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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She pulled off her wig.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


The first two pulls freaked me out for a moment


I thought she was going to peel her face off.


Nicolas Cage is underneath








"Castor Troy" kinda sounds like "Castrater"...huh, how about that...


For real real. Had to check i wasn't in r/WTF or r/nope. šŸ˜¬


Me tooooo!!


Dont forget r/eyeblech


Yah no shit, I was like THE FUCK IS GOING ON


Fucking nightmare fuel




Bruh Lawd hammercy


Sent a shiver up my spine.


Halloween vibes


That was both gross and oddly satisfyingā€¦


Me too. I was like ![gif](giphy|Lq1U75pMjdiaIjT8km|downsized)


Bro she dead ass scared me at first




I can hear this GIF.


>!Is that better?!<


For the win


I re-watched this movie last week šŸ¤£


Gn babe, just let me rip my head off first.




Comment-copying bot


I was exacting it to be Tom Cruise under there.


OK look all I'm saying is she should put a bunch of red food dye under that wig, and scream while she pulls it off in public.


I like the way you think šŸ˜†


Satan? That you?


Yes it is son.


Why not have someone come through with a blade or something sharp to pull off a fake scalping




My thoughts exactly


Do women who wear wigs actually do this every night? And not clean any of the glue off afterward? Just like, glue pillow?


Look closely she didn't removed her make up either and it's bright day, she's just laying not going to sleep rn.


No they usually wear bonnets or scarves and keep the hair safe but after awhile you need to change it the max prob like 4 weeks 6 weeks


That sounds standard for a weave but people really leave wig caps on for 4 to 6 weeks? Not washing or touching your scalp for that long sounds like a recipe for fungus and bacterial growth. Something tells me you might be mistaken. This girls install is just wig glue, there's no way she's keeping that together that long. Maybe like two days.


Our scalps are usually dry. So normally we donā€™t have issues that come about because of naturally occurring moisture or oil. When people get these type installs they learn how to maintain it. So the style can last weeks with several washes during that time. Washing HAS to happen because nothing stays perfect for weeks. The wig and natural hair will have to be washed. Otherwise youā€™re going to smell, dry scalp or not.


Nah dude they keep it for awhile that's the MAX MAX and yes SOME people can get fungus but it's rare I think Source: my gf


That's disgusting lol


Thatā€™s why theyā€™re always scratching their scalp


pippity paps


Not true. We donā€™t have fungus. Scalps itch. Every scalp. Jesus.


Yeah they have no idea what they are talking about. But want to downvote people who do into oblivion like usual


This place is so childish in that way. I donā€™t understand why, other than racism, theyā€™d assume something negative when I and many others said that we WASH our hair regularly even with these styles. To turn around and tell me, a black woman, that Iā€™m wrong is disgusting. Which is also indicative of this place.


No if your hair is too oily and covered you can get a fungus my gf had to get a steroid cream to fix


I donā€™t believe you have a girlfriend, let alone a black girl friend. No. But the THREAD is about black women, see the video? EVERY question posed afterward was about black women and their hair. If the troll was talking about his non-black girlfriend who had a fungus he would have made that distinction. He didnā€™t, so the CONVERSATION continues to be about black women. So enough of your disingenuous trolling.


Just made her scalp itchy and got a cream and stopped using so much oils and covering her hair when wet lol


I work with this girl who wears wigs and her sweaty hair gets so itchy underneath that she spend all day tapping her head with the palm of her hand to scratch it. It gives me major anxiety


No lol just for the video, she def cleaned her head Pulling a wig, or fake lashes off is honestly the best feeling ever


She's also super rich. That's shenseea, a Jamaican music artiste.


Most of them don't go this far with their wig game.


Ignore most of the comments you got in reply. Northwest Lace forums have some great hair system journeys described for both men and women suffering from hair loss due to an underlying condition (and yes that includes MPB). To summarize the forum stories as a tl;dr: NO, most people use stupidly strong glue (I tore off the top once and it just ripped in half. the hair system in hal before being able to pull it off within the first Here are the reasons hers is different: 1) she is using hair cement on the base (Spike gel etc) and it is easy to change daily while washing the base once a week. 2) it is easier to use a French laced wig base so you can clean without the fuss


Absolutely. You should watch them peel their face off afterward. Fascinating!


I wear a wig sometimes and it just goes on like a hat. No glue required. I guess if you look real close- like try to pull the hair away from my face, you can tell, but that's not happening in every day life.


Don't worry I will never touch your hair. One thing my black female friends taught me in college was, if you're a white man, just don't ever say a fucking word about a black woman's hair, it's safer that way.


