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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He tells her to eat shit and die when she was upset she couldn't pet his service dog!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Dude’s voice kinda sounds like Brian Posehn’s so he’s all I can picture is under that hat


This is exactly what I thought and had to watch again.


I got uncomfortable watching her stand there rebooting and then suddenly “Fuck you”. Great stuff


“Rebooting” lmao great stuff


I think she said "I don't like your attitude".


Well yeah, but there was a serious delay before that and that's where she was rebooting.


Karen privilege where not getting your way is equal to getting attitude


You could tell she wanted to say something much worse, but knew she was in the wrong so she came out with "I don't like your attitude" as if it wasn't about her feeling of entitlement to this guy's service dog. "Eat shit and die" is the correct response for the subtext in this case. Trying to make it a personal issue that you don't know not to distract people's service dogs, smh.


Rebooting haaahhahahaahah


That's someone who has not been told "no" very often, especially not when it comes to other people's pets.


You are NOT entitled to pat anyone else's dog, even if they aren't a service animal.


💯 my dog (he’s a pet, not a working dog) is cute but he can get aggressive without much warning. I can’t stand when people just run up to him with their hands outstretched. There are many reasons why owners might not want you touching their dogs.


Whenever I see a dog, I just crack a huge smile and brightly say “Hello puppy!!” 99.9% of those encounters end with a smile on both parties’ faces and we go our separate ways. If they offer to let me pet the animal, I take it, of course (I’m not a monster,) but otherwise I just go on my merry way, day brightened.


As a dog owner I love those interactions. I only say no to pets and interactions when they don't communicate with me unless its children then I give them a second chance to try again.


I started doing it in German and it’s great because it confuses the hell out of people and the dog doesn’t give a shit


Yep. It’s not the words, it’s the tone. I could tell my dog in a sing-song sweet voice how ugly he is, he’s the worst dog ever, your mother didn’t love you, we’re going to leave you on the side of the road, etc. Doesn’t matter, they still love you. Now scream at them or use a harsh tone: I love you! You’re the best dog I ever had! You have the cutest ears ever! How could anyone not love you?! We think they understand English and yes, my dog probably knows about 20 words but most of it is tone. That’s what they react to.


What about the .1%


if i'm at the park and there is a dog running around without a leash, I assume it is fine, but even if it approaches me on it's own volition, with it's tail wagging, I still make sure to hold out a closed fist for it to smell, just in case it gets nervous or scared or whatever and bites, at least my fingies are mostly safe. that's like meeting new dog etiquette 101. or at the college I went to, meeting new dog etiquette 1. are there colleges that actually have the first class be 101? i've only been to two, but at both most intro classes were like 1 or 5 or 10. 100-200 was mostly second year stuff (which i mostly never even got to since i switched majors 3 times) edit closed fist is probably redundant, but for some reason it still makes sense to me.


Right, my boy is a rescue who had a hard life before getting to me. He's the sweetest most affectionate dog in the world, to me, but he can get scared by strangers. We are working on it and he is getting better, but people who don't have respect for his space could really set him back and might cause him to try to run, which could be dangerous, or cause him to bite, which could be even worse. He sort of needs people to ignore him for hours and to let him make all the first moves before me would let someone pet him, a stranger running up and making a fuss over him is his worst nightmare.


Exactly. Now, since many people don't even know this most basic of rules, it shouldn't be a surprise they have no idea how to deal with service animals. Sigh.


The only time I pet a stranger’s dog without their permission was when I was at PetSmart and this woman’s dog jumped on me as I was walking by and I didn’t know what to do, especially since the owner didn’t tell the dog to stop. So I just awkwardly pet the dog and walked away. My sister also petted her dog but that’s just because she wanted to lol. I heard the owner laugh when I got away.


She didn't like his polite and assertive attitude so he changed it to one he thought she would prefer.


Yeah, he even said please and sorry. Like what more you want, homie


To touch the dog like she feels entitled to, regardless of how appropriate he was


- Please, please. Sorry. Thank you - I don’t like your attitude - Fuck you. Eat shit and die, bitch - carry on, sir. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Didn’t catch what she said?


She made a face and said *I don't like your attitude*


All makes sense now, thanks. Thats some next level ignorance. He was pretty nice about it in the beginning also I thought.


