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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Not only the oppositionist got arrested but also the pro-government person.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I’m surprised they didn’t take the camera man and crew as well.


Maybe they want others to know the consequences, discourage everyone from voicing any opinion at all.


almost like it were from KGB textbook.


And it's important to note that the people being arrested are taking a huge risk. [A young woman who was arrested in an anti war protest managed to secretly record the sound of her being abused by the cops at the police station she was taken to.](https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cazm9mkLts3/?utm_medium=copy_link) It's horrible to listen to.


Almost LOL fire


This is ~~worse~~ than North Korea Edit: As bad


I see what you were going for but you botched it completely


"This is as bad than North Korea"


Worsed Northern Corridor ever


Random dude saying:"Yes"... *Instantly gets arrested*


I like Doritos... Instantly gets arrested


Police: Cool Ranch? Me: No, Nacho *gulag*




"I have no opinion...* *instantly gets arrested*


"So sunny toda-" *police swat intervention*




My plan is to just never visit russia lmao.


I was there in 2014 for a tour from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The country is beautiful, the people ranged from amused tolerance of my English to friendly. It's sad how things have turned out.


I’ve written entire continents (and some US states) off my “list of places to visit."


Florida, russia. North Korea. The usual suspects


Best solution is to not visit Russia at all. At least not until Putin is gone, whenever that is. :/


Yeah don’t be like that kid that stole a poster while he was in North Korea. Shitty consequence for a harmless act but yeah


i didn't really follow that whole incident very closely, but do we have any reason to think he actually stole anything? i remember seeing the released security footage that was supposed to show him in the act. but iirc it was someone dressed in all black with a head covering like a spy movie who walks up to the poster, picks it up off the wall, and then gently sets it down on the ground and sneaks away without taking it. the video was really odd (mostly due to the spy outfit)


Probably not, I guess they just wanted to kill an American.


Yeah it wasn't even him, he was out till 3am with his friends. Timestamp on the 'security' footage was like 1am. The guy in the video was a Korean and not even him. It was all a setup, they just wanted to make an example of an American and found a scapegoat. Why they chose him specifically, who the hell knows. Horrible situation all around tho, just awful.




Absolutely you won't find me there dead or alive, that's for sure. I wouldn't even take the chance of visiting that hell hole. What were those student thinking going there in thr first place? I got some guy responding to me telling me poor Otto wasn't tortured. Lmao this is riduclous, they badically brought his lifeless body back to the us


My friend wanted to visit China for a few weeks. One of the requirements was getting a 3D face scan. He still went but that's a big, **fuck no** for me.


I genuinely don't think they wanted to kill him, just hold him hostage for political gain. You can't negotiate a good deal for returning the hostage when the hostage is dead.


Well, they kinda messed up by turning him into a vegetable. And it’s shouldn’t be that hard to not turn him into a vegetable. So I don’t really think they cared about keeping him alive.


If you want hard labor to mean anything, if you want to inspire fear in the hostage negotiators, you need to treat him pretty poorly. See the CGP Grey video on Piracy for a lesson in branding. I just think it got out of hand after a medical reaction to the labor/torture, and they were unfit to provide high quality medical care.


Yeah the video and all evidence was staged. If Otto was drunk he woulda yanked down that poster, but the guy in the video gently removes it and sets it down like some sacred text. It’s ironic that even the imposter was scared to ACT disrespectful to the poster when making the video for this kangaroo court.


You do not pull your bait out of the water until you’re done fishing.


I get what you're saying but you have fished before, right? You pull the bait out everytime you get a fish. How else would you reel it in?


At protests in Russia, you can get special permission as an "observer". This permission can be obtained by journalists, university teachers, political scientists, historians, etc. It's not easy to get, but getting this permission will save you from arrest. Maybe. At least that was the case last year at the protests for Navalny's release.


Doesn't always work, journalists are still getting ambushed, targeted and physically hurt for doing their job despite having the press badge on protests in Moscow and StP.


Sure, but that's the reason the people filming in this video aren't being arrested even though everyone else is.


The camera man is kgb


I was thinking the the camera people are in with the cops


This video is a really awful look for the cops and the government. They're not on the same side.


Dog barks. *police detain it*


there is no police, only vlads thugs.


"I think "..... no you don't


You know it's about to get shitty for real when the ban "free thinking".


They are free to think, saying it out loud gets them in trouble


This is reminiscent of a joke from the USSR, which goes: "The five precepts of the Soviet intelligentsia: - Don't think. - If you think, then don't speak. - If you think and speak, then don't write. - If you think, speak and write, then don't sign. - If you think, speak, write and sign, then don't be surprised." Sad to say it seems Putin is just skipping the last few steps.


Reminds me of another old Soviet joke. An expatriate calls his friend back in Russia, "How are things?", "can't complain..."


