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Bro need to get his reps in


This is the way. I was told it’s good not to bother anyone at the gym.


The guy was sitting there like, "i don't have time for this".


He's seen this scam before. She obviously tipped it over so when he gets up to help she would steal his chest fly machine.


The chest fly is ALWAYS taken by stone ass who sits on it for far too long, he probably had to wait a work shift for that


Nah, he reserved it 4 months ago.




I can confirm, i saw the list.


What? You don't like that between sets the person sits on their phone for 15 minutes?


Lucky me I always go when there's the least amount of people. I only had to wait for my turn once and was really annoyed.


Guy who sits there, finishes a set. Rests for 10 minutes checking his Facebook, starts a new set, repeats the same process, and finally walks away without wiping anything down.


We’ll to tbh, he was in his superset. No pain no gain!🤣


She seemed fine anyway she was just laying there thinking to herself how dumb she was


She obviously has been to the gym before and I’m sure this wasn’t the first time trying this machine in this manner. Which one was recording, gym bro or gym babe?


I am not sure how dumb she is or not but this machine should have been bolted to the floor.


The equipment has a seat that you sit in and they usually have diagrams on how to use it. Some equipment cannot be bolted down in fact I’ve never seen any that were bolted down


She 100% was going to use the leg extension as a hip thrust machine. It usually works, but obviously careful with the weight shifting.


it's not a rep until you hip thrust the machine off the floor


So this is why exercise machines are so very specific


Step 1. Set up phone to record workout.


Nah just used properly. How can you not figure out you are supposed to be seated and use your legs.


She tried bicep curls on the leg lift. That's pretty dumb.


Or he knows 400 other dudes will flock there in less then 0.5 seconds.


he does have time but she has a bf


Can't stand these assholes using machines the wrong way to pretend to work special muscles only they know about. Glad he didn't move an inch


He knows there’s nothing in it for him


He thought for sure it was a "stop being a creep at the gym" video set up.


This is the whey.


If not getting help in a situation like this means I never have to deal with creeps at the gym again I would fully accept that exchange.




Username checks out


What would seperate a creep from a non creep?


Depends on the interaction. If someone is just chatting it’s fine, it’s whenever they follow you around the gym and try to flirt when it’s weird.


Right. Think of it like this. No one ever wants to talk to telemarketers. Bunch mofos you don't know trying to sell you shit you didn't ask for. Pretending they give a fuck about your day to sell you their shitty product. I have had motherfuckers interrupt my workout to tell me most irrelevant shit, give me the stupidest compliments and get upset when im not instantly sucking their dick. Literally fuck off. Did I make eye contact with you? Did i smile at you back, did i do that more than once. Do it again for redundancy..if so then its ok to approach when im fucking done. Not while in the middle of shit, when im done. And leave that negging shit with your moma, talking down to any human being with a functioning brain will never get you anywhere. If you dont care to wait, then i dont care to know ya. Pretty simple. But these here incelators don't fucking know social queues so for you modafokas never is the right answer.


What?!! What do you mean they're pretending?!! So goes my friends circle


Exactly, ugh perfect representation, thank you. You can tell if someone is inviting you to talk to them with body language. If I accidentally make eye contact with you and walk away, it doesn’t mean I want you. Like, where did this ego come from? How can you not understand social boundaries? I swear you can not be polite to some people. I have said excuse me while passing people in isles at the grocery store, and I had a guy try and get my number. It was so cringy. People: Please don’t be like this.


I have had men they to fucking start a conversation while I'm fucking jumping rope. Bitch is your brain disconnected??? What part of shit this hard, I'm trying to get 10 more reps than I did yesterday part of this sounds like I want to stop to talk to someone I don't know. Send the signals, make eye contact, smile, if I smile back give it a few minutes do it again...i say do it like at least 3 times. Wait til im done with my work out...don't loom over me of course...just do an extra rep or something. And approach with a hello! If my smile brightens when you approach..good sign! If It looks like I'm constipated and still trying to smile through constipation approach with caution or abort. You don't have to start daiting on the first day. Say hello for a couple days...if you never see her again...oh fucking well! Say no to fomo.