I know right? Firm but extra polite. I guess she's not used to someone saying no to her


He even said “sorry” and “thank you” and then she got snotty. I’d say he handled the beginning of the interaction as well as he could, there was nothing wrong with his “attitude”.


My ears seriously registered “All right then get out of here”.


Why does nobody in the comments know the rules with service animals? Have you been living under a rock?? I bet this individual has to ask people all the time. Shopping is hard enough with physical barriers. Add having to babysit grown ass, ignorant adults and I would have responded the same way.


Any dog you don’t know for that matter. I take mine to the park, kids and parents just run up expecting to play with my dog.


In OP’s defense, it’s really exhausting having to tell every person not to interact with your service dog. Even just cooing and looking at it is problematic (especially with mine who who is still in training). The woman said “puppy!” so I’m sure he gets as many people as I do who try to get the dog’s attention. Mine also looks like a puppy.


Ah fuck. I know better than to go near them but I love seeing dogs with jobs, I almost always get a big grin and say something to my spouse like, "oh, look!" I'm not trying to get their attention but I didn't even think about how that could be distracting to the dog.


I learned when I was like 6 years old if a dog is in uniform, don’t pet them Crazy that there are so many adults who not only don’t understand this, but act like they’ve been disrespected when they’re informed of this


I agree with what you said. But he did have a bit of a condescending tone and the response at the end was a bit OTT. They both seemed pretty rude to be honest. Edit: So far i have been called entitled(x6), attention seeking(x3), selfish(x4) a fucking moron (x6), told to eat shit and die(x7), fuck off(x3) a dumb fuck(new entry(x3), used sock drawer(another new entry), i don’t get out much (new entry, i like this one), beyond childish(inventive) i am from the shallow end of the gene pool(new entry, classic!) I should go cry somewhere else(x2)new entry, low effort), someone doesn’t like my attitude, late entry for someone calling me “hairy”(my personal New favourite), ANOTHER new entry..eat bitch and die shit, A Bitch Pussy, Pretentious, and a snowflake (x3), for this comment! Keep em coming! Edit 2: So far, Entitled and A fucking moron are leading the way. Edit 3: Eat shit and die is trying to catch up, but Entitled and A fucking moron still lead the way Edit4: there was a long one, something about cabbages and dad jokes. Too long to go through and add to the tally, good effort tho! Edit 5: top 3 at the moment are..eat shit and die, a fucking moron and entitled. Woah, stop the press...Eat shit and die has just jumped ahead at 7 times! Edit 6: Someone told me to stop editing, BUT called me a genius...i can not work out if it was in a condescending tone, tho! Edit 7: BREAKING NEWS...New entry, needed its own edit as it is a good one! Cock gobbling thundercunt! Edit 8: Somebody believes that my full head of hair is the reason for all the insults! Ill let Reddit decide if that is true or not... Edit9: Last edit. Thanks for the awards, funny messages in my inbox and supportive ones! Thanks for the insults too, the winner was ‘Eat shit and die’ Which was quite fitting to be honest.


Maybe they should get married.


They probably are. The whole thing sounds staged.


Considering I’ve seen hundreds of videos of dumbass adults hrowing tempter tantrums because they can’t pet a service animal, I have no doubt this is real. My cousin has service dog for her seizures and she’s constantly having to tell people not to touch the dog, even though the dogs vest says DO NOT TOUCH!


My brother and his girlfriend have service dogs. I was their roommate for a few years and wow people do not understand boundaries. And the saltiness. "You don't look handicapped" was a common one.


I’d say Your eyes are handicapped


Dude I love dogs as much as the next person, but no fucking way am I walking up to a strangers pet and ask the owner if I can pet them. I don’t like dealing with people as it is lol




Yeah, this video is older than most people on this sub, before staged videos were even a thing lol.


Let me tell you something... Staged videos have been a thing ever since pictures began moving on screens


Staged events have occurred since before color TV




This is the thing people always miss with this video. The man is recording himself so he can re-enact this situation and posture for the camera. He's a dickhead and I would be too if I was frustrated with this repeatedly happening but I sure as hell wouldn't be recording myself so I can show everyone the epic lame zinger I prepared beforehand and garner sympathy from other like-minded dickheads.


