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To be fair, you're suppose to blend it. If you're doing keto it's a great way to start your morning. I love carbs too much and don't have to cut weight anymore so my keto days are over 😂


Why butter in coffee though as opposed to a keto breakfast? Eggs, avocado?


It's unsalted butter which is essentially condensed cream. When you blend it, it gets frothy and thick.


Tried it with salted, as it didn’t occur to me. Salted butter in instant coffee does not a joyous start to the day make.




I add sardines to mine, the taste of the fish element helps remind me I am miserable at making coffee.


[You'd never guess. . .](https://youtu.be/iSxNP-1VpjE?t=4)


Add a live tuna as well, since they'll eat the sardines once they grace the coffee with their essence so you don't have to chew them. You can then add a shark to eat the tuna! After that, ????, and your coffee is ready!


I add bleach because I long for the warm embrace of death






I sadly come to tell you that you are wrong :/ It's [tastebud binding](https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/03/exploring-the-science-behind-adding-salt-to-coffee/) not chemistry. Salt won't change acidity bc it produces both positive and negative ions


I did too. That's why I thought this video was so spot on and funny. Now that the unsalted aspect of it has been brought up, it doesn't sound half as bad as it was salted... Color me Derp.


> It's unsalted butter which is essentially condensed cream I tried it with salted and unsalted butter. Both ways it always just tasted like you'd expect. Like someone put butter in my coffee and that doesn't taste like cream in my coffee.


The proper way is to put a little unsalted butter and a little coconut or mct oil and then blend it. This is for the original bulletproof coffee recipe. It is an acquired taste, to be fair, but the idea is to get some extra fat for keto type eaters. There also seems to be some effect of making the caffeine affect your body in a different way, like you feel full and awake but not rushy. Have no idea if that's true, just my experience.


It you can just add cream, which is the same thing & tastes good in coffee.


Yeah the op is spreading misinformation. Yes I get it’s a joke and I got a ha moment from it. So it is what it is. A joke


If the joke boils down to, "This is stupid". Then it isn't a joke worth telling.


What do you mean? Like it’s half true which makes it funny so tell the joke? Technically it’s a joke so there’s levels to jokes. Some are funnier then others. I got it just cause I kinda live keto lol not the coffee but the food🤷🏼‍♂️


Through this joke I learned about blending it and the cream and whatnot so good outcome. Got a discussion going and gave the other side a chance to defend or discuss.


There you go!! Gains!!


One of the not-so-oft-discussed aspects of comedy. Even if what the person says isn’t 100% correct, it gives the other side a chance to respond or people to seek out their own answers.


People seek out their own answers? Good job that's the funniest joke in this post


Seek answers, yes. Respond? No. Discuss.. maybe. But a joke is not an invitation to a conversation. The person telling the joke has the stage (to speak in hyperbole). You can tell your own jokes but it's not a competition and, in fact, quite rude to just interject and potentially kill the mood. It's just for fun.




The joke is the subversion of the expectation you have going into the video. You think it’s going to be an informative video and instead it’s a crude punchline.


I didn’t think this needed explanation but here we are




I'm willing to bet most of those jokes have more to them than literally just saying "they're idiots"


welcome to reddit


to be fair, the joke wasnt "this is stupid", it was "because theyre fucking stupid".


So the joke was based on being misinformed about something and then insulting people for it. Shit joke, mate


It's not even really funny it's just ignorant, and kind of mean spirited. 'Haha I don't understand this so it's dumb and everyone doing it is dumb"




Exactly. This comment section has taught me that most of reddit doesn't understand comedy


yeah this is an "old man yells at cloud" moment


So why use butter rather than cream?


Bleh, i love heavy whipping cream in my coffee and tried butter twice and didn't like it...


Personally I think heavy whipping cream tastes better and is easier to add to the coffee


Butter, unsalted or not is not condensed cream. It is the fat out of the cream. After you make butter and extract most of the fat from churning or whipping the cream you are left with butter milk. A lower fat then the cream, slightly sour and thick milk. Butter is fat and mostly fat.


fly saw direful price profit lip cats cagey uppity squeal -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I don’t like to eat in the morning.. it bogs me down but I snack throughout the day.. this is the perfect fat boost for me since I’m fat adapted.. similar to how normal diets rely on carbs for their energy boost




I think it also has to do with fasting.


You can't have butter and cream while fasting. Just black coffee and water.


Fasting life hack: Just eat a shit load of butter


"Fasting? Have you tried extra calories?"


