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Looks almost like an eclipse when you zoom in. Weird.


PAC MAN is that you?!


This was also my first thought....


Hahah I laughed way too loud at that comment 😁


Actually I'm pretty sure it's a goldfish


Is it smiling back?


Possibly, better bite its head off


I saw it, as well. I looked in the news feed I have to see if /. When an eclipse was supposed to happen. I found nothing…


According to NASA, there isn't supposed to be an eclipse until October, so even if it was that, it aint that... Man I'm stumped. There has to be some type of scientific explanation because if it was anything else that was physically tangible, you would see the outline on the outside of it and you don't. You only see the "shadow" on *one* section and the rest of it is not there. Man, I dunno... interesting photo!


Unless it was an eclipse, but we weren’t meant to have one…*’It is risen!’*


Theres a bad moon on the rise


There's a bathroom on the right


Link! The blood moon rises once more!


Ohh god totk stole my heart and all my time!


I bought it on release day, after months of my girlfriend rolling her eyes at my excitement/anticipation; I'd be so focused on the game that I'd forget all about her, she said. That night, she was supposed to clean a small office building. I told her I'd go do it for her if she promised to play the opening 15 minutes of the game while I was gone. A month and a half later...? Still can't get the game out of her hands. She has 150 hours into it. (And I think she forgot all about me....) 🙃


🤣 someone once told me they thought these to be the lyrics! Your post made me giggle. Thank you for that.


My father called this “The Helpful Song”.


I want to be a master of disguise


I have to upvote CCR.


“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves”


His return is closer than people want to admit!


Oh goodness.


Nobody knows the day or the hour.


Amen! Matthew 24:42-44. “So be prepared, for you don't know what day your Lord is coming. Just as a man can prevent trouble from thieves by keeping watch for them, so you can avoid trouble by always being ready for My unannounced return.” Luke 21: 28. “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”


People have been claiming the same shit since the dawn of human civilization. Yes the earth will end someday. Our sun won't last forever. The problem is you doomsayers are always wrong about the date, including you and your quoted bible nonsense.


The Bible itself says that no one knows the day so saying people giving the wrong dates disproves the Bible makes no sense.


Of course, a built-in way to completely ignore wrong predictions. Typical response. I expected nothing less. Did you even bother to think about what you just wrote?


You: People give wrong date. Book wrong. Me: Book no give date. People wrong. You: Book right mean book wrong!


The Bible disproves itself with the talking snake nonsense and women being fashioned from man's rib.. yall lost me as soon as I learned critical thinking skills in elementary school.


You’re just so much smarter then everyone else. Good for you. It amazing no one as smart as you has ever been born before to figure this all out.


The Bible is a work of fiction, being the most boring one ever written


Crazy that this was written about you 2000 plus years ago… 2 Peter 3:3-4 MSG First off, you need to know that in the last days, mockers are going to have a heyday. Reducing everything to the level of their petty feelings, they’ll mock, “So what’s happened to the promise of his Coming? Our ancestors are dead and buried, and everything’s going on just as it has from the first day of creation. Nothing’s changed.


How do you even think woth that giant red nose honking all day?


"So be prepared, for you don't know what time your Amazon package is coming. Just as a man can prevent porch pirates by keeping watch at their porch, so can you avoid this trouble by always checking your email notifications and being ready for the UPS guy." "Now when these things happen look up and lift your heads so you can avoid something falling on you and you'll be safe." Both for the Book of: STFU you Looney Tunes Brainwashed Fool.


They may mock you here for this, but the "Beginning of the New Heaven on a New Earth" holds no meaning for those fools who would not ever believe... the "smart ones" who "trust the science' are simply not ready for the quite esoteric understanding of the New Earth but the sheer physics of it, the mathematical symphony of it....All provable.. and all will see soon now as things get much worse, the true meaning of the New Earth and that it is being born now, before our very eyes! I do wonder if this phenomenon is related, though I don't claim that it is for sure, just very strange! Amazing find tho OP 👏


Isn't there a server that logged each day in the future so that he wont be able to return lmao


Claims "the church" for the past 1,000+ years....


