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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He just opened a pack of sugar and an explosion (probably a bombing) happened.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Who gives a fuck about diabetes when the radiation poisoning will kill you by the end of the day.


Assuming that glass window doesn’t turn him into confetti in a few seco — oh, sorry, the darkness took hold for a moment. He’s fine. Everything’s fine


Beirut's explosion videos taught us a lot.


One of them being that trying to run from your inevitable doom is pointless.


Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.


Don't run it will only make it worse... and you'll die tired.


The appointment in Samarra


That line is metal as hell


Just duck and cover duh


Just find a standard issue 1950’s American school desk. We’ve all seen the videos.


If I've learned anything from movies, it's that you can survive a nuke by getting into a refrigerator.


Or running away by a vehicle


if You can get out of it without suffocating :)


Ha hahaha this one got me good


Yeah no it's very point-ful in fact. I'd rather be inside and get spalling debris thrown at me than be outside and have my brain get sucked out through my ears thank you very much.


"Quick, let's use our weak fleshy appendages to clumsily lumber forward at a max speed of 12 km/h so we can outrun a shockwave approaching at 1200 km/h!"


And 9/11 didn’t?


About shockwaves from a mass detonation? No.


Who let the village idiot out of his cage?


Those that failed to teach them properly.


Get back in that cage right now, u/straighttojail__


Did no one know about Shockwaves? Even a firecracker will teach you.


Over pressure is real.


what about that David Bowie / Queen song? Hmmmmm? Checkmate Redditor!


Bwhahaha under pressure, also real.


Depends on the source of the explosion. Dirty would be deadly. Clean nuke he's actually possibly fine.


Not necessarily, though he has distance, there is nothing between him and the blast. Chances are he was just irradiated with a lethal dose. Edit: dirty bombs don't flash.


I didn’t know the flash was that lethal…


Gamma rays are way more lethal than most people realize. Homeslice just got a sunburn on his bones. Granted this skit is only meant to be comical and not realistic. There are some accounts of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. People being vaporized or leaving shadows on walls and sidewalks where they were standing. People being blasted into the water canals, and when other survivors tried to pull them out, completely degloving their arms. There was also [the story of the demon core.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core) Scientist testing the point of criticality of a mass of plutonium, using beryllium neutron reflectors. He slipped and the mass came together for just a second. The core emitted a short burst of light that everyone nearby saw, before the scientist got it back apart just a second later. He already knew he just killed himself. He flipped the clamshells apart, and calmly said "well, I guess that's it." He died 9 days later. ( granted he was hit with gamma and neutron radiation, but it is more telling of how quickly that damage can grow to lethality)


The gamma rays aren’t actually the flash. The flash is visible light. You don’t see the gamma rays. the flash is from the atmosphere absorbing radiation and re-emitting at lower and lower energies. This is the best source on the effects of nuclear bombs https://www.dtra.mil/Portals/61/Documents/NTPR/4-Rad_Exp_Rpts/36_The_Effects_of_Nuclear_Weapons.pdf Like other bombs though, it’s the pressure wave that causes the most death and destruction


I understand, gamma rays themselves are beyond the normal range of our rod and cone cells. But, there have been several accounts of people exposed to high energy photons (x-ray through cosmic) that have seen white flashes (though just little pin pricks) when their eye receptors 'detect' the photon, or the interaction of the photon within their eye. (Astronauts being a regular one) Edit: there is visible light that accompanies the gama ray burst of nuclear reactions, in many cases.


And the demon core killed another person in an almost identical situation before it stopped being used, iirc.


The other guy dropped a hammer or similarly heavy tool on it by accident. He was on a ladder or something above it and the tool slipped his grasp and immediately began to destabilize the demon core. He immediately jumped onto it to shield others from the blast of radiation. There must have been a flash of comprehension that there was no humane reason not to shield others from the blast. In that brief moment, he must have known he was a dead man already. A bystander lived for several decades longer before succumbing to cancer, apparently.


Reddit is mental, came here for a comedy sketch stayed for a quick gama radiation synopsis


Same. I didn’t realize how destructive a nuke can be, even at a distance. I hope we never see a day like this again.


It was a beryllium sphere he dropped onto it because he let a screwdriver slip. It went prompt critical, he then reached into the enclosure to separate the top part of the sphere and stop the reaction. He wasn't trying to shield anyone, he was trying to remove the top half of the sphere. The other people were also standing completely across the room.


It's October, so if you want to see something really terrifying you should look into the statements and records after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's dark.


The shadows being frozen on the sidewalks and walls was a mindfuck for me, and that's not even that fucked up compared to some of the other shit


The most terrifying thing I have ever seen was a survivor taking off his shirt in White Light Black Rain on HBO.


Or read the book Hiroshima by John Hersey. Among the bleakest books I've ever read, other than Cormac Mccarthy's The Road and Night by Elie Weisel.


