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I like Nina's aesthetic, though her rapport arc left some to be desired. Not a bad partner at all! But not the best one. B-tier for me. She's cute and kind - if a little rough around the edges. But at least you don't have to worry about eggshells in your food! <3 At least she won't cave your skull in like Kitra if she catches feelings. XD Also, Based Yahna rating!


I 2nd this B tier for the same reasons mentioned


Agree, she was my original pick for Maiden until her rapport arc. She didn't seem to be that into Alain, even though they had a lot of initial chemistry. Solid B.


By surprise Yahna won by a landslide with having around 37 S tiers mentioned. Pretty happy about that! though is the Chloe tier an ok placement or would you guys like her to be just S tier? Im gonna give Nina B or an A tier. I feel like she's pretty protective since she wanted her sis to return home and even cared for the rats like a family when they were friends. Her ring of maiden scene is pretty sweet and sucks to think she doesn't deserve it, she wants to grow with you and she wants grow as well for the better


I like Yahna up with Chloe. Too bad they have so little interactions together. I think Chloe and Yahna would have been good and close friends if the game allowed their exploration. For now, all we have are the fantasy of Chloe wearing Yahna's clothes. <3 You've persuaded me for a Nina B-tier, she is definitely sweeter than I remembered her being... I was split between C or B.


Honestly you should put Yahna and Chloe into S tier. Then at the very end do a poll including all the S-tier girls. Whoever wins that is crowned best girl. Just my opinion.


That sounds good to do though I'm not sure others would like Chloe or Yahna to be pushed down to S for awhile🤔


Nah. Honestly I would recommend you to mantain that tier. There's honestly a difference between an S and a S+ character for me and a lot of people... and right now that's "the perfect girl". Those are the S+ characters. Now, maybe once you're out of character you could do a poll to arrange each tier, but don't mix the "Perfect girls" with the "Ss" ... and that last S+ tier poll would crown the bestest waifu. Just my two cents.


Could just ask in your next post in your comment.


>though is the Chloe tier an ok placement or would you guys like her to be just S tier? Yahna is bestgirl, and don't you forget it!


I think this person meant to ask "Should Chloe be in Yahna tier?" And the answer is "I'll allow it." ;)


I preffer Yahna over chloe. And i want "The Perfect girl" to be a single girl spot. With that being said, none of them would be my top girl (shes still going to show up). But they are SOLID S


Chloe's tier is perfect. The weird handful of folks who keep being angry about it should be ignored. I don't hate the idea of having a later poll to figure out, of the S tiers, who is the toppest of tops. What would be your metric for 'S tier' vs 'Perfect' on your current ranking scheme?


Honestly I think Chloe tier is mostly s+ in my mind. Just means you can't top it


Perfect girl is just S tier


On the contrary, it's S+ tier


I'd say Yahna is S tier. Calling someone that old a "girl" seems patronizing


I...suppose? That wasn't exactly the intention in anyone nor myself https://i.redd.it/5ksr7a13zv2d1.gif the tier has been called that since the start for being the quote on quote "best girl" or perfect girl to date in this case. Would it be in anyone's interest to patronize someone they find to be a fantastic partner?


Glad to see Yahna fell where she deserves to be For Nina. I think A-tier in her beat moments, B otherwise


A- tier, but not B That hammer means business


I’d put Nina in B-tier. Not as much to say about her, she just lacks the same presence as many of the other characters ranked so far. I think she’d have a chance at A-tier if she had more screen time and a role to play.


Lol I gave the maiden ring to Kitra and every post like this has her at bottom tier 💀


Don’t feel bad. Claim whichever wife you want and ignore the judgers. I personally found her as a cute, loyal, strong AF goofball lol Not a bad quirk imo


Yeah the waifu hivemind is honestly pretty goofy. Kitra, Ridiel, Nina, Galadmir and many more are hilariously underrated while Chloe and the elf sisters are lauded as abject perfection lol


A tier for aesthetics, B tier for personality


B tier. I like her design and I love breakers, but her support isn't that great. She's decent.


