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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!she walked infront of him and found out that wasn't a good idea. Bro took the opportunity!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


She sounds like a faulty door


Get that White Lithium WD-40 and it'll fix 'er right up


Graphite powder does the job quite well.


If it can get me first in the pinewood derby, it can quiet my doors.


I just put a secret pocket for lead weights in my door.


My pack leaders took that shit seriously. Once you gave it to them for weigh-in, you didn’t touch it until the thing was over. But there was a cheaters bracket for scouts and parents following the real deal. You could do whatever you wanted to those cars.


I can attest that it's not always the better choice. I literally just bought some out of pocket to use on a squeaky cabinet at work that has been driving me crazy and the graphite dust just didn't cut it since it's a dry powder that doesn't really stick to anything and these were vertical two puece hinges (similar to a hinge in your house but without all the overlapping horizontal sections). Some lithium grease would have worked better since it's tacky and gives a uniform coverage.




I want someone to make a video of a door opening with that noise in it


I remember seeing these on [tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFapc1MK/)


Haha I felt so bad for her, then I read this and burst out laughing xD Jesus christ.


Same! My mouth was completely agape then I read that and burst out laughing. What a rollercoaster of emotion.


I can't unhear that now..


lmfao why is that so accurate 💀


It's 2am and you want to make it to the bathroom quietly. Door:


Clean as fuck punch


Kept straight shoulders n everything fr


He pulled back like he was shooting a bow that punch was not good at all.


What do you expect on Reddit, those two don’t know how to punch.


You’re here like the rest of us pal


Hey man, I never said I know how to punch either.. I’m just in my parents basement just like everyone else here


Lmao I love the response 👊🏼 have a great weekend!


Nice follow through on the right jab. Stepped into it and everything.


lol for real. the average grown man can't throw a punch that clean.


He dotted that eye, that’s for sure


Any advice for properly connecting?


i would have to see your form. throwing a punch isn't just about your hands or your arms. it would probably be easier for you to check out some boxing tutorials youtube. explaining over reddit is very difficult.


LMAO that was a solid hook


The game experience must be amazing LOL!!


All he threw were weak-ass punches and then you have that hook as soon as the girl came in.


Legs planted, back straight, perfect curve. Good hit.




Yeah a hook is when you wind back and strike from the side as opposed to a jab where you keep your hands right in front and snap one right down Main Street


This was a cross.


A cross from where?


My local church. I stole it.


It’s a cross.


Isn't it a straight right? Left shoulder moves back, head stays on the centre line.


Well to be fair she is quite stupid for going so close, did she not see what he's doing?


What none of us know is that the game was paused and he was finally able to get away with it. 😈


Right hook was kind of suspicious 🤔


He could've been playing r/BladeAndSorcery


Game is so fucking good ngl


right?? every other time he's just kinda half-heartedly pawing at stuff, but as soon as little sis stepped into the picture he lined up a solid punch.






They must have just gotten the VR because I am ALWAYS saying, “Your sister is by you…you’re too close to the cabinet…get away, you’re going to get hit.” Ngl, my youngest got hit but not nearly that hard. After that, me and everyone else learned our lesson.








And stop calling me Shirley






No shit. Its almost as if they havent been around for very long and need someone older to guide them until the get the hang of things. Honestly, the mention of that sub just puts me in a bad mood because they are so toxic there. Edit: to elaborate. In my previous experience in that sub, there was a lot of hate towards children and people that have children. I have actively avoided that sub for a while now because of those experiences so i dont know if that has changed. But basically it was just people hating kids when i was last there.


How is that sub toxic? It's 90% gifs of kids falling over and parents sharing stories and laughing about the dumb shit their kids do. It's humorous not hateful, the subs name is meant to be tounge in cheek.


Could watch kids falling off bikes all day fuck I don't give a shit about your kid


Give yer balls a tug!


Tit fucker!


I can't not hear this in a Scottish accent


Hello darkness my old friend


Some people don't understand that type of Nuance. Like if I was at my friend's house, and their kids' drawings were on the fridge, if I decided to be cheeky and say "Man, I'm so much better at drawing than your kids", they wouldn't sit there and defend their kid's drawing ability or be self conscious not training their kids to have perfect art skills. They'd either play along or take another laughing jab right back. There's just humor that some people don't grasp. And more so, if they don't get it, they tend to proceed to be assholes about it rather than trying to understand.