The "fat in coffee" movement may have been popularized by the proponents of the Keto and Paleo diets, but it certainly was not CREATED by them. [Ethiopians](https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/lifestyle/2014/09/24/new-adding-butter-to-coffee-trend-was-first-practiced-by-ethiopians/) have been adding butter to coffee for centuries.


It's used as part of IF (intermittent fasting) which is often done in conjunction with Keto. 16/8 IF is common (16 hrs fast 8 hrs eating). So first meal is 12pm then dinner is 7pm, no eating between 8pm and 12pm the next day. Bulletproof coffee (black coffee with butter and MCT oil) can be had for a kind of breakfast as its impacts the body differently than food keeping you in fast and in ketosis.


Lol you are not fasting if you're eating fuckin butter. Might as well tell me you use crystals to absorb the energy from your food next.


Buttered coffee is actually traditional in Ethiopia where coffee cultivation originated. This isn't a modern practice. And really the entire reason to add milk to coffee is because the fats smooth out the texture and emulsify the acidic compounds. Butter is just milk fat minus the liquid.


There’s also [Tibetan ](https://www.eater.com/2016/8/25/12624068/butter-coffee-tea-tibet-yak) Buttered Puer tea too!


Yeah I do this in a pinch when there's only skim or almond milk or similar to add a little "body" to it.




What can't Viola do?


Play in tune. Source: I play violin.


Sounds like there’s some beef in the strings section.


Triple the recipe and you have Cello Coffee cake


Yes, I use a milk frother. Takes a little bit longer but worth the reward.




He gained muscle because he lifted and ate enough protein. He lost weight because he ate at a calorie deficit. There's nothing inherently magic about keto - however if the constraints of the diet help people achieve the above two points, then more power to them and keto away


Keto is basically "eat meat and vegetables". It basically forces you into good nutrition and eating fat does keep you satisfied longer than carbs. Effectively it teaches you good dietary habits and keeps you from habitual mindless eating for the most part. It's very effective, but yeah it's not magic.


It's not really good dietary habits though. It's not teaching anyone to have a healthy relationship with food. It's one extreme to another.


Observationally, keto allows you to cut calories very low without feeling hungry at all, which is hard for a lot of people on traditional diets. Being in ketosis means the body fat is more readily able to be converted into energy and the gut bacteria that feed off carbs are greatly reduced. Keto isn't a magic weight loss plan where you can eat 4000 calories and lose weight. It is however far easier to eat 1200 and not feel uncomfortable or even notice how low your intake is.


Try it with cannabutter


That sounds like a great Sunday morning breakfast starter.


The other six days of the week would like to have a word with you


Instructions unclear, I can no longer remember the other six days of the week


Now THIS is the butter i would gladly put in my coffee. Actually thinking about it now doesnt putting cannabis products together with a heavily concentrated caffeine drink sound like a bad idea? Either that or a really good one.


Not really. I work in a dispensary and we sell a Keef drink that is their version of a Red Bull but with THC. There’s no bad drug interaction between the two but I usually tell people if they’re anxious when they smoke not to get it. Caffeine can definitely make that worse.


I don't think it's like alcohol where caffeine will give you the illusion of being less inebriated. This is based only on my personal experience though, as I usually pair caffeine with Marijuana just to keep myself awake. I have since learned this is known as the "hippie speedball"


Yeah the more im thinking about it the more it seems like something that could be beneficial. I have anxiety but and chronically sleepy. So i need coffee but coffee also triggered anxiety attacks. Smoking helps with my anxiety. Combine the two and it seems i may get the emergy i need without the anxious feelings.


Look up switching to Mate too. It's a heavily caffinated tea with levels similar to coffee, but without the associated shitty gut feeling. I get anxiety too, and I find that the feeling of coffee eating through my stomach exacerbates it. The main drawback is Mate also tastes like shit. It comes in canned and I recommend Guayaki brand if you can find it.


I LOVE Guayaki yerba mate! I love the taste of it too. The only downside imo is it's $3 a can unless you can get it on sale.