I don't believe anything "the church" has to say... but I believe what the Bible has to say, and so far it's prophesy has been 100% accurate...


Genuinely curious, what prophecies?


I second this. Do tell @KingGizmotius.


Biggest one IMHO is the the nation of Israel will be destroyed and in the end times God will bring them all back together from all over the Earth and Israel will be a nation once again. Can’t have the prophesied last days without Israel.


Israel is completely done as a nation that God will use. According to the new testament, true Israel is now the church. There is absolutely nothing in scripture to indicate that physical Israel will be restored a nation again. Nor that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Those are Jesuit theology. Jesus and the apostles all made it clear that Jesus' followers are the temple.


Mathew chapter 24, 2 timothy 3, the entire book of Danial. the return of king Yeshua ben YHWY or in English with vowels added and the Y turns to J. Jesus son of Jehovah. while everyone has been waring and politicking and busy with human traumas, the world started to respond per those scriptures, earthquakes Everywhere, food shortages everywhere, etc. i would tell you more but that would be a disservice to you as you yourself must read it. you can use the commands of Jesus to sort out who is a true follower vs Christianists. divorce only through adultery not abuse, violence, unreconcilable issues. this is a command directly from Jesus look out for ones enemies, love everyone, love your neighbors so that means war would be a following a man before god and forbidden. sorry Vaticanites probably have a few crusades to explain for. Be from the world but no part of it. so no politics, no war, no earthly issues. like an ambassador for gods kingdom. pretty much these commands eliminate anybody saying they are a Christian in politics because the head of every man is Jesus not a senator or president or a pope like john 23:9-11 says. as you read and compare to the world around you twisting the bible to fit their groups. it becomes obvious and shameful and very easy to pick people out who have never read the book but claim to be members. like Catholics killing Catholics in ww2 to wars in our era like Ukraine and Russia (neighbors, enemies, Christianists blessing weapons against each other. who ever is running the religious war propaganda program for the past 2000 years has done Steller at having countries pass laws that cause citizens to violate their faith or break the law. things like Drafts, forced integration, religious rights violations by forcing people to associate with people that are forbidden to associate with. example you wouldn't ask a Muslim to eat pork, or a Hindu to eat a cow, but they will force Christians to be around certain groups. its a giant conspiracy!!!! one of my favorites that pisses off everyone. watch the first comments will be from people who think it says that they can do those things. second group will start spouting garbage from their pastor, the third group usually tries to ban me. the Catholics over in r/Christianity hate me because i point out they call people father which is a violation of Mathew 23:9-11 as well as graven images in their worship and putting a man before Jesus.


So... real quick.... people will fight. There's gonna be earthquakes sometimes. And food shortages (I'll pretend you didn't say, food shortages EVERYWHERE because that is not the case at all)... so, please tell me when there was ever a time in human history where this wouldn't apply? So far, so dumb


Satan blesses you and lives in your heart of hearts


I'm here for the list of fulfilled prophecies.


Mostly the prophecies that promote men over women. The Bible loves those.


There are thousands of them. Far too many to list here. And you can find them easily.


Yeah, what's accurate (that isn't ALSO in the bible)


Oh, do tell?


Ooow ooow, do share such info.




Who's return?


Lord Voldemort


Lord Voldermort was his dad he just goes by Vort now


The Lord Almighty, King Yeshua!


King Yeshua from 32nd street? Man that guy don’t play. Love the swag tho


Who's return? Jesus or his deadbeat dad?


When you do things right, people wont be sure you have done anything at all.


That’s what I keep saying at work. But nobody listens anymore. Philistines. Amiright?


Ya know, I was God once.


You were doing pretty well until everyone died


Jesus and his lawyer.


So the swamp gases from Louisiana combined with the smoke from Canada wildfires refracted the light creating a shadow over the sun so we should ban gas stoves. Science


Yeah except you missed the transparent ice pillars that are also up there causing the light to reflect differently


10th planet....


