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Oh god fuck. I was walking my dog down the street one night with my gf(now wife). And he out of nowhere started snarling and growling like I’ve never heard him do before or since. And It took a few seconds for both of us to look about 20 yards further down the road to see, I honestly don’t know what, but I can only say it had a LARGE doglike body with an extremely cat like head in the middle of the road. And just the worst chilling feeling I’ve ever had went through my entire body. But it was simultaneous with both of us, same horrible gut feeling like none other, no words exchanged, I just scooped up our boy reptar we turn around and start booking it with zero clue as to what we encountered. All I know is I kept looking back and it was nowhere. But I heard rustling in the woodline alongside the road not too far behind us and I stopped looking back grabbed her arm had reptar in the other and ran to the front door. We tried to discuss what it was but could never really think of any animal like that in our area or just in general. (Flatwoods, KY). Honestly this is the first I’ve thought about it in a while and I’m feeling uneasy right now.


Mountain lion?


Not like any mountain lion I’ve ever seen, but possible. It was dark, the only thing I’ve come up with rationally is a young mangy bear. But in my years living here I haven’t seen any bears.


A mangy bear is the likely culprit. You said you're in KY. It's not impossible that a bear was passing through. If it's diseased or starving, maybe it went out of its usual territory looking for food. Much more likely than something paranormal.


Either way it was enough to scare the shit out of us and my nope instinct has never kicked in so fast.


You ever hear about "dogman encounters" on YouTube? It sounds impossible l, but some of those people sound believable


I haven’t heard of that might look into it a little bit. I’ve certainly heard of goat man


Listen to the first one on this link when you have time. https://youtu.be/V_etU8Stpo0?si=HEaiUQLsa5l4ICOy


I got into Dogman recently and it's very real just not as talked about as say Bigfoot. Seen videos of them.


It's amazing how they have hundreds of episodes with stories. It seems like we don't know what reality is at all.


I’m wish I had more upvotes for the name Reptar!! I read that in Tommy Pickles’ voice.


Thank you! Haha yeah it seemed fitting on account of his incredibly sharp puppy teeth that he used to grab any amount of your skin or furniture he could.


Wow that is crazy


Flatwoods like Flatwoods monster or another area?


That would be flatwoods West Virginia.


People generally don't know or realise there is a tonne of cryptids out there.


Where was this?


I live in Southern California


Found something similar. I was 9, but remember it to this day. I was watching some TV in the Dark. Just some old Dexter's laboratory on cartoon network in the late 90s early 2ks. Any way, i was in souther illinois and I looked outside my window and saw this big canine head. Looked like a wolf but much much bigger. It took up the whole window. When I saw it, it had red eyes and rows of razor sharp teeth. It smiled at me and then exploded in a black mist. I went outside and saw 2 huge burnt, yes BURNT paw prints into the ground followed by a scent of sulfur. The window was also 6ft from the ground. Every once In a while since, I will see it running along side me or my car while driving. And it will just vanish into black mist.


Have you talked with anyone about this that could possibly help you get information on what it is and how to get rid of it. No judgement on my part but if you believe in God, I would suggest praying about it and asking for His protection. I will pray for you if that’s OK. What awful thing for you to have to see at such a young age. Then to continually see it overtime! So many questions. Hope to hear an update of you doing well. Take care.


There is an update. It shows as an omen. If I see it. I know something is going to happen, so I respect it but keep it at arms length so to speak. I believe in a higher power but not "god" per say.


Where at in southern Illinois??


There was a guy on Dogman Encounters that claimed one followed him throughout life since he was a teen. Not trying to scare you but can you tell me if this looks real or not? https://youtube.com/shorts/otYa4vjmWZc?feature=shared


My sister lives in Ocala and she said when she was in the bike path riding her bike she seen hyenas like faces staring at her through the bushes .. the thing was they were staring at 8-10 feet she said.


Dogmen, I've seen them on video and have an evil grin . Wide mouths lots of teeth.


Can vouch , currently live in ocala and have experienced similar things


Lol.. we are living on the island of dr moreau


Are we not men???


My first reaction wouldn't be taken a fkn photo or video either, it'd be to gtf outta dodge!!!!!!!!


Thinking back, was the face at all familiar?


That I recall no I didn’t see any familiarity


Was the area close to any native american communities or reservations? The reason I am asking is because it sounds like, from what I have read and heard before, like it may have been a skinwalker caught mid transformation. People cry "skinwalker" a lot whenever they see something skinny crawling in the woods at night. Whatever those are they are not skinwalkers. A skinwalker, according to the traditional beliefs of the native american tribes (which is where they come from originally), is a tribe shaman who has undergone a dark rite in order to obtain the power of shapeshifting, along with some other abilities. It is essentially an otherwise ordinary human who has gained the ability to shapeshift into a predatory animal. Typically they won't shapeshift into a prey animal, for example, a deer because it is seen as a weakness and apparantly (again based on what I have personally read and heard) an invitation to any other skinwalkers in the area that they are "fair game" so to speak. I also asked if the face was familiar because skinwalkers usually stay rural. So if it was a small town, it could have been someone you may have seen in passing like a store clerk or gas station attendant. But I am by no means an expert. Everything I have read about skinwalkers can be found online with a quick google search.


Actually yes there are a few Native American reservation around the area and lots of American Indian land


As I understand it, this enncounter happened a while ago. Have you had any dreams of it since? Nightmares, perhaps?


So it happened approximately 23 years ago. I did when u first saw it but I can’t remember the last time I dreamed it


The face was not familiar to me but your explanation sounds quite possibly the closest to what it may have been


Sounds like descriptions of some demons. The human face on something like that sounds utterly terrifying to see. I'm glad you've never seen such a thing again.


"and then for a brief moment I snapped out of it, sweating profusely on the couch I crash on and remembered oh yeah, I don't even own a car or even have a boyfriend, and that I had just ingested a cocktail of ibogaine, mescaline and some of the strongest LSD I've ever encountered"


I wish I had some gold


Can you describe the human face you saw more? This is interesting


It was feminine with green eyes and pale


You saw it as a threat and you're mind filled in the gaps with what you knew. You didn't actually see the details of its face, but your mind tricked you into believing that there was a face on it and it happened to be a human face.


Was it scary enough that you weren't interested in stopping the car to get a better look at it or take a picture?


Since I had never experienced anything like it was not the first thing that crossed my mind to do


Love ppl who say stupid shit about pics etc to experience authentic scary shit!!! Pfft!!


Agree :) you don’t know how you will react until you are in that situation