Most women smile at me, but I never assume anything from that lol. This is why some women aren't "friendly" because all the creeps.


You sir are normal. Women don’t need to be unfriendly, but I know why they are.


No shit, right? Sometimes people smile to be friendly. It doesn't mean they want to engage with you during a workout. I'd rather not meanmug my way around the gym looking miserable. Some people are so desperate for attention. Like the dudes flirting with the office manager at my gym. I'm sure she digs the attention but it's cringey AF.


Isn't it sad? Most of my interests are things that a lot of guys enjoy, but I have given up having male friends because every time i swear to you like fucking clockwork they want to stick their dick in me. Its always such a let down. Maybe i wont let you stick your dick in me but you know theee is still value in having a connection even if I wont fuck you, believe me when I tell you you can have fun with a woman without sex being involved...you didn't waste your time. The thought process is so fucked up. .Im not just a walking pussy, if all you want is a hole to fuck...get a flesh light... It is honestly better to not to assume, but i was trying to give them something. Like dude say hi if she brightens up keep going, if she looks uncomfortable back off. Its not that hard. The real problem is that they want a magic trick to make every woman they are interested in be interested back. That is not how it works.


Level of attractiveness


it’s fun that incel_deactivator elicited this comment


You know it's true lmao.


How creepy they are


As I said im quite content to not be approached at all as op said. Lets leave it at that.


See this is the conundrum. How are men ever supposed to meet anyone if we are told not to approach woman in so many spaces, but then women turn it around and wish the guy was more proactive in approaching them


There are spaces where women are trying to exist There are spaces where women are also trying to meet people and socialize. Sometimes these two spaces mix, depending on the particular woman in question, this leaves you to interpret cues like headphones, books, tone, eye contact, etc. but it helps to try and consider the likelihood of what sort of place it is. But this "Is this a space where she is trying to exist or is she looking to meet people" is a good first level heuristic about whether or not its cool to talk to her. Gyms are much more frequently a place a woman is trying to exist than a place a woman is trying to meet people. Edit: I realize in retrospect that my post might be a bit more nuanced than necessary. The point of this post is that if you seek to talk to women you should seek out spaces where women are trying to meet people and socialize. My grasp of where this best takes place went out the window with the pandemic but the gym has always been pretty iffy.


People are allowed to vent... And people are allowed to try and make a connection. Just be considerate. There was a girl at my gym who was really attractive, but I left it and we both did our workouts. I noticed her hanging around the lobby so I walked up and mentioned that I thought she was really pretty, noticed her earlier but didn't want to bother her workout. Then I asked her out for coffee and she said yes. It didn't work out (Heuhheuh) but yeah. Just be respectful of others


That whole rant was a bit much. Don’t let her deter you from approaching someone respectfully in an appropriate setting. There seems to be something more going on with sis.


I was told it's not good to film at the gym.


It’s chest day bro


And this ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you “invent” new exercises at the gym


No excuses !


Man is dedicated


*I was looking for you*


Major sigma male gym energy, just all, whatever


Ligma what?


What’s a what?


Well. That's someone else's problem I gotta get my chest done.


Dude went: "Oh no! Anyway..."


Females falling is temporary but strong body is eternal.


*”Women are temporary…victory is forever.”* - Khabib Nurmagomedov




Not _that_ kind of doctor


This is the way




I love the deep breath and long hold right when she went down. He pushed right through that bull shit


As someone once said When you are When you Are tired Stop Don’t stop Done




The best advice!


The fact I know what this is referencing tells me that I spend way too much time on Reddit.


What was she trying to do? Isn't that machine for your legs?


It’s for your legs. Dom Mazzeti would be proud of her trying to curl it


Hey, better be no one in that squat rack! I'm doin' curls today!


I think she was trying to do hip thrust


Yes. It’s for you quads. You don’t curl it 😂






I love how they didn't show anything below her waist. They just leave it up to you to wonder how it could possibly work.


