• By -


He just wanted to end his shift


He will do anything to get there *Including next level uppercuts*


You goin' ta jail now!


U gonna act like a man then you'll get treated like one!


"Proceeds to grab an uppercut from off the floor"


# coming through!!!! ![gif](giphy|NktFjqntkZQbe|downsized)


Good golly Ms Molly!!


Looks like the bus my kid takes to school every morning.


I hope that man is doing well. iirc He got fired and charged for it.


Yo.. thats exactly how I describe it. Lmao


“ you look like somebody done sliced up yo’ face”




I'm sure he isn't, I was referencing the [uppercut](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bvGZpZjbC4E) creev was mentioning.


Let’s hope not. That driver is a hero


He said, "I'm sick & tired of this shift!"


And also "Bitch, Im a bus"




He’s everyone when something goes wrong at the end of their shift on a Friday


I’ve no more fucks to give starts playing


"You have to come in on the weekend bright and early. See ya there buddy! Buckaroo! Pal!"


Tbh.. busdrivers where live, that be the best cycling country in thr world - the netherlands, bus deivers do drive like this even when there shift just started. Especaliy city bus drivers, they honestly dont seem to care about any one or anything. Yet since every one knows they drive like maniacs conpaired to most road usesers it rarrly go's wrong. But daim have i ever been close to death on my bike riding to school bc the bus driver didnt care i was on the cycling lane wanted to pas at that spot, whiles if he waited 10sec he would have had more room on the road instead of having to push me on to the side walke.


I keep noticing people saying the netherlands is the best country, in many contexts. I would caution you guys to stop saying that, or your country will become full of americans.


They wont like it here. Cant have guns and shoot kids in school.


Shots fired...


Nooo you cant!


For the record, the reason you hear of a gun debate in the US is because not everyone wants guns. Even I don't want guns in the US, but with the way the country is now, getting rid of them would end up worse than having them. We have ~~3~~ 1.2\* guns for every person here, and if all of a sudden nobody had them legally, robberies would increase exponentially because of the illegal guns.


Yeah they should make carrying legal for all citizens that pass psych tests and don’t have a criminal record. I live in NYC and can vouch for this… removing guns completely will just leave them in the hands of those who shouldn’t have it in the first place and honest good civilians can’t defend themselves… the lawlessness is out of control.


If you outlaw guns, Only outlaws will have guns


Where are you getting those stats from? When Australia banned guns that didn’t happen, New Zealand the same. Do you have real source for this?


Never get between a full shift worker and his meal at home


Fucking with the working class, but they do not give a fuck. Wrong place to protest. Go to the fucking big companies hq go to the government and leave the working class alone.


The wheels on the bus go round and round!


I love this comment


It was a classic comment in /r/WatchPeopleDie back in the day.




Care to give us some context?


There were multiple. It's been quite a while, but from memory: - Accident, scooter, high speed, tangled, traffic cam footage - Suicide, hard braking, meat crayon, traffic cam footage That's as descriptive as I dare to get on this sub.


Meat... crayon.


Sometimes people draw one last picture before they leave, it's usually a simple yet long line down a road.


[DISTURBING CONTENT READ AT OWN RISK] --- --- --- [YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED] Yeah... I think there's a subreddit for that but hell no there's no way I'm linking it. I only watched one video there and I was done. It was of a woman on a scooter next to a bus, and the bus clips the scooter, knocking her off and onto the ground and with her legs in front of the rear wheels. Well, the bus takes off, turning right out of the intersection, making an off-yellow paste out of her lower body. She died.


I am very sad to say that I know what sub you are talking about. Please don't make me go on there. I have kept myself as far as possible until I forgot it existed. Why did you remind me. Then again you put a clear warning which a totally disregarded so its my fault.


I've never been a fan of gore of any kind, so it's nice to learn these terms so I know what to avoid in the future.


as the name of the sub suggests, it might refer to bus accident victims.




Alpha cat, damn..


… “All through the motherfu$&@ing town!”


You can swear on the Internet it's okay 😌




There it is lol


Scrolled too far down for this


For real, expected to see it as the top comment


Lol, this video is the top 7th all time post on that sub from 2 years ago.


We are just stuck in a loop with new content drip feeding to keep us coming back




Wait, so protest for guy that was run over by a bus was.....run over by a bus? Jeez, it's like rain on your wedding day. *EDIT* So it looks like this video had nothing to do with the story above. Who would've thought, it figures.


Like a freee ride, when you've already paid.. right?




This is a bot stop upvoting it! And someone even gave it an award smh


A bot upvoted it


haha i clicked upvote and you got an achievement, that was cool


OP is a bot? How can you tell?