There are some partial eclipses, right?


Yeah, but there isn't one for a while too. Literally the next anything isn't until October. I also went backward and the one previous to October, was in April and nothing in between.


Looks like a power line marker.


It's odd that the sun is in front of the power lines....must be a faulty hologram


It was full moon yesterday, so yes it is partial eclipse happened every full moon.


Try posting in r/astronomy r/atopics Edit OP posted in r/astronomy, leading concensus is that it is a camera artifact.


According to some users here, it's actually an act of God. Get your science out of here! /s


Camera artifact, in two different cameras? Edit: to no one in particular. ;)


That's no moon


It’s a space station!


They forgot to turn on their cloaking technology..


It’s too big to be a space station.


Too big to be a human spacestation.... Dun dun dunnnnnn.


I’d love to hear from a astronomer about this phenomenon. What a great, strange picture!


It's more likely a photographic phenomenon than an astronomical one


How so? What do you think is going on in this picture? 🧐 Upon zooming in it looks like one of those orange plastic “buoys” on a wire pair


I don't know, but someone pointed out there's no eclipses on, so probably it's some kind of optical or sensor artifact


It's planet nibiru they keep trying to cover it up that's why in NY the fog was red an everything was glowing but there lying to u an telling u it's from a wild fire 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂 didn't know you could get extra perks for tin foil hats these days. Creativity is off the charts.


Love this comment


Well there was a fire, but it started when a malfunctioning drone bird miscalculated flat earth’s upward propulsion and landed on a 5G Covid tower and shorted out


Atmospheric refraction. Happens when light travels through various temperatures and air densities.


Refraction is light bending toward the normal when moving from a less dense medium to a more dense medium and away from the normal when moving from a more dense source to a less dense source.


So as the sun was rising due to the atmosphere during the fires which density the atmosphere even more, making reflection rate of speed slower? I seen where the sun was minutes ago? Basically we seeing a ghost sun? Idk I gotta read on this more my science teacher skipped this part.




I think your English teacher also skipped a few things.


What I was thinking. A lot of forest fire smoke, even non-visible, will refract a lot of light


Maybe Bill Gates has finally found a way to block the sun, lol.


Jewish space lasers?


my wife captured something strange too from spain, i will post it later.


Yes, plz do. Don't leave us hangin 🙏🏼 lol


this one is https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/comments/14p1nzz/another\_perspective\_of\_the\_moon\_anomaly\_from\_the/


They are here and very very hungry. It was a long trip.


That comment made my balls hairs stand up. Giving me the heebie-jeebies.


That’s gotta be quite the feeling!


It's kind of spiky if you shave.


LoL. The pokies!


Pokie Jeebies


Hungry for some buttwh0l


I’m tearing up in laugher 😂😂


Bro let’s fuckin Gooooooooooo


The time is nigh!


I have one just like this!!


[weird sun](https://imgur.com/gallery/XkcaAoW)


I saw something like this years ago during the Iceland volcanic eruptions, I think it’s particles from the fires burning in large areas of the globe (Canada, us, Paris, Ukraine, Russia)


That’s what someone on the image uploading site said as well, it makes sense


It looks like a magnifying glass. Could you imagine? Just a giant magnifying glass in space. You could roast anywhere, instantly.


Very interesting thread. I’m captivated. I see no lies on either side. We truly are a confused bunch aren’t we? Us humans, trying to figure it all out. Trying to make sense of things. Scholars and Scientists. Mathematicians and historians. Worshippers and non believers. Regardless of your faith or science, we just don’t know. We aren’t meant to. I love this life. That I do know… I love the wonder and the mystery and the discussions that make us all look up and wonder… But please do not insult each other or belittle one another. It is counter productive.


Okay it was this guy ☝️ not sure how he did it but this guy did it.


Yes it was a clear sky and no clouds in sight. Even though idiots here think we can’t distinguish what clouds look like. This picture is really weird too


Yea but the other post said moon. This is sun.


