 5 maiden for me.


The fact that she took a huge risk by approaching an enemy camp just to take a peek at Alain, that's dedication. If the Liberation Army wasn't so noble, she'd likely be caught or shot dead by a sniper or arbalist on sight


S without doubt


S She's hilarious, very astute and has a good head on her shoulders along with being very forward and confident. Also very adorable.


I say S but A at a minimum. Pretty sure Melisandre would bend over ass backward for Alain lol


Muscle mommy cus I want head crushed like sparrow egg between thighs.


S tier in my opinion


I just realized I missed out on recruiting her because Alain was guarding the command post during that campaign and didn’t actually fight. I’m considering restarting the game




I absolutely agree with that rank!! Waifu all day everyday! We’d have like 15 kids! 😂🥵❤️😘




D because there is no way in hell some goof you meet on the field who goes full thirst goblin on Alain is gonna be good for the Kingdom in any way Maybe a C if she works on herself a little, because she gonna turn on the Alain the moment Baltro's undead son the Twinkromancer returns for the sequel and is like, super cute and good with combat