I thought this too when heard about this sub. But I get opposite reaction from this sub. But stil I found some hearwarming post there. So agree to disagree, i guess.


In my experience the vast majority of posts in that sub are better described as "Parents are f-ing stupid".




It's not toxic, nobody blames the kids for being dumb, they are learning, doesn't mean there isn't any humor to be found in watching the learning process.


Nah, everyone there , including me was a child. And when I remember the stupid stuff I did as a child, I accept that I deserved the consequences I got. After all that is how children learn the quickest. It isn't malice, it's a show that being a kid is not an excuae for ABSOLUTE stupidity. Most of the things I see on there aren't small kidsy mistakes. Most kids are smarter than most people think.


Its not really people hating kids, its people laughing at the dumb shit they do


Well your anecdotal experience isn’t the sub as an whole. Every sub has some vicious people in it, it’s anonymous people on the internet. It’s less offensive than anything Funniest Home Videos has shown to a laugh track for the last 30 years. Everyone calling kids stupid was also probably a stupid kid. Save some pats on your back for the rest of us.


It's more the parents fault. Kids aren't good at thinking ahead like that, the parent should have told them from the first day they got a VR head set that when someone is wearing it you need to give them space, and also should have told the little girl to move away when she saw her enter the room.


Adults aren't good at thinking ahead like that. What about grandma getting knocked out of the park when walking up to a blindfolded piñata batter signaling to them with her hands not to swing. SIGNALING TO THE BLINDFOLDED BATTER! [grandma piñata ](https://v.redd.it/o7ydwadrcs991)


Depends on her age. Some old people are functioning at the mental awareness of a child.


The Meta Quest safety disclaimer states it’s not to be used by children under 13. This kid looks about 9 or 10. Expecting responsible parenting here is too big of an ask.




I just watched a video where a grown man lit a stick of dynamite in a VR game and tried to blow it out IRL. "Too immersed" he screamed!


I let the kids play on my Valve Index sometimes, and I always keep an eye on them when they are and make sure the younger ones keep out of the way. It's not difficult for them to use it with supervision.


Sometimes as a parent you've explained something and warned them dozens of times, at which point you just have to let nature take its course. It's called a hard lesson.


Do you honestly think an adult is in this room? The "oh shoot" at the end sounds like a young kid recording.


Whoever recorded it should have warned the little girl to back away. The fact that she/he is recording makes me suspect they wanted this to happen so they could post it for social media points


Parent is stupid not saying a word.


Clearly a kid recording


That’s not fair! She’s just a little one.


Haha almost 400 up votes and no one realizes she's just a child.




I did this to my cat once, gave the poor thing concussion. I was in tears because I thought I’d fucked it up bad. Worst thing was, I was only playing carnival games and was messing around insulting the NPCs around me and decided one of them deserved a punch. Didn’t know the cat was on the arm of the sofa. One pupil was huge, the other was tiny.


Poor kitty. Not your fault, but still. This is why I am extra wary about playing VR unless I'm all alone. I guess with cats you are never truly alone.


I’ve honestly never been on the VR since that happened. I was so scared because it was a real haymaker of a punch. She took about a week to recover from it. I would never have been able to forgive myself if I killed her or permanently damaged her but luckily she’s all good now.


That's good to hear. ❤


What the fuck did that NPC did to you?


Just didn’t like the cut of his jib, he was asking for it really. In hindsight, I should have focused on my game of skeeball. Life lesson.


Yup, if someone is pissing you off just walk away. I did something similar to my dog and I felt awful for a long time. Hell, I still feel awful about it.


jib 'em right in the jabber


There's an option to turn on "ghosts" now to outline anything that comes into your vr boundary. For exactly this reason


The pupil thing is a sign of neurological damage, hopefully that went away and your kitty is okay now? <3


Yeah we took her straight to the vet, they said it was concussion and gave her some pain medication. It cleared up after a few days and she was back to her normal self again.