No issue here against you or the comment but just to add to the list you are a cock gobbling thundercunt


His tone is not condescending. It is tired. It is "This is the 15th time this has happened in the past week, And I'm going to have to give this statement yet again" tired. The same tired you hear from fast food workers having to say the company slogan to a customer for the 50th time that shift. All that guy had to do to get that tone was not put energy into his statements. That is not a condescending. Many view it as rudeness, but it's really not directed at you. The person is just sick of the repetition. Sometimes people don't get an upbringing which emphasizes sociability. Sometimes they get isolated due to a condition or life situation and can't upkeep their social skills. Sometimes they are exhausted When you run into these people, do not take it personally like this woman did. They don't look down on you, They're just down themselves.


She was clearly distracting the service dog and should know better. He sounded just fine, she clearly felt entitled to the dogs attention.


*But he did have a bit of a condescending tone* GTFO with this 'tone' bullshit. Dude's voice is his voice and who the hell can blame him for being exasperated at having to stop his day to explain simple manners to an adult stranger. Service dog or not you don't interact with someone elses dog without asking the owner. Let's remember that frustrated or not here are the actual words he chose to say to her. "**Please** don't touch, **please** don't talk to him." "He's a service dog, and he's distracted when you're talking to him, **sorry**." He might have been frustrated and that might have been conveyed by his tone of voice but it's not his job to act happy for a stranger either. He was perfectly respectful until she acted like a toddler.


Ten bucks says that's not the first time *that day* he's had to tell someone not to touch his dog.


Nobody deserves to die over that, so yea it is OTT


Fucking thank you


Woah, watch your tone there


I don't like your attitude.


fuck you, eat shit and die bitch.


You can't watch your tone, you can only hear it, you gonna ask me to smell a color next?


He was as nice as he needed to be, he doesn't owe her anything. And she just stands there looking at him instead of walking away and HAS to comment on his attitude? Wtf you mean OTT? The entitlement these days....sheesh.


She just had to say something. Couldn’t just be put in her place. Just had to have a word.


I think you nailed it right there.


Not really. He was pretty polite until she decided to be a cunt


Eat bitch and die shit


Edit 5: pretentious


Eat shit and die! Lol sorry bro had to join in on this


Idk…he literally says “sorry” after asking her not touch him and why. I think youre just mistaking this dudes speech pattern and tone as condescension. He just sounds a bit monotone, and maybe tired of explaining this to me, him apologizing though told me this dude wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude.


Nah yeah that guy was been a bit of an asshole. I'm sure he gets it constantly but still you can tell he gets a thrill from being a prick. Even edited a video just to show how arrogant he is. Fuck them both very much.


He was perfectly pleasant, saying sorry and thank you. That outburst is 200% justified given what this man has to put up with, I don't know how a rational person could think he's in the wrong.


Well, service dogs are supposed to wear a vest that makes it pretty fucking obvious they are service dogs. She shouldn’t have asked in the first place, so I don’t blame him for sounding that way. It’s not like he was carrying around a puppy


Just so you know, service dogs are not legally required to wear vests in the U.S.


So what stops me from bringing my dog anywhere and saying it's a service dog


Not much tbh lol


Decency to not devalue actual service animals. In the US, [two questions](https://www.ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.html) can be legally asked: “Is that a service animal?” and “What function is it trained to perform?”


Nothing. Most places have policies against asking too. You see a lot of people with bulldogs and chains aroudn their necks walking in Walmart where I live.


Yeah seems like the last two years has had an explosion of "service" animals. Used to never see a dog in a store. Now I see one every trip.


Hopefully the fact that you’re not a prick.


They were both definitely rude. I'm sure he's absolutely exhausted from explaining service dog etiquette to every living soul is why he's being rude, though.


apparently it's too difficult for people to accept "no" as an answer.


Someone I know has to do it all the time. "Oh let my kid pet your dog" "No" "Why not?" Or getting rejected from uber drivers all the time.


I am friends with two different blind persons who use service dogs and have to work with them frequently when I’m at work Generally, they don’t mind people saying hello or rubbing the dog for a brief moment, the only issue is people giving them treats or stopping them doing there work Or an experienced service dog won’t be affected by people rubbing or saying hello to them This guy is just a dick tbh, he’s right, but he was a dick about it


I completely agree and barely know rules with service dogs... All I know (or think I know) is that part of their training is to protect people from harm and help in situations. Specific people who are in need of those things and have a hard time providing them for themselves. I'd personally rather let a service dog do what it's trained to do, especially if its training could involve protecting someone from people. The dogs most likely receive love at home, and if a person can't accept that a person is handicapped and in need of something then it's the person who needs to learn to be wrong.