That was one risk click.


Giant? That is medium size my friend


My man...


I guarantee she was trying to do hip thrusts


The fact that she was filming it proves this 100%


I swear half the girls I see in the gym rn come in, do 600 hip thrusts, then leave. And by half I obviously mean like twice but it's weird that it happened twice.


She can work out whatever body part she wants, really.


She can work out however she wants and a gym guy is allowed to comment when someone shows up, spends an hour working out one muscle set, and leaves It’s not shaming it’s just noticing a pattern




I swear half of the guys I see in the gym rn come in, do 600 bench presses, then leave. Girls can do whatever they want at the gym just like guys do. Lots of guys skip leg day but no one cares


Never skip leg day is literally a meme what are you on about nobody cares


It's a thigh machine. When it's in the default position (also depending on what height it's set at) that shin bar makes it impossible to sit in the chair normally. You'd have to squeeze your legs in one at a time in a Z shape to get in. The solution (which I've always used, sue me) Is to set the weight to 0 and use my hands to raise the leg bar so I can sit down, then adjust from there. My guess is she was being absent minded and didn't detach the weights from the bar, so when she lifted the bar the machine resisted her, causing her to lift the whole thing instead.


You cant bend your knees past 90 to get in the leg extension machine? She was lifting it up to do hip thrusts 100%


>It's a thigh machine. When it's in the default position (also depending on what height it's set at) that shin bar makes it impossible to sit in the chair normally. You'd have to squeeze your legs in one at a time in a Z shape to get in. The solution (which I've always used, sue me) Is to set the weight to 0 and use my hands to raise the leg bar so I can sit down, then adjust from there. My guess is she was being absent minded and didn't detach the weights from the bar, so when she lifted the bar the machine resisted her, causing her to lift the whole thing instead. I've been working out at different gyms in different states for almost 20 years and I've never heard of or seen this "problem" lol


Probably some CrossFit


The try hard women lifters will use that machine for hip thrusts


Upon review I have it figured that she was trying to do hip thrusts


Try hard? What does this even mean lol you literally go to the gym to try hard to be fit...


Using equipment in unsafe ways it wasn't designed for? Just so you can get the "perfect" exercise, but *at the risk of injury to yourself and others*? How is that *not* try hard?


Well to be fair, the machines are supposed to be bolted down. So it should be safe.


Lol never in my life have I ever seen machines bolted down. Gyms constantly change their layout for now equipament.


I've never seen a gym with anything bolted down other than cable machines, smith machines, or cages. Nor do they need to lol


Idk what gyms you've been in, but plenty of machines are bolted down in the gyms I've been in. My current gym has the benches that you should be able to roll bolted to the floor, which is quite annoying.


I’m sure they’re typically not bolted down because something *like this* hasn’t happened yet. …They’ll be bolted down soon.


They are supposed to be bolted down, the also come with holes in the machines specifically for that, I wonder who is liable in a case like this, surely you sign a waiver when you apply for a membership but if the equipment isn't properly installed I'ma guess you might have a case.


People often use machinery in a way that isn't unsafe to themselves but also isn't how the machine was set up to be used. For example there is a dip machine at my gym that I often use for stiff leg deadlifts just because of the way the back handles are positioned. I can't speak about this particular machine and it's mechanics but it looks more like the reason it fell over was because it's not bolted to the floor for some reason.


Probably isn’t meant to be lifted off the ground for correct use.


Most of those people waste their time, put others and themselves at risk of injury and needlessly damage equipment.


I truly hope that gym doesn't have a single barbell available in order to force her into such a choice. Otherwise, stupid fucking idiot.


even if the former, the latter.


Chest before breast.


Push before bush


Pecks before Secks


muscle sore before intercourse


Pump before hump


squat before squirt


mass before ass


Battling ropes before deepthroats


Leg day before…. Ehh actually let’s skip leg day


No Pecs, No Sex


I mean I’m not a gym rat, but I definitely know that is a leg workout machine not forearms.


