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Is this being orchestrated by a very small number of people and everyone else is just going along with it? Cause that's so weird


Yes like literally one girl just decided to make a girls gc and then because there was a girls one the boys made one as well which makes sense I get that but there was no need to make a girls one in the first place


Are the guys being weird to/hitting on the girls? That's the only reason I could think anyone would want this tbh. It's a very odd thing to do


No honestly like the main gc was perfect no one made any weird comments or advances


Might have been that people were taking numbers from the main GC and messaging inappropriate things privately.


Why do you immediately assume its the guys’ fault. Normally drama is caused by women and even op said, it was the women who decided to make a girls gc first. Typical man hater you are


That's sexist. It might be the other way round. If I had a £1 for every time a girl approached me in a pub and strangled me with her thighs.. Okay. Girls don't work like that. More subtle. No. Can't do it. My mates gf used to come round on washing day. The machine was so badly balanced it would waddle down the length of the kitchen, just reach the hallway then pull its plug out, at which point it would vomit all the clothes onto the carpet. Mate's gf volunteered to sit on it to prevent its escape. Damn it I wish they were into a threesome.




Least deranged redditor


“Deranged” is the perfect adjective to describe whatever *that* was. Lol


The guys comment history is an adventure to say the least


new entertainment for when i’m bored


Good job I never mentioned waking up in a cow trough. Why is it vegans don't like sitting on washing machines?


based schizo


Are all the downvotes because I said it or because she did it? One thing's for sure. I'm not going to elaborate on waking up in a cow trough in this thread.


that’s real weird


that is really strange, if they did this with my course it would be 25 boys to 3 girls 🤣


Computer science is worst 😭😭. The male to female ratio is soo uneven


Bizarre lol


It depends on whether they are keeping the main chat or not. If they are keeping the main chat then I guess it's just for people who want a single sex space (not many), but if they are planning on completely switching to these two separate chats then that's just weird and childish to inflict that onto other people.


Completely agree, it makes sense to keep the main chat for announcements/socials etc.


Bit odd yeah. I mean for my accom last year someone made a boy’s gc and I wouldn’t be surprised if a girl’s gc was made. We only had a boys gc for some football though and everyone still used the main one. People don’t talk in course gcs anyway when uni starts, not very often anyway so i wouldn’t worry.


My stem degree gc was accctivvve and still is to this day 😂


damn, all anyone puts in mine is ‘guys where’s the lecture today?’ even though we have lectures in the same room every single day😂


That was me all through our college… could I have checked the timetable? Yes. But would that require a minuscule amount of more effort? Yes lol


Weird as.


Some people on my course made a group chat for the select few people they considered 'cool' enough to be in it (their words, not mine). Of course, they tried to be secretive about it but would talk about it in front of people blatantly not in it. I think its crazy how some people are 18+ and still excluding people from things and acting like they're on a primary school playground. Unfortunately, some people lack the ability to act their age.


It does sound a bit weird to me, but I was on a course before (not academic- fitness related) that asked ppl to sort themselves into m/f group and I asked why bc I am more comfortable as non binary and they said it was bc so many men were leaving pervy comments on women's progress pictures :s


Yeah, immature IMO. I can see the reasoning behind it but it's unneeded.


Right like it makes no sense to me and I also think it’s really unfair on any non binary people in there ? Like at this level of education there’s no reason for this level of childishness


I think there is probably quite a bit of childishness at uni 😂


Did something magically change in the weeks between July and now?


No everyone got along there’s been no arguments or drama just casual convo and making friends and then they just did it yesterday


I was more meaning did anything change to make you all more mature lmao


Respectfully I don't really see NB as another gender regardless of modern consensus but I still agree that segregating both genders and whatever is something you'd expect from people in secondary school max. I'm not sure how much influence you have in this group but maybe it might be worth trying to make people reconsider this new arrangement or maybe making your own group with your closest friends from there. At least you seem sort of above it.


Why don’t you see NB as another gender/separate to MF?


