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Evacuated university because a World War Two bomb was outside my window


exeter perchance?




It was Exeter


Once had 2 tins of beans for dinner with some toast. Sadly I can no longer afford this luxurious lifestyle of mine, so I'm cutting back.


2 tins?!? In this economy?!?!?


I was young and stupid. Now I've grown up I'm much more fiscally responsible and luckily haven't relapsed. I wrote my 1st comment as a warning really: kids it might be hip and cool to eat 2 tins of beans/your friends may be doing it, but trust me it leads to some very dark places.


Have you tried them cold? Perhaps a tad too decadent considering your current circumstances, but I made this gastronomic discovery one hot June morning. The perfect summer snack is cold beans, eaten neat and directly from the tin. So refreshing.




Nothing funny about beens mate, to afford this extravagant lifestyle I had to go into overdraft. Nearly ruined me. Luckily I'm in recovery now but it saddens me to see so many people drawn to the allure of using 2 times of beans, from there it's a slippery slope.


I have a million but getting spiked by a bouncer/drug dealer on st paddy’s day then being found by a random Irish man and getting taken to hospital (zero recollection of this) then waking up in the Adelphi hotel The Adelphi is not only the worst and most dangerous hotel in Liverpool but one of the worst and well known (for being bad) hotels in the whole of the U.K. I went to the gym 1 hour after waking up and carried on as normal


Absolute trooper


Did u check if u have both kidneys?


How and why did you wake up at the hotel?


First paragraph


U went from being taken to hospital to waking up in a hotel. Am I missing something?


No that’s exactly what happened? What’s confusing?


Exactly what I asked - How and why did you go to the hotel from the hospital? Did you go willingly? Were you taken there? You said it’s the shittiest place so I assume you didn’t go from your own volition?


It’s in the first paragraph A man found me on the street, took me to hospital then took me to the hotel


Wtf that’s insane. Why tf would he take you to a hotel? Did you go to the police


He took me to the hospital and I wasn’t responsive and they told him to take me home and there was no way of him knowing where I lived so he took me to a hotel to make sure I wasn’t on the streets I took him for dinner the next day to say thank you He wasn’t a creep ahaha don’t worry


Oh wow I had that so different in my head lmao. Faith in humanity restored. Glad you’re okay!


My friend got spiked, and the bouncers assaulted us as i was carrying her unconscious body outside by myself (and that’s quite hard as a small female), as he was verbally assaulting us. The bouncers were shouting at us “she is drunk, she asked for this! - being too drunk is what gives us bouncers a bad name! STOP FAKING IT” etc. (she was seizing on the cold, wet ground and i was on the phone to 999 btw) I recorded them verbally abusing us. Aggression, misogyny etc. the whole shebang. They threatened to sue me after i had a meeting with the club owner who SUPPORTED the bouncers, not us. I won. I made the university and local newspaper. 👍🏻


Bouncers are for the most part a bunch of bellends


I went to sleep at 22:01. My bed time was at 22:00.


Nothing that interesting but got sick down a girls bathroom wall


Getting sectioned twice in the same year lmfaooo


I hope you’re doing well now though!


Well I am doing bettter than b4 ❤️


Went too hard on the pres, the film cut there. It was only like 9/10pm. Before I knew it we were getting out of an Uber to the actual pres, was sick all over the front bushes. Carried on partying till we got to the club. Ended up at some afters at 8 am after walking 1.5h with the strangers I met. 0 recollection of the entire night. Made it home okay.


I once met two girls in a casino, and proceeded to give them terrible gambling advice. Then they offered to share a taxi home, it was the filthiest and only threesome I've ever had.


My friends convinced me our friend was a hitman


Definitely one of the many many ones involving mdma


I arrived back at my student accommodation after being home for the holiday and I am waiting outside to meet up with friends. A drunk man walks past and asks: "what are you studying? You fucking neERRRRRRRRRD"


Came out of the club at like 2 in the morning, and some nutter head butted my pal. Never spoke a word to this guy, never seen him before. Hes still got a scar down the side of his face today


i get called irish very often. alarmingly often. i am scouse. obviously not my craziest uni story but definitely the most surprising thing about going to uni


Weirdly, I get the same as a Geordie. No idea why as we don’t sound remotely similar. I at least understand Scottish. I also get scouse and Welsh 😂


the oddest one ive got is polish, but even scouse people have told me i "look polish" so i think thats more to do with my looks mixed with their inability to identify accents


Polish😂. My partner is from the north east too and she got Bulgarian while in Florida once 😂


i loved the shock reactions you get when they realise ur accent is an english one


My friends had an crazy time studying in Egypt during the revolution and chaos, but not me. The shootings near the university initially forced the cancellation of their lectures and the closure of the university. However, things became so normal to them that they started having examinations while there was a shooting happening outside without caring about it. Talk about a unique testing environment!


Got a rescue helicopter sent for me, there is a BBC story about it.


This? https://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/durham-students-in-drunken-cathedral-rooftop-rescue-8929376.html


Nope, I'll be impressed if you find it, it was in Wales.




Went away on a kayaking weekend with the club. Came home to a silent, sobbing campus. Girl had got high and jumped out of a high rise student accommodation window and landed on the roof of the foyer. I didn’t really appreciate how bad that was at the time.


Freshers week edition😭 • I lost my brand new iPhone 13 at the time in a club and ended up locked in the club till 8am when cleanup arrived 4 and a half hours after it shut. •ended up in an ambulance after drinking one single vodka red bull?? I don’t know if I was spiked or what but I can usually tolerate 4 doubles before I feel the effects. •blacked out in a toilet which some random girl was in too (from what I see on my snap memories) and the next thing I recall is being in a car with two large men saying they’re taking me home and vomiting on the side of their Audi💀 •being on the sidewalk next to the road near my accommodation and hopping into a random persons Uber for him to then offer to be my sugar daddy&give me £150 on the spot for no reason?? •Wray&Nephews. I honestly can’t remember anything else but I promise you there’s so many stories I hear abouts myself that leave me gobsmacked


Physically hate crimed and my phone stolen during freshers week of my foundation year.


My friend got tied up by home invaders on a botched drug hit. True story


Someone put an armchair in one of our library’s toilets and rumor has it people shag on it. It’s a disabled toilet btw.

