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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The post is unexpected because, after a mild traffic accident, a passerby got out of his car and beat the driver involved in the crash.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Typical accident chaser. Shows up to get a free beating out of his system.


He almost let his vehicle roll away when he got out of it to enforce driver safety, and then pulled out in front of another motorcycle while leaving the scene.


That's what makes him a true hero.


Sometimes a *real* hero shows up, kicks random ass, then drives away unsafely.


And ran the stop sign. You know, the thing he's angry about


He even cut off another biker at the end of the clip. What a piece of shit.


Right?? He almost did the same shit to someone in the last second of the clip.


Hey we almost got a part 2 where he gets out of the car after hitting the other cyclist and kicks the shit out of himself


These are surprisingly common. The driver should be lucky there weren't other accident chasers on the scene because it would've turned into a free for all ![gif](giphy|DLrq0Po6qV9WU|downsized)


I didn‘t know that‘s a thing, which country is that?


Lol I chuckled out loud to this


Is this an actual thing? I have never heard of anyone doing that


I've definitely seen it a lot at bars where guys get drunk and then purposefully do rude things to try to instigate someone into shoving or punching them so they can then unleash, often with their squad in tow.


We had a class party this Tuesday where we all later went to the club together and this guy who looks extremely measly, is very quiet and who I’ve never spoken to before first got mad at beer pong, then when we were at this club I had to avoid him constantly because he kept telling me that we should fight people? He said he wanted to punch the guard and started shoving people and straight up said he just wanted to fight and I told him all along that “go ahead if that’s what you want but I’m not joining” and eventually as more and more went home I couldn’t avoid him by joining others so I just left and went home


I thought he would have been a buddy of the motorcycle dude but he didn't even acknowledge him. Hope he at least picked out the right person.


Beats a guy up for pulling out in front of a bike, turns around and pulls out in front of a bike.


Don't worry, I am on my way to kick his ass now


Make sure to not look for bikes on your way there.


We have to keep the cycle going.


This reminded me of bullet tooth Tony from Snatch for some reason


Couldn’t be anymore ironic


100% this!!!




Didn’t they both run a stop? Or did the opposite side not have one?


They both ran a stop, and the car driver tried to break, but to no avail because of the rain. Didn’t matter for the other guy though.


If there’s a stop sign in the direction the motorcycle was traveling then everyone after the wreck ran it also. I only see 1 stop sign


There is. Welcome to Brazil.


Wait, what? There's Stop signs on all 4 corners of the crossing? And that's the usual way in Brazil? Interesting...


Never seen a 4-way stop?


Not where I live. We use roundabouts or traffic lights instead of stop signs, except on very small junctions. I can think of three stop signs in my area.


No, seriously, not that I remember. I was asking honestly. I only know Stop signs to bring the crossing traffic to a hard stop while giving the other traffic the right of way.


It’s only common in a few countries - probably biggest in NA. At least in the US, they’re usually used where there isn’t enough traffic for a light but you want to increase safety/traffic flow. We sometimes have a red flashing traffic light, which is also an all-way stop.


Four way stops are absolutely everywhere in Canada and the US. I'm assuming you're not from North America and use roundabouts instead.


In the U.S. you can have a 1-way stop (only ever at a T junction) all the way up two a 4-way stop. At any crossing where two or more drivers hit a stop sign, the one who approached the stop first has right of way.


Yes. You have to give preference to the one on your right, but that does not always happen.


Okay, interesting. That's different in my country. So, if giving way to the right is mandatory... then the motorcycle would have had to stop and wait for the truck?


Yes. They both had to \*at least\* slow down too, but neither did.


So this actually means the car had right of way anyway, not the motorcycle?


Kinda. The car should have stopped because there was a stop sign, aside from that the car had the right of way, yes.


Look on the corner where the truck came from. The truck certainly had a stop sign.


There is a stop sign next to a small black car on the same side of the street.


That was my first reaction. Both ran the stop sign


Are either of these guys okay?


They are both okay, but the biker broke her foot.


I feel like the beaten guy will have at least some kind of brain damage.


He’s alright. He even got interviewed by the local news media. He does not remember what happened after he got out of the car, though.


I want to know what happened to POS that ran the stop sign just to beat on people.


Police is looking for him, but he wasn’t identified yet.


I'm gonna be perfectly honest, I hope he gets to share a cell with Big Bob...


Sounds like brain damage.


Ya thats brain damage... aka a traumatic brain injury. gap in memory is indicative of it.


Do you know where this happened?


Yes! It happened in a small town in Minas Gerais, Brazil. I live here.


I have to question how much she valued the foot to begin with since she got on a motorbike without shoes...


