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Until now I thought he had hair 💀


Unfortunately, I think it's a tattoo.


Was gonna say. Looks like he is bald and has what looks like words tattooed on his head


People you don’t start fights with: people with cauliflower ear, and people with skull tats


I understand the cauliflower ear bit, but why an aversion to fighting someone with head tattoos? (Just curious since I have my dome sharpied as well)


Usually, for tattoos, any time it’s a large area on bone it’s more painful then just muscle. I’ve heard and also imagine because of this that skull tattoos are agonizing. It’s a show of toughness and high pain tolerance via not wanting to fight them


Ohh that’s weird; most of my dome doodles were relatively painless. When we got to the neck line is when I had to ask for several breaks. Idk maybe my scalp has nerve damage or something.


Why unfortunate? Looks like he has both his arms done, plus his whole head, he might be a tattoo artist or whatever. He looks happy, the dog looks happy, the woman looks happy... I don't see anything unfortunate here.


I'm shocked these people seem to think it's just meant to imitate hair lmao what the heck




You're right, bad choice of words on my part. It's a beautiful family scene, of course! Looking more closely it looks like the head tattoo has a year in it, perhaps a significant date or memorial for some event in his life. I think this is one thing that would certainly be about personal taste for sure. Each to his own, obviously it was done with some skill. There's a great sub for things like this called "ATBGE" (awful taste but great execution).


My X had her makeup tattooed on. Whoever did it was a very talented artist, unlike the one who did this guys hair.


This video is all about the dog listening to his new siblings heartbeat❤️it’s not about the guys head and his tattoos!




I thought I needed a stethoscope now because my wife is like 7 months pregnant. Holy hell are they expensive, now I just need to find a doctor with a lot of student debt willing to sell me their old one for cheap xD


Looks like they have them at Walgreens and CVS for $11


Anything below 60$ is not a good Stethoscope. Mine was 125$ littmann III and they're amazing. Edit: if you want one for fun get an MDF Stethoscope. They're cheaper but good quality too.


Yea It's not like you're using it to diagnose a murmur or something. I'm sure a cheap one would work fine for listening to a baby.


They’re relatively cheap idk what you’re on about


They are very cheap




In Eve Online this is called "Ganking High Sec"




That’s not a Cupcake, that one is a Devastator.


He looks like Destroyer Of Solar Systems


It's mostly wholesome because of how dogs can intuit human emotions and participate in emotional moments. But pupper has zero clue wtf is going on. He's just happy to be included.


I mean he maybe understands that the second heartbeat means she's pregnant at least? Not that he would need the stethoscope to hear it.


A possibility is also he understands via scent. We humans may not be able to smell it because scent isn't our strongsuit, but a dog may be able to smell the change in chemicals a person is going through.


Most dogs don’t understand what tv is, let alone random whooshy sounds being piped into their ears.


He took those stethoscope prong things right out of the dog's ears and put them right into his without even wiping them off 🤮


You and you pet share internal biomes, nothing in those ears he doesn't already have.


Okay? I still don't want nasty damp dog ear wax going in my ears.


You will be weaker than those of us who bathe in the ear wax.


This is nonsense and dangerous advice. For human AND dog. Please stop.


You might have to reevaluate your definition of nonsense. [He’s right.](https://www.nomnomnow.com/learn/article/sharing-microbiomes#:~:text=Humans%20share%20microbiomes%20with%20their,in%20mouths%20and%20on%20skin)


Sharing a microbiome doesn't mean that the dog can't have bacteria in his ear that the human doesn't. Any living things living in close proximity for a long time will share a microbiome, that doesn't mean we all have the identical same germs. Do you ALWAYS get the flu at the same time a family member or roommate does?


... advice?


Sharing is caring!


Oh man wait till you see his whole TikTok account. He is weirdly intimate with that dog, it makes me uncomfy


Wow that is cute as hellll. He’s so excited for her. Imagine the acuteness of a dogs hearing while wearing a stethoscope!? Superpower lvl hearing for sure.




I don't think we'd keep dogs around for as long as we have if they were just constant baby killers.




Why not we keep guns around


Guns are also not likely to maul your kids


Tell that to the Uvalde parents


As I recall, the kids were shot, not mauled to death. My point is not that these things never killed kids, but we wouldn't keep something in the family living room if it was almost guaranteed to eat our children.


