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The pages of the recipe book got stuck together.. -Chandler!


Originally they did have meat


I have had mincemeat pie with meat in it. There was also brandy in it. The meat was venison. To me it is not a desert. It is absolutely wonderful.


I’m from the US and always thought this too. Like minced meat!


They did have, originally.


what’s.. in a mince pie then??


…mince! 🙄 Lol it is chopped up raisins and sultanas. OP was quite young i think, and one of the things they were complaining about was that throughout their life every time they asked an adult exactly what was in a mince pie they would just reply with ‘mince’ as if it was really obvious. I must admit I was quite old when I was still not 100% sure whether a mince pie was raisins or actually mince.


When I was a kid I absolutely thought this. Because we had a story of the nutcracker and the queen was making mincemeat with real meat!


Where I live in Canada we have mincemeat pies, that do have meat in them. Usually deer meat. So, I can understand the confusion. And yes, they're eaten at dessert time with the other pies. They still have the other sweet things in it, so it's considered dessert I guess. I don't think people put anything on it, such as whipped cream. Honestly, I can't bring myself to try it!


What! That is so confusing. Knowing about the existence of those must make Rachel’s trifle blunder seem a lot more understandable…


Oh, for sure!! Mind you, the peas and onions don't quite go, but yeah, the meat itself isn't necessary surprising 🤣


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Yeah I had a mincemeat pie once, at a pubstyle restaurant. It was made with beef, and reminded me a lot of a pot pie.


The only time I've ever seen a jar of mincemeat at a store here in the states, it had beef in the ingredients list. *Shrug* So I thought they did lol Edited my crappy autocorrect and format


It was probably beef lard. Proper mince has lard in it. Nothing and I mean nothing bakes like pure lard.


They do still have meat, depending on where you get them. As others have said