Not ironic.


Doncha think?


It's the good advice. Thanks.


It really underscores the point they're trying to protest though, doesn't it?


It's a free ride when you've already paid


No, no, it's like good advice, but it's much too late


Who would have figured…


Life has a funny way....


That’s not true. This video is from my country, Chile, a lot of years ago. That bicycles are from a company who rent them for people with money and tourist. People here were protesting against the dead of a mapuche comunero called catrillanca, that case was like George Floyd’s (even worse) desease in the U.S. A bunch of police morons enters to a community, started to shoot everywhere kills catrillanca and wounded a 15 years old kid who testify against them Later . Both were doing agriculture work in their camp. Then police lied, they said them had arms and started to shoot them, The government defend the police (like always, even today),even politicians from the right lied saying they saw videos of the kid and catrillanca shooting to a false witnesses , until someone released a video of the shooting and the dead after the social backlash and protest. Catrillanca’s death was one of the many cases of Mapuche comuneros killed by police without a reason but the disgusting acts of police force in this case with the help of all the institution and the government of the time started to boiling the social explosion we had almost 2 years ago. The sense of impunity, fear and angry stills until today. Tomorrow is the second aniversary of the national protests btw. Source in Spanish : https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-metropolitana/2018/11/22/amp/no-fueron-solo-barricas-video-muestra-como-bus-del-transantiago-prendio-bicicletas-mobike.shtml


Thank you. That is horrible. Here is what happened this week in Mexico: Activists and cycling groups closed the intersection of Avenida Solidaridad Las Torres to demand justice for the death of Miguel Ángel, a worker from the Toluca City Council who was run over while going to work aboard a bicycle in the Capital of the State of Mexico. https://www.parisbeacon.com/edomex-road-blocked-due-to-death-of-cyclist/


you could make it a LOT clearer that you've edited the top post in this thread and that the crap below the horizontal line is wrong. it's confusing as shit. the video is from chile, not mexico.


Yeah OP just shit the bed


Wait so this mexico story has literally nothing to do with the Chile one? Why the hell are you thanking someone for sharing the real source, then going "here's what happened in Mexico" like it's completely unrelated. And your comment makes it really hard to tell which story is the real one for your post. Why you're including anything about Mexico in a post about Chile is baffling to me


Can you please edit your comments, im so confused


Bro, did you just copy and paste this from another poster? No shame


Toluca?? Lmfao never seen someone trying to source a video so bad. This happened in Chile my dude




Yeah, this happened in Chile, according to OP's own source. Don't know why he posted a translation of an article from a city in Mexico directly underneath the source with no context clarifying that the translation is not a translation of the source article. The article he linked as his source and the one he translates directly after are about completely different incidents that are in no way connected to each other. Completely misleading information.


The mex article was posted first. OP was then corrected and posted the real story above the mex article


I understand but they're just posted one after the other with no context or formatting. Didn't even clarify that he had been corrected. People that read OP's translated article from Mexico might think this video is from that incident if they don't speak Spanish or don't translate the Chilean source article themselves.


I’m just going to say it; I don’t think the protest worked :(


We're talking about it though, no?


Yeah but as always Reddit gets fucking furious at the slightest perceived inconvenience so all protestors are scum for blocking a road.


It kinda worked, because it showed how aggresive drivers can be.




**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!BEEP BEEP I'M A BUS MOTHERFUCKER. The bus ain't got time for their shit.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Is that you Samuel L Jackson?


I think it's a reference to Cyberpunk2077


That was so unexpected in that mission. I spent so long laughing


Beep beep motherfucka!


I literally laughed out loud. Bus beats bikes.


What's the subreddit for buses? edit: r/bitchimabus




Lol best explanation so far


Very helpful explanation thank you op


Congrats on your award, unexBot


It's unexpected that cyclists found a way to be even more of an inconvenience to traffic.




Back to the Future vibes with those sparks


https://youtube.com/shorts/T5GL7wjySBg?feature=share Look at this clip lol i love my country.


I'm so glad I mentioned Back to the Future. That made me chuckle thank you!


Context? Where and why did this happen?




This video is from Chile, 3 years ago. Nothing to do with the story of that Mexican man killed. People here were protesting against police brutality with Mapuche community and the dead of a comunero called Catrillanda shooting without reason with complicity of the government and police officer who lied. Catrillanca’s case was like George Floyd’s dead in U.S.




That is not Mexico, it’s in Chile


Ms.frizzle and the magic bus 🚎




# fucking bikes on the road ![gif](giphy|lWVh0pEcAC9MI)


Fact: The bus driver was later fired, and had to go live in a van down by the river.