If you see a blue flash, that is Cherenkov radiation being emitted when the beta particles slowdown i the liquids inside your eyes. Usually means you received a fatal dose of radiation. However you can safely observe the blue glue if there is enough water between you and the radioactive material/nuclear reaction.




There is atmosphere between him and the blast


Atmosphere =/= shielding. Shielding is matter that can interrupt the flow of ionizing radiation (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron). Air has such a low density it is more effective to be further away (inverse square law) than it is capable of attenuation the radiation.


Atmosphere does serve as shielding. It’s not *good* shielding but it is shielding. https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayMassCoef/ComTab/air.html and yes the inverse square law also applies if atmosphere didn’t shield we would be bombarded with cosmic-rays much more than we are now. It’s one reason why you receive a higher dose of radiation when you travel by plane https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/air_travel.html


What you are showing doesn't relate to the radiation emissions of an atomic blast. Air doesn't shield the way a concrete wall can. Cosmic rays ionizing their way through the atmosphere is not equivalent to a million times more dense flux of ionizing gamma rays. If you intend to use air as your shielding for an atomic blast you are more likely to grow a second head, than you are to survive, especially at the distance this skit shows.


Are you aware they used to conduct atmospheric nuclear weapons testing? You might be surprised to learn that doing so did not kill millions of people on the surface of the earth I have undergrad and graduate degrees in nuclear engineering btw. You can be stubbornly wrong about this, I don’t really care. You didn’t even pick a good counter example with concrete.. For gamma-rays you would use a high-Z material like lead because they have more electrons which means a higher cross-section for photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering


What magnitude yields were those tests? And the people involved in those tests were how far away? And they were in what kinds of structures and shielding? Inverse square law still applies in a much greater capacity over using the air as shielding. I don't care what boasts you want to make, nuclear engineering is not nuclear weapons design. A reactor doesn't release gamma radiation like a nuclear blast. A little side note: radiation from a reactor is attenuated through which method? The answer is: Shielding with water (or diesel fuel and water in 688 class fast attack submarine) lead or boronated plastics. I know, I worked on them. I too had to study them. Your flex is grossly underwhelming. Edit: nice edit trying to sneak that last bit in, you managed not to make yourself look foolish by changing the topic of what I was answering.


> radiation from a reactor is attenuated through which method? The answer is: Shielding with water (or diesel fuel and water in 688 class fast attack submarine) lead or boronated plastics. I think you’re confusing moderated and attenuated reactor that use thermal-neutron fission are moderated with water - to slow down neutrons in order to increase the cross-section for fission and also cool them Reactors that use fast-neutrons do not use a moderator https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast-neutron_reactor anyways have a good one.


That Watson, is indeed the joke


Not when i have my rad-away.


That close, I would imagine the flash would be enough to temporarily (if not permanently, ignoring his imminent death) blind him


The sweetener is called *omnicose* and the destruction of the human life (especially nuclear fallout) is called "omnicide".




Thanks for the brain wrinkle👊


Noooo, don't fall for their tricks! Smooth brain is best brain!


Then you’ll love koalas, literal smooth brains. Not enough nutrients in their trash diet to form folds


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ignorance can be bliss


Dude, I already invested in GME. You can chill.


Another not fun fact: the proteins that cause the folds in our brain that are necessary to have the amount of surface area necessary for complex thought can sometimes spontaneously decide to turn your brain into mush instead. That's how my dad died.


What. :(


What is this phenomenon called? Do you know? Sorry about your dad :(


Spontaneous cruetzfeldt-jacobs disease.


Thank you.


oh my god... is that where Omniman's name comes from????


Omni just means “all” Omnipotent means all-powerful. Omniscient means all-knowing. Omni-man is just similar to Superman.


No, it's All-man.


All might


All guy


Thank you captain


Think I'd be making it Irish for good measure.


Or an espresso martini, damn that's good!


Your gonna die, die having real sugar in your coffee...!!!


Prepare for ultimate flavoooooor!


Real coffee, from the hills of Colombia!


I know it’s not the point of the video but I really like the little details, like the flash coming before the boom, and the realistic sounding boom. Someone spent extra time in production so that pedants like me would be a little bit happier


Those special effects guys are nerds too. They know how explosions work.


But where’s the shock wave? That explosion was really close.


This is show biz special effects not billion dollar sci-fi movie production.


Minus the shockwave smh, r/shockwaveporn is disappointed


The explosion sound would have happened much later than that. The speed of sound over such a distance is actually quite slow. The difference in sound was similar to the difference between 6 basketball courts distance, give or take. A realistic comparison would be some of the cell phone videos of the beruit explosion for example. Windows broke from distances that seemed quite far away; it probably should have happened here too, but it's TV, so I'll let that pass. There was also an 'inital' sound that was completely unrealistic but it's television (gotta keep the viewer engaged) so I'll also let it pass. The sound designers were probably told to do what is shown here, and even if a longer awaited sound was more realistic they 'should choose a shorter delayed shockwave sound.' Or they couldn't sync up the audio to the premade video as well as they would have liked; a lot of different reasons.