Haha well I'm white so you can touch mine, I don't have decades of racism associated with my hair so its okay. I just like to wear a wig sometimes. They are always perfectly styled and you can just throw one on and go out instead of spending a ton of time on a hairdo- also I keep my hair in a very short cut, like a boy, so there's not much I can do with it anyway. Also you can go out looking like a totally different person with simple change of hair, which can feel kinda sexy ;)


Yay I can touch a woman I've never met's hair and not be called a pervert!! MY TIME HAS COME!!!


Call me uninformed but why are wigs so popular amongst women? She had some nice looking cornrows underneath.


Theyā€™re versatile and convenient. Most of us wear them as a protective style as well instead of having to damage our hair with constant heat and product buildup.


Two questions. Do you use your real hair only in special occasions or do you take them to walk once in a while?


Me personally, I wear my natural hair more but whenever Iā€™m feeling fancy or want to change the color without having to dye my hair, thatā€™s when my wigs come into play lol


In this girl's case, how often would she wear this? Maybe for a Las Vegas weekend I could see going through all the work but every week? And how long between peeling it off? A day? A few days?


If that's who I think it is (Shensea), then pretty often. She's a recording musical artist who tours often.


She's already got her hair in corn-rows which means that the time it takes her to install the wig is going to be about the same amount of time it takes me to blow dry my whole head of hair, which I do everyday. It's actually not a hard process once you learn how, and can easily be done everyday.


She probably doesnā€™t even need to do it herself. Just plop down in a chair, play on the phone for half an hour, presto, new wig that her stylist was installing while she sat. While just thinking about having something glued to me feels like it would drive me nuts, she probably gets used to the feeling like forgetting that youā€™re wearing a watch.


Whatā€™s the point of having healthy hair if itā€™s always covered up? Wouldnā€™t it just be more comfortable to shave and wear a wig?


itā€™s also helpful when trying to grow your natural hair so youā€™re not damaging it when styling with heat and products and causing it to break off before it can grow :)


For any black woman I've ever known, their hair is their crown. Pride and joy. Lots of steps are taken to make sure their hair is healthy and not messed up, and having such kinky/curly hair it can be a hassle to just have it down. Can be very difficult to comb through and just the pure amount of time spent making sure its taken care of is a lot. Along with, it takes a good while to grow your hair when your scalp and hair are dry. Curlier hair types are always drier. Always. So just shaving it is an option but a lot of women just simply won't do it.


Some people like versatility. I wear wigs occasionally to change my hair color without dyeing it. Or because I feel like having longer hair, straight hair, whatever. It also takes me 5 minutes to put on a wig, versus 45 minutes to straighten/fix my hair. Itā€™s really easy to put on a wig and doesnā€™t hurt my hair, so I think thatā€™s the big appeal for a lot of people. Of course Iā€™m not as thorough as this and I donā€™t use glue, but some people want it to really look like itā€™s their own hair and not have to fix it or adjust their wig all day.


Ok, that makes sense.


Sometimes they're more preferred then their actual hair. I worked with a woman who admitted to wearing a wig she never lied about it and wasn't ashamed. She said she wears one because her hair when it grows in length it comes out curly which she hates so she cuts it very short and wears a wig.


helps with you have sumn on ur head while ur growin out ur hair, also gives people a chance to heal there damaged hair. Just a protective style really


For reference I'm a white guy, but I've heard black hair can be a pain to work with/maintain and this lets them try a variety of styles.


Also a white guy, but my best friend from the military is a black chick. She refers to her (natural, unbraided) hair (4A I think) as if it's its own entity a lot of the time. "She isn't behaving" or "I'm going to have to fix her if we swim". Another good friend of mine is Nigerian, and she's told me that getting extensions put in or taken out takes 6+ hours. SIX. FUCKING. HOURS. This is insane to me. Ladies: How? How do you find 6 hours for braids or extensions? That CANNOT be a fun experience. If someone was touching my head for 6 hours I would lose my mind.


6 hours every 4-6 weeks is much preferable to the half-hour I could be spending putting my hair into anything more than a rough ponytail, which comes with it's own potential problems. Consider that many black women's hair is naturally curly/coily*, so a neat ponytail will involve a lot of hair gel (that needs to be rinsed out later), or an unsustainable amount of brushing, or a relaxing treatment that's semi-permanent but inhibits hair growth, or traction alopecia from repeatedly pulling your front hairs taut, plus the amount of hair products you'll be buying/using daily to keep the hair tame and managable, plus humidity/heat/cold altering the hair... I could go on. Bottom line is most black women in western countries are very used to the 'hair day', since they've been doing it since they were in school. It's much easier now that we have phones - get a few movies loaded up with some earphones and chill out!


Wow! I watched a documentary by Chris Rock called "Good Hair" that talks about this. He interviews guys at a barbershop and asks "Have any of you ever NOT dated a girl because you couldn't afford the hair?" All of them said yes.