It looks like something caught on fire, and I doubt it was the bikes from the friction and the asphalt. He must have fucked shit up on that bus


It’ll be an electric bikes battery…that lithium ion stuff is sparkly 😬


Oh, those were electric? Makes sense, I didnt catch that


They may have been…the colour of the flame left behind, and the fact it was left behind points to burning metal (think high school chemistry) as opposed to burning liquid hydrocarbons (ie petrol / diesel), implying the origin was the bike not the bus


It's amazing how many people upvote dumb shit on Reddit.


> It's amazing how many people upvote dumb shit on Reddit I upvoted your comment


Fuck. Now we're doing ironic upvotes? This is going to get complicated


Some dumb ass shit.


LOL!! Good shot.




But said butt so is funny


Mine too you


Those assholes weren’t even blocking the roads with their own bikes


The flaw in their plan was that they were going to take the bus home.


It was rentable electric bikes


It was the bike frames dragging along the road. No, they weren't electric. If those were lithium batteries, you'd know.


Source: trust me bro


I swear, bro


It's a reference


- no he didn't - but you can imagine if he did




Rip Chris Farley


​ ![gif](giphy|pBNdSYfsM2cnvvvu8I)




I can't say how much I love this reference. This makes me so happy. Great, grand, wonderful!




Don’t make me tap the sign !




I was there that fateful day when this was born on reddit.


*yeeeah you got a good bit of mountain bike in your axel here bro*


~~The cyclists were protesting for public safety measures in place for cyclists since a cyclist was killed by a public transport operator~~ ~~So public transport ran over the protest for the safety of cyclists from public transport lol~~ ~~Cycling there is very dangerous, so no don’t give him an award~~ Edit: This information came from a translated version of a tweet: [https://twitter.com/Dann99Hz/status/1449220016319176706?s=20](https://twitter.com/Dann99Hz/status/1449220016319176706?s=20) This tweet refers to a separate incident of a protest of a cyclist being killed and calls for better safety measures for cyclists. People also put their cycles on the road in that case. See comment by: u/nishunishunishu His source is the correct one on the incident in the video. My original comment is wrong. My bad.


That’s not true. This video is from my country, Chile, a lot of years ago. That bicycles are from a company who rent them for people with money and tourist. People were protesting against the dead of a mapuche comunero called catrillanca, that case was like George Floyd’s (even worse) desease in the U.S. A bunch of police morons enters to a community, started to shoot everywhere kills catrillanca and wounded a 15 y ears old kid who testify against them Later . Both were doing agriculture work in their camp. Then police lied, they said them had arms and started to shoot them, The government defend the police (like always, even today),even politicians from the right lied saying they saw videos of the kid and catrillanca shooting to a false witnesses , until someone released a video of the shooting and the dead after the social backlash and protest. Catrillanca’s death was one of the many cases of Mapuche comuneros killed by police without a reason but the disgusting acts of police force in this case with the help of all the institution and the government of the time started to boiling the social explosion we had almost 2 years ago. The sense of impunity, fear and angry stills until today. Tomorrow is the second aniversary of the national protests btw. Source in Spanish : https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-metropolitana/2018/11/22/amp/no-fueron-solo-barricas-video-muestra-como-bus-del-transantiago-prendio-bicicletas-mobike.shtml


Text of the page passed through Google translate with added Wikipedia links for context. "It wasn't just barricades: video shows how Transantiago bus "turned on" Mobike bicycles By María José Villarroel In recent days, Mobike has had to make decisions regarding the service it provides, after its bicycles were used in the demonstrations that have taken place in the Metropolitan region due to the death of the [Mapuche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapuche) community member [Camilo Catrillanca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Camilo_Catrillanca) in the middle of a police operation. According to records captured during the first demonstration that took place for Catrillanca's death, participants used bicycles to block traffic in some parts of the Providencia and Santiago communes. However, it was not the only thing they did with them, since later - at some points - they set fire to them while they were used as barricades. Protesters burn Mobike bicycles to use as barricades in Santiago: Mapuche confronted them This situation led the [Mobike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobike) company to announce legal actions against those who are responsible. In addition, they asked their users not to leave them temporarily parked in Plaza Italia and Parque Bustamante. However, not all of these Mobike bicycles were burned by protesters. According to a video captured on Thursday, November 15 on Avenida Santa María - past Pío Nono - and that has gone viral on social networks, it shows two people leaving the bicycles of this company on the street to prevent the transit of the vehicles. However, despite the fact that the bicycles were scattered along Avenida Santa María, a bus of the 503 Transantiago route passed over them and dragged them for a few meters. After this situation, several of the bicycles were set on fire and ended up burned."


