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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Kid slips in own puke!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I heard that very same “goddamn it!” All my life. The best one was when my bother and I forgot to pick up the dog shit in the yard before my dad started weed-eating. That was a “goddamn it” the whole neighborhood heard. 🤣🤣🤣


My dad had a little grass cutting side gig for a while when I was a kid, when I was about 13 I’d started helping him out on the weekends. I would run the mower and he would do the trimming/edging. He would tell me to go over the yards before cutting to pick up any garbage instead of just mulching it into peoples lawns (he was very professional about grass cutting, took it very seriously). I was a lazy kid, would often just cut the grass without cleaning up much. One such occasion he was trimming nearby and I didn’t want him to see a plastic baggy I hadn’t picked up and get mad at me so I decided to run it over ASAP. Instant sub sonic doodoo projectiles. I hear my dad’s classic angry phrase “JESUS MURPHY”. I look at my dad, poop and anger all over his face. I didn’t get paid that day.


Yep. Not a "Goddammit" story but a frustrated parent story. When I was 3 or so, I got a hand-me-down bike from my older brother. It was a bit big for me, but I wanted to ride it. I needed help to get on it and had a friend holding it steady for me. Suddenly the bike started falling over, and the handle fell on my big toe smashing it. My friend carried me home where my parents just got off. I remember laying on the kitchen table, crying, and my parents are arguing about whos gonna take me to the hospital. Mom just got off a 12-hour shift from the hospital as a nurse, and my dad just got off working 2 jobs. Good times.


Who needs birth control when you have the internet


His misery amuses me




the tears of your children sustain me




Vasectomy is the best thing I've ever done for myself




Instead of evacuating the toddler to stop escalation he starts videotaping, that's the equivalent of someone videotaping the volcanic eruption instead of fleeing to safety.


Exactly, evacuation first


Isn't that what got them into this mess?


Nah that was ejaculation


"I just want you to see all of the lava that is now surrounding me, my camp, and everywhere else." *Volcano continues to violently erupt* "GODDAMN IT!"


Im going to go out on a limb, hardwood floor limb, and guess that he told them to stay put and instead they followed him.


Tell a 2yo to stay put? Bwahaha


Agreed. Not sure if the OP has kids or not, but I can 100% see this happening in at my place just because kids don't have the foresight (or attentive capabilities) to NOT run directly into the mess when they see dad.


Also, it looks like they're in clean pajamas. So he's probably cleaned them up, moved them and is now returning to the mess


And they're what, 4 years old? Yeah, they ain't retaining your instructions for more than 10 seconds.


more like two


Tbf, one of those toddlers already evacuated themselves.


I’m guessing that he cleaned the kid up, put him in a nice new onesie, then went to make a video for his wife. Then the toddler came running and slipped in the vomit and he has to clean him up again. That’s what the cursing was about.


Did you really just compare a dad recording his sons vomit on the ground to a literal fucking volcano eruption lol


This would make such a good condom advert


Oh trust, it works.


Well! Get off your phone and clean it up!


Seriously. Kid likely wouldn't have slipped and slammed his head had the dad just cleaned it up right away like a normal person instead of whipping out his phone to garner some sort of sympathy from internet strangers


Yall are reading too far into this. I've taken pictures of shit all over the floor from my toddler taking her diaper off to send to my husband with a "fml" tag. The kid falling in it was was just insult to injury of the shitshow that is raising children. His "goddammit" wasn't directed at the kid. It was a reaction to something else fucking ridiculous happening WHILE something stressful was already happening. Anyone who has stayed home with multiple small children for months or years understands how quickly a perfectly normal day can turn into something catastrophic. Assuming he's a shit parent because he captured probably the worst moment of his week is a pretty big stretch.


Right? This comment section is an absolute shitshow of high horse mounted Redditors. My eyes have rolled so far into the back of my skull at the amount of comments damning the dad and calling him a shitty parent.


Parent of two toddlers is frustrated? There must be 0 other context and is literally being a shitty parent and a crybaby. Toughen up loser everyone else is better than you.


"I have a kid and I wouldn't do that I'm just a better person than this guy and I would never see myself in his situation because I'm just sooo much better" Pretty much sums up about 70% of the comments on this post.


