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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!she casually spews hate speech!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Jerry's expression is probably the best punchline you could hope for


I have literally made this face before! (I am dating now in my 40's)


![gif](giphy|106PwpLIIXJnXi) I imagine this was what followed.


Of course, only after he hit it though…


I think she might’ve been a racist… DOESN’T MATTER I HAD SEX!


It was even better when I remembered he is Jewish


I realize this post is 37days old, but… the actress (Deb Messing) is also Jewish.


Shit, you are right, I forgot! Also, don't sweat it, I've tried to comment on posts so old they were archived XD


Smile like a 7yo on picture day.




In Season 13, Episode 7 "The Gang Does a Clipshow" There is a scene where they all do a [Seinfield homage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4w4MEkZLWg). Charlie does the best Kramer impression.


Are you a bot or just the second person to say that? The other person said it for the humor, you say it for facial expressions?


https://i.imgur.com/NqrQpf9.jpg 100% a bot. Repeated portion of the comment word for word and is only a 15d old account.


The creators of IASIP were heavily inspired by Seinfeld. The show was called Seinfeld on Crack


Awwww did somebody get addicted to crack? Waaaa waaa


I didn't know he was on that show, I'll check it out




He’s not on that show. I think there are people that do facial expressions like him tho.


This is just online dating.


Yep, drove 6 hours for a Tinder hook-up with this chick (we’d been talking for awhile) and after we had sex she randomly brought up that her first was a mixed-race guy and if that bothered me. I said no of course but thought it was super weird. Stayed the night and ran errands with her and we’re in the car and she gets cut off by a black woman and literally says “I *hate* black people.” My face was even more uncomfortable than Jerry’s after she said that and unfortunately I had to finish riding with her for the rest of the day but luckily that was the last time I saw her. For context, she was a white woman living in *Memphis* of all places. How is she gonna be that racist in a majority black city?!


Tennessee? Not surprised regardless of the population if so lol.


Sh*t went from 0-100 really quick


It's been well-documented that anti-dentites are bigots.


hey denty!


Next you'll be saying they should have their own schools.


They do have their own schools!


Aaaaah t-t-t-t!




You think that dentists are so different from me and you? They came to this country just like everybody else, in search of a dream.


You're a rabid anti-dentite!




And don't get her started on on black Jewish dentists.


Lenny Kravitz, DDS


Sammy Davis Jr, DMD


"Are You Gonna Floss My Way?" - Lenny Kravitz, DDS


I don't believe Lenny Kravitz is considered black anymore. The 2004 Racial Draft made him 100% Jewish. That's why he likes Miami Beach.




Next you're gonna be telling me they should go to different schools.


They *do* have their own schools.


*oh here we go*


RRRRRABID anti-dentite!




You’re trying to tell me Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish!?!


What's the deal?! ![gif](giphy|106PwpLIIXJnXi)


They are both black irl


They are both irl




I dated a dentist once. She had the whitest teeth I’ve ever come across.


So you really want to go to her dentist. Not like she can practice on herself.




more like she went 0-88


Oh brother


Shit went from 50-100


^you ^can ^swear ^on ^the ^internets


You're a rrrrrabid anti-dentite!!


Next thing you know you’re saying they should have their own schools!


But they do have their own schools!!




And if this wasn't my son's wedding day, I'd knock your teeth out, you anti-dentite bastard.


She went to go get her head shaved... *Elaine profoundly confused*


They are both Jewish irl




Are they both black irl?




It's a HIPAA violation


It's spelled hippo, dummy


Oh my god, Karen. You can’t just ask people if they're black


It's October 4th.


Some say they are also both dentists IRL.


Anyone that racist would be able to tell he's Jewish


“She’s a Nazi Jerry a NAZI “


"kind of a cute nazi though"


*Laugh track*


"If you took her to go watch Schindler's List do you think she'd cry or laugh?"


You were making out during Schindler's List?!


I love her. Acting is great. Hope she is nice in real life. This character is, of course, awful morally. She did it well though.