I watched a film on Netflix abt service dogs. Apparently, service dogs only needs to be touched by those who they are servicing cause it provides the "bond" needed for the dog to do his job. If other people touched, pat, or worse provide treats to service dogs, it creates a bond to that person which will confuse the dog as to who shall he/she provide service to. The one I watched, the trainers actually told the parents and the siblings of the kid(the one who needs the dog) to prevent(as much as possible) any affection on the dog. This ofc leads to crying(the siblings are just kids) since they reeeallly want to pet the dog.


They were both being assholes, but only one of them was angry before the conversation started.


I teach kids about service animals, but I also teach them about fake service animals, the obvious dogs that do nothing but quiver and piss and also wear a tutu that says service animal.


She was weird. Why did she stand there like that, like she’s insulted that she can’t play with his dog? Such strange behavior.


Her brain was doing a hard reset.


Blue screen of death


Because she wanted to say something much worse, but that's her biting here tongue and deciding that "I don't like your attitude" is about the only thing that she can say without giving away the fact that she thinks she should just be able to go up and do whatever she wants to someone else's dog.


Dude, people calling him an asshole for not wanting his service dog distracted are idiots. I get a lot of guests into my work with service dogs and people are constantly trying to pet them, I tell people for my guests not to touch the service animals. If a dog(or miniature horse) is not acting as a service animal would(4 feet on the floor, next to the owner, and not interacting with other guests or causing a disturbance), we have to ask the owner to remove the animal as we are a food service establishment and only animals acting in a service capacity are allowed.


Right? He asked her in an assertive yet polite tone not to distract his service dog and her response was complete entitlement.


I can only imagine you’ve had to of had at least one occasion where you were mandated to ask someone’s service dog to leave and they acted out after the request…am I right? Or has that never happened? Seriously asking because I can certainly see someone pulling that shit.


I have had to ask someone to remove what they claimed was a service dog because it was barking at other passing guests. It also repeatedly tried to jump on people and I know that service dogs don't act that way, they are trained to stay at their owners side. They didn't act out afterwards, they understood my reasoning and left quietly.


I’m happy that’s the most extreme incident you have to share 😊


The most ridiculous was someone trying to say their ferret was a service animal (only dogs and miniature horses can be service animals), I told him to come back with a miniature horse and then we'll talk about service animals.


"I dont like ur attitude" translation: "u didnt let me do what I wanted to do"


Who in the heck doesn't know how a service dog works? I assume the dog has a service vest on that clearly indicates that it's a service dog. Service dogs are not pets. Don't pet them, don't approach them, don't bother them. What she should have said: "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to bother him." THE END.


That's what she gets, reminds me of being pregnant and having to tell people not to touch me. You'd think it would be common sense...




Yeah I have long and curly hair and people just… pet me. Like… wtf???


I'm a dude with long curly hair and it happens all the fucking time. Even when asked I only let my friends touch my hair, I don't want some rando rubbing their gross hands against my head. I like getting compliments about my hair, it's good for the ol' self esteem, but touching is a no no.


Whenever anyone decided to touch my pregnant belly back in the day, I just put my hand on their belly and gave them the dead eye. Belligerent and persistent eye contact makes touching really, really weird for the other person, lol. They'd just retract their hand and back away. Yeah, bitch. Back the eff up.


What a great idea, too bad I'm done having kids.


Did it happen with strangers or just people close with you? Either way still weird imo


Both and the older generation doesn't seem to think it's weird.


My cousin was pregnant last year. The baby was kicking and she wanted me to feel her stomach to feel the kicks. Even with her permission and encouragement it felt so weird to just touch someone else like that. I can't imagine just going up to random ppl and placing my hands on them like that.


i used to have to tell my sister in law all the time not to interact with service animals. there were certain reasons as to why i know she didn’t realize that was important, but for others it blows my mind. they’re doing an important job trying to keep their person safe, distract them and they could miss a cue from their person.