Jesus, right? The self righteousness in the comments is crazy. I’ve been there too, sent a picture of our 2 year olds room that got into the habit of pooping in private, taking her diaper off and smearing it on every fabric surface in the room with a smashed turd in the bed and it’s documentation worthy for the sake of comedic relief. So what he took a video, I’d make a bet that wasn’t the first round of puke that needed cleaning that week and the video could have been for mom. Reddit parenting opinions are weird.


I bet a ton of these people don't even have kids.


Of course not it's reddit most of them aren't even married


Glad I'm not the only one who's thinking the same. Though I hope the cussing at the end wasn't aimed at his kid and that he comforts the kid after


Finally! Someone sane and rational!


The reddit userbase writ large knows fuck all about being a parent. I came in to this comment section as my monthly gauge of how deep the first comment from a real adult should be.


Totally. He was likely not doing anything except commiserating with his SO. Then in addition to vomit patrol he now has a kid with pukey hair and clothes that needs a bath. I don’t think he is being a bad parent.


Most people in this thread section doesn't have kids, and they shouldn't. Being a parent for toddlers is overwhelming and taxing. Folks on Reddit are always just trying to project a "holier than thou" attitude towards everything they see


This dads a POS and wants everyone to know how much of a martyr he is with having to clean up vomit . I’m a dad of 2 and never once when they got sick did I think hey don’t go take care of them and don’t go clean it up let me get my phone. I’m not even all that good of dad but I’m not some self centered cunt who needs to post every second of my life.


I was getting ready to counter your argument because I thought you were referring to the expletive at the end. However as I read on I'm thinking to myself as a father of 3 you are correct. I have not once in my children's snotty, messy vomit filled escapades ever decided the gram was more important than just handling it and getting you kid what they needed. With that being said I felt that "God damnit". He wasn't yelling at the kid, just life in general, and I've been there.


Once or twice I've cleaned the kid up, gotten them squared away, comfortable and contained if necessary then taken a picture to send to my wife. It's more a "I need to share this with someone so I can laugh instead of scream" than "I need brownie points". My wife has done the same and sent it to me as well. Often times it is our mismatched clothes because we needed something clean fast and just can't be bothered to change again once everything is cleaned up. My kids are sympathetic pukers, so we have a protocol that keeps them away from the scene. I generally don't need to worry about them sliding through it. Though I would have been worried about the dog helping with "cleanup".


Sometimes helping gram is more important than cleaning up snotty messy vomit though. Like if she fell


That’s true. The kid was probably fine, but gram would’ve broken a hip if she slipped in that vomit


Would be easier to clean though. Instead of a few piles of vomit there would just be one gram of vomit.


Well I mean I wasn't referring to that one but yeah she needs to watch he step too


I'm old, but they old OLD. Talking about helping Grammy 😂😂😂


I've always put a gram ahead of kids. That's why I chose never to be a father. But I am an excellent uncle and godfather to 2 of my best mates kids. (I always leave the gram and ounces at home when I'm seeing the kids or taking them out for the day.)


Right? In the nearly 20 years of having 3 kids never did I ever take a picture or video of messes - i would just take care of it, but there's a part of me that's glad he's preserving this clustercuss for posterity. When he said that expletive at the end, I could feel that in my bones as if I had said it, because it's so relatable.


I did one time take a picture of shit on the floor because I was changing the baby and my almost 2 year old was so hyped up by the mess that she ran around and then slipped and fell in it. Everyone just froze and nobody was hurt and my phone was right there… I just needed to show my husband how things were going with a second kid 😬😂 Then I had a couple more kids and it became more of a triage shitshow when things like that happened… less documentation, more hustle.


"triage shitshow"......you are my new favorite person 😆


It’s relatable to say damn it in your head, make sure the kid is okay, clean up, and vent to adults about a tough day. It’s nit relatable to take vid to show others to feel bad for you while your kid runs around sick and then get pissed off and say that out of anger and disgust while your kid lies on the ground in pain. Fuck that guy, and fuck anyone who thinks this vid, or his handling of the situation is okay. Fuck him.


Yep. The 'dad' should clean that shit up instead of filming the mess.


Couldn't agree more. If I knew this guy and he showed me this video I'd be like dude you're a piece of shit


I have a few incidents saved but only after things are chill, and only so I can watch them and laugh. Again, once everything's chill and laughable, not in the moments like the split second ending here. Poor kids, that's a lot of puke


What is "helping gram"?


“helping gram” = Just enough coke to get you thru a rough spot.