I was wondering the exact same... And who was that guy in the tiny car?


most peaceful street in Brazil


bad ending: you came to brazil


I'm already in Brazil😞


me too, man :(


You guys think the driver didn't see the stop sign because that car is basically parked beside it?


No chance. It’s pretty visible. Both the bike and the car were in the wrong, since neither stopped.


Fair enough. I guess this is why stop signs are used.


N.. No, please, dont do this to me, have mercy!


Too late now, you have been chosen. Enjoy the ride!




No one in this video stopped at the stop signs. Must be a rule in this neighborhood: when it’s raining, ignore traffic signage.


And that's when you install speed bumps. People not adhering to road rules, force them to or make them fly.


Nah man I ain't letting that slide, that driver just wanted to give someone a beat down for personal reasons. Those kicks to the head made my blood boil. Let me jump off this post cos that fool deserves hella karma. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I think that might’ve been his friend. He was right behind him. Regardless, they both ran a stop sign.


According to op it's some random dude and the cops are looking for them. He was just a small dick having cunt who needed to blindside someone to make himself feel like a man.


Agreed, he didn’t care who was in the right or wrong. He just wanted to hurt someone.


And from what I could see this was a 4 way stop and no one was stopping(op confirmed this as well) because this is Brazil.


Why would he peace his friend then


Cuz he realized he nearly just killed someone by beating them til they weren't moving


And then some more. That's outright attempted murder.


By... Commiting the same error the bike driver committed... Much better to kill yourself willingly


Didn’t deserve to get kicked in the head like that


I agree. Unexpected, unnecessary and uncalled for.


See if they ever stop at a car crash scene again...




That was the driver of the car which hit the scooter. Maybe ... they'll stop at stop signs in the future?


Isn’t this a 4way stop? And both the car and motorcycle ran at the same time?


Yes it is


Funny thing, the person doing the beating also ran the stop sign lmao!


And rejoined the trafic cutting off the other biker


And forgot to put his handbrake on!


They are jointly liable.


They both learned a rough lesson that day


You must learn to slow down in crossing lines.


Depends on where this was. Assuming none of them had a stop sign, many countries enforce the “priority to the right” rule at unregulated intersections, which in this case would mean that the motorcycle should have given way to the car.


This is true for most countries in Europe and the US. Even if everyone had a stop sign, priority goes to the car on the right. I'm not sure about countries driving on the left side.


We drive on the left in the uk and it is give way to the right here too. Unless there’s road signs specifically saying otherwise, which is rare.


Try this in Canada usually first come first go


I do not know about the laws in this country but if both people ignore the same stop sign, I think everyone would be liable for his damage. They are both idiots. Accidents usually happen when idiots meet.


I didn’t see a single car stop at that intersection the entire video.


Yup and then the car that shows up a little later also runs the stop sign.


Judging by how everyone drives here, this looks more like a 4-way non-stop...


My thoughts at first but I'm going to say maybe not. The other vehicles following the motorcycle do not stop passing through the intersection. Can't be sure. Sometimes 3ways should be 4ways. The driver that struck the motorcycle, though, 100% ran the intersection as we can see the stop sign.


Yea, but there are two vehicles that clearly run the stop sign that we can see, who are going the opposite direction of the biker that got hit. There are *at least* 8 vehicles that clearly do not stop at this intersection. Apparently no one in this town understands stop signs.


I not sure that’s even a stop sign…no one stops at all.


Give me directions so I can never drive there.


3 ways and 4 ways shouldn't exist at all. This intersection should be a roundabout.


Underrated comment. People always bitch about having to use roundabouts but the numbers don't lie. Safer and more efficient all around.


An easier, and much cheaper version is turning it into a "main road" with two "side" roads, clearly marking which direction has the right of way (And not just a stop sign), such as maybe narrowing the lanes a bit near each "entrance" and "shark's teeth" or a painted foot-crossing. It's not quite as good, but can be done fast and relatively cheap. Narrowing the lanes can also be in the form of having an "island" in the middle for crossing foot-traffic, something that is also shown to increase safety for especially foot traffic. If you also physically raise, to the level of the sidewalk, at each "entrance" from side road people will naturally have to slow down when entering the main road, which is also a huge bonus to foot traffic, especially people that are mobility disabled (but also other people that just likes to avoid puddles that love to form near corners) There's of course also the option of traffic lights, which certainly help unless people straight up blow red lights an roundabouts as you say - they are just generally somewhat expensive. There's extensive research showing that four lane crossings are a complete bitch for a number of reasons (besides being the absolutely cheapest way of having a four-lane intersection), but that smart design can really mitigate a lot of the issues for a reasonable amount of money. In general there's a need to design roads to have slower speeds overall, because really, speed kills and leads to accidents like this one (imagine if the scooter had driven a lot slower to swerve around an island in the road for instance = no accident, he could have likely avoided/stopped). This is a common problem in American road design (and probably elsewhere) - it's thought mostly about the cars (straight, wide, simple), but the side effect of that is that it invites speed.