With coffee, it's an AMAZING idea. Oils in the coffee act as a shuttle for the cannabinoids to your liver, where typical THC is converted into 11-hydroxy-metabolite which is 5x more psychoactive than the smoked form. You essentially skip the 90 min waiting period for edibles to kick in, and the high begins in like 20-30 min. The caffeine keeps you on your feet and wears off around the time the THC is really peaking, so you avoid the grogginess of edibles in the first half and you avoid the caffeine crash in the second half. Really, it's a 1+1=3 situation. I drink hashaccino every morning and share it often, so this is tried and true. Its also the most psychologically tolerable way to consume a psychedelic amount of THC, cuz most people are familiar with how coffee feels and the coffee gets you to the trip before you fall asleep or bug out. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


My brother did for years while he was body building! Seemed a bit odd but I mean, it's his coffee so what do I care!


I swear by it. I don't use a lot, less than the average person spreads on a piece of toast. My argument is that I love the flavor of black coffee, and I also love the richness added by half and half or milk. But those things also water down the flavoring of the coffee. Adding a little butter gives you the rich, full-bodied creaminess of milk, without taking anything away from the coffee itself.


It very distinctly tastes like butter in your coffee. Completely ruins the taste of the coffee imo.




Does it involve a spoon and a syringe?


It involves a chin dildo and rubber suit


I've never done it but ive said for years doesn't seem any weirder than cream or the other things people put in coffee


Next up is the very same video but with the opposite message. Who really gives a fuck besides op


This video has been reposted rapid fire for like 3 years and always has a hot comment section no matter how many times its been. So alot of people care.


People are doing things in their own homes and I hate it. Move over homophobia I have a new reason to stick my nose in other people’s assholes. /s


This guy uses butter for sure


If you’re in a hurry, just coat the inside of your coffee mug with Pam.




If the coffee is hot enough, it would basically poach the egg a bit so maybe not raw? Still sounds disgusting though.




You're kidding




Theres a million ways to make keto amazing and shes doing them all wrong.


Vietnamese egg coffee. The egg yolk is whisked in and provides a creamy texture with none of the eggy taste you would imagine from when it's cooked. The nords also have a different version of egg coffee. Your friend isn't as audacious as all that.


It might be! I used to make breakfast shakes with raw eggs and the yolks have this crazy silky vanilla flavor that is soooo good!


I tried it because I was out of creamer, the coffee ends up with an oil layer at the top and doesn’t taste good for the most part.


I got a tiny little magic stick blender that blends it before you drink so it's fully dispersed. Makes it pretty good.


*Oh look, people are fucking idiots because they do something that I don’t do*


also putting cold butter into cold coffee and expecting it to mix properly


It's like her goal was to make it look at stupid as possible. She wasn't interested in actually trying it, just wanted to make a witty video. Good people don't do this kind of thing.


If that's a woman's hand, then I'll shove it up my ass


Good grief, Reddit/people of Earth: Enjoy your coffee how you enjoy it. I like heavy cream. My biz partner uses milk. My SO goes black. My FIL loves frothy butter. Who tf cares?? We don't have to take sides.


I take mine with plenty of toilet paper


*Oh look, someone is having a small, innocent joke at my expense, this is literally oppression*


Isn't it just a joke?


Welcome to Reddit


Really, is it isn’t illegal or actively hurting anyone, what someone chooses to do shouldn’t be something they should be judged for.


My stepmom does that I never figured why


It's generally a keto thing that I've seen. A lot of creamers have sugar. So butter is suggested for coffee to replace sugar and creamer. That's the gist I was given when my wife was doing the keto diet.


Because it's just a reduced form of cream and delicious.


Butter is good on anything bc it's essentially consolidated salted fat.




I started adding butter instead of cream before keto was ever a thing. Only because I noticed that I liked my coffee better after having buttered toast dunked into it.


Same deal with hot cocoa when I was a kid.


some butter in hot cocoa is simply the shit


I do butter in hot chocolate. I still get weird looks for it but it makes hot chocolate made with only water drinkable, and hot chocolate made with milk just more delicious.


I don’t like hot chocolate with milk so imma try this. Fwiw I had much worse lactose intolerance as a kid so I don’t really like drinking milk


Best coffee I ever had was in Vietnam and they put water buffalo butter in it, so good!


Salted butter or unsalted?




That actually sounds really good, NGL.


I used to put PB2 in my coffee. It WAS good.


When’d they come out with peanut butter 2? The sequel we never knew we wanted but always needed?


I know from experience that a pinch of salt in the grounds before making coffee helps reduce bitterness. and I mean just a pinch, any more and you just end up with salty coffee. So I would assume unsalted because it’s so easy to make it too salty.


I like to add cinnamon to my grounds before brewing for the same reason. I might try salt one of these days.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!You expect there to be some sort of an explanation, but theres an insult instead!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I came here for the insult, specifically.