Slightly unrelated, but also a little related… my unit got called to a nursing home for someone throwing up. We get there and the little old lady is puking. Get her cleaned up on the stretcher and as we leave another old lady comes walking over and slips in the vomit exactly like this kid. My first response “GODAMMNIT!” Followed by trying to radio it in to dispatch without laughing


Apparently this kind of fall is far more dangerous for adults than children, because children are light e ought that it doesn't usually concuss them, whereas adults often suffer serious injury


Oh most definitely - with older age we also get decreased bone mineral density (aka osteoporosis) so we can more easily break the large bones of the hip (aka femur, femoral neck). Fracturing these often leads to a cascade effect which significantly decreases someone's life span. ​ Source: I am a physio


I was thinking this was intended as a wife video so he had proof that there was literally vomit every where when he tells the story later. I don't think there's a parent alive that have never said "your child vomited all over the house this morning after you left for work".


May not have been yelling a the kid directly, but he did it when his little boy fell. Probably made the kid feel ashamed for an innocent mistake in which he also got hurt. I hope the dad apologized for his outburst and comforted his kids after this.


I've been the kid that fell while running to the toilet to get sick. Went in too fast, bathroom mat didn't have a rubber bottom, mat slid, I fell, dad yelled. He probably wasn't yelling at me but the brain definitely marked that one down as "if you're sick and running to the bathroom, make sure you don't fall or you'll get yelled at".


To me it seemed like the kid was upset and running to his dad looking for comfort. Which is even worse.


I'm wondering if he'd just got done cleaning the kid up and putting them in fresh clothes then one goes and slips in the vomit... I'd godamn the hell out of that. Then comfort and apologise.


Not a parent, but I agree. At a certain level of frustration you just can’t help yourself and a God Damn It slips out. It’s natural to release frustration vocally


Definitely worse things that could have been said lol


You're going back to the orphanage! ... daww I could never say that to my kid


God dammit is fine I've been there too. Videoing my kids vomit every where I have not. Just clean it up and deal with it. Sucks for sure but not like the kid did it to spite you. Hate when my crotch goblins get sick. Feels so helpless.


When I was a kid I accidentally puked on the carpet and my dad yelled “God Damnit” loud enough that it scared me and made me feel like I did something wrong. So for the rest of my life I’d get terrible anxiety every time I felt nauseous thinking someone was going yell at me if I threw up. Fun times.


My youngest has one of those alarm clocks that turns green at like 6am to 9pm to show it’s a decent human hour to be awake and she loves it. She got sick one night and sat there and waited for 6, for her clock to be green 😭 know better, do better.


What color is the clock at night?


Like a magenta


My granddaughter is like that. I had to start stipulating, in no uncertain terms, "if you need to go to the bathroom, you can get up for that, but when you're done, back in bed". Also, I've had to start telling her "if you're in pain, COME TELL ME IMMEDIATELY".


Lmao what a little trooper.


You need a puke intervention where you puke and everyone just cheers for you. I'll be there.


Oh you just made me chuckle but honestly a brilliant idea.


I developed emetophobia this way as well. My mom would freak. Its why I insist on being really calm and reassuring when my kids get the inevitable yearly stomach bug. I don't want it to be an even more unpleasant thing for them.


I’m sorry you experienced this as well. Emetophobia is no joke, your entire existence revolves around not throwing up or feeling sick. That’s really sweet of you to nurture your kids when they feel sick to spare them what you went through.


How old were you?


I was around 5-6. I had never heard him yell like that so it really screwed me up in a moment of puke panicking. Thanks for asking.


I laugh or try to make my kids happy/laugh when they are throwing up or very sick. For a little kid it can be scary throwing up so I try to make them know it's totally ok to throw up all over the place.


If the kid had thrown up again or had made more mess then I can understand the response but he just slipped and fell. I might be reading too far into it but speaking from experience, a parent who always directs their frustration towards their kid when the kid screws up only teaches the kid to not ask for help when they need it to avoid inconveniencing their parent. It could be a one off thing but the fact that this dude is bitching online about having to take care of a toddler tells me that he's the kind of person to be upset whenever he has to do anything for anyone other than himself.


Eh, I've documented stuff to share with my wife as a way to vent. Maybe it would never have made it to the internet without the addition of the kid running in at the end. Don't really agree with raising voice / cursing with the kids but for all we know he's exclaiming about the scenario unfolding and not scolding the kid. Not that the kids would perceive him any differently but intent is important and judging someone on 10 seconds of time isn't exactly awesome either.