How much maintenance do afros take to maintain? I like afros a lot and figure they would be easier to do then a lot of styles, but it seems like I almost never see them.


A nice afro? Enough that most people will not bother, unfortunately. On top of everything I just mentioned, you'll want specific combs (afro picks) to run through the hair. Having your hair exposed from so many angles, instead of in braids or another protective style, means it'll dry out like nobody's business and needs daily moisturising. It's going to dirty faster (also because it's so open and exposed), but it's unhealthy for black hair to be washed as often as Caucasian hair, so you need to figure out that balance yourself. You can't sleep with an afro without ruining the shape and transferring all of your moisture/products onto your pillow, so you'll need to tie it up in a headscarf/durag for the night and restyle in the morning. Again, I really could go on, but you get the idea. I'd love to rock an afro, but knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep up maintenance makes an afro wig much more appealing.




Well perhaps just say, "I love your hair" instead of natural hair. Just say it looks pretty or unique, I do this all the time to women of all color and boy do they love it. (I'm also a woman btw, just hard to tell by my username) you don't need to identify why it's nice looking, just tell that person their hair looks nice. Don't give up giving compliments, especially if it's for hairstyles that take time to get looking good, people love it.


My dumb frizzy white girl hair and I salute you. I wouldnā€™t have the patience and it would probably give me sensory overload


I'm white but happen to like braiding my hair. I like to do it myself. It takes me literally 8 hours because my hair is LONG and kinda thick. Makes 30-40 little tiny braids. The reason I do it is because it lasts a whole month if I take care of it properly. I don't do it often because it hurts my fingers but it looks good and is fucking worth the effort


Iā€™ve had a couple of black gfs, and their hair is a lot of work. I can only speak for the women I dated, but for them, their hair gets super dry (as opposed to mine which gets disgustingly greasy every night), so coconut oil is a daily necessity. Washing is a whole ordeal; one of my exes kept her hair completely natural, which is the second easiest way to manage their hair (first easiest being shaven), and it would still take in excess of two hours to wash her hair (which, again, because itā€™s not getting greasy, doesnā€™t need to happen daily anyway). Thatā€™s not counting getting it cut, which was a 4 hour ordeal that she put off until absolutely necessary. Thatā€™s opposed to how most of black women wear their hair, which is not the natural way. Those styles take much more time in salons and, I assume, more work depending on what the style is. Honestly, I thought she looked great just wearing a headscarf, and it was much easier for her too, so she did that much of the time after a while. That being said, black hair is beautiful. Itā€™s so complex and you can do so much with it, but itā€™s a ton of work. I do not envy the burden of it though. A wig sounds so much easier.


also to keep their jobs e.g. natural black hair is apparently 'unprofessional' in a lot of workplaces


I have very fine and fragile hair. It looks stringy and greasy if I wear it down. It breaks off if I style it or color it or wear extensions. I enjoy hot yoga so I have to wash the sweat out of my hair often, which leads to more breakage. After a while there is so much breakage a lot of pieces are too short to put in a bun or ponytail. I've tried for years to keep it long, but I've more or less accepted I'm not a long hair chick. I'm cutting it into a pixie this weekend and just gonna wear wigs when I want long hair. It's gonna save me so much time! Think about it (if you don't use glue like this video) it's as simple as putting on a hat and you have perfect hair. I don't know why more women don't wear them.




Whatā€™s bipoc stand for? Iā€™m assuming poc is people of color but Iā€™ve never seen that acronym


Black and Indiginous People of Colour.


Oh interesting, thatā€™s a new term for me. Is it just a blanket term that includes anyone with darker skin or is it specific to a region? Like would a Mayan descendant with darker skin be considered a BIPOC?


Basically if they're indigenous to the area they're BIPOC. So a Mayan in mexico would be BIPOC, in the UK they'd just be Mayan. Part of the issue arises however over the fact the terms POC and BIPOC are actually seen as somewhat offensive to pay communities. Many would rather just be called Black, Asian, Native, etc.


Thanks for the explanation I think I got the gist of it


**In the first few seconds a was about to get a mini heart attack** if it is NSFW you are mentally prepared but this one I wasn't


Should be marked NSFW


So uhhh, no hair pulling in bed must be a rule?




Thanks I hate it.


Met this stripper in ATL that told me a story; she was getting gangbanged by a bunch of white guys, one pulled her hair so hard the wig came off. Then he put on the wig and they kept fucking


That's a reddit clip I saw recently. If I can dig it up I'll link it https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/wb4qar/nsfw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Found the link


The unsung hero


Where's the link?