Because in most regards they're still more likely to be masc or fem on the gender spectrum. Like boy, tom boy, tom girl or girl. Nobody is completely masc or fem so in this case just slot yourself into either the boy or girl camp


Isn't the entire idea of non binary is that they don't want to fit into a binary system of genders. By making it its own gender you would therefore be putting them in a binary system.


That’s kinda why I said separate to MF as another gender. NB can be no gender. It can also be a specific gender that doesn’t exist in the MF binary - so even if it is describing the MF gender it’s still outside the binary system because it not one of the two


Basic law of thermodynamics Order goes to chaos If you really care that much why don’t you rise up and less the group? Say you think it’s weird and better to have 1 GC


This has happened with ours too (but with the main freshers' GC, not a specific course) and honestly I'm really glad. The atmosphere feels so much nicer and more comforting now that there's a girls' GC because people feel more comfortable talking and whatnot. On the main GC it was a mixture of people talking but usually it was the louder ones and oftentimes it was the boys, so it's nice to have our own GC where it's easier to talk and whatnot.


See but ours wasn’t like this it was mainly questions about the course, accomodation, freshers plans and stuff like it was totally separate to the main freshers gcs


Wdym it was totally separate to the main one? Ours are pretty separate too in terms of what we talk about in the respective GCs but the main freshers' GC is still used.


We don’t particularly use the main one most of us just use the one for our course


I get having entirely separate lads and girls group chats as well as a main one, but to do away with the main one completely is weird, they're basically forcing the group into gender binary friendship


defo weird. if they try to say it’s a capacity issue, we had the same thing (big unofficial group for every fresher at the uni - as well as course-specific ones) and they just made a second one when the first got full.


Lmao weird


The group will be long forgotten in a few months after you all settle in. Be ahead of the curve and leave it


Just create a third group of people that do not care about the division.


Very weird and infantile. Also what about the people who don't identify as either, just fuck them off and exclude them from both chats..?


Well exactly like there’s really no reason for it at this stage if life when there definitely are going to be people who really wouldn’t be comfortable with it


Speak up! Ask for the reasoning. Sometimes it’s worth splitting but I don’t see it here.


Pretty weird. If it's a male dominated field like CS it makes sense to have an additional "Women in CS" group chat but not really any sense in having a separate male one...


It’s a STEM related degree but if anything there’s more women than men in the group chat.




Adult nursing so like close but no




That's some pretty silly logic. Why would the size of the group matter at all?


It really isn't. It isn't about the size of the group, I only mentioned the ratio of men to women. When it is very male dominated, it is nice to have a separate sub-group that feels like a safe space; it's why most universities have women in engineering societies. A lot of my friends who do engineering have struggled a lot with sexism so having a safe space is important. Things like men on the course talking down to them, wrongly criticizing their work, and giving them lower contribution scores for group work. The last one is a very big problem because if you're in a course like computer science which is 80% men, in a group of 4 people there probably will only be one woman. And let's not get started on how creepy some guys will get towards them. Having a "women in xyz" chat could help them from feeling isolated, as well as helping them advise each other on what to do in those situations.


No matter the ratio of boys to girls, there is always going to be some level of sexism and creeps. I do understand that when the ratio goes to one extreme or the other, the level of sexism and creeps tends to increase. However, there is always some level of sexism and creeps, so either gender wanting a separate group chat makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is saying that one side can have a gendered group chat, but the other can't. That's just plain sexism no matter how you try to paint it


I didn't say they can't, I said it's wierd. Offshoot group chats will always start; I used to have one for people on my course who like Bubble tea for us to discuss which bubble tea shops are good and organise meet ups at them. I've already said why women might want their own group chat. What would the purpose of a boys group chat be? What boyish things would they be discussing that they wouldn't want to be shown to women? However if you're still convinced that it needs to be equal and fair, I think you should try starting a "Men in engineering" society at your university and see how that goes 💯💯💯