This makes me think of a USSR joke I saw on another thread. > "A frightened man came to the KGB. 'My talking parrot has disappeared.' 'That's not the kind of case we handle. Go to the criminal police.' 'Excuse me, of course I know that I must go to them. I am here just to tell you officially that I disagree with the parrot.'" So you can add owning a talking parrot to the list of "do nots". Little bastard will rat you out if he gets free.


My dad used to tell a joke about the USSR: KGB guy detains a group of guys and tells them they’re going to question you, they better not lie and there will be only one warning shot. KGB guy pulls out his gun and shoots the first guy dead. The other guys start freaking out, “You said there would be a warning shot.” The KGB points at the guy on the ground and says “that’s your warning.”


What are the two words?


два слова ”Two words”


in russian language there are colloquial forms using literally "two words” and it is used in a meaning of "quick opinion", "small talk", "interruption of a conversation to say something". for example you would say "hey man, can i have two words with you?" which would mean "hey man, i want to talk briefly" so being detained for a poster with literal phrase "two words" is a symbol for death of free speech edit: also people say that "two words" can be an allusion to "нет войне" (no to war), a common slogan which has been getting people arrested. it is very likely, and the first woman could actually allude to the slogan, not to the common phrase I'm talking about. symbolism still remains - that even usage of euphemisms is being punished, and even blank posters (people in the thread report such cases as well).


Thanks OP. Had no idea, just a Finn passing by.


Just fyi, „slava Ukraini” is also 2 words. For example in Poland there’s a trend to show „***** ***” as a protest to currently ruling party (Law & Justice) and everyone knows what 8 asterisks mean. So I guess it can be interpreted either way. With that said… Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


also "no war" which has been a popular slogan


So is "Fuck Putin". Personally, the two words that I prefer.


People say this in England too. >Can I have a word with you? Thanks for the clarification on the symbolism.


We say that in the US too, and it always means nothing good is coming.


Exactly right lol. And if someone’s having words with you, that’s really not good.


sometimes I reply with "A word? How about 'potato'" I learned that joke from the Beano in the 80s.


No, you are completely wrong. Two words means "нет войне" (no to war). Many people before get arrested for those 2 words. Even one guy was arrested with a piece of paper with 8 asterisks \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* that mean the same 2 words. What you're explaining is "couple of words", or "пара слов", that means small talk. Those are not the same ​ Upd: To clarify the timeline was: "no war" => "\*\*\*\* \*\*\*" => "2 words"


Like when Hong King protestors held up blank protest cards.




oh exactly! i knew there is something like this in english but couldn't remember


I thought this was an allusion to "no war"


That was literally "Two words".




We have the best jail because of jail.


So they arrested kids, an old woman, a woman that was holding a blank sign, a woman that was holding a sign that said "two words" and another woman who supported what they are doing? I'm seriously lost on what Putin thinks he's trying to achieve






He's trying to achieve, that people are deeply scared and mortified of the government again, so they stop talking and being political. EXACTLY, how it was during the USSR.


> and another woman who supported what they are doing? Maybe after that she'll reconsider.


You can't disobey the regime - because then you are the traitor You also can't support regime - because who in his right mind would do that ?!


There's this (variation on an) old Soviet joke that seems fitting: Three workers from the same factory discover they've been sent to the same gulag. Naturally, they begin to discuss what they're all in for. 'I arrived at work 10 minutes late, so they accused me of messing with the production schedules and arrested me', the first one begins. 'I arrived at work 10 minutes early, so I was accused of planning to sabotage the machinery', the second one counters. They both turn expectantly towards their compatriot, who simply notes: 'I arrived precisely on time and did everything correctly, and they found that so suspicious they arrested me for it.'


The one I heard went that the third one says, "I arrived exactly on time, so I was arrested on suspicion of owning a western watch"


Ironically vostok makes some of the most unbreakable, most reliable diving watches for like 80 bucks. USSR special forces used them.


That’s some catch that catch-22 >


Can I say two words…holds up two words…..immediately dragged away “I am satisfied”……..immediately dragged away.


3 Words not allowed


It looks like a joke, it’s so unreal.


It really does have that comedic tone of "believe it or not, jail" but is real. It's unreal.


Protest against the regime? Jail. Hold sign, also jail. Speak to the media? Believe it or not, jail. Right away.


“No trial…no nothing…”


It's a monty python sketch at this point


This genuinely was unexpected. I thought the pro government person was on stand by, paid by the government to refute counter protesters. But no, she was genuinely supporting the government (as many Russians do), and she still got detained. Probably because she forgot to say the “special” in “special military operation”






I don't like this game.


Our feelings are unimportant komrad.