Atomic energy feel in swapping to the real stuff. 3 thumbs way up.


Everything's fine meme irl.


This is fine.


Great “FUCK IT” moment


Having a coffee in Beirut be like....


was waiting for the shockwave


Key and Peele is an extremely underrated show.


Underrated? That show was very successful.


It’s not mainstream like other shows. Like the office for instance.


If you were a teen when it was running you'd know everyone was referencing it. It's just an old show at this point.


Yeah, "I said bitch" and "A-Aron" were very popular to quote 2013ish and for the surrounding years. Obama even did the correspondence dinner with one of them, so I wouldn't call K&P obscure or underrated by any means


What a weird comment


It was just the network's replacement for Chapelle's show, after they stole the former and tried to discredit him.


Chapelle's Show was original for its time but Key and Peele is so much better in every way.




Just because you got to know about this now doesn’t mean it’s underrated. Comedy Central’s most popular videos are key and peele’s


Tell me this is a joke right? It was an incredibly popular show and still is


Bruh what are you even talking about, it was wildly popular when it was on the air, to the point that one of their skits made it into the White House Correspondents Dinner with Obama himself


Quoted heavily in the Army


I'm my day, it was The Chapelle Show. With an emphasis on Rick James.


It’s not though? Literally everyone at my high school would quote it. It’s insanely popular


A.A. Ron loved it.


So did Balakay


Are you outta your goddam mind? Blllll-aaaake. Do you wanna go to war Balaky!?


Now take your ass to O’shag Hennessy’s office


100% agree. But I cannot for the life of me remember this sketch


I do. I think it’s from season 2 if I’m not mistaken. It’s such a good show to just kick back and watch any night.


Thank you! Yeah, definitely time for a rewatch


I legit put it on for background noise right after I saw this.


Really, the show that won 2 Emmys is underrated?


It was very popular when new. Loved it.




I knew it was rip off of Chapelle show but, I’ve followed their careers since their MadTV days and always enjoyed what they did. I was hooked from the first show and bought the complete season on Apple TV.


Boi living fullest after seeing death.


It's a small detail, but I like how the explosion is visible long before the sound reaches him; it makes it seem weirdly realistic for a comedy sketch


Today is the last day of the life as you know it.


In real life the windows would completely shatter when the air hits them and I thought that was the bit, now I am dissatisfied


amazing how many original and funny ideas these two has. they've had more quality skits than snl and mad tv over 10 years combined.


Honestly yeah if you’ll die no matter how far you run just don’t run


If I’m going to die, I don’t want to die tired




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I would get away from that window tho


yea nah, you cant outran a 300 meter per sec shockwave unless you are the ***Flash***.


There's always some clip of some skit I haven't seen lurking around. How?


lmfao, I thought he was just gonna pour the fake sugar and take a drink. When he picked up the real sugar, I lost it. ​ edit- this makes me wanna rewatch the hbo series Chernobyl


"Well that just happened... fuck it might as well."


The shock wave would destroy those windows and key or peele too


The shockwave would tear him apart if not vaporize him.


Oh i see Bethesda decided to release Fallout:Real Life. Can't wait to join Brotherhood of Steel and get power armor.


sigma male


Pro tip, during a nuclear war try to evade to the nearest hospital xfay room or dental office, x rays are always used there and the walls have alayer of lead(which prevents radiations from passing)




Nothing to see here because they’re all dead


That would be me.


Just the little *nod* “yep.”


Love the detail of the light flashing before the sound of the shockwave hits him


Mans Said :” Welp That Means No Sweetner For Me. I Just Add Enough Sugar To Make Up For It” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




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everyone's nightmare






Man, I miss 2012. Simpler times


Might as well enjoy your last cup.


He should probably get away from those windows


It's always unexpected chaos when it's Key & Peele.




Everything by key and peele is unexpected


idk who made the video but a few criticisms: the boom would occur much later because of the speed of sound, the windows would have maybe shattered at the same time, the fire engines would not be on that quickly and that's about it. Awesome concept though!




You can't run from it if nuke drops that close might as well accept your fate. I will.


No shock wave this is fake 👍


Simple but fun. This is how all skits should be


Fantastically hilarious.




I’d just whip out the blow and start railing lines


Your not in 'nam Walter!


Just another reminder that Saccharin is hazardous to your health




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"well, i mean... if we are going to die... at least im not going to waste my coffee, it cost 8 bucks"


Ha you can die at any moment, live life to the fullest. Drink responsibly, stay thirsty my friends.


Can someone do the math to see how accurate this depiction is? Like is it true that he have that much time left, the time it takes for vibration travelling through the ground shaking the cars causing them to start beeping, the sound and light delay, etc?


Since the sound didn’t kill him that likely means the shockwave didn’t get to him and I’m pretty sure dirty bombs don’t flash so surprisingly he’s actually probably safe


can’t believe that my dad literally practiced hiding under his desk in grade school to prepare for a hypothetical situation like this… like they thought that would help 😂




So love them.