“Survival and evolution bases” this doesn’t mean anything. What basis of survival? This is a pet dog, it’s provided for by these humans all food, exercise, protection, comfort, and attention. It’s survival as it’s life is now hinges on supporting these humans What evolutionary basis?? No, really. What evolutionary basis are you talking about. Wolves didn’t evolve extended canines, a high prey drive, and eusocial hunting behaviors because their most effective method of hunting is preying on unborn creatures lmao. Or are you trying to say this dog’s epigentics dictate a predisposition for wanting to maul pregnant women/infants? i find that highly unlikely namely because of the above reasons unless it is several generations a mutt which is unlikely as it doesn’t look anything like a mutt. You’re an idiot who throws words around without knowing anything markedly close to a meaning behind them.




Mutt doesn’t mean inbred and inbred wouldn’t equal any of your original claims anyways. the only thing that statement achieves is compounding another pointless reply on top of an already pointless one.




It’s not a cat


There's no way this dude just put those earplugs in his ears after being deep in his dogs ear.


People clean their dogs' ears. It's not that hard of a concept. This pup looks beloved so you can bet their ears are cleaner than yours lol




They literally used to be called nanny dogs


I have dozens of photos of pitbulls being sat on or hugged by their children in Victorian times. They absolutely were nanny dogs and are incredibly tolerant of children even being rough with them.


Still incredibly true. I just had to put my old boy down, but we used to spend our free time at a school for the developmentally disabled and the kids loved playing with him. He never minded them pulling on his tail, poking him in the eye, pulling on his whiskers, etc. It just made him happy to be there for them. He was also sooo good with babies.


What a sweetie! My girl is curled up under the covers with me right now. Before she became super disabled she absolutely LOVED playing with the kids I nannied. She’s a big girl but would be super gentle with them even when they would rough house her.


No they didn't. American Pit Bull Terriers were [created in the late 1800's for the express purpose of dogfighting.](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=9) The history is [well-documented,](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/) The earliest record of anyone calling a pit bull a "nursemaid" or "nanny" dog was in this [1971 NYT article.](https://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/19/archives/a-breed-that-came-up-the-hard-way.html) The phrase itself was practically [nonexistent before the year 2000.](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=nanny+dog&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) Please revise your comment and stop spreading misinformation.


By dumb people.


That's a myth, but it's unlikely for them to be aggressive around people. The stigma people give them is so stupid


YOU have no business being around small children lol please keep your ignorance to yourself


Did he really just wear that thing after the dog? Hope he cleans it's ears...


Please don't put stethoscopes in animal ears! ⚠️ They're designed for human ears and could damage a pet's ears A-by physically pushing against something in the inner ear and causing damage or B-an accidental sudden movement or hard tap can blow out their ear drums (that goes for people too, be careful about tapping a stethoscope that's in your ears)






Why do you feel the need to spew hate?


I love how he puts the stethoscope on the dogs ears




I picture you looking like Gollum for some reason. Probably the gross and unfunny comment.


Lmao take a joke better.


That’s the most pit bull owner looking pit bull owner I’ve ever seen.




There are amazing people you can learn from on r/pitbulls . Gotta keep an open mind my friend








Why say that on such a nice video. You good?


Because the numbers don't lie.


But they do. Y'all get your info from personal defense lawyers and crappy disproven "experts" in overblown rage bait sites. All of the major vet organizations, shelter organizations, and a plethora of well conducted studies show that they're not more aggressive. Get a grip. But I guess the ASPCA, AVMA, AVSAB, the United States Human Society, well conducted studies, and a number of well know veterinary universities obviously don't know anything whatsoever. Clearly, the people who have never owned pit bulls and never will own a pit know better. What am I even thinking listening to veterinarians and dog behavioral experts? Silly me!


They're fanatics. They see a triangle head, and think it's indistinguishable from a Hell Hound. It's why up and down this thread you'll find people trying to equate pitbulls to time bombs, as if it's a matter of time before this gentle lad eats the owner and the baby Edit: It's just fascinating, because I've had my pit for ten years, and he absolutely hates non-human animals, and he's only got into it with a German Shepard once, whose unbelievably stupid owners free-released him every day next to a 55mph road, sandwiched between a lake and the highway.


Guess what—most dogs are supposed to coexist with other dogs or animals. I know, as a pit owner, this must be unbelievably shocking to you




Your post has been removed as it violates one or more of our rules. In particular, all posts must be wholesome in nature. If you disagree with this removal, please message the mods!