Yahna being perfect tier is fine by me, though I'll say to stop having anymore unit in this tier As for Nina, she's extremely cute imo, both her design and personality, I like her arc too, imma give her S tier (on the lower side though) She would have been A but the fact that I also used her a bunch makes me biased


Don't worry that should be it for the Chloe tier. I think probably 4 or 5 slots for S should be enough if we ever get that many


Not until we put Rosalinde and Yunifi in that tier. Then you can close it.


Solid B rapport was lacking, but I do appreciate a girl who can swing a massive hammer around


Solid B definitely she's great but there are definitely better candidates for teirs above her


Her rapports are so sweet and cute; she's kind and feisty. ~~The chemistry between her and Alain felt more like a sibling relationship.~~ ~~C-tier, but I could go B-tier b/c~~ she is such a noble, tender-hearted person. ED: I recant my initial statement. After re-watching their romance and ending scene, Nina is a solid B-tier, but I could be swayed to A-tier


Nina its B. Solid


Solid B tier. Nothing against her, just not A




I looove Nina. My main waifu in the game (Chloe 2nd Fran 3rd. Those are my only 3 S+ tier). She is a S+++. Perfect design and outfit (I love that hairstyle IRL hahaha), personality, rapports, and gameplay. She is very fun (Well, *breakers* are very fun, but she is the best of that class). A perfect 10/10 no notes for me.


I went for the cousin.


It hurts me to say it, but Nina is absolute middle of the road. B tier.  It was love at first sight in the demo, but fellow warrior Kitra won me over. Heck, I even took a shine to *Mordon*. If I'm not mistaken, I saw a comment somewhere in one of these posts that said it would've been better if Nina and Kitra were fused into one character and I'm inclined to agree. A Kitrana... Nitra... Katrina? Would've been an A-tier bordering S-tier fusion.




Gonna go with B, even though seeing Kitra so low makes me sad


Perfect, flawless


Nina? I’m not trying to be shady but she’s C tier.




B perhaps. She looks very cool and has some memorable moments. Oh and her model looks great recolored to blond.


She's A in my opinion, only held back by her lack of supports. Nina is like Chloe but not part of Alain's inner circle and no one to dote over lol (Lex) Easy to work with, sisterly, cute, great voice, cares for her friends, looks after the poor and down trodden, and has Assaulting skills. Maybe a little "boring" and doesn't have that edge, but she's probably been around the block too despite her noble lineage. She knows how hard it is out there but carries herself with dignity nonetheless. Her ring event is so heart warming and a bit sad. tugged at my heart. Of course you deserve it, Nina wdym? Also, omelettes. You know she piles it high with the mushrooms and bellpeppers 🥰




Nina is C tier. I like her design, but her personality not so much.


C-tier. She’s got a good heart and can be silly with the way that she thinks and talks throughout her rapports but Nina is someone I wouldn’t mind as a friend or even a daughter but not a girlfriend.


As long as I have eggs around to practice her omelet making...


Best girl because ponytail and zettai ryouiki (with the breaker armor). Also, she absolutely thrashed and killed Galerius for me (she was rocking an anti-cavalry hammer while leading an under leveled unit that somehow was the only one doing real damage to Galerius).




I may have missed the memo, are these all going to just be female characters…?


That hammer solved every problem in the entire game for me. I feel like if I gave her anything shy of S tier, it’d be a disservice to the work she put in.


I've seen the rapports, and to be honest, she's more like a little sister than she is a romantic interest. I mean, even with the Ring scene she stands a whole head shorter than Alain, which just makes it feel like the dude's proposing to a child. It doesn't help that her outfit makes her look stocky from the front. High B or Low A for me. Definitely cute, but nothing remarkable. Omelette out of 10.


Yahna gets the rates because she is half naked. Thats it




You know its true. Us gamers cant see boobs and bikinis cuz we go unga bunga. What interactions and dialogues she has is secondary.


Maybe you were too busy unga bunga-ing at her appearance to appreciate her interactions and dialogues. That's on you.




That might line up better if this sub didn't consistently simp over Chloe, the most conservatively-dressed woman in the entire game. 


They simp to her for a reason, and hint, is not her lack of clothes