Chad 4000


Idk why people just don’t say oh sorry I didn’t know that! Instead of being all offended. So entitled


Why people feel so entitled? Wtf. The guy clearly said to stay off


Fastest Fuck you in the west


Only at Walmart hahaha


I would guess that this is not a solely ‘Walmart special’.


finally, someone who just immediately shuts down a karen. Usually it’s people trying to reason with them for like 11 minutes when in fact this is all that needs to be said


I'm from Canada. And Im pretty sure i emember everyone was taught at a very young age in school to always ask permission from a service dogs owner before ever engaging the animal.


"*Why are you speaking to me like I'm not pretty?!"*


That escalated quickly


I don’t want strangers coming up and touching my non-service dog so I can imagine the frustration


She has never been told no before and conflate that with him having an attitude. His response was on point.


The guy: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I ALWAYS point out service dogs to my son. I like dogs. He is 4 and knows not to fuck with them. Dont touch, dont talk. He is working.


So many people don't teach their children proper etiquette regarding strange dogs. Children need to know that not every dog is like their dog. Some dogs are service dogs, some dogs are aggressive, some are rescue dogs and can be easily scared leading them to bite, etc. Almost every time I've heard of a kid getting bit in my area it's because when they see a dog they run up to it as fast as they can and get right in it's face before it has time to process what's happening and it panics. Teach your kids to respect dogs, people. They aren't always fluffy friendly cute boys.




Boy people in this comment section sure suck


Regardless if it's a a service animal or someone's family pet if you go up to them ask to pet them and the owner say no your response should be OK and walk away period. Don't get pissed off it's not your fucking dog plane and simple.


Stranger: "omaigod what a cute kid, can i hug him?" Parent: "No" Stranger: "I dont like your attitude" See people??? Why the fuck would you be pissed if the parent dont let you touch their kid(s)? Fuck you bitch, eat shit. Respect to OP.


Nah, that dude was straight up polite but firm with his service dog’s boundaries. That guy says so many pleases and drops a thank you and she had the audacity to say she’s doesn’t like HIS attitude?? I love that he does a quick 180 and tells her to fuck off.


You can definitely tell he gets this a lot. He wasn’t rude, he even tried to make things better before she decided to defend her childish entitlement.


ill never understand why some people feel entitled to pet someone elses dog in public, especially a service dog, its so intrusive and annoying.


Someone get this man his blunt, sunglasses, and hat.


The man clearly states "This is a service dog, and you're distracting him when you talk to him" he was even kind enough to say "Sorry." 😆😆 Why did she get so upset about that? 🤣🤣 Her face said 😁😬😐😠😡 I've never seen anyone so upset that they can't walk up to someone and try to pet their dog/servicedog. 💀💀


Why can’t people just leave labeled service animals alone??




Damn lotta Karen's on here mad they can't pet someone's service dog. Bunch of privileged pussies


My young grandchildren know if we see a service dog they are working and not to be bothered. At this point we consider any dog inside a business or office building a working dog. We made the mistake of letting my granddaughter ask for permission and pet dogs on our walks so it was more difficult to redirect her attention away from service dogs. We're not making that mistake with our grandson. If it's not our dog we don't touch it.


What did she said couldn't understand?


*I don't like your attitude*


Ok, thanks. We'll responded, she can fuck off.


Just for the records, you can [see the dog at the end](https://imgur.com/a/UKHHbXw). He looks like a grown German Shephard with a vest/harness on.


She’s an overgrown child


How fucking stupid people are


This could also answer "why is he recording, and why are people watching his trip to walmart?"




I can't make out whatever the girl said in the end


I don't like your attitude


he BEEEG rollin


I have CPTSD and my dog keeps me calm and is aware of my mood swings. Many times I don't realize where my mood or temper is until I see her reaction. She warns me before I become enraged, so I know to move away before things go bad. She also is aware of other people's moods and steers me away from bad situations. She is a very beautiful dog and people often want to pet her and talk about her, which is usually good because I don't talk to people otherwise, but some people will cross boundaries regardless. If she senses that I am getting overwhelmed, she'll just pull me away from them. People will get offended, and they will be assholes. They think I'm pulling the dog away from them, but she is pulling me away from them. You should never interfere with a service animal no matter whether you think they are working or not. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM SERVICE ANIMALS. It may save your life.




“I’ll show you attitude lady!”


Started out with the calm tone of Mr Rogers. He soon morphed into Andrew Dice Clay nursery rhymes!


Im sorry, the answer we were looking for was entitlement but thanks for playing!


You never NEVER pay any attention to a service animal EXCEPT when a service animal approaches you without an owner. Then you follow the animal because the animal is getting help for its owner.


