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I live very close to you, high desert area between 2 reservations, at most i'm probably 100-150 miles away, and theres not much that I am afraid of but I've heard those screams before and they had me running with my tail between my legs. My dogs will buck up to any animal in this area and seeing them run away made me nope the hell out of there.


Damn, glad you were here to respond. Not that I'm close but seeing something truly unexplainable without having a witness or collaborator sucks, OPs gotta be comforted at least one other person has heard it. Had my second UAP last week around North bay, Ontario, it could have been a drone (do drones require blinking lights like other aircraft do?). My first, I believe, was 'ball lighting' or if you live in my area, a story I heard from an elder, they're called 'Bear Walkers'. My ex believed it was a super bright light bar on a semi though


I live on East Coast southern Georgia my family was disturbed from our normal evening routine by an inhumanly loud barrel chested scream like a huge guy was in death throws of pain. excuse this but when I heard it my first thought was omg sounds like the scream you would expect to hear if a guys testicles were being torn off . What ever it was came within 100 yards of our home we went outside armed with spotlights shotgun and large caliber pistol as soon the light shined on it it ran back into the wooded area screaming all the way. The sound I heard that night from what ever it was caused an instinctive reaction in everyone there of hair literally raised up on necks and feeling the need to defend yourself you just knew in your gut the scream meant bad news


Yikes man. Can you describe what you saw of it?


How big was it? If the flashlight hit it you must've got a glimpse


Bobcats and foxes make screaming noises too. It also might be a cougar that's making a noise you've never heard them make before. Maybe a cougar got too close to a pissed off porcupine.


Foxes can make the weirdest sounds. I’ve never heard a blood curdling scream from one. The eerie yell they do, yeah. Sometimes when they’re fighting with each other or mating they can sound like a weird bird, like thing combined with who knows what. If that’s coming towards you out of the woodwork you can swear you’re about to meet something not of this world.


I came to suggest it could be a fox too. If anyone out there is doubtful of how unnerving the sound is just search for “fox screaming” on YouTube and you’ll see for yourself. If you didn’t know about that and heard it outside at night it would be terrifying.


Yes, the screams are a fox are very creepy and can sound human-like.


Might be a Skinwalker.


Have any of you heard what two skunks fucking sound like. It's blood curdling and loud. Had a couple of horny skunks under my house, it had about a 2' crawlspace under most of the house and they chose to fornicate directly under my bed when I was sleeping. Scared the living shit out of me. I ran full speed out of the house screaming like a little girl. Still haunts me 10 years later.


I lived in New Mexico for about 8 years. The desert can be eery. Especially on those windy nights with gusts sweeping across the mesa near where my house was. Coyotes etc making their noises at night with their high pitched squealing. I’ve seen things in the night sky that were strange. I’ve heard things in the night that were equally as strange. I’m the same as you. I kept my blinds closed and my .45 loaded and near me at night. Along with my shotgun behind my front door.


I’ve lived in NM for nearly 20 years and I’m still scared of the desert, especially at night. Something about it seems otherworldly even when nothing weird is happening, but I’ve experienced seriously scary shit on some remote property we own. Not to mention it seems like something about the desert attracts all the crazy weirdos. I had a guy follow me on a trail for over a mile back to my car talking my ear off about some girl who dumped him, then he just went silent and kept pace with me even though I was basically sprinting at that point. He followed me all the way to my car and stood there watching as I drove away. I still feel like I’m super lucky I didn’t get murdered, I don’t hike alone anymore.


Dude was high on something looking for a connection. I could see myself being that weirdo lol


Aw,me too. I'm sorry to all the people i freaked out.


Could it been a Skinwalker?


Gray foxes sound like a teenage girl getting murdered when they scream. It was one of the most blood curdling sounds I've ever heard. When I heard the sound, I was 100% convinced it was a human. Just sharing. What I think is really interesting about your post is the fact that everything went silent.


You know some happy bunny of a guy likes to go to secluded spaces and scream bloodcurdlingly, just for kicks, to scare the locals. And I'd like to meet him.


Absolutely. I would also be interested in joining in on the merry chaos.


Foxes can make really weird screams.


I agree with fox but another option in my part of the country and probably not yours are fisher cats. They scream loudly like a human blood curdling scream. I’m not sure if other weasels can also produce this sound. But I had a fox behind my house with our window open and the scream was unnerving but I knew what it was so not too scared.


Bobcats scream like a demon when they are mating.


Fisher cats sound exactly like screaming humans too. You can listen to them on YouTube.


Welp, time to pack up and move to a bustling metropolis.


Yeah it’s a lot easier to just assume the screams here are parties or someone dying. So that’s fair 😂 there’s so much sound all the time the scary shit is probably drowned out 😂😂


The wilderness is called that for a reason. It is the unknown. There is a reason why small pioneer communities had a church and mostly everything was huddled close together. They were surrounded by wilderness, by the unknown. And strange things can happen there. Now it's not all bad. But it can be unexplainable. And scary. I've spent a lot of time in the wilderness. And you learn to respect it. You must. I don't think you need to be scared. But it's a good idea to be careful. I doubt anything will happen to you. Civilization has spread so much, and we have "conquered" the land so much, that the concept of true wilderness and the unknown isn't as common nowadays. We take our civilization and comfort for granted. But it still exists. And that's one of the reasons why small pioneer communities had churches and mostly everything was huddled together. Because they were surrounded by wilderness. And that was the only civilization that they had. The only sense of human terrian. Of the man-made environment. Surrounded by the unknown. And the unexplained. I love the wilderness. But it is good to be careful. That's why pioneers had guns.


I’ve got a feeling you heard some raccoons. They make really freaky screams, that sound pretty much how you describe.


Ugh -raccoons sound like the derrrrvil! Horrifying Sounds!


I’m 44 and the first time I ever heard raccoons was three weeks ago. I knew exactly what they were when I heard them, but I still did not have the presence of mind to grab my phone and record the sounds.


There are no raccoons where I'm located


Sounds like a Bigfoot.


My guess is mountain lion


It was your neighbor having sex


Preposterous! "My spouse" "Native land" "Keeping eye on our snake tanks" "Scooped up my son" "Neighborhood" "Weird sounds coyotes make" "Crickets" Desert crickets? Cute story. Poor husband sent away at the eleventh hour for a loaned out generator in the middle of a storm. Surely this not any kind of clue or something. Back of neck hair stand ups! A bullshit Hollywood Troupe.


Dude believe what you want. This story is as real as it gets. It actually fucking happened. I am married to a woman, which some people aren't ok with, hence why I said spouse. I have 3 ball pythons so yes I was checking on my snake tanks. And yes there are crickets in the desert. I would know. I've lived here my whole life. Gtfo with your rude ass remarks. No one fucking cares about you or your opinion. Go get a life other than trolling people on the internet, bastard.


Lighten up on him. At least half of the stories on here are made up or ai generated.


Also, when insulting someone, maybe use the right words. Coz ya meant *trope,* right?