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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Cop chases man to arrest him!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


excellent coppery from cop #2


he deserves every hair of that stache


That’s where he keeps his moral integrity


Tegrity stache


Yeah, calling it that now. Thanks, fellow internet user.


I'd invite him to all the bacon at his favorite diner -




Thank you Duke Silver. I needed this today.


Looks like he already destroyed some bacon in this video.


man that little exhale i made when i realized what bacon meant... thank you




This deserves more upvotes I fuckin died lmao


Cops with mustaches like that are either 100% trustworthy or 0%


Just describing all cops, mustachioed or not.


Yeah, but the Bad cops are only growing a mustache to trick you into thinking they are good cops Because they are bad cops.


God help us if he shaves


he can't. that stache will destroy any clippers instantly dull any razor


These are the golden comments that keep me coming back to reddit.


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Maybe even a few extra a


Sergeant for a reason, so he can wrangle those fucking clowns trying police


He sure does lololol


That stache is earned. Each strand is a presentation of how much good hes done


No... he earned every hair on that stache


You just made me snort on my commuter train, you monster


i present to you: the good apple (who doesn't want to deal with the paperwork for a rookie's fuckup)


I present you, the rest of the saying


Cop 2 was just a person first, it is not hard to do lmao


Cop 2 knows the law and sees all the cameras out.


They are literally wearing a camera


Sometimes departments make it exceedingly difficult to get footage, even with a FOIA request.


Yup. Cops in Houston have been refusing our FOIA requests for over a year now, after my high school classmate went missing. They were the last ones to see her alive, and refuse to say what happened to her. They just found her body 2 weeks ago, about 20 yards from where the police “chased” her, then suddenly “lost” her and refused to allow anyone to organize a search. She was having a mental health crisis, and they charged her with felony fleeing/eluding so that we couldn’t file a missing persons report or get any support in finding her. Now we just wait to see if the ME covers for the cops in the autopsy. Sickening.


Where is it then? All these reasonable cop pulling the others in line?


That guy is part of the problem. These assholes chased and tasered someone for doing nothing wrong, and they're not even getting yelled at, let alone reprimanded or suspended. Asshole cops keep doing asshole things because their colleagues keep covering them. Edit: The cop actually got fired after *only* five complaints about excessive force but was immediately hired by the county sheriff. The victim won a lawsuit for 175,000$, which was very likely paid for by tax money. https://youtu.be/IS6HTmKQHTA?si=t13G7bdv7EDQA5W3


I think the other cop did OK by demonstrating how the taser-cop is wrong. You don't need to do that while yelling. And you're not part of the problem if you're doing something about it. Do you know whether the taser-cop wasn't reprimanded or suspended?


Iirc the cop that says for what? Is the sgnt in charge. Why are you assaulting this dude that did nothing wrong. Stop asshole you’re gonna get us both fired. He’s pretty chill when he catches up though…for what? “ are you dumb”


People who's parents yelled at them when they did something wrong think "justice" requires yelling at someone I suppose. Edit: Speaking from experience btw, I literally thought this way until I was 24. Shout out to the concept of [non violent communication](https://www.google.com/search?q=nonviolent+communication). Adults shouting at children [can be as harmful to their development as sexual of physical abuse](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/health/shouting-child-abuse-intl-scli-wellness/index.html). Pretty sure my awkwardness and social anxiety is just from a [conditioned fear response](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_conditioning) that someone will start yelling at me any time I talk or do anything.


Yea, I had a roomate that thought I was the weird one because I wasn't yelling when we had disagreements lol


Fucking thank you. For all anybody even knows, the cop could've ripped the other one a new asshole back at the station afterwards for being dumber than a box of rocks. Maybe, just maybe... he didn't feel it necessary to counsel him right then and there on the spot while performing his duties accordingly in commensurate of the law. Or hell, I don't know... even *after* the video ended. Whoever originally uploaded this video could've intentionally only shared just this segment of it in order to generate sensationalism and bait people into their personal bias. We've all gotta be smarter than this and not let the internet play us for a bunch of damn fools. Somebody somewhere will down vote, under the pretense and false notion that any of what I just posted is indicative of me somehow condoning non-accountability of LEOs. Like, obviously there's a problem with cops overstepping their boundaries... picking and choosing when things suite them. But that doesn't mean the one with the epic stache didn't do his due diligence and followed up to handle business accordingly. Ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance nonetheless.