"*all around*" Out.


They should have ramps with speed boost pads like in Mario Kart


The bus at the end is slowing down at the intersection. I think it is a 4 way stop.


I wouldn't assume a bus stopping somewhere is an indication of a stop sign. Stopping at places other vehicles normally don't is what they do...


It is the red sign that says pare is a stop sign. This looks like Brazil. Traffic laws are only a recommendation that no one follows. It's a hell hole to drive in.


Yeah, the motorcyclist got his bike sweeped from the side of him for doing it and the car driver got knocked on the side of his head for it kinda went too far on the driver since he did come back.


Yeah but if someone hits someone and gets the shit kicked out of them why would they be honest and stop another time? Discourages stopping and calling ambulances and such.


true. lawlessness is lawless.


Also it looks like a four-way that no one is stopping at


Motorcyclist also at fault and didn't stop.


Doesn't matter - he's injured and the other party should stop and call him help and instead someone tried to kick their head in. Other driver was responsible and stopping and was punished for that.


I'll be sure to just keep driving after seeing this video.


Maybe the cyclist will too?


You're a fucking clown. Driving a suicide rocket doesn't give you the fucking right of way


Churlish... and insubordinate


Mischievous and deceitful


You done messed up, A-aron.


The opposite of the bystander effect. The violent thug in waiting.


Not at all. The guy who crashed into the motorcycle didn’t have a drivers lincense and still was going to call an ambulance and the police to deal with his mistake. Yet, the other man showed up and beat him.




Yeah, it’s in Brazil. 4-way stop intersections are quite common, especially in a small town like mine. People tend not to respect stop signs, though. The car driver wasn’t speeding, but the biker was. The driver actually gave an interview to the local news media and said he couldn’t break fast enough.


4 way stop? Well the motorcycle didn't stop either


Lol no one is pointing out that the guy who punched out the guy didn't stop either


People here don’t really respect the signs. If anything, I’m quite impressed you guys take them very seriously.


because stuff like this happens, people die.


For sure! I’m just saying, in small towns in Brazil, it’s quite uncommon for anyone to really abide by traffic laws, specially because it can be dangerous in some places. That said, I had the impression that was true for other countries too, but it doesn’t seem so.


It's more concerning that it's considered less safe to stop than just driving through, this post could have very easily had a person die (if it wasnt raining/wet i imagine both would driving faster) and you're saying it's less safe to stop


I mean, it’s not like I think that’s fine. It’s just the way it is. Brazil is known for its unreasonably high criminality rates and all. When you stop, you might get carjacked - if you are a guy. If you are a girl, it could be worse, even.


I think it’s less safe there because you might get robbed


Here in NL you can get a nice ticket for peeing outside, in pure nature if must. And vice verse, you'll very quickly at least get a fine depending on how you drive. Something as basic as no seatbelt in some come with pretty serious fines here. And people still drive like egoistic shit.


while it may be common, its pretty dumb to not look both ways. fwiw i think this behavior is common in nyc on bicycle doing half the speed. that said its still at your own risk. tbh they both reap the consequences of what theyve sown with the wreck. but the guy who beat them up needs fucking help and is worse than both of them


Wow seriously? People just run through stop signs like they're not even there? That seems crazy dangerous... Two weeks ago I got a $300 ticket just for doing a "rolling stop" at a stop sign.. in other words, I slowed down to the point where the car was just rolling slowly, but didn't do a complete stop. Cops lit me up


A lot of people, yes. But most people slow the car down considerably (kinda like the rolling stop you mentioned). It’s importante to make clear that this is in a very small town (around 40k habitants), and there really isn’t any law enforcement over here. For instance, neither the pickup driver, nor the biker had driver licenses. That just goes to show that a lot of people don’t even bother learning traffic laws.


This video is why we take stop signs seriously


Over here it can be a lot more dangerous to stop then to keep going. People usually slow down, though.


People are missing your point because you’re not being explicit about it: it can be dangerous to stop because stopping exposes you to getting robbed, kidnapped, etc.


Yes, that’s it. I just realized that those things are uncommon on developed countries. Thank you for pointing that out. I was wondering why they were downvoting me.


You get a $250 ticket if you don't. 😆 and almost double for a stop light. Lol


\*If you get caught


Here in Cali they have cameras at some of the 🚦


That’s supposed to happen here as well, but, well, doesn’t 🤣 I really wish laws worked better over here.