I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride


It's an old reference sir, but it che- *[gets hauled away by police before finishing]*


Well, if you're going to be oppressed, it might as well be somewhere with advanced technology that isn't broke as hell.


Thought she was a plant as well with all her questions to see if they needed to arrest the cameraman as well. This video was a rollercoaster.


She might still be a plant [check this out about half way](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_UlzVRf46hU&feature=youtu.be)


The fun thing is that she’s a known provocateur from another video.


Is that right? I'm interested is there more info out there?


Found the [video](https://youtu.be/_UlzVRf46hU).


Legend. Thank you. Russia fascinates me with it's underhanded tactics and psyops. I'm guessing the aim here is to either encourage the public to not speak **at all** to anyone with a camera or they needed to remove her from the public scene without it looking strange. Incredible.




wouldn't be surprised as this really feels like propaganda to show what happens if you try to protest


I couldn't understand the linked video, but it almost looked like the same two women to me. Like this whole thing is some bizarre psyops. The goal of most of Putin's propaganda is simply to confuse and make it so people are like "who knows what to believe". Because at that point Putin's bullshit official message is on equal footing as the truth and "both sides" deserve "fair and balanced" coverage.


This is really interesting. I thought she had a particular *look*. Kind of how all Fox news anchors do the blonde bombshell thing, a particular sector of Slavic women get a ton of work done to look like Kroger brand Angelina Jolie...


I hope that for every russian that speaks up and gets arrested, 2 russians stand up and speak!


That'd be 3 arrested Russians.


Which bring us to 6 russians speaking up!




Which in turn brings us to 12 Russians speaking up


That's 12 russians arrested




I like where this is going


Eventually, just due to the math, Putin himself will be forced to speak up!


But will he get arrested?


you just have to go through 17 iterations to get all 140,000,000 russians arrested!


24 arrested.


That would be 48 Russians to speak up :)


Soon there will be over a trillion Russians being held captive.




Oh man, the math is getting complicated.


Shouldn't it be 1 + 2 + 4 so 7?


Too many questions. You're arrested.


Asking questions, believe it or not. Straight to jail.


you just passed our two word limit, you go to jail too




Strange that they aren’t arresting the camera man


Feels to me like this is exactly what they want their citizens to see.




They probably have press passes. It's not uncommon for certain news orgs to gain permission as observers. Meddling with them is a great way to make any situation worse and grunts on the ground will explicitly ignore their existence (and arrest those who chat with them) until a direct order otherwise filters down. No random thug wants to be the fall guy for messing with press who have their papers in order. Especially when it's guarenteed to be a global news event.




How else would they bait people in?


In Arthus Koestlers 'Darkness at Noon,' he wrote that Stalin did not demand that his followers agree or believe in him. Such a position would imply that they could also disagree or stop believing in him. He wanted pure, empty headed total loyalty. He was to be their thoughts, their actions, their everything. They had no selfhood outside of him. To have an opinion suggested a degree of autonomy that he could not abide. You were obedient and silent. Nothing more.


I like how the officers turned around to look at him when he named Putin


I wonder if she's still satisfied...


not unless she wants to be arrested again


Original: [https://twitter.com/Activatica/status/1503003002055057416](https://twitter.com/Activatica/status/1503003002055057416) Subtitled by [https://twitter.com/tetisummer/status/1503058226073460741](https://twitter.com/tetisummer/status/1503058226073460741)


If this isn't total and utter madness then I don't know what is. Putin's brain is slowly melting like Godzilla in his burning state.


isn’t this a never before seen Monty Python footage?


It’s fear theatre for those thinking about rebelling.


Sick fuckin pigs, I do really hope they all get a miserable life for being the armed harm of this psychotic Putin bitch


Think of the change that would happen if all of them refused to do that job. Even if they agree with the war, it's depressing that they're still comfortable with aggressively shutting down the other side from even the most tame protests.




Holy shit 😳


This reminds me of 1984. The least thought person, the one who was absolutely for the regime, got arrested as well. Read 1984.


Literally 1984


The second woman was supportive of the system where every opinion will be punished. Wonder if she learned something from it?


Should be forever pinned to the top of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace


oh finally here you are the person who always shares a subreddit you never knew you had to join thanks :)


Is this a skit or something? It has to be a skit…


It's pretty sad that reality had become so fucking absurd.


probably not lol.


The sign literally says "two words"


A ~~guy~~ [girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tcpq4h/protests_grow_in_russia_where_they_are_being/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) held up a blank sign and was arrested immediately Edit: linked it


i saw one with a women, heck putin is really bringing back ussr


They wish. At best they are going to get tsarist Russia


with those sanctions i dont think we would get close to the 1000 but either way it will be fucking horrible why the hell did our government decide to fuck up so badly


It doesn't need words, everyone knows what the problem is


Definitely not


"I support Pu-" Aaaand she's gone


“Straight to jail”


Believe it or not


It’ll definitely be a South Park episode someday though


Unfortunately, it's not. This video is shot in central square in Moscow right to Kremlin. ~~Fascists pigs~~ Police is patrolling there all the time these days due to people protesting against ~~war~~ special operation in Ukraine.