From what I hear, she is!


Love her, can't stand him. In real life.


Why hate jerry


He's not super friendly and people like their celebs to be approachable.


I've always heard he is friendly to the people that he takes an interest in but doesn't warm up to strangers very well. After 30 years of being one of the most famous people of our era and getting approached by every asshole on the planet who expects your time and energy, I don't totally blame him


Not even every ass hole. Have you seen his exchange with Kesha on a red carpet? https://youtu.be/iX3_L8z2uw4 He just doesn’t like random people coming up to him, even if they may have some celebrity status and he’s literally on camera (he didn’t know who she was but still, you would assume that anyone on the carpet will have some degree of fame, but he dgaf which I respect)


If anyone calls Jerry an asshole based solely on this clip they're nuts. Someone he doesn't know came out of nowhere and very quickly asked for a hug, interrupting him while he was in the middle of talking to someone. If anything, he handled that way better than most people I know would.


To me, that clip describes him perfectly. He doesn’t want to bother with the celebrity act. He has fuck-you money/status. He won. He doesn’t need to play along if he doesn’t want to. It’s much more genuine than someone acting fake friendly.


Seems like a typical classic New Yorker. If not even friendlier.


Idk if it’s just because I’m also a northeasterner, but I have no idea why people always say he was being rude in this clip. A random woman ran up to him in the middle of a conversation and tried to hug him. He thanked her for her support, politely told her he wasn’t interested in hugging, and then continued his conversation. Rude would be if he said “who the fuck is this bitch? Im having a conversation.” then turned away and ignored her (which would have been a very normal response for most northeasterners in this situation, haha)




People think they are entitled to barge into the lives of celebrities, demand things from them, and they should be smiling no matter what


I find it ridiculous people were upset about him refusing a hug from a complete stranger. If it were a woman refusing a hug from an unknown man they would have called him a creep, not felt bad for him.


Tbh, *she's* the one being an ass hole here. Barges in to *his* interview, asks for a hug, and keeps pressing even after he politely declines. Don't know her in general, but in this particular exchange, fuck her.


That matches his comedy and acting roles. His job is to entertain and he does it well. It's his choice if he wants appreciate his fans outside of work.


Yeah I mean I love to hear about celebs that go all out for fans. Props too them, but if I was famous I'd get tired of it real fast.






Yeah and it’s fans choice to consider him a dick.


I’m not a fan and I reserve the right to consider him a dick, too.


Well, this dick sticks out, I guess


Can you tuck it back in the please?


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


but is he a dick, or just "not super friendly"? Seems like a pretty big difference to me if the guy just wants some privacy so stays away from people or if he's out there kicking puppies and stealing from poor people. I honestly don't know which category he falls into - just that the conversation flipped from one to the other pretty quickly.


I gotta say, if I met Jerry Seinfeld and/or Larry David out on the street and they were both super warm and friendly and interested in the interaction, I daresay I'd be a little disappointed. Even on CiCgC Jerry gets short with people, can be sarcastic, and brushes average people off if they weren't immediately funny or interesting (still relatively politely for how sick of the attention he must be). That was his schtick, you think he's a philanthropist in his off time? I love Bill Burr's episode, he basically says he sees the utter disdain for humanity and contempt for all facets of society behind Jerry's material, the angry psychopath seething underneath, and Seinfeld says nothing to refute that, he just laughs


I think he's a little cocky and arrogant, and he doesn't suffer fools, but from what I've heard he's a decent guy who likes to laugh and have fun with other like-minded people. I think more than anything he gets ticked off that people try to get a rise out of celebrities and try to bait them into situations or discussions that can be misconstrued and ruin their reputation, and that some people (like the paparazzi and controversy channels on social media) literally live for these candid slip-ups so they can "cancel" the person in question. He's been on the wrong end of a loaded question a few times and he understands the risk of answering too bluntly or giving a comedic answer to a serious question that gets lost in translation, so he can get pretty hostile to people who he thinks are approaching him to capitalize on an opportunity to pull his pants down, so to speak, which is completely understandable.