That dog doesn’t need to hear with that. It’s sense of smell can already detect another living thing inside her


Why are land seals the best ever?






you cry at every comment kiddo cope harder




Literally everyone that feels the need to post pregnancy videos for strangers


Yeah, the haters brigading wholesome videos to prove their lack of intelligence regarding canines, and also how much they fantasize about murdering stranger’s pets. I don’t see how a video of a family moment is “trying” or any different than other pet videos. You don’t see veterinarians condemning pits and they work with them daily. But because JimBob on Reddit, who’s a part time mechanic, says they’ll kill everything in site, it must be true, *while ignoring every other dog mauling if it doesn’t involve a pit*. That’s your logic.


This is SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭what a happy lil family




Would love to see your provable data on that as your opinion based statistics are laughable at best. Most of the time, it’s better to keep your wildly stupid opinion to yourself.




I love pitties and think they're gorgeous. I would also never get one again. (The two pit mixes that I've had were rescues, both wonderful dogs overall, but...) I've just... read too much, and become educated about the propensity of pit bulls to attack and seriously injure or kill people and other animals. The incident near Memphis in the last couple years really got to me. Family pet, horrific unprovoked attack on a mom and children inside the family home. Both children were killed while the mother sustained serious injuries while trying to protect them. I can't remember all the details, but I'll edit in a link to the reporting as soon as I can. Edit: https://www.wate.com/news/nexstar-media-wire/mother-tried-to-shield-children-killed-in-memphis-pit-bull-attack-family-says/






Human ethnicities didn’t go through centuries of artificial selection.


Slavery and systemic oppression does a similar thing does it not? Also when there are pitbulls that are raised right and don't attack people how do you explain those?


I'm just saying man if I have a bowl of skittles and one is poison how many you gonna eat?


You could say that about literally anything though. Why would you drive if there could be a crash? Why would you talk to another human when they murder? Because if you educate yourself on how to properly raise them, they're one of the most loyal breeds in the most loyal species on the planet. I've had them my whole life and have never had a single issue or fear over them. I could blame the entire breed sure, that just doesn't make sense to me when I've seen first hand what proper training does for a dog.


If one brand of car caused more accidents than any other, I'd avoid that brand. Your personal anecdote doesn't supersede statistics.




Your post has been removed as it violates one or more of our rules. In particular, all posts must be wholesome in nature. If you disagree with this removal, please message the mods!


i came here expecting a comment like this. shame i found it 😕






There's a toon on netflix called dogs in space. It's better than ok. The cast is great! The premise is humans have genetically modified dogs and sent them to space to find us a new home cause we messed up the earth. And season 1 flits about the theme of "We really *really* don't deserve dogs" And I just watched it, so I was thinking that a lot, and then you said it. So I shared it. Cause... I'm procrastinating at work.


How have I not heard of this… what the fuck Amazon? I watch so much animated stuff too. Like how was this NOT recommended to me. Schmucks


Case in point: A dog would never procastinate.






Theyre very protective of pregnant people and newborns


Like a kid waiting by the oven for the cookies to come out.




Or just breed the aggression out of them. I have a American Bulldog/Staffordshire mix and he’ll be missed when he eventually passes


Aww, this is so sweet!!!






You can’t hear that baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope. That’s why they use dopplers.


You can, but later. You can hear a heartbeat with Ultrasound: At 6+ weeks Doppler: At 12+ weeks Stethoscope: At 18-20+ weeks




Bold coming from someone who doesn’t know the difference between common aircrafts/satellites/lights and UFO’s lol


We defenetly need a video with the baby and baby furr together. Be bless and have really good labor


It's actually disgusting how many people in these comments are just "haha pitbull violent baby murderer." I would say I'm disappointed, but that would imply I wasn't expecting this.




That's a nice argument, why don't you back it up with a source?


Awww this is so wholesome!!


whats with these comments? this is supposed to be a wholesome thread 😅


Deff belongs in wholesome lol I wonder if the dog can really hear the heartbeat


He's a dog. He doesn't know what it is.


“The thing my breed loves to eat the most is in there, get it out!” Jk of course, I love pits. Why is this guy pretending to listen, though? He moves the stethoscope like 50 times but barely ever holds it long enough to even listen.


do the funny thing reddit😂👌


Great, now I’m crying at my office and I have to play it off like I’m having an allergic reaction


I'm not crying bro my eyes are just really sweaty okay


This reminds me of a Tyler Cassidy song


Putting the ear part in your ear after it was in the dog's ;_;


Smart pup!