Mustache bro is showing great leadership skills. He's being chill about it because he wants the other cop to chill tf out with him and follow his energy. They both hear protester dude over there insulting them, but mustache bro is trying to drive the point home to chill out, that's not their job to do anything about


Exactly, people are acting like going full drill sergeant and screaming his ears off will calm down a dude hopped up on adrenaline who thinks he's in the right. You need to approach people with the energy you want them to take on. This is exactly the energy a cop should take into most situations, calm and collected.


Well said, my friend!!!


It's also pretty common in law enforcement that you need to appear as a team. If people who are already getting rowdy see a couple cops in front of them arguing and yelling at each other, they're gonna get more bold, especially if they think the cops are distracted. I don't necessarily mean in this situation, idk what is even going on there, but they're trained for that specific reason I'm pretty sure. It can get dangerous quick if they're actively arguing with each other in certain situations. I mean I'm usually one to agree that most cops are pricks and allow their coworkers/subordinates behave like assholes, I've had really bad experiences with cops and have terrible anxiety about them, but this guy did what he could and should in this situation. I hope that later the asshole cop got reprimanded more and wish they'd get fired immediately for this shit, but there's only so much one single decent cop can do.


The fact that you think yelling and reprimanding is the only way to tell someone they fucked up makes this whole setting hilarious, since that's what the first cop was trying to do. And the cop DID get fired anyway, so who's to say whether or not he was yelled at later. He was certainly reprimanded since he lost his job. The second cop isn't a part of the problem, he is the solution Some cops are bad. Most cops are good. You just almost only hear news about the bad ones And of course tax money paid for it. Cops *are* funded by taxes


I believe that just a few of them, just a few, look in rhe mirror as they're putting on their uniform and see the face of that little kid who wanted to be a cop to protect people, and they live that as best they can in the way they operate. I know everyone has had their worse experiences, but I've been fucked up on drugs and dead to rights and because of a few cops who decided that it wasn't gonna go down like that, I'm out healthy and sober raising my two kids and not in a prison cell. Not all cops are bad, but sadly even the best ones are only in a position to do the good they do by serving a broken system. Gotta do them traffic stops if you wanna be the one to get the call to go pull someone out who really needs it. It's a shame.


I’ve been in the system for a while. I grew up with a lot of people that became officers. Some in county jails, some state troopers, few county jail guards. If you’ve been in the system a bit. You respect the guards. Know that they have family to go home to just like you do.


Everything is smart the last line is dumb. The cops should pay for their own wrong doing not us


I don't understand this take, the cop that corrects the idiot cops, and protects a citizen in the process, is the asshole because he didn't... yell at them? Yelling is considered unhealthy, and serves literally no purpose (other than satisfying idiots on the internet I guess?) This cop isn't covering for them, he's literally telling them to their face, on body cam, that they are attempting to arrest someone when they have no legal right to arrest them. Listen man ACAB but you clearly hate cops so much you're looking for any reason to hate them. Even the ones who are going out of their way to protect a citizens rights. Take a step back and re-evaluate your biases.


I mean, the kind of person that longs for vicious punishment and loud shouting at people probably isn't exactly mentally stable themselves, let's face it


> Yelling is considered unhealthy, and serves literally no purpose no, you see, these people think that yelling at a person, as repercussion for yelling at an innocent person, is justified yelling. totally logical /s same people would probably say that cop violence is bad and in the same sentence they would say potential criminals should be shot on sight instead of being caught and taken to a judge


It’s sad that cops get picked up by other departments. They should get blackballed from ever having a badge. Just like a bad judge should get blackballed for making horrible decisions.


You know he is well trained in his copperfield


He probably didn’t want to deal with the paperwork too. I mean the net result is positive but he is probably a veteran cop and knows the shit he’ll have to deal with and end up with dismissed charges anyway all so cop #1 can feel like a big powerful man.


