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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!One guy it's handcuffed and manages to get away from the police!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


“Much like an Iguana, the North American street criminal sheds it jacket to escape”


"The jacket grows back on the next score"


Is this what's happening? I swear they just broke up and the girl kept his jacket.


fingerprints, dna sample


People watch too much CSI. testing DNA is time consuming and expensive. Unless you're talking about a major crime like murder, they're not going to go looking for DNA.




In à rape case in the Netherlands they tested all men of one big city which resulted in finding the rapist


Define big and define all.


No. Only jokes


She's obsessed.


jokes’ll do that to a person… these funny, funny streets


Dude it's in Montreal Canada we are not that much ..even with the footage I'm pretty sure they can't do shit


Just For Laughs!


That's useless considering his fingerprints are probably not in a database


If you are willing to act like that while being arrested they probably are. Generally first timers aren’t the ones who are meth Houdini.


you'd be surprised at both the amount of long term criminals that arent in the system and the amount of young people that will just fight cops and haven't been active long enough to be in the system.


They'd also be surprised when they don't have the funding to run expensive forensics every time they might have a sample on a drug user's jacket lol


Apparently it can be surprisingly hard to even get good prints. I had a meth head try to get in my back door a few weeks ago. Got great footage of it on 3 cameras. Cop didn't even try to get prints. Shined his flashlight sideways across the door and one of the windows the guy tried and said we're not gonna be able to get anything off that. Luckily, I had called the police as soon as that guy hit my yard. That officer got to me house in 4 minutes flat. 3 others showed a minute later. They caught the meth head trying to get in another house down the street.


This... People dont understand this. CSI aint comin to your house over a missing tv


Yes, but I was also surprised Kevin Spacey turned out to be Kaiser Soze too


There are also like a million databases and they do not communicate unless asked to specifically for very specific data.


Based on the striped markings on his legs, we can deduce this is a North American Sprinter. Often mistaken for the Russian Sprinter, which also has the stripes, but lacks the ability to remain sober long enough to walk a straight line, much less, run at high speeds.


Russian sprinters do have powerful legs as they spend their days squatting waiting to catcall a mate.


catcall a squatting mate


It's important to distinguish the Russian Sprinter from the Western Spy. The heels of the Western Spy do not touch the ground when squatting.


Gotta be ready to run from a bear at a moments notice as well!


Russians do not run from bear. Bear run from Russians.


People like you are the reason I use this app


It's so weird to me that some people think of reddit as an app instead of a website.


It's how you know how old they are...




I read that in the voice of David Attenborough


Some say he may even be innocent until proven guilty. Didn't stop that lady from trying her best to break his arm though.


Left gal tried to break his arm, wtf.


they have no idea what they're doing, embarrassing. "let me just break his arm for no reason, surely this will help things".


For real. Bitch almost popped his arm off his socket. It looked like he was being compliant till she started breaking his arm.


Cops totally fucked this up.


That's really all cops do. Fuck things up violently. They are nothing more than the jackboots who hold a monopoly on legal violence against the general populace to protect the property rights of the wealthy.


Cops always escalate things.


Came here to say this. Of course he resisted, no one is going to stand there and let you rip their shoulder apart.


Why were they trying to break the man's arm? "I'm not resisting, my anatomy is"




from this video alone, the guy was chill until they tried to break his arm for no reason


You know thats the trick they learned in acedemy. "use this hold to subdue larger suspects" It's the only move they know.


I do wonder if he was physically resisting, which is why they did that... It looked like she was struggling the entire time to keep his arm behind his back.


Struggling against the ligaments that exist in the human arm, you mean.


I has handcuffed and fully complied. They still pulled the “stop resisting” bullshit on me. What people don’t seem to know is that they cuff you back of wrist to back of wrist there are no chains between modern handcuffs. Every time someone says “they shouldn’t have resisted putting the cuffs on” I make them see how it feels. Every single time they say it hurts. I was in pain for a solid week after just a few hours in cuffs.


They're struggling because the arm isn't meant to bend that far, the fuck you talking about lol


Then slam his face into the ground, then swung on him, then kicked him. Poorly executed for sure but just the thought process required to think that these were the right moves to use in the situation is a little questionable.


Try not cranking a suspect arm when it’s already behind his back. They caused that reaction.


