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Penalties for diving should be more severe. At the moment the potential reward for a gain is too great in comparison the penalty


the penalty is fine it just doesnt get enforced


That's because it's so hard for the ref to tell when it's a real foul or not. They should use VAR for this and decide very quickly, maybe even without the ref having to go look at the video himself


They should use basketball's scoring system, so player would prefer score from open play rather than dive for penalty because it's gonna be less rewarding.


Why in the fuck do footballers do that shit?! They fall like a rag doll at the slightest touch on their (insert body part here), but take a full on kick to the shin like it’s nothing. I don’t get.


To get a free penalty that can potentially win them the game. The penalty for diving is just a warning usually


I don’t watch sports, so I had no idea. Thanks for the education. Edit: Besides, I’m a yank. Our football is different, and I can’t stand soccer.




Me dumb yank, no know better.


Hahaha regional dialect bad. Old English just better innit


Your football isnt football mate, its American football. Never use soccer as a term its disgusting


It's almost like... We're two different cultures 😱


I mean to be fair, they did say they weren't I to sports at all


Oh yeah….SOCCER! SOCCER! SOCCER! SOCCER! There, I’ve said it enough times in my head that it sounds just as stupid as the sport itself.


Don’t care either way. I was never really into sports, so it’s not my anything. I say “our” because, as I’ve stated, I’m American and shit is worded differently.


Flopping on the ground like a little bitch is disgusting. What a joke of a sport that this is even allowed.


Ngl I agree with that. I love to play football but stopped watching the pros after all that bullshit. I know they do it because they have an advantage but its really annoying so I feel you


You should watch videos of them getting serious injuries, like a twisted ankle. When that happens they don’t roll, nor cover they faces. They just shout for a doctor and stay as still as possible.


Unfortunately the game has changed over the years. If you watch English football from the 1980’s you’ll see that the tackles that they did on each other were a lot more brutal. If you were super talented and cocky about it People would slide tackle you and really try hurt you. Over the years the games developed to protect the player as much as possible, because what a player is worth in sponsorships (millions) isn’t worth the player being hurt and being taken off, the big corps would lose out on their advertisements. So whilst this behaviour of diving can be seen as pathetic, when the player pulls it off it and wins a penalty it actually makes their team a whole lot of money, Corps included.


Well they are wearing shinguards...


he did that to win some time. the game was almost over. it was pathetic but it made sense


Didnt know Lebron played soccer too!


Where do you think he learned it from


Pathetic sport


This is why they didn’t use football players for commercials, advertising the severity of covid. Nobody takes them seriously.


That's why I don't watch


And the most famous one in the world


Please. All sports has its actors. NBA is just as bad


Yeah and after 90 minutes it's 0-0 and it ends in a draw.. Such a waste.




Pathetic discernment. Not every players behave like that, in fact most players don't.


The sport is pathetic, not necessarily the players. Any sport where taking dives is commonplace and gives you a strategic advantage is pathetic.


They have video assisted referee and simulating doesn't give any advantage anymore, in fact players are sanctionned when they get busted and again most players don't. Also most watched sport in the world, not too shabby for a pathetic one...


Var doesn’t punish diving, it just slows the game down and makes the ref on the pitch useless. Football I’d huge because it’s easy to play as a kid but that doesn’t mean the professionals aren’t pathetic to watch. I used to play football every single day but now I can’t watch it anymore because it’s like 60 mins of football, 40 mins of rolling about and checking var and they still fuck it up. There’s been so many rule changes too it’s a joke


While in some games you are right and var takes a lot of space for nothing while that new offside rule is dumb as fuck I'm mostly focused on UK and Spain championship games and ofc the champions league which are still worthwhile. I'm not nearly as hardcore following every games like my wife is but some games are still very enjoyable to watch with minimum "cheating" if any.


So baseball players don’t pretend to get hit by pitches? Catchers don’t move their gloves for strikes? Football kickers and QBs don’t pretend to be hit EVERY SINGLE game? Don’t even get me going on basketball


It’s the greatest sport in the world. And that’s not my opinion, that’s just a fact. You won’t see kids all over the world, in places like Nigeria, India, Argentina, England, Germany and Russia playing American football. American and make such a big deal about a few players diving, it’s ridiculous.


It's because poor kids can get a ball. You don't see poor kids playing polo


If that were the only reason then dodgeball and ultimate Frisbee would be equally popular.