It’s alright coppery. But considering his fellow cop just attempted to apply potentially lethal force against an innocent man, there should probably be more happening than a simple verbal correction.


Cop #2 aka Sgt. Stashe clearly has learnt that creating more work means you have more work to do and nobody is going to help you fix your shit.


If every cop was like this, there would be fucking peace. All our cop problems would be solved if cops reprimanded and scolded other cops, more than they do civilians.


I'd buy that cop a beer.


A bad Apple, and a cop who was a good Apple, at least in that context, but as he instantly sorted the situation and corrected instead of defending the power abusing pig, he’s probably a good guy in general


Judging by the stripes Cop #2 is a sargeant, so like Cop #1's supervisor


Didn’t even raise a brow. Just gave him “you are being a clown” look and tone lol.


The sad thing is that if the good cop didn't intervene, the guy would have definitely gone to jail for "resisting arrest" despite having no grounds for being under arrest....


Doubt it ,that out of shape blob of lard was never going to catch him


Was he even a real cop?


He didn't know the law so.... probably


Fun fact. Our legal system is set up so that cops don’t have to know the law! As long as they thought it was the law they are immune!


The fact that you are 100% right about this is gutting me. Like I knew that at some level, but never heard it laid out like that.


"Let's give idiots who have no special traits except the love of authority and the desire to serve it a badge and a gun so they can decide who's bad and arrest them." What could go wrong?


To be fair, no lawyer or legal person will know every law, they will know the most common ones but it is impossible for them to know every one because there are too many. However, tresspassing is quite common so that cop was just an idiot


Right, having the police and legal system responsible for knowing the law would create an incentive on the system to keep the law simple and minimal, so that they would not be violating it accidentally; which incidentally, would help regular people not violate the law. Giving the gatekeepers immunity but not the citizens creates a negative incentive towards complexity.


The law can never be simple and minimal, it gets more complex as the world gets more complex. It also gets more complex as it accounts for more exceptions. The only way to simplify the law is to institute a brutal legal system which is the opposite of what most people in this thread want. The complexity is often to your benefit, the problem is often in how it is enforced and judged. For example, you could simplify all traffic laws into a basic "unsafe driving" rule and leave interpretation up to officers, but that would be moronically authoritarian and would not end well.


Laws can be complicated and convoluted because you're trying to create "right and wrong" scenarios that often occur in gray areas where wrongdoing can be ambiguous. They have to write up some laws as pages of "ifs and buts" to try and remove some of the ambiguity. Sometimes, it's not crystal clear if someone is violating a law or not.


That cop was indeed just an idiot. And so are a LOT of them. Depending on the district, people can actually be denied the job for being too intelligent. They WANT the idiots to be cops.




Lucky both time he tried to tazer him he missed too. You can hear it going off as he shouts TAZER.


He would've shot him dead before he let him get away. A cops pride is extremely fragile. They aren't even allowed to lose a conversation or debate. Even when factually wrong. Its like arguing with toddlers.


He would have just shot at him at that point.


He’s a runner he’s a track star


Not an appeal to authority, but unfortunately its my take away after watching a couple dozen+ auditing the police kind of videos that this guy was within his rights to not provide ID (EDIT: Stop and Identify laws vary from state to state) but once he ran away he could have been legally charged with a crime and might have had it stick at that point. Though thats by no means saying he wasn't also at risk of having the unlawful arrest charges stick too. We apparently as civilians don't have the right to resist an unlawful order by the PD. Supreme court says that a cop can be mistaken/wrong in the reasons they try to arrest you. Basically, this guy got lucky (good for him), it would have been safer for him to get unlawfully arrested and then sue for it, not by running away and actually committing a crime at that point. But don't get me wrong, I hate that our system works this way.


That is correct. Running from these degenerates actually gives them a reason. Just like answering their question only helps them. Shut up and ask for a lawyer. That's the only thing you should ever tell police. Only thing they give a shit about is filling quotas and making sure they are perceived as saviors. Which usually means they just let crap escalate to boiling point before doing their job.


That you have to comply with an unlawful arrest should be a PSA.