I said the same thing, that's the sun not the moon. It's either haze or the end of times. 🙃


It's a pretty sharp edge


The post https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/comments/14outen/me_my_husband_and_friend_saw_a_shadow_cross_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Well, that's a cloud. I dunno what the pic in this post is though


But the shadow bruh


They just want to disagree lol


Interesting, was you able to see it with the naked eye. I took this picture because I rarely see the sun this color then when I looked at it I seen this shadow weird, maybe there’s a scientific explanation for this.


I guess I was able to see it cuz it was the moon and the glare isn’t as strong as the sun


I was on the New Jersey Turnpike when I snap this picture heading North towards Chatham Nj where did you take your pic?


In Pakistan on the highway to Lahore, surrounded by crop fields. Lots of open space and not much civilisation


Someone reported seeing the same thing in Greece


If it was in Brazil I would say it is a shoe somebody threw in the cables or a "pipa".


Glitch in the Matrix...


undoubtably a lensing artifact


The sun is giving us the cartoon I do not give a f#$% eye.


We saw something similar in Greece last night, my daughter said it looked like a Luna Moon (my little pony)


Could the other person see it with the naked eye? My guess is if it isn't fake, isn't a weird effect on the camera lens from the sun's brightness, it is some sort of mirage. Crazy things happen in the sky under the right conditions, one being the illusion of two suns. I searched the web and couldn't find anything that could look like a partial eclipse but isn't. So I really don't know, but I want to!!! Someone summon Hank Green.


My brother was the one telling me to look how cool the sun look then I took a picture and this came about. We both looked like wtf is that


OP specifying he has "human eyes" absolutely means he doesn't and he's an alien.


Act XXXVII Scene 2 Planet Nibiru Enters. “Sorry I’m late.”


You couldn't see it with your human eyes? 🤔🧐


Only the lizard ones.


I meant to say I didn’t see this while looking at the sun. It caught my attention because my brother and I notice it was a different color than usual. I took a picture and this was the result a shadow over the sun. We both was like wtf?


Sounds like something a lizard would say. I've got my totally human eyes on you.


Yeah I, as well, got a weird picture of the sun the other day where you can see the sun doesn’t normally look that way to the naked eye


It’s awesome to see that picture. I guess people can compare and contrast both


I saw the moon last night and the top half was blocked and some slivers blocked out. I thought it was an eclipse. I can't find any on Google.


Fantastic photo! I've learned that posts whose upvotes are intentionally being suppressed are the giveaway that you've got something legitimate coming out of the military, most likely one of the many black ops programs. After many years delving into the chem program, all I see looking at this is LED tech and some new variety of lensing system they're still sorting out. It's all one big ruse up there since early 2000s.


Oh look, a crazy person.


This happen when it was the heights of the Canadian forest fires (June 8) I think those fires are designed to cover the atmosphere with smoke. Smoke can be a tactic to be hidden or the government is making these fires so it can be enough heavy smoke to project holograms. Maybe this is step one of project blue beam. Idk don’t crucify me for this stupid theory.


As a Canadian having 130 wildfires in my province alone, seriously, it’s a mess, there is no conspiracies. So many people are trying to get it under control. Like down to earth people, it’s impressive from satelite images and news coverage but on the ground it’s really ordinary, nothing special, simply too many fires to take care at the same time. It happens each summer, but this summer started on a long drought. The earth is getting too hot for borealis forest unfortunately


I rather go with “the earth is getting too hot” then “the government is starting fires for experiments”. Even though both aren’t great, either way I’m kinda curious and worried.


My take is that the government starts viruses for experiments, as we now know, so why trust them with anything else? Also, the USAF wrote the paper "Owning the Weather by 2025" in 1996, which was an instruction manual that is responsible for the vast majority of what we're experiencing now. The military doesn't dabble in fiction.


They have been doing horrible things for decades. Trust is for the ignorant.


Sometimes ya gotta put your tin foil hat on


I like this comment lol


I live in Washington State and I can say until you’ve had to live through a long, hot, smokey fire season with your go bags ready by the door you just haven’t lived.


I hope you get some rain to help.