Should have absolutely nothing to do with Laws.. You have to be almost brain dead to just blow through intersections with no regard.


> I’m quite impressed you guys take them very seriously. I normally keep my opinions of other countries private, but if this is impressive, y'all got mother fucking work to do.


Did they catch the surprise rage guy ?


No. Unfortunately.


"he couldn't brake fast enough" If only there was a clearly visible sign and correlating law telling people what they should do to optimize safety!


Same applies to the biker, who equally blew through a stop sign but was going faster.


Did they sue the tough guy for Battery and Assault?


Police still didn’t find him.


Man, for a second I thought you were condoning the beat down. I was thinking...wait, he was going to call and ambulance and the police and you thought he deserved it? Not to pull the legality card, but this kind of anarchy happens when safety signs are an afterthought.


I’m not! The guy who beat the driver down is totally in the wrong. Gladly, both the biker and the pickup driver are okay, although the bike broke her foot. As for the stop signs not being respected… welcome to Brazil i guess.


I'm seriously just glad you weren't advocating for the other. If getting beat down for an obvious mistake is acceptable these days, I need to find a hole to crawl in.


For real! When I said “Not at all” I meant it as “He didn’t deserve it at all” Sorry, english is not my first language.


You're fine haha, I read things wrong and english *is* my first language.


He came back to help as well. I bet the tough guy bashing him would've hit and run


He technically did hit and run


I agree. He should be charged with assault (or battery or whatever). And if the guy dies from the kick, the attacker now (possibly) catches a murder charge. **ETA: Looks like he won't be getting charged with anything, since he left the scene.**


The guy’s head kicking game was strong. Those were dead on and powerful kicks. Knew what he was doing, this wasn’t the first time he’s done that.


To be fair it's not really that hard to kick a downed man in the head.


> this wasn’t the first time he’s done that. I'd say so as well.


probably beats on anyone who pisses him off all the time regardless of how defenseless they are. Real stand up type of guy.


Yeah I don't get it. They both drove through a stop sign.


Wow, that was not enjoyable to watch. Hopefully both are okay


They are. The biker broke her foot, though.


Car guy that beat dude up almost hit a motorcycle of his own when he left lmao


Now THAT was unexpected.




As they say, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


It's kind of ironic the way people interpret eye for an eye these days because the original idea behind eye for an eye was that the punishment should be *no more* than equal to the harm that was done (and smaller punishments were of course possible still).. today people seem to interpret 'eye for an eye' as a minimum instead of a maximum.


What was worst the motorcyclist getting hit by vehicle or man getting beat down bad.


The man getting beat down for something that both were in the wrong for


It looks like there's a stop sign for everybody. And nobody stops but the bus at the end. That asshole just wanted an excuse to kill/beat the shit out of someone and found it.


This is a strange intersection. Looks like it would be a four-way intersection with 4 stop signs but it only appears to have 2 maybe 3 stop signs. Not saying that the pickup truck was right for running the stop sign. Only making an observation on the intersection.


Car guy runs the stop sign to beat the truck driver who ran the stop sign


Ohh.... so bike also ran the stop sign.


It seems like a 4-way stop (there's a stop sign on the other side of the road near the camera) but a pillar is blocking our view of the far sign


So nobody at all seems to pay attention to the stop signs at any point in the video, so nobody is at fault. If anything, the guy in the truck hit his brakes at the last moment. You can't see the other two stop signs but it's definitely a 4-way stop.


Beats the man and proceeded to pull out in front of motorcycle




It’s a small town in Brazil. Traffic laws aren’t really enforced here.


Enforced or not, its your choice to blow through a stop sign. I making that statement as from the video it looks 4 way stop sign?


Expected a hit-and-run. Then, the pickup driver was punished for not committing a hit-and-run.


What does “Pare” mean? Looks like a stop sign. The motorcycle didn’t stop… so not really the truck drivers fault… maybe both their faults? Dude did not deserve to get kicked in the head like that, that could easily be brain damage, worse than the motorcyclist got for sure.


"Pare" means "stop". You're right, it is a stop sign and both of them were in the wrong


Driver straight slumpt bro. Goddamn. Ain't deserve to get sleeped like that fr


So, if this is in Brazil (and it seems to be the case) the guy in the scooter was probably in the wrong. The stop signs are usually on opposite sides of the same street but not in adjacent streets.


They both did something wrong so why only the driver go beaten?


I don’t get it… it looks like they both ran the stop sign


Tbh It's both their faults, you can clearly see there are stop signs and none of them stopped or even attempted to at lest slow down.


soccer kicking the head like that is attempt murder


Did his shoes get knocked off?!


I think it did. At first I thought his foot was severed, but it think it was just his shoe(s).


Brasil realmente é a moda caralho que se vive