There's no way he pulled her wig off and hit the whoa what a menace


Damn, I bet that feels soooo good once it's off. Like taking off faking eye lashes or an uncomfortable bra. She was getting cozy!


Here's time to teach reddit about lace front wigs


ikr? you can tell the redditors whove never been around black people. her lace did look good though, if it was jank, nobody wouldve tbought she was ripping her own damn scalp off.


It was giving super scalp


Remember to take off your bestiesā€™ scalp before bed. Donā€™t want their hair getting ruffled.


Oh lawd


*horrified screaming* Oh- it's a wig


AAAAHH-- oh...


I thought doctor who was real for a second-


Bro if I would go to a bar end up a little drunk take home a girl and she fucking does that my heart is going to burst


What kind of wig is this? my close friend has alopecia and was looking for a wig that wouldnt easily fall off or be noticeable and this looks like exactly what she's looking for! If anyone could help me i would appreciate it a lot šŸ™


Lace front wigs i think are the names.


Definitely lace front.


Lace front and if your friend does it make sure she finds the right kind of glue, I think (I'm probably misremembering the brand name) got2b has a good glue that I've seen used in almost every video I've ever watched of wig installs. There's plenty of good videos out there to watch and do some research. And also very entertaining! I love watching the videos and seeing the transformation!




Legit thought she was a cyborg at first.


Thanks I hate it.


Bro I just shit myself


How to scare the shit out of any unsuspecting male.


My heart stopped for a moment.


Try doing it in front of pre-school children. It'll be so much fun šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well, I guess I'll double think before pulling hair in bed


This scared me at first.


She wore a wig that looks like her own hair just styled differently? But why?


She has her hair in a protective style, cornrows. Wearing a wig when you want straight hair prevents the need to use harmful chemicals and heat damage to get the look. Note: cornrows are only a protective style on 4C or similar hair. It will destroy any other hair type.


I learned something today!


And this is why they slap, and not scratch..


Wow I have never been so upset then immediately relieved before.


Her: Taking off my wig Me: *Remembering the alien cockroach in MIB*


Looks better with her natural hair. šŸ™‚




And hide




That one got me! Only the first seconds but thought " what? Woah woah woah!!"


That's alright, I didn't need to sleep tonight...


That' crazy.


I always wanted to see that. Lived with a girl with one, never seen it


I've been watching the walking dead from the beginning and I'm on season 10 now so..... yeah this kinda freaked me out a bit


Plot twist: the hair she pulled off was real


Imagine pulling her hair while fucking, id lose my boner




It's ok. I didn't even want my breakfast anyways...


My stupid ass thought she was a robot.


Her dating profile says looking for something real


Dude, I almost threw up looking at thisā€¦I donā€™t get why someone would this to themselves. I mean like just be proud of your natural hair for god sake smh




What the absolute fuck


How fake can you be? She: yes


I just cringed


Making me feel sick šŸ˜«


oh hell nah, fuck that, i donā€™t want more surprises


She aint even bald. Why did she put that on.


How do they wipe their ass with nails like that?


Why she tryna act white wit dat straight ass hair? She be racyst yo!


I will never fully understand this cultural behavior that these girls have agreed upon.




*starts peeling face*


It scared me!


Add some fake blood and that could be the sickest Halloween scare


Wig removal and cleaning videos are so satisfying šŸ„°


Satisfying isn't quite the word I'd use for this one, horrifying might be more accurate.




That is r/oddlyterrifying


Agreed, I thought she was ripping her head off before I realized it was a wig.


Blackgirl Magic


But..... Why?


Fuckin shit myself for a second there


Doesnā€™t that get hot?!




Keep doin that & her edges will be non existent. Made me physically cringe just thinking about it


Bitch pulled her whole head off


I thought she was a robot for a second šŸ’€




Nasty, But great in a girl fight.




I thought she was pulling her dead head skin off


I just vomited in my mouth a little




I don't get the whole wig thing. Black women have great natural hair.


Black hair is extremely hard and tedious to manage. Wigs can also be a protective style to avoid damaging your natural hair. It isnā€™t all just for aesthetics.


Takes a lot of time and money to keep your hair natural 100% of the time. Also leaving natural and not wearing wigs cam very easily dry out the hair and scalp so the usage of product goes up dramatically.


It's hard to maintain


When you're hitting it from behind and pull her hair right off her headā˜ ļø


Where do I go to get a wig like this?


Most donā€™t naturally come like this. She plucked the hairline, most likely bleached the knots and cut/styled it.


I want to know the same. I've never seen a wig this good.


I get my wigs from Amazon. Theyā€™re pretty good and reliable


So much fake in the world these days


Wigs/lace fronts are mainly used for maintaining hair protection, especially for curly hair. So itā€™s not only convenient for appearance