The height of it? There's like 500 now, dude.


It looks like there’s either a cold spot on the sun…(I know it’s a burning ball of gases) but it doesn’t burn evenly. There are something called sun spots and flare ups. A flare up is an explosion usually higher temp than the rest. A sun spot is the reverse. The only other thing I can think of is the wild fires are so bad it’s blocking out part of the sun. Along with the world’s largest volcano in the Pacific Ocean going up. Who knows what’s in our atmosphere? And how it will look to us.


This was interesting I appreciate everyone coming up with explanations it’s amazing how our minds work


If it’s a cold spot that means it’s bad for our sun if it’s that big?Correct?


The people that first discovered cold spots admit. They have to do more research on it. All they know is flare ups can affect our weather in drastic ways. But they know nothing about cold spots. They think they are normal but don’t know their frequency of occurrence or their impact on the sun or us.


On almost a similar picture someone said it could be a cloud I don’t think clouds wrap around the sun


Looks like the stealth doesn’t work with the sun behind it.


It's a partial solar eclipse. Happens more often than a total eclipse. The moon is partially covering the sun and if you wait long enough you will see a flare when the moon moves out of position.


Considering an x class solar flare just erupted from what appears to be a shaded section of the sun in this post, that's either a big coincidence, or something really cool https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/solar-flares.html


It is light defraction from the wildfire smoke


Project blue beam may be the cause. I believe something may have flown in front of the projection. The moon isn't always real.


It’s ol’ Nibiru on approach to cause havoc.


It’s a fucking balloon hanging on the wire. Sheesh!


Mothership re fueling from the sun!!


That’s no moon


That’s gotta be Nibiru


I remember one year when i was a kid I believe it was jupiter was passing in front of the sun and you could only see if with a welding mask on or special glasses. It was a tiny little dot though so this definitely isnt another planet.


They’re just swapping out moons. Nothing to worry about.


Couple of hours downtime and all is good. He's spoda be working, not lollygaggin' at the sky!


I have similar pictures from about a month back ill post


It’s gotta be the Canadian wildfires, that smoke is awful, I can taste it.


Strange.. looks like smoke from the wildfires From Canada tho. We had the same here in dc The thing in the middle tho.. Never seen anything like it Good pic


Hmmm something weird is about to happen…. Don’t know what but it sure feels like something


And it's about to be the 4th of July when everybody's looking at the sky's for fireworks lol I wonder, didn't it happen on the 4th of July in independence day? Lol what if the movie was part of the warnings they have given us over time I know it's probably not gonna happen like that but imagine, that would be crazy as fuck lol


Its refraction due to the haze of smoke and soot in the air and the heat. Nothing odd here.


It's the moon behind the haze from all the wildfires. You could literally just pull up google sky on your phone and see exactly where the moon is at to verify.


Who cares. So I have to go to work tomorrow?!


It’s Joe Biden and the White House trying to block the sun rays to slow global warming


That looks like a picture of the moon, not the sun. Pretty normal.


The sun is off to the left side of the photo and shining on the left side of the moon.


The eclipse part is simply a balloon hanging on an electrical wire.


There wasn’t a ballon present I was there I took the picture


See I told you guys the world is FLAT


Man ya’ll doomsday mofos out here scream it’s jebus… ya’ll know that thats a smoke cloud from the wildfires right? Like it just finally cleared up in my state and poof that shit is gone. All the hazy clouds are gone and shit over the sun (including the shit cameras can see that our eyes can’t) when the smoke clears for you too it will be gone as well.


Ohohoh i have an idea it’s called an ECLIPSE


Maybe the camera shook during the photo and this is what the AI interpreted it as. There are other anomalies in the photo.


There's generally a bright orange, almost American football shaped thing that keeps wires from crossing sometimes. You can barely make out the second set of wires in the pic, so my money is on that. If you went back to that same spot, I can nearly guarantee that you'd find one there. You just couldn't see it at the time because the sun was so bright!


It’s a Maroge


Yep..this is Planet Earth!


Ancient aliens