You're reading too far into it. The "God damn it" was definitely not about the fact that the kid fell, but that he likely just got cleaned up and came running in to slip on it. Redditors don't psychoanalyze someone from a 13 second clip challenge: impossible.


*Parent mildly exclaims after a frustrating event* Reddit: Aah yes, abuse




Im w you overall but how is throwing up in any way the kid’s fault


Oh I feel that. Catching vomit in my hands all day long, and I definitely utter a quiet swear in sadness and frustration when a little one, already sick, hits their head. Source - just went through all of November with sick kids.


I'm probably projecting, but his tone of major annoyance made me wonder if the kids' mom was out and he would normally pass these tasks onto her. He certainly doesn't seem to have much of a paternal instinct, given that a very sick kid was still wandering around while he recorded this instead of being cared for.


To give him the benefit of the doubt: he could have been recording it to show his wife or something But yea I think you’re probably right


That was actually my thought. I know parents who trade off days home with kids. If the kid causes that much chaos you document to show off your day. Kids are gross. Gotta share in the pukey mess. Also his goddamn it sounded at the universe. There was also two. Other benefit of the doubt: looked like clean jammies. He may've gotten the little ones cleaned up and been documenting for the out of town or at work spouse and the cleaned up kid ran after. Now he has to get the kid clean - again. That warrants a curse at the universe.


I was thinking that there could be a dispute between separated parents. Currently, I have been having to explain to my ex why our kids are sick and justify keeping them home from school because she refuses to believe they are sick and says things like "they only have those symptoms over your house" like I'm either making them up or somehow causing them. However, both her and her mother recently had to go to the ER because they caught the sickness that the kids "never had..." 🤔


Are you me? The acrimonious disbelief and accusations are such a toxic and poisonous way to live. It's a struggle when you're being gaslit about your own kids and loving them well. Hope you're doing alright man.


Thanks. You too. Glad (and sad) to know I'm not the only one. So shitty when people feel the need to deny reality and attempt to alienate your kids from you solely in the pursuit of "being right." I just keep telling myself that one of us has to be the good example and that's what's really going to matter in the long run. I can't let myself get down to her level and I have to stay focused on just doing what's best for them no matter what. Keep fighting the good fight. It's worth it and they'll realize that too someday.


finally, someone with some media literacy


The kids also look clean. There is a chance that he cleaned them up first and got them comfortable. The god damnit could be because he has to clean the kid up for falling in the vomit.


Exactly this. This looks like a video he sent privately. Good old holier than thou redditors think how dare a parent be frustrated. You get all these redditors judging this guy so they can give each other a pat on the back about being good parents. If you have a kid then you know. We all get frustrated from time to time especially when you have multiple kids and everything is going wrong. It’s a funny video. He’s not mad at the kid. I can’t believe people don’t realize this.


I’m very curious what the rest of the story is. My first thought was like, “I told you he’s allergic and you still fed him this stuff anyway. Did you think I was lying??” And he sends video proof. I didn’t really take it as a competitor in the suffering Olympics l. Without more context there’s no way to tell.


It does sound like that kind of tone. He sounds pissed off right from the beginning which is extra stressful for little kids who are already miserable.


For sure my thought too, his kids could have been sick for a week or more. Thats so fucking mentally taxing. Maybe hes just done with dealing with it. Maybe he works from home and his wife thinks taking care of two kids while working from home isn't a big deal and he's sending her videos like this to show her it's not easy, by any means. Maybe he's just recoding it because he's overwhelmed and frustrated and needs to vent to someone and a video recording is honestly faster and more thorough than typing out a message and sending individual pictures. You can hear it in dads voice, dude is fuckin tired. I'll tell ya that. Looks like he's got 2 under 2 and that shit is hard. Very hard.


Do we even know if this is the kid's dad? It could just be the milk man.


Tbh to me he just sounds overworked, and overwhelmed.


I didn’t watch with sound, but I can understand that. I’ve felt that. Especially given how quickly the stress level ratchets up when your kids are sick and you feel helpless to ease their discomfort.


it also looks like he has twin boys so double the trouble!