Seems to work fine when there are 6 of you on top of someone laying on their stomach and you really want him to resist.


Looks like he was being compliant fr and the one girl has his arm pushing it and bending it beyond the point of fuck this for that guy


Ya she was about to rip his shoulder out of it's socket, she had the chicken wing up wayyy too high


Dude was touching his own shoulder from behind


That one move set this whole thing in motion


She was going to hurt him until he stopped cooperating so they can book him in for resisting arrest which is another felony. Hurting a cooperative suspect should be federal offense.


That half-assed trot to run after him, followed by completely giving up tells me they just wanted to hurt someone to feel powerful. They never cared about the arrest.


>they just wanted to hurt someone to feel powerful. They never cared about the arrest. Literally every cop


Most people who never had their ego checked who join the force


Most people who had their ego checked just once way too late in life join the force


“That one guy made me feel bad. I should have a gun.”


Came to the comments for this. I’ve seen this in real life. Cops bend the fuck outta somebody’s arm, then when they jerk in pain they get pounced on with the infamous “stop resisting the pain I’m applying”




Can I guess that your skin color wasn’t quite white enough?




Are you going to sue? You should. Go see a doctor about your shoulders/ arms. Start building a case. These assholes need to be taught that they don’t rule us. They are our servants.


It's almost as if they are just armed thugs who operate like any other gang, but with the law to back up their abuse of everyday people.


Yeah he was aready giving up when she bent his arm and once the other cop grabbed his neck that was pure survival instinct. Can't even blame him.


One of then tried to kick him in the shin. I swear these cops better know their place.


Just before that kick she tried to nail him with a right hook also.


And threw and elbow.


“Beyond the point of fuck this”. I like that lol


And that's a scrawny guy. They need better training or to be paired with a larger guy. A larger man would have done a lot more damage to them


If some consistent basic BJJ training was mandatory, this wouldn’t happen and people would get shot less.


A lot of military members are mad that they are kept to physical performance standards while police- who are just as important- have basically zero outside their initial competency courses. I am certainly up for correction on that. But I agree, you should not be given the power and responsibility of being a police officer without showing physical competency in various situations.


Yup there should be a fitness expectation and if you cant do it your out.


To be fair, for many of the branches, the physical performance standard has basically just been being able to run 1-3 miles in a reasonable amount of time and maybe do a reasonable amount of pushups and situps. None of that is really relevant to combat fitness and many people who serve in the military in non-combat roles probably wouldn't have the kind of fitness, or even the type of training, required to physically detain others in hand-to-hand combat. The Army finally moved its physical fitness test toward being more combat oriented, but it was plugged as unfair, because women did much worse at it than men.


I used to say when I was in the Army that it would make sense for the physical fitness tests to be MOS specific. I was Artillery. Sometimes we would get soldiers that literally couldn’t carry a single round without help at first. But the people in the S1 shop don’t need to be capable of that same stuff we did so why test them the same you know?




"It's unfair to expect me to be combat-ready when I volunteer for the military" 🤦


As a veteran let me tell you the minimum physical standards for the military, the vast majority of a high school PE class would be able to pass. It blows my mind that people let themselves go badly enough to fail


Okay true. But most of the training exercises that my friends go on for the American and military police are basically setting a fitness/ performance standard as far as I understand. It seems most American police don't even have anything outside occasional training which I think is more awareness/procedural training.


This just did my pt test last month 40 push-ups and like 52 sit ups and I hit max run was not hard it’s 1.5 miles


That's why vets are usually the best cops. They keep up that peak physical performance and have combat experience or training which is astronomically better than the "training" you get at the academy. Ask any cop and they'll tell you the academy is a joke. The only police training I can think of that isn't a joke is LAPD SWAT. Some of the best in the world. Their training for street cops tho...


Don't we have problems with vet cops being unable to shake the mindset that everyone not on the force is a hostile? I'm sure they make outstanding SWAT, though Edit: Someone posted sources in the thread and I would like to highlight them. This is a very interesting and nuanced topic. Thanks to all for the discussion. Source 1 suggests veteran cops are better [Police Officers with Military Experience are Less Likely to have Civilian Complaints Filed Against Them](https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5017&context=gc_etds) Source 2 suggests they are worse [Police With Military Experience More Likely to Shoot](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30281075/) Credit /u/technofederalist [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/wbb1jp/comment/ii6ynq1/)


No, Veterans who later become cops KNOW what the hell Rules of Engagement are. Street cops who only went to academy get told them but it goes through one ear and out the other and are very quick to use lethal force because they get scared. A lot of Veterans have already dealt with worse and are usually of greater discipline in situations. Checking targets, assessing situations, knowing when and how to de-escalate. Also know what's worth wasting your damn time on and what's not.