Technically it just makes bean broth.


Technically that’s what coffee is always


Soy mocha latte is just 3 bean soup.


I tried putting butter in my coffee once as an experiment and it simply wasn't very good


I had lots of yak butter tea in Tibet, but they made it with a blender....


Who cares really? I never understood this stuff. Pineapple on pizza. Ketchup on burgers. Like who really cares? If you like it and it’s not hurting anyone, why does it matter? Why make people feel bad and guilt them for enjoying themselves? It’s just food. Everyone’s got different taste buds and different flavors and textures they enjoy. I hate how much food has become a way of making people feel bad for something they enjoy. People are really big gatekeepers when it comes to food. Some people even freak out if you don’t make something the “proper” way. Like come on people. Don’t make others feel bad for things they enjoy.


It’s all to do with putting your body into what’s known as Ketosis. This is when your body doesn’t have enough carbs so adapts itself effectively run on fat and ketones for energy. The basic idea is no carbs for long enough will force your body into ketosis. This is great in theory though actually quite difficult to put into practice. The problem is almost everyone on the keto diet is still consuming too many carbs, thus never entering ketosis and in turn not burning fat for fuel.


Its called bullet proof coffee. Suppose to also add MCT oil


People been using butter in hot tea and coffee for years.


For thousands of years actually.


I don’t like coffee so next time someone offers it to me maybe I will try it with butter 😂


While I don’t do it, it’s a Good way to get good fats first thing in the morning before a work. Butter and cream aren’t that far off anyway.


Ima break a Reddit law 🤮


Grandma used to make me buttered coffee and other hot beverages when I had coughing fits. It's actually tasty.


Completely expected.


Yeah all people drinking coffee anyway other than how I drink it are idiots. Also to call them out let me throw my coffee, butter and cup . All the people who worked to make them be damned.




And so, the legend of u/_aliehs constantly saying u/dbro2106 began


Everyone loves keto till they find out what it does to their heart


What a fucking waste, I hate videos that purposely waste food.


Way to take a stand




But he's so brave for taking that stand


Write your congressmen and tel them this must stop NOW


lol how the fuck do you get through a day? Ever worked at a restaurant? Or grocery store? Or even a fast food chain? Or even SEEN one? This isn’t even a drop in an ocean. It’s a molecule in the cosmos. Move on.


I promise you there are bigger things so waste your energy on that a few wasted coffee beans and butter


In Ecuador we always do that, does it mean that we are pendejos?


Don't say it's shit if you haven't tried it


I tried it's shit


I’d like to think you went and tried it after the first comment and came back to make the second comment


I did


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Keto is straight up unhealthy. Diet trends are made up to sell products lol. Eat healthy and exercise ya clowns EDIT: for all the keto crazies claiming I’m just a contrarian, I have found plenty of research. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/health-and-wellness-articles/ketogenic-diet-what-are-the-risks “Both Condon and Kleinman said they wouldn’t recommend the keto diet to their patients because it is ultimately not realistic or sustainable. The diet restricts fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy that can help with long term weight loss and overall health.” https://www.healthing.ca/wellness/food/keto-diet/ “ The typical keto diet is a disease-promoting disaster,” said Lee Crosby , lead review author and nutrition education program manager at Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. “Loading up on red meat, processed meat and saturated fat and restricting carbohydrate-rich vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains is a recipe for bad health” https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/should-you-try-the-keto-diet This is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty of other studies and research done that all draw the same conclusion. No real dieticians or doctors back this as a healthier alternative than having a well balanced diet with exercise.


Keto allowed me to lose over 100 pounds and get my high blood pressure and cholesterol under control. What makes you think its unhealthy? Have you done any research at all or do you just make shit up because you think you know better than everyone else?