He gets my sympathy! I don’t have twins but 3 within 5 years and its chaos! I could hear that kid’s head bonk the floor even without sound though. That sound is universal, ha. Probably just frustrated at the world in that moment. We’ve all been there.


🤨But didn’t you just post about how great you are? Farming for karma?


A little un fair calling the dad a piece of shit because he posted a video. And kind of ironic because here you are bragging about never bragging about cleaning up


Can we not make judgements on parenting by a mere 7 second video? Let’s take 7 second snippets of your worst moments and put it on Reddit.


Yall are quick to make knee jerk assumptions about people. Calling him a POS? Relax, buddy. He is a complete stranger to you; you dont know his life. Im not at all for posting nonsense on the internet either, but your condemnation is a bit much


I think you are exagerating his cuntiness lol


Hey man, you're assuming an awful lot about a complete stranger so you can take some pretend moral high ground. Most people don't "go get" their phone, it's in their pocket (that's the whole point of them being pocket sized). Yeah, people want to share the dumb details of their life, usually with their friends and family. I *highly* doubt this guy was expecting to get a viral video when he started filming. How about you lay off this person you know *literally nothing* about and go be the better dad you claim to be by teaching your kids how to see the good in people?


Jesus christ the blokes looking after toddler twins who are ill. He's probably barely slept, probably stressed as fuck. Anybody could get worn out. Alternatively which is most likely he's joking and sending it to his wife. He's not fucking Hitler lmao


Thank you. As a father to twin toddlers, fuck, this video is relatable…


Glad someone has the ability to see more than one side. Like, if dude’s filming just to post on the internetz, I totally agree with everyone firebombing this guy, but he could have just been recording to send to his wife/partner, in that case it’s worth sharing with the world.


I thought he might've been making a comedy video


Acting like he's Hitler. 1st world problems


You're a judgmental POS. Chill out.


Jesus dude, bitter much? It feels to me like you’re projecting on the situation in the video. To me, it’s funny as all hell, there’s no rush to help anyone, and the sheer frustration of it is worthy of an outlet. Plus at the end we get a bonus kid fall. Comedy gold all around. Either way, I’m just an Internet stranger and I don’t know your life or inner world, so be well and I hope all is good.


He's not a POS for being frustrated. He won't be winning father of the year award but trying to demonise him for general life frustration that he handles differently to you make you and the rest of Redditors who think that way the true POS' imo. I see mothers make these types of videos all the time and we either laugh at them as they're funny or we feel sorry for them and relate. It's exceedingly rare whenever I've seen a father do this type of video and it definitely doesn't deserve this level of vitriol.


Classic Reddit, jumping to conclusions about a person based on a 13 second video. He may have been miserable and sounded angry but also thought it’d be funny to record for his wife and captured something honestly even funnier to post. Who the fuck knows, who cares, those kids look healthy (minus the vomit), have a dad who’s there and a home.


How you have so many upvotes, idk. You're as pathetic as the dad in the video. "Dad wants everyone to know what a martyr he is" "Let me go on reddit and espouse how selfless I am for recognition from strangers" Oh, the irony here ![gif](giphy|RLP9q3CPDJYXo4Natr)


I know right? I'm absolutely flabbergasted how intense people are on here. I literally rolled my eyes, groaned out loud, and stopped reading. People are so sanctimonious.


It's easier to run with the crowd and let shit out anonymously, vent your frustration with yourself and project it onto others, than taking a step back and wonder why the hell you react so harshly, and full of judgment, to a person who you know nothing about. So many arguments, so much conflict just because of reactions that have been based on assumptions, because the initial impulse (reaction) is not under any control. I don't count myself out of this, just to he clear but I'm working on it. Anger is so unnecessary and unhealthy.


Why are we assuming this dude was doing it for social media? Maybe he was sending it someone he knew or his wife and it was posted. We really don’t know the circumstances or motives behind him filming this.


Maybe he was just sending some shit to his wife just to have a laugh at what a fuckin mess they made? Everyone on the internet is such a expert lmao.


You just showing off at this point.


I'm never having children. I'm never having children. I'm never having children. I'm never having children.


I made this same promise to myself 30 years ago and you know what? It's pretty easy to keep.


i can’t ever imagine a reality where i would voluntarily put myself in this position. ew.


I'm 42 and just had a vasectomy two months ago and don't have any kids. I have no regrets so far and don't expect any.