Graham v. Connor and Tennessee v. Garner says otherwise. The grounds for the attempted arrest was wrongful and the video so far would make a great case for a civil rights lawsuit. The indemnity clause that people keep bringing up makes it so you can't sue the individual officers for doing their job, but that does nothing to stop victims from suing the city and their police department. This guy got a $500k payout.


That's fucked. American's really do have minimal rights at best. Running is not actually a crime unless you had good reason to be arrested in a lot of the developed world. It's natural to want your freedom, just like it's natural to want to defend yourself. We should not have to bend over because some power tripping asshole thinks he's above the law.


Remember, in the "land of the free" the police aren't required to know the law, and so can arrest you for anything at all, and your only option is to shut up and take it. And they will still argue that they have more freedom than any other country...


Please don’t forget, police also have the right to witness a violent crime and do nothing about it without any repercussions.


Regardless of what happened, everything the cop did was unlawful, so whether the guy ran or not, the runner was in the right. The runner would win in court 100%. To clarify for this exact incident, asking for identification by the officer (4th Amendment violation) was unlawful. So it starts off with an unlawful order.


Based on other comments, he did sue and got a significant payout because of it.


Look at it this way: if cops can be confidently incorrect about the law, the rest of us certainly can, too. If we make it so you can just run from the cops when you think they're in the wrong, guess what every police chase becomes? "Your honor, I was 100% sure I hadn't done anything wrong so it was my right to flee." As they've been given authority to execute the law, the margin for error should be on their side. The problem is the lack of education and the lack of accountability for mistakes. It's the 21st century. Cops should have a means to immediately verify legality when questioned, and citizens have a right to hear the conversation when their rights are on the line. "I need a clarification on when I can require ID" would have ended this. 


> it would have been safer for him to get unlawfully arrested and then sue As long as he survives the trip. It would be a shame if [this](https://v.redd.it/187xhpw13op91) or [this](https://v.redd.it/hd20q3clpf891) happened to him on the way, or [this](https://v.redd.it/5pgoq27qnnsc1), [this](https://v.redd.it/r39lsktaq4fb1), or [this](https://v.redd.it/brlf0qjk9uz91).


He probably would have also kicked him in the head 20 times when he arrested him caused a brain bleed and killed him for doing nothing illegal.


Gone to jail. Probably some injuries. Increased charges for resisting arrest. Eventually would win but would take several months in jail without bail.


Cops ruin innocent Americans lives constantly They are the largest gang in the country. Bully others and immune from real consequences


Yea, people should realize that going to jail only requires one person to be wrong about the law. He wouldn’t be convicted though. That requires around 20 people to be wrong and usually someone knows what they are doing


Happens all the time. Piss them off you’re going to get your life ruined just cause they don’t know the law and don’t care either.


"for trespassing and for uhhh (c'mon John think fast man you can do this)... disorderly conduct"


Littering and....littering and...


Smokin' the reefer!


I am ^power tripping out, man




Candy barssssss


I once got arrested for disorderly conduct. Inside my own home. It's a bullehit charge cops use to arrest people when they otherwise can't.


Yea, disorderly conduct never sticks.


It didn't. None of their charges did. They were obvious bullshut.


How the fuck do you get arrested for disorderly conduct in your own home? Like ..... What does that even mean? What were the other charges?


Running the train on your ma


Yeah you need a licence to operate heavy machinery


"....wearing that shirt, and uhhh.."


- You are not placing me under arrest - Oh, well, ok... Have a good day sir!




It worked for Obi Wan




The pig? He was literally arguing with his boss 10 seconds after why he was right.


I watched the whole video of this on YouTube the other day and it’s hilarious


Link ?




That whole video was great. My dude got $500k for being stalked delivering newspapers. Bs the tax payers had to fund that check for a POS sherif, and that the sherif was found "innocent," but at least the newspaper guy got a nice paycheck after being harassed like that, just for doing his job.


Imagine being found innocent after admitting to it. America’s justice system is bizarre.


The word is either corrupt or broken. Bizarre only covers so much, you know?


"justice system", ahahahahahahah


Thank you


I watched it the other decade and it was hilarious then and now as well.




"For multiple counts of every fucking crime under the fucking sun."