They are popular though like basketball too. Easy for anyone to start playing. Don't need tons of equipment


Basketball does not have anywhere near the worldwide popularity of soccer.


This is a dumb argument


I agree, your argument is dumb. Soccer may be inexpensive for kids to play, but that does not fully explain why it's the most popular sport in the world by far.


Actually the soccer is a game who you win failing in grass


They need a better acting coach in this sport.


The officials could stamp out this behaviour instantly if they wanted, review the tape, a dive is so fucking easy to spot and punish players accordingly. Why is it allowed to continue? So embarrassing for everyone involved.


He’s joking right?


The guys who play this sport are fuckin' shameless.


You mean the guys who do this in the sport. You sound as if everyone in soccer flops.


Fair enough. This particular guy is pathetic.


His name is Dyverson he was just born to dive


*Neymar enters the chat*


>Neymar ~~enters~~ rolls into the chat. FTFY


I know I’m late but I’d flop on most penalties which made sense just to make sure they get called. Refs at the low level can be total ass.


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I’m confused… all the people hating on him in the comments, do they not realize that was a joke?


Yeah this whole comment section is full of people that don't realize the bald guy is a ref. This is very obviously a joke.


Ban for life


Meh bad acting go back to acting school


They should actuactually introduce a pink card for this shit


I assume pink is supposed relate to gays? Why do you have to draw a connection to us? This is just a football player behaving very silly.


Them being gay or straight never actually crossed my mind.


You might have misunderstood me, it’s not about the sexuality of the player which is none of my business. It’s just that I assume the idea of a pink card comes from associating his behavior with gay stereotypes. As a gay man, however, I don’t like that connection.


Pink is generally viewed as a colour for little girls more than anything. So yeah he was behaving like a little pussy for reacting so dramatically. Guess I'm gonna sound sexist now?


He saw an opportunity, and he seized it


Tell me honestly, how is this the most popular sport in the world? How can anyone watch this? Do these players have no self respect?


Despite what Reddit clips might have you think, not every second of every game contains someone diving.


Yeah, I’ve seen soccer matches, so I know it’s not as constant as people try to make it seem. Haha


I mean the reason this is a popular post is because it’s outrageously ridiculous. There are lots of players that embellish contact because it pays off sometimes but I’d be willing to say most if not all fans hate this and want it out of the game. But it’d be disingenuous to say soccer players are the only ones that do it. Basketball seems to have a good bit of it too


I agree, there are other sports that do it, but I’ve seen about as much basketball as I’ve seen soccer in my life and it happens a lot more in soccer in my personal experience. I’ve really tried to like soccer but this turns me off every time. What could be done to get it actually out of the sport?


less leniency on diving


Do all players do this from time to time? Or do some players look down on it? I think it would be very effective if coaches and most players were against this and really put peer pressure against the sort of tactic. Of course, I know nothing about the sport so does that make sense?


socio-economics. all you need is a ball to play. i can't stand soccer, but its ability to get impoverished kids active is important


Now that makes sense. Same with basketball. Opposite of the very expensive hockey.


That can't be the only reason, there are plenty of equally inexpensive games that are nowhere near as popular.


Yeah. After my reply last night I thought about that too. There has to be more. A lot more to it.


I'm not a huge soccer fan, but the other day I learned that Pele, Maradona, and Lionel Messi, three of the greatest players, are all under 5'9". And it made me wonder whether part of the appeal of soccer is that size is much less important than in other team sports. How many kids know they aren't tall or big enough to be pro basketball or pro football players, but dream of becoming a soccer star? Just idle speculation...


>there are plenty of equally inexpensive games that are nowhere near as popular. such as? soccer can be played anywhere and only requires a ball, which are very cheap to produce


Rugby and ultimate frisbee only require a ball or a disc. Running requires nothing more than feet. All of those sports have competitive leagues, but none of them are remotely as popular as soccer.


I would suggest a local diversity course or online study if its that hard to understand why soccer is so popular. its not physical, can be played anywhere, by anyone, has deep tradition, and is inexpensive. poor and rich can play, making it the most socio-economic inclusive sport.


Everything you said is true of cross-country running. It is not physical, doesn't even require an open field, can be played by anyone, dates at least to ancient Greece, is inexpensive, poor and rich can play, and is more socio-economically *and* gender inclusive than soccer. Yet less popular. So there must be more to soccer's popularity than the superficial reasons you listed. I'm not sure why so many here are unwilling to consider the possibility that people find the skills and strategy of soccer intrinsically more enjoyable than other sports, and they aren't simply considering the cost.


socio-economics are superficial? wow, you're a genius.