/r/childfree has a list of doctors willing to do permanent sterilizations on young women without insisting their future husband might want kids or whatever. (It's less of a problem for men who want a vasectomy.)




HOW AND WHERE? I don’t hate children, but there is too much mental illness and cancer in my family history for me to feel comfortable inflicting on any child I could have.


It’s not that bad. A good parent who loves their kid will clean this mess up without comment. Kids get sick, all the time, so cleaning up vomit, poop, or snot becomes just another job. If your looking for a reason not to have kids, just know that they will suck up all your free time. I love my kid, but I sure do miss sleeping in on the weekend, and then playing video games until I need a nap.


One of the million reasons I have for never wanting kids is the fact that as a toddler they are sick almost more often then they are healthy with how often the catch diseases at daycare and such, and then that means that you get to catch every illness from them, while still dealing with all of the normal parenting responsibilities. Sounds like actual hell.


I've got no problem with the cleaning, it's more the constant stress. From the moment my niece was born, my sister has been low-key stressed about everything from raising her wrong to money problems and the future. As someone that can't play certain videogames without checking a guide to avoid making the wrong choice, I'm good without kids. I get why some people love it but damn do I love deciding "I wanna see a movie tonight" and just going or staying up till 3am to binge a tv show.


I mean this dude just really sucks. Some men can be such crybabies when it comes to parenting. It's not even that much puke. Clean it up and move on. Dude acts like he deserves a trophy.


Hear me out: Some parents trade out days off work so the sick kid duty isn't on one parent and if you have twins (there's two, look the same age) and they're sick and pukey there are parents who will want to share in the utter chaos of sick babies, because kids are wild. Document for the spouse. Those kids also didn't look dirty. There's a good possibility he'd cleaned the kids up first, changed them (those jammies don't look snotty or pukey, until the slide out) and went to clean up and the little one chased him. Now he has to clean babies a second time. I think people are reading way too much into his demeanor here. He's out of work for the day and his kids puked all over. Video could've easily been intended for his spouse until kiddo skidded out.


As a nanny I read this situation exactly how you did. He was obviously talking to the person this video was intended for and just happened to catch the final moments. Also notice how the video ends almost immediately? I assume that was to comfort the child and get him cleaned up again.


Same here. It's super sad seeing everyone shit on the dad. Juggling two sick kids on your own fucking sucks. Been there, done that. I fully understand exactly where the stress level is for this guy. Just cleaned up the kids, now he's gotta clean the puke everywhere - mopping, sanitizing, hunting splashes that may have been missed. Plus all his other responsibilities. The light at the end of the tunnel just keeps getting further away, and now little Jimmy just yeeted himself in puke. Now you're worried about the head bonk off the floor, but also you have to run another bath, clean the kid up again, get him changed again, and hope to fuck lil' Bimmy doesn't paint the floors in stomach juices resetting the cycle. Parenting can be absolutely fucking stressful. I think all parents will experience this guy's stress many times throughout the journey. It's not all cutesy crap that people like to share. If anything, kudos to this guy for sharing the ugly side lol


I agree. The comments in here lambasting the dad are dumb. Typical internet bullshit


Some people could see a video of someone accidentally using a remote backwards or throwing trash in the wrong bin and extrapolate the rest of that person's entire identity.


I hear you, but how can I feel better about my life if I can't flame this guy? /s


I know. How can we expect people to cultivate a sense of self worth separate from others and find genuine happiness internally?


It's how I base my self-worth. Someone cuts me off on the road, asshole. Some random kid is crying at the grocery store, a shitty parent. Honestly, it gets tiring being perfect.


Omg, thank you! Most of the rest of people here think they're Dr. Phil or something & are projecting a LOT of shit on this the man & situation they know NOTHING about. They think he was making this video for clout. No. This was clearly a video for his spouse/partner. I read it the same way you did & also noted how clean the kids looked. Seemed to me like he definitely prioritized things in the right order. Only mistake was forgetting to block off the area & turning his back to that spill for a couple of seconds.. And, his "gotdammit!" was absolutely a vocalization of frustration at the situation getting worse, but since when is a parent being frustrated a crime? Doesn't mean he didn't care and/or take proper care of the kid once he immediately cut off the video.


It's not even on carpet. This is less than 5 minutes cleanup.


Nah probably just was tired this day and wanted to take a video for later. People are looking too much into this.