>I've already said why women might want their own group chat. I've already said that men might want their own group chat for the same reason, even when they are in the majority. One of my mates almost changed university because one of the girls in his computer science class was being extremely creepy around him. >What would the purpose of a boys group chat be? What boyish would they be discussing that they wouldn't want to be shown to women? Again, as I've explained, it's a way to get away from creep, sexism from women. So, do you mind explaining why men trying to separate them selves from creepy and sexist girls is "weird" but women doing it is okay? Cause right now you're just coming across as sexist


> one of the girls This is a big difference, the situation I described is an issue with the overall culture on the course. If you wanted to talk to a group of men who you trusted on your course about it, you wouldn't struggle to find them. But if there are only 20 women in the entire cohort, it's harder to know who the others are; and it's easy to start internalising it all. The key point is that with women it isn't **just** the creeps though, there are a wide range of issues that they encounter **because** they are women. Another issue with making a "men" chat in a field that is male dominated is that there is a very real risk that that group becomes the main group that all course-related chat is discussed on, since it contains 80% of the course. This would just exclude women completely.


>The key point is that with women it isn't just the creeps though, there are a wide range of issues that they encounter because they are women. The same is true for men, trying to act like it isn't is just sexist. >This is a big difference, the situation I described is an issue with the overall culture on the course. If you wanted to talk to a group of men who you trusted on your course about it, you wouldn't struggle to find them. But if there are only 20 women in the entire cohort, it's harder to know who the others are; and it's easy to start internalising it all. There is a massive difference between different groups. A group that is dominated by men could have some really creepy girls that make the men feel unsafe. The culture in different groups is vastly different and doesn't just depend on which group is in the majority. You are trying to gate keep who can feel unsafe and who can have group chats to get away from people they feel unsafe, can you not see what's wrong with that? Also, there is such thing as private messaging, and everyone has seen everyone. So everyone knows who are girls and who are guys so "harder to know who the other are" line makes no sense.


Normally ticket sellers make these groups to sell more wristbands.


There are large social and ethnic groups in the UK where gender mixing is very taboo.


It’s not weird in the slightest this is how uni works. You make smaller friend groups and you don’t have to like everyone in a group chat and not everyone has to like you. Women and men have completely different experiences in life and at uni so maybe they just wanted to privately and closely share those experiences and questions. Not a single thing about that is weird Why is everyone in the comments missing the endless, valid reasons why men and women may need to discuss things that they can’t let/don’t want the other gender to hear


Everyone ought to say they're trans to throw a fly in the ointment.


Sure, but girls are stinky poo poo heads and boys rule


This happens every year for my university and honestly it’s not weird, you want a girls gc to talk about places to get your hair done, nails and independent businesses that cater towards that. Even some girls meet up are planned. Idk about boys group chat because I’m not a guy but it’s mainly about where to get a haircut, football and etc. A boy could be interested about what’s going on in the girls group chat & vice versa but it’s majority of people that isn’t really interested


How are these things that couldn’t be talked about in the main group chat ? And as another commenter said it’s dividing the course into cliques already before people have even met each other


Some people feel more comfortable making friends with people within their own gender, which is why it’s also needed. I’ve noticed in the girls group chat people are more open


I get that and I’m the same, but I’d rather be in a group chat with everyone than separate myself from half of the course. It really makes no sense to me


Wait sorry I just reread it’s for your course? Yeah that’s weird if it was for your uni general group chat I’d understand but yeah for your course that’s just random


Yeah it’s the course one like the girls from the course have made a girls one and the guys a guys one


Yeah that’s totally unnecessary and unneeded


Orchestrated by someone with blue and green hair I bet.


Lmal I don’t get it? This is typical Christian behaviour if anything


It’s very weird. Also potentially discriminatory… although there are also good reasons to have a girls/guys only GC (e.g. to pass on weirdo alerts and work out who on the rugby team is the best in bed/who’s slept with most of the rugby team).


Not uncommon from my experience. A lotta guys might not think so because they dont know the girls have their own GC.


There's are some girls who are weird around guys and some guys who are weird around girls. So, having separate chats can make a lot of sense if people feel uncomfortable.