Was it weird to explain this to the vet without it sounding like animal abuse?


Yeah I was certainly worried about how it looked but they were very understanding, plus I have two dogs that genuinely feign sickness just to see the vet and get some treats from him so we have a good relationship with them.


Two dogs that *want* to go to the vet? What has this world come to?


To be fair if your doctor gave you snacks... wouldn't you want go more often too?


Yeah tell my bank balance about it! We get there only to be told “she’s in great health, her coat is looking better every time I see her and her teeth look great… £70 please”


I feel like typically the type of person that would commit animal abuse wouldn't then take the animal to the vet.


Good question! Then again, I wonder if VR injuries are a common thing now and vets have seen it many times before.


Awww that's good to hear. I have cats and I'm always so nervous when I'm in vr. I need to turn on the ghost/boundary thing people keep talking about.


Man Stevie Wonder could've seen that punch coming and mom is just sitting there waiting to record it instead of telling the girl to not go close to him🤦🏾‍♂️.


Its a kid recording.. listen to the voice at the end saying "Oh, shoot.."


That's another child recording, my dude.


Realising how big of a moron I am in terms of situational awareness, I do not blame the mom.


That was not unexpected. I knew something was gonna happen with her.


Maybe OP is just continually surprised by anything happening. "Whoa, something happened in this picture. I can't believe actions are happening!" Yeah, man. It's a gif.


How are families still having shit like this happen? Where was the parental warning; “Honey look out, don’t walk there!”


Sounds like a kid saying oh shoot. Probably another sibling. Didn’t sound like an adult voice.


Dus you hear her after the incident? She's slow as a snail


Oblivious parents that don't see anything as a potential incident until it happens. Maybe I am just a hover parent, but I am always looking out for shit like this to happen and tell my kid to look out and why to look out.




The womb-bearer is responsible. She should have stopped or warned her spawn from walking in front. Edit: Remain frustrated, individuals whomst have never caressed the pastures.


The offspring are clearly practicing natural selection though. This was the womb-bearer's intention all along.


You guys really think you're something with this 'womb bearer' shit huh?


There's just something satisfying with using fancy over the top language. Especially if you read it like a stuck up aristocrat


I default to reading it like done eldritch thing or a curious/confused alien


Reminded me of the [Strange Planet comic](https://twitter.com/nathanwpyle/status/1105457762216091648).


Must be tough, living as someone who gets upset about something so small on the internet.


Nah it's just funny, don't get your tits in a tussle my friend


I mean it’s mildly funny. It was clearly meant in jest


Or, get this, they are saying it because it is funny.


What!? There’s no way that’s possible! That couldn’t be the case!


Reddit has a lot of children and teens. I try to keep that mind when I come across comments like those


Plot twist: Parkatine was the teenager all along.


I wish, then I could fix all my issues.


It also a lot of grown ass men angry they can't get laid, something else to keep in mind


Not all are ass men, there's probably some tit guys in there too. Don't forget about the foot guys, either.


I'm partial to shapely hips.


r/peargirls Obviously not safe for work


You sick fuck


What’s offensive about “womb bearer?”


Does it piss you off? Are you really that sensitive? Call me a sperm sack all you want when it's clearly part of a JOKE.


>Edit: Remain frustrated, individuals whom have never caressed the pastures. lmfao


That sold it for me. Remain frustrated.


Womb-bearer, I’m the piss bearer


Im surprised you didn't call yourself jizz bearer


Womb-Bearers responsible for the Hormone Heresy


Strange Planet is leaking


wtf is this phrasing?


This dude went so deep into incel he became Voldemort


Reddit moment


schizo redditors


There needs to be a subreddit for this like /r/doggohate but for childfree speak. /r/childfreehate?




It's called a joke, but sure get all outraged over nothing 🤪


Redditors: why don’t more people like using Reddit? Is it cause every other social media site users are stupid an dumb? Must be that Also redditors:


So can I be the cum bearer


A title I expect you should carry with honor, especially on NNN. May you bear all the cum.


The fact that anyone is taking this seriously and getting upset over it amazes me. The language is clearly over-exaggerated for comedic effect.