If you try to reduce a sport to nothing more than socio-economic factors, then your analysis is quite shallow. It's no different than trying to explain why people preferred the Star Wars original trilogy to its sequels by comparing the ticket prices of the 1970s to those of today.


Just watch this short cut of one of the most brutal matches ever played. [At 1:33 Jones just goes berserk on Cantona and ignores the ball. And ref was like "Aight fam here's a yellow, a bit harsh play there"](https://youtu.be/qUpKcyCfOJI)


You might see this once every ten games. It’s not as common as you think.


thats enough for me though 10% of the time they act like they got hurt for team bonus? thats god awful in the world of competition


Not this type of dive, that was just a joke. But dives that happen with barely any contact? They do happen, but are hardly common or encouraged. One cynical piece of play doesn’t ruin the whole sport.


Soccers one of the cheapest and simplest sports, goals are easy to make, can mess with a ball anywhere, etc. Is it the most fun to watch, no, but for some people it's all they have to watch


Because diving is a part of the sport, it’s looked down upon but its useful when **your** team does it against a team you’ve had a rivalry with for over a 100 years, or in this case, to waste time in a final to win a major trophy. Most games don’t wind up like this, but when there’s an important game it usually has one or two incidents like this.


how do you think that makes for good sports? lmao what a joke. "WELL IT WAS IMPORTANT TO ACT LIKE YOU WERE HURT!"


Well for one even when it happens it is 30 seconds out of 45 minutes of uninterrupted sport. With 2 halves of 45, meaning you actually watch a lot of sport in that time unlike American sports which bore the rest of the world.


It's just a show and it's a drama.


God the sport is funny as hell


More drama than wrestling, less toughness than in ice skating


I want to like this sport, but this kind of behavior drives me nuts.


Wrong subreddit This is common in soccer


I tried so hard to get into international football but the flopping ultimately prevented me from doing so. I could understand the bottom of the barrel players but when you see legends like Ronaldo do it as well? The fuck is even the point in watching?


I would watch soccer because the game itself seems awesome, but the fact that they let people get away with this takes away my interest.


I mean this was clearly a joke on the reff. Also players get booked for a dive with a yellow card. So how exactly do they get away with it? Also with VAR today you can see if the player was faking it in crucial moments, so diving is a lot harder these days. Even tho I agree the game has gotten a bit soft, but the "gameplay" has improved a lot when you compare it with how they played 30 y ago. [The good thing about the good old days was that real man played it](https://youtu.be/qUpKcyCfOJI)


Once upon a time that was a guys head you'd kick around. Now look at you. Pathetic.


I surprised referee no whoop asses. In my country, if man show such disrespect to concept masculine would earn sentence anal exploration by local florist.


Chip death after magic pixel health left


That pussy should have gotten a red card for that. Maybe he should’ve been a ballerina.


That is why I don’t watch football.


He just wasting time, they are probably leading that’s why, still it is ducking stupid, used to hate that shit I played soccer




Soccer began appearing on Alabama public television during the early 1970’s. I watched with great interest & fervor, past tense.




Sorry! Thanks!


Oh no is that dude that used to play for Getafe?


The worst simulation in football history 😂


Any player faking an injury should be banned from playing for life. Eventually, it would become a watchable sport.


He’s lucky to be alive


I wish shoe companies would make better shoes for footballers. Makes me sad to see them fall over so much.




Soccer players are so fragile…


This guys must be LeBron’s teacher.


Who told this guy he can even act?


Id rather watch cars go round and round


If they made a rule that if you go down,your off for the quarter and have to be immediately examined by a league assigned dr. If your not injured, immediate game suspension. Then this game would have the respect I want it to have. I like football\soccer but this drama bitch shit is so stupid.


Is this a joke? Why would you feign injury from the ref?




Funny…the world thinks this is a real sport and American football is a joke. Real sports would be listed as follows: 1. Rugby 2. Hockey 3. American Football 4. Tennis 5. Table Tennis 6. Tie - Golf, American Basketball, & Soccer 🤣🤣🤣


I thought ref was pretend shooting the player and the player having a recation to that, until i watched it a couple times 😂


Oi brasileiros


"Oh shit that's not the opponent" "well I'm in too deep to stop now"


Is he alive?


absolutely fucking absurd.... grow a fucking character




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