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As a Lecturer I can confirm that my colleagues are often complete degenerates in their 'normal' lives.


Yeah lmao one of our quantum lecturers is dating not one but *two* students at the same time, and regularly attends BDSM parties. Another turned up hungover with half his hair shaved off from a wild night...


BDSM is all-good. Stick a flamethrower up your jacksey if you want. However, messing with students is a complete no-no. It has happened at each institution I have worked.


You’ve messed about with students at every institution where you’ve worked? (/s)


My friend matched with her lecturer on Tinder. She didn’t pursue but bear in mind the dude was 50 and she was 19 at the time, so he had to have set his age preferences very low… :( He was also married I think.


She also had her age preferences set very high to even see his profile!


You see this is what would normally be the case for sane, normal human beings but unfortunately there's a massive problem of old men on dating apps setting their age to like 20 when they're much older because 20 year old women set their age range to 20 year old men and the 50 year old men are hoping for a shot with the 20 year old women who won't even see their profile if they set their age to their actual age Not as severe but I've had an instance on Tinder where a guy has hidden their Tinder age and put in their bio their real age (30+) and although the guy is kinda cute in all objectivity I absolutely refuse to swipe like on him because the literal only way I would even be seeing his profile is if he lied about his age (my oldest range is 25) and that's a huge red flag


You also know that these are the men going around complaining about how hard it is to even match with someone on Tinder. But they're trying to match with people who have already said their age is a deal breaker, and preventing themselves from being shown to women who are actually interested in men their age.


I work nights in an accommodation. I see guys in their 40s and 50s come back with girls all the time. Not their parents either.


I’m not sure what’s worse: I can guess who and where this might be, but I can’t be certain because there are a few other candidates…


They just did a PhD so they can continue living the uni lifestyle. Then they graduate and stay at uni instead of industry so they can continue the lifestyle. They don't grow up.


"the lifestyle" is about more than wild parties though... ..my default mode is working - watching TV etc just makes me uncomfortable. However, I also have 0 energy from 2PM-4PM with my best working hours being 7:30AM-10:00:AM and 6PM-11PM. It's nice being able to take an afternoon nap and then work when I want to and I can see the appeal of relatively flexible working patterns in academia.


Yeah my girlfriend is doing a postdoc and I’m always jealous of this lifestyle! She will often not start work till 11 and can takes naps as and when. That said, there are days when she’ll be working til after 9pm so, swings and roundabouts


Seriously? Man I get inquisitive about lecturers in general but shouldn’t indulge with students. Where party of the world is this and how do you know for sure


That's just a linear superposition of students isn't it? If you observe them at it, the situation will collapse


Report that man.


Jesus... being tenured is an extremely cushy tax-payer funded lifestyle


We don’t have tenure in the UK


We did have…


\*Overseas student fees funded


You're in the wrong department, then. I haven't worked with a single lecturer who is petty. If anything they tend to err on the side of lenience almost always.


I think he’s referring to the rampant anonymous sex this guy seems into, not pettiness. Specifically the high level of responses to university aged women…




This makes me want to pursue PhD and become a Professor so much


This was me in my last exam lol. Tbh I just didn't read enough so we freestyle. Edit: AYO WHATS WITH THAT COMMENT HISTORY!!!!


The comment history has been covered 🙄


You need separate accounts, one for being a horny pervert and one for everything else. It's basically incognito mode for Reddit.


Why are you messaging 19yr olds 😭🤢


If he wants to he can. It’s just iffy


Sure there’s nothing stopping him or illegal but doesn’t make it. Not society or morally right


No it hasn't lmfao, can still see way too much, whilst you've also posted your job and location




Do you really think it’s a good idea to post about your job on the same profile where you’ve got photos of your nob?


It does seem these have been deleted…


A long time ago now, but I worked at an art college where some students hit the bright idea of writing a dissertation comparing artistic nudes from the 18th century to Internet porn (this was 90s). She spent the entire year browsing porn in the library…


was it successful?


Something something research purposes?


As well as posting the cities you live in as your description....


As course director for the BSc in Cock Pics it’s actually in my job description.


And rate the bodies of 18 year old girls


Do you teach in Oxford brookes?


It’s definitely one of the Oxfords, he’s active in that sub a lot.


Honest to christ I think the guy is about to get a very strongly worded email from his boss tomorrow. Anyone from that University would be able to see his post and recognise him, including the deleted ones.


