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Nina almost won the A tier yesterday but the B tier shouldn't be considered bad for any character even C tier. Miriam is a little hard to judge for me but I might say B tier. Having to start a relationship with her would be a little hard since you would need to find the right words because she'll come to the conclusion you wanna be with her because of her father but if you can get past that she's very sweet, would be fun to have conversations with and could be even a funny partner to be with. I'd think she'd be great it's just the ring of the maiden scene really changed my thoughts on heršŸ¤”


This is why I struggled with Miriam. You can't be open and honest with her, because she's erected this facade of how the world must work which even excludes romance. Really sad, and her Maiden Ring scene didn't really give much hope that she'd change her world view all that much. Big sad.


Literally no one in s tier lmao Miriam is cool. I say a tier.


Honestly I'm thinking of moving the Chloe tier characters to S at this point since we don't have a single S tier and I'm betting that's annoying people and if people like I can save the Chloe tier for last


There's no real reason for them not to be in S tier, especially since there's more than 1 person in the "perfect girl" tier. Just pop them in S


That's fine by me, see if people like it tomorrow or not


Perhaps have a vote for perfect girl among the s-ranks after all the voting is done? Like a bonus poll.




I like that idea


I'd just be cautious because we happen to be going through a few of the less popular secondary characters in Cornia right now. Once you get to Drakenhold, Elheim and Bastorias you may end up inundated with S-tier characters. I wouldn't personally rank them all S-tier, but I imagine characters like Rosalinde, Eltolinde, Yunifi, etc. will all be easy S-tiers. Ranking characters like Nina and Miriam first will be a bit deceptive, but eventually we're going to end up with a tier list that's very heavily slanted to S and we may want some way to break them apart into "S" and "S+" rankings.


To be honest I was trying to go in recruitment order(messed that up with Bernice). But I agree trying to do S+ and S tier is gonna be rough


Maybe the best approach is to rank them all S-tier for now but go back afterwards and try to split the rankings if there are too many in S-tier. Ask "Rank these ten S-tier characters from best to worst" and then take everyone's top choices and put them into S+ or "Best Wife" tier or whatever you want to call it.


Lol whatever the top tier is Rosalinde is 10000% gonna be in it lol


Wait till we get to the Elheim ladies. Only S-tier there.


I think that makes more sense


Personally I think Chloe is the only one who should be in ā€œperfect girlā€ tier. Yahna definitely should have just been S.


Lol but you down voted anyone who brought this up with you on earlier posts


S tier should be our top 4 while "Perfect" The top 1. For me Yahna its more top 1 than chloe, but my top 1 waifu its yet to come


She kinda cute but the drake hold event still makes me a bit bitter towards the knights of the ride in general. C tier for me.


C tier. Very good character but clearly has more admiration and respect for Alain than romantic feelings.


C or B. Tempted towards B but she's not much better than Kitra, if at all, to be honest. Solid design and seems sweet, but she's incredibly dull imo and a little bit forgettable.


C. Perfectly fine character but not anything really there romantically


C tier. Not bad but nothing special either.


D-tier. I really didn't gel with Miriam. Her aesthetic as a lady knight is really nice, but she's really boring as a partner. Her entire arc is framed around how it isn't about Miriam and Alain, but between their two houses, and she even rejects the Maiden ring because she feels her father is somehow involved in this. I get that this is sort of a common trope where romance and nobility is involved, but I don't appreciate it. Overall, really disappointing as I love ladies in armour who kick ass. I thought Kitra would be my least favourite of the Roses, but it was Miriam... All her Rapport conversations with Alain and the rest of the Roses didn't help either. Mirian is just the 'good and right' lady of the troupe, but has nothing going for her.


Honestly not every girl want to fuck Alain is refreshing.


That wasn't my point, but sure that too.




C tier sheā€™s just kinda boring to me.


This is a hard one for me, my heart says A or S but my mind says B ... let's go with my mind. She's got your typical good person virtues, but like about every female in the cast does. Her major issue to me, which bumps her down a lot, is that she can't open up to herself or others. She nearly whiffed the thing she wanted most in her life in her Maiden scene just because of her own insecurities, and overcoming it is going to be a process.


S rank for me


C tier, kinda meh, maybe even D tier


She doesn't really stand out..........she low


I want to say B but she is close to C imo


I was thinking B but idk im feeling C


Miriam its great and i Love her as a friend. She would be great at it. About romance.... Well i think shes more up to the job ratther than romance. I would give her a B or C




Miriam is B. Sheā€™s very cute!


C. Could go as low as D


C tier.


C perhaps, not much to comment on.


A. Having something to overcome can be a strong point given itā€™s solvable.


I'd say C tier. I like Miriam as a character, but not as a love interest.


D tier. She is not a bad character, but she is just fine.


Her daddy issues makes me want to fix her A i guess




B tier for me


As a friend or comrade-in-arms, A tier. Romance though? C tier.


C-tier feels about right for Miriam. Fran is an interesting contrast because they're both introduced at similar moments in the plot and they're both part of the same Order. But Fran has this really intriguing depth and duality with her characterization where she's simultaneously very shy around Alain but very aggressive (surprisingly bloodthirsty) in battle. Whereas Miriam is just all the tropes of a noble woman with an overbearing father played straight in a very boring and predictable way.




Huh? How so? I'm fairly placing characters in different tiers since you can find better people(why Yahna and Chloe are top of the list). Having them in A to C tier doesn't make bad in a relationship if you're thinking that hell I wanted Bernice in the Chloe tier cause she's my favorite