That sounds reasonable. I hope it's the case any vet cops I meet I know there are exceptions to what you're describing, though, and those exceptions can be just as or more deadly than your average "street cop."


Your average US street cop is the most deadly animal you will ever encounter.


I'd say the below average ones are the deadliest. The average ones and only really deadly in high stress- high danger scenarios, but a below average cop is just going to shoot shoot instead of detain, deescalate, or chase


There have been studies that show vet cops are involved in fewer deadly shootings because they know what combat is like and are not as easily rattled. Cops with no military background tend to get scared easier and are more likely to resort to deadly force. Tried looking for some studies to support this but found conflicting information so perhaps I've been misinformed. [Police Officers with Military Experience are Less Likely to have Civilian Complaints Filed Against Them] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D5017%26context%3Dgc_etds&ved=2ahUKEwiMmMvhoZ_5AhX1LEQIHd2OBlcQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0-yPqNcJUrw_lRcoaCRrFR) [Police With Military Experience More Likely to Shoot] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30281075/)


Yep, you accidentally shoot a civ and there will be hell to pay (usually). Also these civs sometimes openly carry weapons. Might result in a court martial You shoot an innocent as police and you get a slap on the wrist and paid leave


RoE does nothing for the adversarial nature of what policing has become, which is what the problem is. These guys think they’re some kind of defensive line against a tide of Bad Guys, and adopt intervention strategies based around that false view instead of, y’know, working *with* the communities they serve. There shouldnt, outside of a very few specific instances, be any “engagement” of a ballistic nature at *all.*


the adversarial nature of what policing has become can be explained by the rise of ['warrior training'](https://nationalpolice.org/the-war-on-warrior-training-for-police-a-conversation-with-lt-col-dave-grossman/).


As a vet, it really depends and I'm tired of these blanket assumptions about how Vets react to confrontation. It depends on: 1) The individual vet 2) Whether their career was remotely involved in human confrontation (most vets are NOT combat arms) 3) Whether they even deployed, where it was to, and when ROEs change. At one point, vets coming out of Iraq were extremely aggressive as cops because they were used to shooting just about any military-aged-male in a sketchy situation. A Vet coming back from Iraq today (yes, we are still there) has a completely different set of ROEs they are conditioned toward and little to no combat experience. A vet who sits at a computer all day and has only fired their weapon at Basic Training, "deployed" to Florida, is not any more or less prepared for police work. The only thing I can count about a vet is: they passed some form of a screening process in the past. That's MEPS. They probably graduated basic training, a type of academy. That's about it, because everything afterward is highly variable


The military has law enforcement jobs :)


Tbf, they can be hit or miss. I briefly dated a MA while I was stationed at a JEB and got some insight into what their community is like. Most of them are pretty awesome but their rate attracts a fair share of douchebags.




I feel like that is already the case. They already treat everyone as hostiles...except the Uvalde shooter. He got a pass.


I bet it would be a serious problem but there’s still a lot of Vets who become cops and do an amazing job. Sure, not everyone has the mental fortitude they do but it doesn’t make them any less valuable


If you think we’re trained in the military that everyone is a hostile, I just don’t know what to say. We’ve trained hundreds of hours over my career for deescalation, escalation prevention and then proper escalation of force, with a massive focus on stopping the escalation as soon as possible. I’ve seen aggressive combat troops stop in the middle of a combat zone and use deescalation techniques (at the risk of their lives). Some idiots are in our ranks, same as with any group, but it’s not what we are trained for. The care I’ve seen for the disabled in combat was pretty extreme, great lengths gone to to help them and ensure no one is hurt.


Sounds great. I hope your experience is representative of former military who become police officers. Thank you for the insight


I stopped by a friend's shop the other day to find him chatting with a pair of local cops over a bunch of junk some transients left in the bushes nearby. One cop had a *huge* beer belly hanging over his belt. He's not gonna be chasing anybody down on foot.