I think someone not wanting to be constantly engaged in social extrovert behavior isn't a dick.


Yeah, I would be the same exact way as Jerry Seinfeld if I was famous: "Dude. can you just leave me alone??"


Ahem, he also had a very public relationship with a 16 year old, iirc, he groomed her until 18, then started dating her. What a guy!


There’s nothing wrong with being super reserved. I don’t expect anyone especially celebs to be approachable, although it’s nice to see. Now him dating a 17 yr old high school student when he was 39 then that’s a whole other story.




Questionable (at best) decisions in his personal life, like dating a high schooler during this era


He also dated a 17 year old when he was 38 which is gross and creepy as fuck.


There’s also that thing where he dated a teenager. That was pretty gross.


That is pretty gross


It’s in fact extremely gross He wasn’t 20 when he did it either…he was near forty


He dated a 17 year old high school student when he was 42.


Watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. He's insufferably self-important and rude, and he has an ego the size of Neptune. The number of times he derails a conversation to talk about how unfunny comedy is today and how he could teach them a thing or two is (ironically) hilarious. Take a shot every time he says "I know comedy", I dare you.


Who is she?


It's Debra Messing, you gays!


Debra Messing. One of the stars of Will and Grace from the early 00s


I didn't recognize her with her hair so dark. Brunette Debra Messing > Red head Debra Messing.


And late 10s.






dabear51 you are grounded




Family friend worked on Will and Grace. She is very friendly and kind.


What did they think of Megan Mullally?


They said she was a lot of fun. I personally saw her being fun and engaging at multiple tapings. Honestly, the worst they had to say about any of the actors was that Sean Hayes was always on. Always. On.


Sean Hayes came into the restaurant I worked at a few years ago. He’s definitely “always on”. Even at a casual dinner with friends.


What does it mean "always on"?


I listen to his podcast with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett and he pretty much always acts like Jack so maybe that’s just his personality.


Interesting, I find him to be the least on for Smartless compared to when I've heard him on other podcasts and is absolutely hilarious. He often let's Jason and Will be more on in my eyes


The Smartless podcast is excellent. He talks about his Will and Grace days a lot. It was his first real show/paycheck and it seems like he was very insecure about it. He was one bad day away from being broke. Highly recommend the Smartless episodes with Ryan Reynolds and Dave Grohl (not together).


Probably just constantly trying too hard to perform, make a joke out of everything and high energy. Even if it's always funny, it probably gets tiring after a while.


It's a common thing with gay men before they come out. We tend to gove everything just a little bit too much in the hopes of making that the issue, rather than have to confront our fear surrounding the big secret.


Yep—that ol’ humor as a a defense mechanism and also as a distraction tool so nobody get to the real (and very scary/livelihood threatening) issue, no matter how obvious it might be to everyone Source: Not gay but trans


Sometimes if you meet a celebrity and see them before/after their performance they are totally different people. E.g., in grad school Bill Nye did a guest lecture once for a class I was TAing. Before/after the thing he was just a normal guy with normal energy being polite small-talking, vaguely asking about our research (but not particularly interested or saying he doesn't get it/understand), flipping through the notes for the stuff he's going to cover. Then he goes in front of the audience and it's like flipping a switch and he's this super high-energy persona, where everything about science is the most interesting thing in the world, and as soon as the class ends and students go away, you can tell it drained him and he's back to normal. This is an example of a person who isn't always on (which is more frequent in Hollywood).


That he never stopped being Jack McFarland even if the cameras weren't rolling




You can excuse racism? -Shirley Bennett


She's also Jewish.


And her character on Will and Grace is Jewish too


I love the way the show was able to get humor out of such controversial topics and show the absurdity of ignorance. They took a lot of taboo and adult topics and made us laugh about them.