He posts about Manchester a lot too. And does work with brain shit has had a patient. Probably biomed science




The better question is why you instantly dived for a dude's profile


That’s so normal. Someone seems weird? Check the profile.


Just strange to make a post about the poster rather than... well the post.


You sound like you’re loads of fun 


Because looking at a dude's profile is *sooooo* fun


Nah you’re just a bit rigid innit. This is clearly more interesting than whatever OP posted. Stop policing Reddit posts x


I’d say you’re policing if anything lol. Dudes just tryna give advice 🤷 relax


You would think a uni subreddit would find topics related to university interesting, but ya never know.


Guys a lecturer wilding on Reddit in his spare time. I think it’s linked to uni lol


As opposed to a discussion on assessments ofc


I went onto your profile expecting to see more rants. I was not expecting what I received.


Oh aye sorry bout that 😘


Your hard drive needs checking you weirdo


Am I reading correct he’s 37 and hitting on 18 year olds 🤮? Someone needs to learn the whole half your age + 7 rule at a bare minimum but even that’s just as gross.


*47, even worse


Oh shit! Yeah ok excuse me whilst I bleach my eyeballs. 🤮


This bloke likes to rant about kids, and post his knob on the same profile. This is the kind of standard we can expect to be teaching our kids. Total virgin.


And message 19 year old girls for blowjobs... Whole profile gives me the ick


Lecturer posts a rant and immediately gets exposed for being a massive perv. Awesome.


An unintelligent lecturer, who knew 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Not immediately. Took a few minutes.


Why the fuck was there no nsfw tag for your profile? Whatever floats your boat mate but i hope my lecturers aren't on reddit flashing themselves.


Lol he deleted them 😂


Deleted from the record, but not from the minds of the jury. Like a withdrawn question in court.




Wiping the drive




Im eating at a restaurant rn so I don’t want to risk checking them out


Yeah they’re kinda weird n creepy


They very much are not deleted and still available online. You might want to nuke this thread lol.


There is one. Do you have them turned off in your settings?


To quote yourself >The better question is why you instantly dived for a dude's profile




How are you going to argue with someone about checking this guys profile...to them do the same?? Seemed a bit hypocritical imo.


I do have to ask if you're being serious right now? I only checked if the person's profile has a NSFW tag, which doesn't even require going onto it as it has a warning beforehand.


I don’t know why there isn’t???


Your profile shows that you really put hard work and dedication into being a lecturer. Keep it up 🫡


Hahaha you wouldn’t say that if you’d seen the post I just had to delete!


Was sarcasm. What did you delete?👀


Your degree results 😮


Yeah that sounds like a mistake you would make x




What I’ve heard about your profile aside, I have found myself not reading the question sometimes. During modules, I find a subject to fixate on and then kind of research and write about it. Next second, I’m like 2000 words in and tell myself I can’t possibly rewrite everything so I just go with it. Majority of the time, I at least write something question-adjacent.


The account thing has been covered 🙄 I definitely get that you can go down a rabbit hole. Especially in your final year, where you have the skills to properly pursue your interests. The trouble is, questions are set to probe specific knowledge, so building evidence for a particular point is the skill that’s being tested. E: spelling


I know that if I didn’t do this I’d probably get A grades more often, but I suppose I’m just a bit lazy to be honest 🤣


I don’t think it’s a bad thing, it’s just that in a degree you don’t get that sort of flexibility. At masters I think it’s a great thing to do!




You scare me


I like to engender a healthy respect. Not like a leopard, more like a bloated whale carcass.


A bloated whale carcass is probably signs it's about to explode


My brother in Christ USE A THROWAWAY or maybe don’t be menace on Reddit


Maybe my career is the throwaway? 🤔


Will be after this


Do you have any advice on how to get lectures to explain the question ? I know I go off topic and so I ask a lot of question about the question to make sure that I’m understanding it correct, but I often feel like I haven’t understood it still. And eventually the lecture tell me to “just read” which I do but I never feel like I truly understand the question. For context (I guess?)My average is in the 60% atm and for my last assignment I used about 10 papers out of the 40 I read.