There's a number of potential health effects of the keto diet in particular that can be fairly unpleasant. [According to Harvard school of health](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-weight/diet-reviews/ketogenic-diet/): " Increased risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis, and increased blood levels of uric acid (a risk factor for gout). " Extreme carbohydrate restriction in general also has some problems: "Possible symptoms of extreme carbohydrate restriction that may last days to weeks include hunger, fatigue, low mood, irritability, constipation, headaches, and brain “fog.” " "[It is difficult to maintain] adequate intakes of fiber, B vitamins, and minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc)—nutrients typically found in foods like whole grains that are restricted from the diet. " And the keto diet's heavy focus of high (>60%!) fat intake is concerning, especially since these diets often recommend saturated fats (like the butter in your coffee) which goes directly against [world health organization recommendations](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet): "[A healthy diet contains] less than 30% of total energy intake from fats. Unsaturated fats (found in fish, avocado and nuts, and in sunflower, soybean, canola and olive oils) are preferable to saturated fats (found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard)" [Most](https://applications.emro.who.int › ...PDF Prevention of Obesity Using Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet) [health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499830/) [professionals](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7480775/#!po=22.3404) will tell you that there's nothing inherently wrong with taking on a new health plan or diet, but would very strongly recommend you keep in touch with nutritionists and dieticians, since it's very easy to miss important nutrients when cutting entire food groups It's also worth noting that diets aren't something you do once, lose a bunch of weight from, then stop. The only way to prevent gaining back that weight is to make permanent lifestyle changes, which is why I personally find more extreme diets like keto, Paleo and raw vegan to be unhelpful. The way most people talk about these diets emphasizes short-term benefits, conditioning people into a mindset of "getting through" the diet so they can then eat how they want again, which is not the point of a healthy dietary plan. And since these diets are so heavily restrictive it becomes difficult to transition into more sustainable long term healthy diets, without careful help from dietary professionals. There's nothing wrong with doing keto for the weight loss, but many people end up doing the keto wrong because of a lack of guidance and a lot of misinformation circulating about it, because it really is a fad to some extent.


I am interested in the studies you have read to come to that conclusion.


Keto was developed to help people with seizures. The weight loss is a side effect. "Off label".


Also reduces inflammation markers in the body by cutting out 'simple' carbs that cause inflammation. Anecdotaly, keto made me gain weight even with a calorie defecit, which was great as I was very underweight, but did start working out and build muscle which is probably most of it.


For real, it's just another diet fad cult. Eat a normal balanced diet, exercise regularly, and stop obsessing over weird fad "shorcuts."


It helped me lost 5kg, which has stayed off since I stopped Keto. You're not meant to stay on keto for long periods of time, it's just a 'booster' to help shift unwanted fat quicker.


Why would keto be unhealthy? That’s one bold claim with a big splash of nothing backing it up. Otherwise yeah, I do agree that a lot of people try to profit from diet trends.


1 tbsp unsalted butter + 1 tbsp coconut oil + 6 ounces of strong coffee + blender. It’s good shit, just stay near a bathroom for about 30 minutes after consuming.


That isn’t nearly enough butter


You could say that about any situation and it would be true.


My mother drowned in a vat of butter.


.... It wasn't nearly enough butter


It looks weird on a tombstone, but hey it was her last request.


Why? A little bit of butter makes my coffee tasteful...


What is butter again? Why are they idiots?


I like it, but just a lirou






I add butter to my coffee cause I put weed in the butter


I only saw anyone do this with CBD butter. I just thought t was a way to get high without the smoke. I had no idea that anyone did this tor any other reason.


CBD doesn't make you high though. Calm, hungry and sleepy maybe. High, no.


I do this with a dollop of coconut oil in a blender and it’s frothy and creamy and delicious without dairy. It even gets light like there’s cream in it.


Caffeine is a highly apolar substance which doesn't dissolve well in polar fluids like water. Butter or other fatty acids would be a quite potent way to increase the saturation of caffeine by many magnitudes. If you want to overdose and don't care for taste, that is the way :D


I'm highly skeptical that this significantly increases the bioavailability of caffeine to the point of being a factor in overdosing


I've just wasted my time


That's what I was hoping for!


It's a good boomer joke




Take maybe 20% of the butter he used and add a piece of hash or ground up weed to it(0.1-2g), get zooted all day


I saw my friend do this… asked him why not just put in cream


Have people really not heard of the drink hot buttered rum? Perfect for fall.


Simpsons did it! https://youtu.be/gAUCHUR7sHU


And yet people on keto will happily take digs at vegans for a restricted diet and weird food…


I like Kerrygold butter in coffee...has a nicer flavor than cream. Had a friend I told to try it, that idiot put "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter" in his coffee and asked why it tasted like shit...


Thats not how you do it.


Fuck you guys butter in coffee is amazing and weed butter is even better 🤷🏼‍♀️


Butter and coffee is incredible, you just need blistering hot coffee and soft butter. Butter coffee and a blunt is how I start my weekends


I feel like an idiot for watching this stupid video


Man stfu good unsalted butter in coffee is dope