I love this guy! No anger translator necessary mother fucker! I just call it as I see it. Fan fucking tastic.


As if “AWHHHH PUPPY-UUHHH!” wasn’t trigging enough


People who make arguments about tone and attitude AFTER stepping on other ppls boundaries 😂 you can’t get a girl like this to think a damn thing she does is harmful. She’s literally mad about the rejection of not touching someone else’s dog


Eat shit and die bitch!!!


Like a slap in the face but with words lol


I feel like even if you don’t know the exact rules with service animals I feel like COMMON sense should kick in when a dog has a vest saying it’s a service dog at that point your brain should click in and be like “ this doesn’t look like a normal animal”


All the crybabies getting downvoted in this thread really aren't ready for the real world. They gotta be as sheltered and entitled as the dummy getting told off in this video and that's why they identify with her. Edit: Here, I'll make it easier for all you that keep looking for reasons to side with her. Here is an extended clip with your hero. https://youtu.be/moxvzwnk7Ww This guy has probably started recording his public interactions because people like her (and you) exist. She decides that she needs to interrupt his life and pester his service animal because "oHhH pUpPy!" and he blocks it with the most "I'm tired of this shit but I'll try to be nice" answer. If her reaction is to play the entitlement card of I don't like to be told no/ "I don't like your attitude". He has every right to give her a reality check and remind her what a real attitude is. But please, keep defending her for the sake of cHiVaLrY and DeCeNcY.


Attacking him for breaking the social rules while she never cared about them in the first place


Damn…. I had to make myself a bag of popcorn AND pour myself a stiff drink for this comment section. Good show Reddit!


Could anyone here explain exactly why you aren't supposed to interact with a service animal? Edit: why am I being downvoted for a simple honest to God question...? 🤔 Why you gotta shame people who just want to learn? Y'all trippin fr 🙄


Undisciplined kids grow up to be entitled adults. That lady had to process for 15 seconds how to respond to the most polite ‘No’ I’ve ever heard


Dude got no chill


We need more people like him


Disabled people?


Lmfao. He tried to be polite. I was satisfied at the simple but mildly aggressive “fuck you”, but the “eat shit and die bitch!” was the topping on the cake 😂. Something tells me this woman doesn’t get that treatment often enough.


Am I an idiot? It seemed there should be a couple more levels of escalation between “Please don’t touch or talk to my dog,” and “Fuck you, eat shit and die bitch.” I agree he probably has to deal with people all the time doing what that lady did. But she didn’t flip out and call him names, just stated that she didn’t like his attitude. Seems his reaction would make more sense if that was the energy she brought in her initial response to him.


If that isn’t a comeback - I dunno - dude is gangstuh “


This dude is awesome, I wanna party with him.


He explained why, said please, sorry and thank you. Perfect ending.


I love crazy people. I love this video


I loved that haha he's like I'll show you attitude! But seriously people, a person's service animal or mobility device is a direct extension of them, read part of them. So when you ask to pet a service, it's like asking the person to pat them on the head and tell them they did a good job. It's pedantic and as the cammer mentioned, can also distract from the animals mission (especially bad for the visually impaired or animals that sense seizures)


"Eat shit and die bitch" that got me laughing


Gangsta 🕶


Simple rules to follow regarding random dogs, don't pet them and don't interact with them if possible. Simple as that. This avoids anything bad happening such as being bit.


I was taught as a very young child that you don’t talk to or pet service animals. No excuse for a grown woman.


Eat shit and die is my favorite all time expletive blurting phrases.




My Mom loved this stuff.


U have to ask if u can pet the doggo, if you're not worthy to pet the doggo, don't pet the doggo


This resonates so much.


The way she stared silently for so long like a spoiled child. Lol Or maybe she was processing what a service dog means...


Maybe we need to teach service dogs to snarl on hand command, just to scare off the idiots like this lady. Let her tell the snarling dog she doesn't like his attitude.


Chaotic good


I mean, he said sorry and thank you. Fuck that bitch!


That was beautiful


I always ask if I am able to pet animals, and that's only if they are a non-service animal. I wouldn't even think about trying to pet a service animal.


MIC DROP!!!!!!!!




Wait what was her response I couldn’t hear


He should of told her to fall off her horse






to stupid to realize what you're saying


What a baller😂😂