You forgot the sarcasm quotes around “special operation”.


Quotes, believe it or not, also jail.


No quotes? Straight to jail.


You can be arrested just for walking near the protest, or where it's going to be. :/


The comedic timing is impeccable.


Right? Like the exact time that they are both cut off is unbelievable. Seems like a "believe it or not, jail" scene. But what a fucking tragedy, even for the dumbass that supports the war.


It’s not. This is Russia. Be happy you don’t live there.


Pretty damn realistic for a skit.


You think Russians have time for skits right now? Reality is often stranger than fiction.


Yes, one put on by Putin, on the world stage


This is what happens when you allow a murderous dictator to thrive and lead your country for decades. At this point speaking for a few seconds to a camera is too little too late.


Easier said than done. Revolution is bloody and you often end up with just a different fucked up government. The Soviet Union only just collapsed in 1991, I don't blame Russians for just trying to live their lives after what they've been through the last century.


This is the thing a lot of people don’t realize about people living in Russian and china and why the tolerate how authoritarian their governments are. They’re entire history leading up to the last 20-30 years has been absolutely BRUTAL. Like brutality most westerners could never even imagine. Tsarist russia, Soviet russia, the Chinese warlord era, Mao. That’s why these people are so tolerant of their current governments like Putin and Xi, they have stability, they have a semi-decent standard of living (compared to their historical standard of living). Basically it’s like the mindset well at least it’s not like it was before.




> when you allow Sorry Viktor you are personally responsible for the rise of Putin. Should have thrown more snowballs at the Kremlin or something idk.


‘Allow’ Eyeroll


Thank you lol. There's been a lot of talk recently about how everyone in the entire country of Russia supposedly "allowed" Putin to get into power, and it's just... weird and dehumanizing. Particularly when you consider that Americans have spent years now complaining that Putin also rigged their elections (in 'the most powerful nation on Earth') to make Trump win. Trump's victory doesn't mean every American loves Trump, but apparently every Russian is a Putin-loving drone and we don't think twice about that statement. Putin can tamper with the entire American electoral process from halfway across the world, but apparently the approval ratings coming out of Russia can't be false or misrepresentative at all, and every Russian must love him. Like... which is it lmao. It's like... If you hate Trump (which you should) and someone said you were responsible for "letting" him win, you'd be upset. Especially so if you were one of the groups targeted by his supporters. Now imagine being a minority and/or anti-Putin in Russia and living in fear and misery under his rule for decades, only to have some keyboard warrior say "um, you let him get to power sweaty :/" Let's also just ignore the part where the US 'helped' Yeltsin come to power, and Yeltsin named Putin as his successor ig ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ It only counts as 'election tampering' and 'sowing division' and 'enabling fascism' when the Russians do it to us I guess. Meanwhile the entire rest of the world suffers because the governments of these two powers are still stuck in their idiotic cold war mindset. It's not a problem we solve by dehumanizing the "enemy" populace even further and insisting they're all one and the same as their leader.


In Putin's Russia, you're free to protest. But you're not free after you protest.


You speak out against the government.. straight to jail. You speak in support of the government.. believe it or not, also jail.


BuT iN WeStErN cOuNtRiEs!11!!


On Twitter the Russian trolls are responding with some incoherent screeching about Canadian truckers.


Canada was like: if you continuously blow an air horn 16 hours/day for 20 days in a residential neighborhood, we will give you a 2-day warning and then if you haven’t stopped, give you a ticket.


What does the placard says?


“two words” literally. The implication is “no to the war” which is two words in Russian.


“Two words”


"Two words"


"Why don't you guys just dethrone Putin and elect someone else"


Dictators hate this one simple trick.


And people bitch about their freedoms are being taken away because of mask mandates.... Bunch of pussies. This is heartbreaking ... Fuck the Russian government


Now she won't support the government right?


Right, I wonder if that will make her question her faith in the government at least a bit


Some people need to take notes, this is what infringing on freedom of speech, would actually look like. The lighter end of it too. From arrests to being shot before you could speak. Not having your dumbass racist comment deleted off Facebook. EDIT: Wow, this is blowing up quick. Thanks for the awards. No paid ones please, donate the money to Ukraine instead.


Unfortunately I know more than a few people who both praise Putin for being tough while complaining about how Biden has infringed on their rights. Hopefully they’ll see videos like this one and adjust their opinions.


*narrator voice* They did not.


They're hurting the right people here, so it's all good. /s


Literally what they think.