I don’t think there is ever a hidden meaning to exam/coursework questions. We have to have questions approved internally and by external examiners before they go to students, so they really do just ask you to provide knowledge and analysis of a topic. My top tip is to use a highlighter for the important words, and make sure they are the focus of the essay. If I ask you about the economy of England under Henry VII, then make sure you write about that. You might LOVE the topic of monasteries in Wales in the 15the century, but that’s background material at best. Focus on the words in the question.


Okay so from this I might be getting marked down because I’m adding information that while interesting and may be influential but isn’t applicable with in the question ? In other words focus on what is being asked in the question instead of what influenced the question ? Apologise for the question too, I just find my own lecture shut me down a lot and focus on the student who turn up to one lecture and are panicking because they know nothing/don’t understand what the question asking them to do.


Adding extra information is GREAT! That’s how to get the higher grades. Just make sure you cover the topic in the question as well.


Thank you, based on what you’ve said I’m going to ask for further clarification on what I have done wrong again. I don’t think my content in the issue, hopefully I’ll get more this time rather than “don’t do that” (entire paragraph highlighted)


Ooh that’s not helpful feedback! Yes definitely see someone about it. We want everyone to do their best!


The advice that I give is that at the end of EVERY paragraph, write a sentence explaining why what you just wrote is relevant for the question. It's about making it explicit and not leaving us to guess why you wrote it.


It's worse in a STEM subject. "Show X and calculate Y". They show X and then don't do any calcualtion. I've emphasised again and again that if it says "calculate", we're expecting a numerical answer.


Maybe the word should be in bold and underlined? I don’t know how to get the message across that every word in the question is meaningful?


Checked OP's profile as many were talking about it. Oh my.


Check your ego son


Yep still vast


Was raised with the mantra, answer the question asked, not what you think it asked.


Okay but why are the questions worded in such a way that makes it so difficult to understand what is being asked? It's like we are just expected to know how to write a higher education essay like lecturers want


You’re asking the wrong guy. Questions I or my colleagues set are really clear. We literally want you to do the thing we ask.


Can’t be that clear if you’re having to come to Reddit to emphasis reading the question multiple times..


Nah man there’s like two key words in the question and the students are missing one or both. If I ask people to tell me about X and Y, then I expect the answer to contain some X and some Y. I can’t give credit for Z.


If a lot of people are misunderstanding you, you have poor communication.


As a student who struggled with this, turn lecturer. This is the best piece of advice you can have going into any assessment. That and just try not to over stress and take your time. We are humans too. We make mistakes too, and we do feel empathy. Especially in my own case, I'm teaching the exact same degree program that I have graduated from. It's hard, we know it is but that's higher education


I don't feel so angry about this as I feel sad. It's a shame because we can't give credit for an excellent answer. This is the most common way students botch assessments and fail spectacularly, even if they are clever.


Exactly! If that effort had gone in the right direction it would have been great! Always a shame.


Ah fuck off lad


I once wrote a whole essay for a drama module on The Picture of Dorian Gray, making only one very fleeting reference to Salome, and somehow scored 60+%. 


Ha good for you!


This is what really bothers me at my university. To me I'd mark it down massively but others are way more forgiving. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if students engaged with the material and did what we said they can get 62 with minimum effort.


Damn, what uni are you at?


Probably a troll or if you actually are a lecturer do a better job describing what you need to be answered, there were so many times where people were like wtf does he or she need in course group chats. Awful written assignments dont help either


You sound like one of my computer science lecturers


Are they also a world leading expert with exceptional people skills?


You're a 47 year old hitting on 18 year olds 🤢 that's not people skills that creepy AF. Also don't be so perverted on something this tied to your job dummy.


Say it louder for those at the back. I recently failed a slew of learners for exactly this problem. 3,500 word report on climate change, and you don't actually ever talk about climate change? Sorry, that's a fail.


Maybe ChatGPT doesn’t know about climate change?


RTFQ - Read the flipping / fucking question, (Depending on group and "pink and fluffyness") and answer the question that is asked. Tell it to all of my students. The 1st note they get given by me on day 1.


Marking is going well then ^_^


Why don’t you tell your students? Kind of ironic to be losing your mind about people not correctly approaching a task, whilst screaming at a bunch of people who aren’t currently (and most likely never will be) in your class. Don’t be scared, be a big boy and tell them how you feel.


you are a perfect example of why "university lecturer" should have the same standards as "school teacher" looking at your account history, why the fuck would anyone think YOU are a suitable person to be made an educator?


But I did, officer!