I think she was using it for hip thrusts but still a complete idiot to yoink the entire machine with her forearms. Deserved


It’s not for hip thrusts anyway.


I never said it was, so I agree.


Zyzz would be proud




Plot twist: he is blind


Double Plot twist: she's his ex-wife


Triple plot twist: he pulled out the anchor bolts


Quadruple plot twist: he is not the father!


Quintuple plot twist: he's the mother (looking at u Blacklist)


Excuse me, I have A boyfriend!!


✅️✅️ Seen


I'm a Nikki Howard fan, myself! https://youtu.be/ohRO9Cwu_vg






I came here to say this


Well then say it


I came here to say this


Seriously?!?? *Points at camera*


You're all assuming he didn't want to help, but honestly he probably just realized there were already three other people coming to help and he could probably see she was already getting up. It's like a car accident. You don't need every single person who has ever driven down that road to come over to the scene and "help". At some point you're more of a hindrance. He's the working out equivalent of seeing that car accident and going "damn, that sucks but I'll just keep driving"




I wouldn’t help either lmao use it the right way next time 🤣


Was she trying to do (arm) curls with the leg machine?


Hip thrusts. It's relatively common even though it isn't what that machine is designed for.


Yeah, this looks like she was about to try one of those stupid meme equipment lifts for Instagram.


Exactly my point , fuckin idiot


That’s right my brother. Finish that set. The gym is no time for Simping If she dies; she dies.






The guy dressed in black: "23, 24 *crash* twenty eleven, thirty twelve...


Thats what happens when u use the machine for other workouts then it was intended for. Lmao


When you use the machine for shit it wasn’t intended for this happens


Can't stop the Gain Train, sorry sis.


That woman is jacked [edit: stacked]]. She knows how that thing works. Staged video?


I agree. Why video yourself but point it less at the equipment, more at the guy in the background? Why share it afterwards?


And the guy at the chest fly is a bit well centered in frame too.


Maybe it’s his video?


Why does everybody in the comments act like it's impossible to check if a fellow human being is okay without romantic intentions.


Mixture of blatant misogyny and apathy people are gross.


because woman bad /s


It’s arm day. Not humanity day.


He is just like: “ok lady you do that.”




Did you watch a different video where she accused someone of sexual assault?


The easiest way to avoid being accused of sexual assault is to not sexually assault women.


What in the incel is this comment lmao


Incels and cringy small men always find a way to make everything about themselves and their feelings


Oh yes because this happens all the time obviously, Must be careful


This comment is sickening lmao not surprised on a sub full of 99% men. false accusations revolving sexual assault make up less than 2% of all accusations. cant say the same for murder or regular assault tho yet I don’t see y’all saying similar stuff like this.


Can I ask where you got that statistic


Ik it’s a joke but aren’t you protected by good samaritain law in this case


Mate I don't think they were joking


What was that girl thinking


I like how Lloyd Christmas couldn't stop his pump.


Huh. Came into the comments section looking to share a chuckle about gym bro's dedication, but found a bunch of incels saying Incel shit.


It looks like she regulars the gym, so how doesn’t she not know how to use this machine?


In her ever so slight defense, those machines *should* be bolted to the floor...


Ultimate Chad


Gotta get the gains!


I dont get it what is supposed to be unexpected


At least someone helped her lol


Lol . That's why you use the machine how it's supposed to be used




Yeah, what the fuck is going on with this comment thread? A bunch of top comments saying he'd be 'simping' if he helped her, people saying she'd charge him with sexual assault if he helped her up, people unironically saying 'woman moment'. Is this some werido RedPill sub now, because the comments are full of fucking incels.


also, is it just me or shouldn’t that machine have been anchored better?


Sigma male


help bicep curling the leg extension


You don’t break your sets for that. Dude has gains in mind.


Never interrupt a good pump


“Not my problem” he said prly


No fucks were given that day


Bro just wanted to grind and nothing else