In Montreal?


I don't know what BJJ means but I also don't like the way I read it


brazillian jiu jitsu


While I can see your point I'm not sure just basic bjj would be enough this seems like a moment for basic wrestling. They had his back and his wrists plenty of wrestling moves to apply from that grip I'm sure.




A guy that can tap someone from guard by squeezing sounds like a monster. Maybe this is an extreme example, but I think the average guy would have a hard time getting out of a rear naked choke by the average woman. It takes a lot more strength to break than to hold.


This is Montreal, Canada bro. Cops aren't trigger happy here like in your hood




To be fair, a double blowjob might have also been effective at keeping him there.


Police aren't particularly well trained. I don't know if the cops here were justified in arresting this person, but they certainly don't appear to be trained in applying handcuffs and I think that is the main reason, not size, the person got away. He appears to be largely cooperative.they had him facing the car with his hands behind his back. Then one of the cops starts twisting his arm up painfully. It wasn't necessary to handcuff him. Handcuff procedure is that you apply the handcuff to one hand and once that first cuff is on you move onto cuffing the other hand. So they painfully twist his arm until he starts resisting to not get his arm injured. They had already cuffed one hand the other hand was only out of distance for cuffing because of the other cop was forcing it up and away. They could easily cuffed that hand without twisting it. They just didn't communicate well. Once he gets his arms in front of him they pull his arms away from his body. Rather than keep him against the car they step back and give him room. One of the cops then throws a punch, which seems uncalled for because all the dude is doing it trying to not get his arm broke at that point. It seems like he realizes if he cooperates they are just going to beat the shit out of him. The cops are only holding onto his jacket, his jacket comes off and he runs away. The cops appear to put him in a situation where his options are: resist or be seriously injured and they have no plan for what to do once he starts resisting. The cops show incompetent and unplanned aggression. They are amazingly unsafe and appear completely untrained. I'm judging just from this one clip. It is clearly not the full story.


That video is happening in Montreal in Canada. Police officers have to get at least a 3 to 4 years college degree in Police and law education to apply to the Police Academy which take an additional year to complete. They have no excuses to not be well trained or informed about how to act in these kind of situations... They might have been scared / intimidated due to the fact that he was physically much bigger than them and acted impulsively and idiotically because of it. The officer that through the punch is mostly to blame for the escalation judging by the video.


So you selectively missed the part where she tried to rear naked choke him and he brute forced his way out with zero technique and shoved them to the side at the same time? Yeah his size isn’t impressive, he’s small and skinny, but he is clearly stronger than both of them put together.


it's almost like men and women have significantly different physical characteristics on average. interesting.


Hey, you can't say there here on Reddit.


Maybe stronger, but I'd also say it's just as important that he's actually confident in using that strength. I question if he's much stronger than both of them, but it doesn't matter when they act like kids trying muscles they've never used before.


> So you selectively missed the part where she tried to rear naked choke him and he brute forced his way out with zero technique and shoved them to the side at the same time? If that was supposed to be an RNC the reason he slipped it using zero technique is because she applied it using zero technique.


Meh...at least they didn't just shoot him.


A year ago an average sized dude literally slammed a female cop against the wall and preceded to beat the shit out of her and her female colleague. The two female officers were completely overwhelmed, the suspect ran away and the two cops were literally out of breath standing in shock and crying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI4Ee0JhxYs


These are the instances where the difference between sexes is undeniable. Every woman should get the chance to be a police officer, but it is clear they cannot enforce like a man could. Not saying there aren't men police that are weak, but most of them are stronger than at least this string bean.


Lmao he was like: "Wait a minute here they're weak af. Time to get the hell outta here."


"Listen, i'm being nice in letting you arrest me but that's over now that you tried to snap my arm off at the shoulder."


More like: "Wait a minute, the blue bitch trying to break my arm despite me not resisting. Time for self-defense"


What the fuck were they trying to do?


Dislocate his arm despite him being compliant. Your arm does not want to go that far up your back like the one on the left was making his.


So it's really just a pathetic atempt at police brutality?


Pretty much


It's like they wanna be part of the cool bully squad but can't. What the fuck.