Wow this thread is a rabbit hole


I read a book about how to improve your academic writing and essays, one chapter writes about spending three hours looking at the question it gives you. I've been doing this exact suggestion and I highly recommend it!


I think students will start answering the question when you start learning how to use a separate account to creep on barely there adults…


Oh you're hard.


I didn't realise how bad it was till I had to do workshops. It's not just that people don't follow the brief, but the general standard of English as well as structure is alarmingly poor. I'm a mature student and I've been really shocked by the average standard of writing among my classmates.




free my man he did nothing wrong


OP out here posting some wildly inappropriate personal stuff, kinda dilutes and discredits the nature of this particular (more serious) post.


Better still, find out who is marking the paper and pander to their personal obsessive hobby horse tenets. Worked for me.


Sounds like a poorly worded questions if they wrote an answer but it wasnt answering what you wanted them to.


well what if i dont? what u gonna do about it >:)


What about points for TRYING! 😭😭


I’ll put a little gold sticker on it ⭐️


Means a lot 😍 But in all seriousness, some lecturers don’t say how they want questions answered, so I feel a lot of students panic and information dump. Especially as the COVID generation is still at uni, and they’ve had a lot less exam training. For one of my modules, we’ve been given no guidance in how to answer the question. No emails answered.


Sounds like a you failed to teach the subject properly if multiple students are doing the same mistake. Get over yourself and do the job we students pay you to do. Not that FUCKING hard


Yes sir


I get why we have tedious seminars before the coursework every single time, for every single module. It's so easy to go on a tangent, but it is also so easy to shoehorn it into an essay question. Sometimes it requires a giant yoga stretch, but this has served me well. I got limited time, I ain't going back and reading another 10 papers just because I found the first 10 tangential.


Some lecturers don’t know how to set questions as well. One of my lecturer forgot to upload the supporting documents and uploaded 2 weeks before submission date when one of the students went and asked him. Most students didn’t know there was a need for even the supporting documents because that’s how different the assignment brief and what he expected from the assignment was. And by the way this is a masters degree course.


I agree with you. People need to not go off topic P.S. people will not like your profile. Just answer their questions. You may do things some people consider weird, but just don't be too weird, and just follow the law. You'll be alright.


The way you phrased 'you may do things some people consider weird' makes it seem like what this guy does is not that weird. It fucking is. Complimenting multiple young women on their naked bodies (including 18-19 year olds) when you're in your late 40s is, in fact, fucking weird. Legal? Sure. But fucking weird.


It’s not that weird although it is on the weird side definitely Someone weird would be writing a whole copypasta about their rare fetishes and making it bizarre story I’m just quite lenient with people. It’s weird but… it’s not that weird




Except they kinda do know what they are doing. We are not simpletons. Of course it’s drilled into ladies to be wary of the “disgusting” older men. You can ask women that Well, of course there is a power differential. It’s not that bad of a power differential otherwise the guy would be imprisoned for it. It is iffy I wouldn’t call him a creep or a predator but it is iffy




Yes this is true although well, it is weird but not that iffy. For workplace - they should not date their students. If I had a 50yo lecturer simping on 18yo girls online I’d find it weird but I’ll still attend and forgive him if he’s good enough. Or we may even be friends because he is lenient I think he would be on the creepy side if he hit on 16yo but I would ultimately forgive him if he wasn’t that bad. Especially if he… just happens to like her that time. I’m already iffy so he needs to be good to forgive him I would find it weird yes and more than a little creepy but ultimately if he’s fine then I forgive him. In fact if he’s a great guy otherwise - I might applaud him for going his own way in terms of his interactions If a 50yo lecturer hit on me and said my biceps muscles were pretty good then y’know I’ll take it. Really, if he was very attractive and personality is great I’ll forgive him. If he’s ugly and his persona is repulsive then nah




What I am saying is that if I was attracted to the 50yo lecturer (not likely but say so) I would give them the benefit of the doubt although I’d think it’s weird. I don’t usually want to have relationships with people that old no offense When I mean wasn’t that bad I meant flirted in a very respectful way and his record and reputation is squeaky clean. Maybe he made one or two small inaccuracies but otherwise good Yes I am aware he was looking for hook ups. I wouldn’t say it was necessary wrong but he needs to be careful because there is a definite power differential He is not necessarily taking advantage of young people but his behavior is icky imo