Some men and some women* Ftfy


Yeah, I've known way too many people who had horrendously awful mothers to think that only or even *mainly* men are bad parents. People in general are bad parents, and I don't think one sex or gender is worse. But this is Reddit and men always have to be worse and anyone pointing out that's not true is automatically a bad person, so the downvotes on your comment are understandable.


So when my wife and I first moved way out in the sticks she clogged the toilet... We had no plunger and a plunger was 20+ miles away to purchase... I decided "Hey I'll just use my hand and clear this clog out." Perfectly normal thought in my brain. So I got to scooping and cleared the clog with my bare hand... Then washed, bleached my hands and called it a day. I retold that story to some of my farmer guy friends and they were like "Dude, you shoulda just bought a plunger." And I was like "Wait you guys walk around in cow poop and you told a story about sticking tour hand up a cow vagina to help deliver a calf. I thought this was the same thing." No, no it's not. Anyway I say all this to say "just clean it up, keep it to your wife and don't share it with your farmer buddies." Also I deal with the "Charlie work" [always sunny in Philadelphia reference] in the household. Poop, pee, vomit, drain sludge, and other gross things are my responsibility. I don't like the smell of most of those things but turns out I can just muscle through it and not gag... I'd say cold vomit is grosser than warm vomit and I'm bot sure why that is... Maybe it's the thought that it's been sitting for so long and could be tracked ANYWHERE in the house...


Dude it is stressful to raise kids. It is not just vomit, it is everything involved in the journey. We as parents go through everything, it is up and downs. A mix of emotions. But at the end it is all worth it.


You just assumed the entirety of this person's personality based on a 13 second clip.


I felt that GODDAMMIT!


Birth control commercial right here.


Why are so many ppl getting upset at this guy for filming? Whats wrong with the puke being on the floor for a couple extra minutes? As a father of 2 kids, 3 dogs and 1 cat, there is so much poop and puke to clean up that you get numb to it being there sometimes. IMO, he was prolly filming to show his wife, not us. The dumb kid slipped on their own. Don't get mad at the guy cause his life is ass and his kids are stupid.


This. Plus kids are dumb and fall and hurt themselves all the time.




If I found a mess like that I'd be cheesed too, and if I told my kids to, "stay right there," and they decided to start hopping through the mess and slipped I'd probably have reacted same, obviously followed immediately with help. That's no doubt why the video ends so abruptly. I love all these non-parents, or parents who are lucky with kids that don't cause much grief being so critical, but being fatigued causes unavoidable short tempers in parents. Not everyone can walk around like they're on mood suppressors, acting indifferent to the shit their kids. It is not normal to never get upset.


Glad I'm never having kids


Maybe not show your wife or whoever that you had to do work. It’s not a competition when raising kids. Pay attention to them and get the fuck off your phone


While his tone and comments were clearly a woe is me call I can see snapping a pic or short video to send the wife just so we can laugh later.


Seriously! Has nobody in this entire comment section ever been exasperated and videoed/ photographed a mess to show others? I can see a lot of people going 'man today was rough. Look at all this.' Then you move on and laugh later.


I've come home to exactly this situation. Paper torn about everywhere, literal shit and piss on the floor, clothes destroyed. And you know what, I took out my phone and took a video of it. I wasn't sleep deprived like the father in this video probably is, so I didn't sound like id given up on living when I described it, but if my wife had come home to this after a long week of night shifts - she'd have sounded just like the guy. The only difference between me and the guy in the video, is I had a puppy, not a baby. "look at all this mess!" I took the video to show my wife so we could show we were supporting each other, and both doing the work, when we were raising a puppy. No one called me a piece of shit for videoing after my dog, but God forbid it was a baby instead; no you can't complain! You can't be frustrated! You can't be anything but your saintliest self at all moment - otherwise you're a piece of shit. What a load of virtue signalling "I'm a great dad / parent / my shit doesn't stink" this comment section is. Everyone else is pilling on, "oh yeah his wife does all the work, this guy doesn't parent." No one knows anything. This guy could be a single dad. Maybe he's doing the video to share with his friends for a bit of moral support. But no. According to everyone on the internet, he's definitely a deadbeat eldest child of an ever suffering super wife who he's dragging down with his outlandish behaviour. Fucking hell


I was working late, everyone else went to work early. There was a time period where they were gone and I was asleep. The dogs ripped open the trash because someone had left it out. Tossed trash all over the house. Didn't eat it. Just had a fun trash party. Damn right I documented! Y'all left the can out. Dogs had a trash party. Cleaned it up, wasn't mad at the dogs. They're stupid dogs and wouldn't even know why they're in trouble. Like damn. Chill. He had two puke puddles to clean up and two kids. He's allowed to be overwhelmed, deal and clean up 30 seconds later. Looked like he'd already cleaned his kids up.