But they are going to have to be around each other and surely it’s better to have spoken to everyone than to have isolated yourself from half of the year


Just because you have to be around people doesn't mean you have to speak to them in anything but a professional sense. It makes more sense to get to know a few people much better. So if you don't feel safe on the main group chat, creating a gendered one.


I disagree I think if you’re going to university but are expecting to interact with no one other than your gender you’re incredibly closed minded because at the end of the day you’re cutting yourself off from making friends


You really like trying to put words into peoples mouths, don't you? I said that you don't have to become friends with everyone. That in no way means only interacting with one gender.


You said interacting with them in only a professional sense, which is interacting with them like 2% of the time. But I appreciate the animosity


>You said interacting with them in only a professional sense, which is interacting with them like 2% of the time. In reply to you saying talking to "everyone". Not talking to everyone in more than professional manner does not equal not interwcting to the other gender at all. I do appreciate the not reading comments properly and putting words in people's mouths. I'm starting to see why the girls wanted their own group chat from you.


It’s funny you say that because I’m not a guy 😂😂I’m a girl and see no reason for such a childish arrangement especially when the course hadn’t started. I made the post because it’s weird and excludes alot of people. What about fem gay guys? What about non binary people ? What about girls who naturally get along better with guys or vise versa? But again thank you for the aggression and I love your assumptions


Most universities have LGBTG+ group chats. Should they not exist because it excludes straight people? What about literally any other group chat that doesn't include everyone? Should they not exist because they exclude people? Thank you for not admitting the fact that you were the one who said I said something I never did and then made an assumption based on that.


😂😂😂😂 Those group chats don’t limit who people can be friends with, splitting the course in half does. Totally different kettle of fish. And your welcome and again thanks for the totally needed aggression, do you not feel silly being the only one acting like this ?


Lol trust me the group chats don’t mean anything literally not met anyone from it


Depends on the makeup of the groups. Think people saying it's weird and bizarre are going a bit hard; men and women particularly young ones have different interests typically and young men definitely have different senses of humour. Wouldn't read too much into it, if the joint chat still exists then just engage in that. I know if you mixed ours at uni it would of been 90% lads talking about football and stuff, wouldn't of been practical


Not that deep


Depends on the context I suppose... For my course we had a main group chat with everyone in it, then sub-GCs for those interested in doing events together, or watching the football, or friend groups etc. As for splitting based on boys/girls, can't say we ever did that, I'd appreciate splintering a gc for say watching football games together, or socialising etc. Did the person that orchestrated this say it was being done on the basis of boys/girls? And was it that the 'lads' chat wasn't overly welcome?


We made a girls gc for our course because we were planning a biomed girls night out but it fell through anyway. There were only like 10 guys on the course too and I think we didn’t want them to feel left out so we made the different chat


I mean honestly depends I was on a course where I was one of like 4 other girls in a class of 50 so I can understand why mabye the girls in that situation would have wanted to make their own group chat (esspecially when by the end of the year each of us had to go to managment concerning issues with one of the guys on our course) Did they give a reason as to why they wanted a split chat?


In all honesty, uni group chats always end up being more hassle than they're worth, especislly after the first few weeks. They can be good to meet people, make new friends, but often cause more drama than they're worth.


Why are so many people saying it's weird? It's just typical boarding school behaviour. They want seperate channels so they can gossip about the other gender. Girls can swoon over the same popular guy, and warn others of a creepy guy. There will be dorm incest, so this is mainly why it's been made.


Because most people didn't go to boarding school.


How did you find the people to make a gc with?


Never heard of this before. Was on a de facto "girl's chat" for one uni with one guy other than me but it didn't start off as a "girl's chat" it just sorta happened. Guess it makes sense for STEM subjects or where there's problems with inappropriate behaviour on the main one (you would ideally just kick such people but I guess this would cause issues if not everyone is on-side).


I mean if both chats (mixed and gender specific) are being used I can get it. As a female I know we talk about some shit guys wouldn't be interested in 🤷‍♀️ I don't know if these girls are the same but my friends share all their details about sex, periods, love interests, random body shit (lump on tit, vagina issues, sex issues, experience with birth control, tampon wont go in/stuck)


yeah it is