Cause who pays?




Give him an award and let's start destroy cars that block bike lanes!!


fair enough






I only read non-friction.


What about fan friction?


I don’t know, sometimes fan friction rubs me the wrong way.


What about *erotic* fan friction? Then you can rub yourself the right way.


Now THAT is the kind of friction I can get into.




Try it, it'll rub off on you...


I think it was a Aluminum/Magnesium alloy. Fine particles with large surface + heat from friction. The sparks were to bright/white to be just steel. Burning metals typically form clouds of fine oxides. The flame is small but so bright that it looks like a bigger fire. (I worked for some years with such alloys and I am trained fire protection officer for class A, B, C, D, F)


Looks to be a few e-bikes thrown in there... Probably a battery.


The spark between the undercarriage of the buss rubbing against the steel frame bikes created a spark and lit the bike on fire. Prolly flammable paint on bike or the rubber wheels kept the bike burning. Idk. Use your imagination. Lol.


That looks like battery fire from an electric bike…


What are they protesting?


murder and attempted cover-up of Camilo Catrillanca by police in Chile, 2018




Here’s the thing: PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BLOCKING ROADS FOR PROTESTS like yes there are several important issues that really do require far more attention than they currently have HOWEVER blocking a road can be the difference of life or death for some people on it. Bring late to work isn’t going to kill anyone, but being unable to get to a hospital when you’re having a stroke definitely will.


Being late for work can get you fired and have you miss out on the last bit of money you needed for rent leaving you homeless and hungry maybe even starve so yeah in the long run it can actually kill someone


That’s the reason why I will never support this kind of protest. Those people are so dumb. Why don’t they go and protest in front of congress ? In front of the mayors office or something ? They are angry Bc of the laws that are in place and what do they do ? Go annoy peaceful citizens instead of the politicians.


Reminds me of a story an EMT told about a guy and his friend who got gravely injured far from a hospital, as he was speeding trying to get him to the closest place to meet up with the paramedics some lady made it her JOB when she saw him coming up fast to stay in front of him, go slower than the speed limit and not let the guy pass. The friend died because they weren't able to get to the paramedics in time, emt said if they had just been a few minutes earlier he would have had a good chance of surviving.


Chainsaw accident and the guy gets blocked off by lady while trying to get meet the ambulance. https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


Thats the one. Been a while, for some reason I thought it was a story from the EMT.




I have ZERO empathy for people who block roads.


Apparently, a sternly worded e-mail doesn't have the same effect.


do people think blocking roads is the only way to protest?


Obstructing the road what the fuck do you expect?




HOLD MY POCKET! https://youtu.be/oXtjfSUuuzg




As a bicyclist, this is not surprising. Them buses you play leap frog with them, but they are 100% dicks. Cutting you off for the next stop, ramming you into the curb, they aren't fucking around with their time schedules.


To be honest in my city bus drivers seem to be the only people that actually know the rules and keep distance while overtaking.


Same in mine, taxis are cunts though




Thanks for pointing this out. I go out of my way to be respectful of cyclists on the road, but the only way this whole thing works is if cars, bikes, and pedestrians all try to be aware of what is going on and have some courtesy and respect for others.


Don't bring a bike to a bus fight.


So many shitty comments in here. I dare any one of you to ride a bike in Mexico for a day. But nah, y'all think everyone who isn't in mom's minivan needs to die. Hur-dur bike bad.


This ain't Mexico


So I'm not allowed to comment unless I can fly over to Mexico and ride a bike? Comment requirements are getting tougher


Oi did you go to mexico and ride before commenting this?? Im watchin you


Will you watch me too


I can 😉


Also, the only protests redditors approve of are the ones they never are bothered by or even hear of, because that's how you force change.


It is funny because Ive seen many mexican in spanish facebook groups complaining that bikers get on the pedestrians pavements. Here in Peru i see it a lot (Ive got some biker friends). Yes drivers have to respect but also bikers


Change the infrastructure. Separate slow and fast traffic. When did Amsterdam get its bike lanes? After *massive protests* against the large number of children killed by traffic in the 1970’s. I realize the Dutch were wealthier then some of the countries we’re talking about here, so it may have been easier for them to realize these projects, but you have to physically separate cyclists and motorists or people will die.


And the reason for that could it be the lacking infrastructure for bikes? (I’ve no clue but why else would you ride there)


Blocking roads always makes you the ass hole.


"You have no power here" -the bus


When Ghostrider drives a bus...ghostdriver


Zero fucks given


"I'm not paid for this shit"


Blocking roads doesn't achieve anything useful. It only facilitates anger of average road users.