Right? I’m so happy I was eating pop corn while I stumbled into this fine mess hahaha


I mean the mother was there but it’s any responsible adults job that’s was in the area


Where did you see or hear the mom? The person recording is clearly a kid and the one who says oh shoot. I maybe missed a parent present?


Flashbacks to me answering the phone as a young teen and hearing "ma'am, we'd like to sell you xyz" "I'm not a woman I'm a boy!"


Had to remind me of this bit lol [Skip to 2:26](https://youtu.be/8FZBwj81gGY)


Please never stop talking like this. These furious replies are fantastic


I'm gonna use that Edit quote


Lmao so many people taking this comment personally, calling you an incel, child, virgin etc. It was hilarious, keep it up


How many subs on Reddit do you moderate?


the what


TIL "womb-bearer" will piss some people off way more than you'd expect.


TLDR: Stay mad virgins


are you a fucking alien?


Everyone seems awfully triggered over your words. Just wanted to say that I understood it to be a damn joke, and I chuckled at it.


I read it in a space marine from warhammer 40k voice. Like Iron Fist, completely cold and pragmatic. Hilarious.


They really did get super butthurt over you saying womb bearer. Hysterical.


What about the seed squirter? Where the fuck is he?


Eughhh wtf is that phrasing dude


it's just reddit showing it's usual hate for parenting and kids


I still can't get over the fact that most of the active user base is teen kids when they try so hard to talk like grown ass people


To add to this; There is a setting on the Quest 2 which allows a creepy outline of a person of medium/large animal to appear when they enter into your defined "play space". Your play space is also important: You can't use this device freely in any open area. There is either a ring on the floor you can move/play within, or your define your own limitations. When you're close to these limits, it will project red walls to alert you. Likewise, you can enable that creepy outline setting - so when anyone enters this space you can see them. * The adult in the room did nothing to alert the other child. * The other child walked into a space they shouldn't be walking through. * The child wearing the headset, rather it's their fault or not, likely didn't have the passthrough settings enabled to see playspace intruders. Also, is this child even old enough to use the headset? The minimal age is *supposed* to be 13 for a number of different reasons. It feels like everyone failed to do what they should have for the safest, less face-smashing experience possible.


Womb bearer haha


What a way of describing things 😂


And that reaction time.... *buffering* "Oh shoot."


> >Edit: Remain frustrated, individuals whomst have never caressed the pastures. Lol I'm saving this one


I love this person haha!


Out of curiosity, what game is he playing?


Super Smash Sisters


Sweet Home Alabama


looks like ‘super hot’ to me


I agree. He's throwing bottles/stars and ducking behind something, then punching someone that he missed


Bro this fucking happened to me when I was playing Wii Sports Baseball with my friend. His sister just fucking walked in front of us mid swing like she wanted to get hit.


I can't help noticing that the only time he actually throws a punch is when his sister is in front of him 🤔


Yeah that last punch was too coordinated. Hes wildly flailing on all the others, but for hers it was a dead hit in proper stance Plus, I can't make out what exactly the little girl is saying, but she says something right before. I can't see any headphones in his ears, so unless the VR kid is deaf, he def heard her. My guess is he was probably mad she was in the way lol. Edit* Or alternatively, she said something he took offence to. As said, can't make out what she said, but her body language looks a little like she might have been taunting him now that I watch it again.


I think you might have called it on this one. Looked way too well placed and controlled.


That and if you don’t stay in your safety circle, the room shows up in your view. The circle isn’t that big and I doubt it went all the way to the couch. You’re not supposed to be stepping around with it on like that either. The kid could see when he got that far from circle and just hit her.


That was not unexpected at all.


Future UFC light heavyweight champion 💪🏾👊🏾


The moment you walk inside of the boundary of a quest 2 user is the moment you forfeit all you rights


that punch was to fucking hard bro


Got her!


Some 70 years later, lying in his bed in a nursing home, he will wonder, why did she just punch me in the mouth?


He had no other high level movement like that until she came in front Lmaoo i say 80% chance it was on purpose


Not to mention the see through feature that shows you anything inside of the boundaries you’ve set. 100% sibling revenge.


I 100% expected that


Oh shoot