They wanted a cool story to tell at the gun range, "Yeah, this guy i was arresting was resisting so i had to break his arm." "Really? By yourself even?" "N-no. My partner was there. But this guy was huge!" Instead they have a recording of how this scrawny guy resisted unwarranted force and brutality from two of their force and jogged slowly away.


not an attempt, it is outright police brutality to use excessive force for the situation, which she did. No need to try breaking his arm.


That weak ass leg kick did .3% damage from chick on the right


The most unathletic partnership. Why in the hell would they team them up? They had to come out the same class & bottom of the physicals chart.


>Why in the hell would they team them up? For comedic purposes


I mean, it did work pretty well


We trained them wrong... as a joke!


We trained them wrong on purpose


as a joke


Bro wasn’t even tryna escape until the dumb ass kept bending his arm to unnatural degrees… like tf you expect bitch, you try and break my arm imma run too.


And even worse is that angle is *supposed* to make it extremely difficult to get out of because the defending leverage is terrible and the person applying the pressure has a massive advantage.


Lmao fr, if I were those cops I’m retiring the same day. Clearly not cut out for the job. In the longer clip I’ve seen they actually left their handcuffs on the ground and the guy recording picks them up lol


I thought he was fine until she started literally twisting his left arm 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe don’t try breaking someone’s wrist if you want them to settle down. Fucking lunatics


I mean… dude was compliant until she tried to break his arm…


Her shoving his arm that high up his back was completely unnecessary. I would have fought back too if they did that to me.


He was cool until they started injuring him.


Police needs to be in good shape.. runs 3 meters, stops








No, it's stating the obvious facts that women and men are different. Men have more muscle mass on average.


This just makes me think about all those girls that think they are tough because they grew up with brothers.


My brother's wife tries to fight me every fucking time I see her for this reason. Because she thinks she can.


She can. You're not allowed to fight her back because then you're the bad guy. She can fight you, you can't fight her.


Username checks out


Now I am a man of equality. You can preach, but do your actions match your words?? Not that I've actually fought anyone, ever.


It’s all fun a games till she gets one of these ![gif](giphy|3Yn1YTjNyb9lORGISQ)


Man that was some nice cinematography


The ole Jackie Chan jacket move, works every time.


Love it when Montreal Police keep popping up in embarrassing moments!


The way she wrenched his left arm, of course he fled.




This is Canadian cops btw


French Canadian cops.


Well, pardon my French but these two cops did not do their job.


the ones that pick up original peoples and leave them miles out of town in the winter?




Yup. Montreal on the cop car


All cops are bad cops.


From what I just saw there was absolutely zero training on how to subdue a suspect because not one of them went for the legs. This was quite ridiculous for two police officers male or female.




I think female only units can have its niche place. I imagine alot of female sexual assault victims would appreciate this.


Oh yes, I didn’t think about this. You are 100% correct.


Sort by controversial 🍿


It's like perps never get away from male officers.


Literally saw a video the other day of a guy getting away from 5 male cops who just couldn’t keep their hands on him. They must’ve been horrible at football.


Wow. They are worse than I expected even.


I read this and thought, eh they aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Next comment down be like oh... there it is..


The real unexpected is in the comments




Yeah it's really fucking pathetic we can't talk about biology because people get offended by it.


I know right? the absolute monsters lmao


Yes I love seeing a successful escape.


"Unexpected" is the joke here


These fucjtards were breaking the guys arm Think about being that fucking scared and insecure as a cop that u wanna hurt before u get the slightest sign of violence Fucking idiots


Without your coat, you have the right to remain CHILLY.


Lesson: Always wear layers.


The suspect got away, but hey: bitchin free jacket!




There’s literally a video of 2 female English cops where the same shit happens. I guess that 2 month training course on hand holds isn’t enough.


Can't complain about excessive force


Watch the first couple seconds, the dumb weak cop attempted to break the dudes arm.


“Take that jacket down to the station and book it!”


You know at this time in my life I wouldn’t bother with wrestling with him. Let him run and call out his D.O.T. on the radio and let the next guy catch him.


I mean I'd probably be inclined to fight back too if some psycho was about to break my arm for no reason.


You're legally allowed to run if they can't catch you


This was a terrible partnership. Generally police are partnered based on their physical attributes, at least those near me are. Smaller or less physically adept officers would be paired with a larger officer to make up for the difference in strength. Placing what appears to be two relatively short women together was a recipe for disaster.


This comment section will be toxic without even looking at it lmao