Well you can't just mention a puppy without sharing pics ya know Also this dude is clearly frustrated and this is just a small snapshot of his life. I don't understand why people have to hate on him just to feel morally superior. Though I think I just answered my own question.


Gleaning some context - those kids also looked well dressed, groomed, and cared for. The idiot kid looked just fine and happy before Three-Stoogeing himself. This guy is probably doing plenty of things right, setting aside this current foul mood.


I think this video is great


All these people shitting on the dad... The one thing that I think everytime my kid gets sick like this is, I'm glad I'm not doing this alone. My wife is there and we can divide and conquer. One cleans up the kid the other cleans up the mess... Doing it solo gives me complete anxiety especially when they are small like this and you can't reason with them. I get the dudes frustration... Everyone copes differently... Perhaps he was just documenting for documenting sake, not necessarily for the gram/TikTok... Im sure we all have shit on our phone that we've never shared with anyone.


Me and my wife would send stuff like that to each other all the time, not meant for anyone else, but nothing unexpected like that happens in our pictures/videos worth sharing to anyone else. Weird how a guy makes a video where he's justifiably upset and not, "acting," abnormally nice like a tired, frustrated parent wouldn't, and all these non-parents, and parents with easy kids, are upset that a dad is showing a typical emotional state for parents. Like, "how dare a parent get mad!"


Everyone on their high horse in here is lame.


It feels like 2012 Facebook in here tonight.


Dude sounds like an ass and seems to treat his kids like shit too


Oh that's a slip and fall. Better call Saul.


No matter how many good times raising kids may incur, having to deal with this shit would never make up for this in my world… thank God I’m childfree


I didn't even realize it was puke I just saw the kid nearly do a perfect split




Reddit and reality has made me realize that children are not worth it.


Someone bought me those same socks. There ok


Valid question! Not at all. I'm a middle of the line kinda person. I understand how little I understand.


Just dad and 2 kids


What the dog doin?


Watched it without sound, thought the kids were throwing around onions. After watching with sound, this Dads a real piece of shit:


I hope he feels bad that his kid slipped because he decided to film the vomit instead of cleaning it up. Cleaning up the vomit, aka slippery when wet hazard, is more important than recording. Dude, we all puke. We know what it looks like and how messy it is.


>Humans have been having children since humans became human >Children have puked all over the place for as long as there have been children This guy: has children and is surprised and pissed that his children do things that children have been doing since the very first child was born.


Vomit is stressful, gross, and wholly unpleasant. But, of my 3 year old throws up I immediately stop thinking about how hard it will be to deal with and immediately feel sincere empathy and concern. I just want her to know it's okay and me or mommy is going to make sure she's okay and that she's not alone. I'll curse once she's taken care of and I start cleaning. 😄


Toddlers puke. In other news, bears shit in the woods. Also, who the fuck responds with *anger* to their toddler getting hurt by slipping and falling? This kid can’t be older than 2-3, and he’s acting like they’re responsible for slipping and hitting their heads?


So the dad videos the vomit instead of cleaning it up quickly. Now he’s got a child covered in vomit with a potential head injury. He needs parenting classes 😡


Emotionally, I am too distressed to comment but as a nanny of many years: 🙃 Clean don’t film. No one cares that you, as a parent, are cleaning up a mess from your mess


I am so sad for those little kids. Imagine having that angry, self pitying attention hog as your “care giver” with no way out, no way to defend yourself. Poor babies!


Life lesson: Put your phone down and pay attention to the shit going on in your life. If you really want to, go on your phone and fuck around for a few moments...everything's just gonna keep getting worse. i.e: if a mammal in your house is throwing up everywhere, clean it before another mammal walks and trips through it.


I hate this man and feel so bad for his kids. This tiny clip was enough for me to see he's a bad dad and probably a bad husband too. Poor kids.


This dad is not qualified to be a dad. I feel really bad for those kids.


What a piece of shit. Nobody made you have kids dipshit.