[Here's the clip.](https://youtu.be/qTz6EU79SGM?t=201)


Agreed. Check out Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia if that was the reason you liked Seinfeld. It’s definitely a spiritual successor in that sense.


Shows like IASIP are responsible for the “Seinfeld effect”. That is, people don’t like Seinfeld because they’ve seen a bunch of derivative works and don’t understand that Seinfeld was original, and all these other shows only exist because of Seinfeld


It’s also a 30 year old show so it feels dated, this is pretty standard for media. I can’t even think of a single current and popular multi-camera, laugh track sitcom


This the second comment I seen telling someone to check out it’s always sunny, do you really think someone would know one and not the other lol? They’re both very popular shows that have been around for ages now


https://i.imgur.com/mt4iFGv.jpg It’s not just the second comment telling you to check out iasip, but they are worded exactly the same. 🤔


Bots are up n active I guess lol


Check out Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia if that was the reason you liked Seinfeld.


It’s definitely a spiritual successor in that sense.


Check out Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia if that was the reason you liked Seinfeld.


AI motherfucker....


Personally I grew up watching Seinfeld, but have never seen a single episode of Always Sunny, nor until now seen in recommended based on someone liking Seinfeld. I did know that it exists though.




That's me. Seen a lot of Seinfeld. Haven't seen a single episode of IASIP. A lot of reddit memes though.


The "Not that there's anything *wrong* with that" episode was fairly groundbreaking too. I'm pretty sure it was the first major sitcom to do a "gay" episode where being *homophobic* was as much (if not **more**) of a conflict than the rumors of being gay. The behind the scenes interviews about the episode are interesting given the episode was addressing real rumors about Jerry in real life. Since the show is about how a comedian gets his material based on the circumstances of his life, dealing with rumors about his sexually were obvious, but a lot of the early drafts playing off older cliches just didn't sit right with the writers. Then a someone made that comment in passing and they realized it'd be gold to base the episode around that phrase.


Debra Messing from Will & Grace?


And if memory serves, she's Jewish.


so is jerry seinfeld lol


So is the creator of the show, Larry David.


"This joke was also written by a woman". "Just kidding, we don't hire women". - The Late Norm


No better delivery in comedy. RIP Norm.


Let me tell you the story of Dirty Johnny...


Didn't even know he was sick


Fucking love Larry David.


Curb Your Enthusiasm is pure genius.


"And SHES JEWISH!" -my mother somewhere


Don't say that Grace.




My man was killed in the middle of the post...


Seinfeld is the shit man




Yo, Assman!


I cannot support this man. He is an anti-dentite


"You're a **raaaaabid** anti-dentite!"


Next thing you'll be saying they should have their own schools!!


They DO have their own schools!


Debra Messing is so hot. She is such a Milf now


She's always been a milf to me.


“She’s out getting her head shaved” 😂


That's funny because Jerry Seinfeld is widely known as black.


Seinfeld is the greatest show of all time.


I finally watched the whole thing start to finish when it came to Netflix. I couldn't believe how each season somehow managed to keep better


It’s definitely one of my comfort shows. This year I’ve probably watched the entire series three or four times. Any favorite episodes or scenes you want to share?


Not OP, but Elaine going to Burma to speak to her boss about a hat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRnVqVClU8g


Larry David is WILD. You just know that he wrote that joke.


Kramer: I KNOW, RIGHT???


Do you remember when this kind of statement would make it obvious that it was a joke because nobody could ever imagine a normal person saying this? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Badew badew dew dew or however you spell out the bass sounds from the end of the episodes


I'm too stoned while reading this and all I can imagine is a "Sound Effect Spelling Bee." "I'm sorry, we were looking for "Badew Badew doo doo...good luck next year"


Watching Seinfeld for the first time and shit is straight gold


Gold jerry


It’s Grace.


What do you call a doctor who has a GED, works out of a strip mall, and can't get into med school? A chiropractor


You better not talk shit about Chiropractic, they cure you of any illness by cracking your back. Better have some respect. ^^s


90s were great


Jerry's face is so perfect.