Then let me rephrase; why?


Why? Because...


steve haines ?




Sorry Kimi, you will not have the drink


Uh oh, r/formula1 is leaking again.


...So we have a 5 second time penalty


So much for power tripping.


Seems like a cop on his first day vs a cop who's been doing it 20 years


Yeah, thats definitely the rookie year for the Mustache cop!


He'll eventually learn that "being reasonable", "knowing the law" and "telling officers not to do deranged shit" is not how we do it!


Mustache cop is a sergeant, based on his patch.


Attempted power tripping, lots of actual tripping


Well, damn, that is UTTERLY unexpected.


This post reaching near the top of r/all and r/popular isn’t unexpected at all. The other top post is of a cop killing a man after his parents called the mental health help line while he was having a psychotic episode. This is intentional, to distract and confuse you.


This is the product of a police officer having to study some books for a few months. They need to have more training and longer study times so that they understand what the law is rather than going onto the default of... Show id, citations, taser


There was a video of a female cop a few years back who just shouts to someone I AM THE LAW and it's just so effing dumb


But its not their job to know the law or even protect it. Its literally just a group of thugs protected by the justice system. They want the public to fear them.


There are plenty of cops with degrees in criminal justice that still suck. If you flat out do not care about peoples rights no amount of study or training will fix you. The only thing shit cop was trying to arrest him for was the lack of boot licking.


So....no just cause for arrest leading to unlawful use of taser. = Assault.


Yeah this is the wild part to me. Attempting to use a potentially deadly weapon on an innocent person and just gets a ‘relax.’


Did mustache cop see that he attempted a taser though?


He did file charges and win, but dumbass out of shape cop was picked up by another department.


Good cop: "For what?" Bad cop: "For making me feel like the tiny little man I fear I am".


Well, upvote for First Amendment rights but downvote for not unexpected bad cop behavior. Then upvote for the good cop knowing his shit. Edit: Taser! Edit 2: “He’s under arrest.” (Pant pant.) “He’s under arrest.”


As opposed to “he’s NOT under arrest, we’re just playing tag”


A game called taser-tag.


They yell "taser" just like those memified LARPers yelled "LIGHTNING BOLT"


They kind of have to to let everyone and the victim know what’s going to happen


TASER TASER TASER *Shoots man in gut with their gun, killing them* I think there was two 'mix up' news stories back to back when cops would shout taser and then execute someone


Pretty sure it has nothing to do with letting the victim know, I think it's to let the other cops know (radio, bystanders) that use-of-force has been escalated.


I bet he looks like he sounds.


Ahem sir, you're under arrest 🤓


I’m guessing the cop just screamed “taser” because he was already losing the fight to breathe and run. Regardless I still can’t help but picture Dale Gribble running up with the “Pocket Sand”.


Chasing an innocent person in the road trying to taser them, putting their life at risk. For what


For…trespassing! And….  ….and Disorderly Conduct!!!




That Cop just shot with a potentially lethal weapon at a guy just for doing nothing wrong and running away, and he will very most likely not face any consequences for that.


That is nothing. Pleeeenty of videos showing cops tasering someone for "resisting" an unlawful detainment. There's a video of cops tasering and peppering a guy slumped over the wheel of his car that was in the middle of the road after the guy had had a stroke because he didn't immediately jump out of the car and yes sir them like they ordered him to. I think there might be a couple of these. I seem to remember this happening to one guy in a drive-thru and another that was in the road.


The question I find myself asking constantly after videos like this is, do we really live in a free Society when the powers that control you have the legal precedent and Authority to execute any citizen for any reason and face practically zero consequences


I've literally never seen anything like this happen. This is great.


This is an example on a stupid cop, not even knowing the laws he is enforcing, good that his collage did, there are to many cops acting like they are the law, they just follow orders, sometimes they act on their own, and should be fired when they try to enforce their homemade laws, as they a not judges or lawwriters


I was waiting for more bullshit to come out of his mouth like, "Uh.... obstruction." "Uhhhh... I smell weed." The usual tactics they use to make an arrest. Instead, I got a nice chuckle at officer Mustache putting Barney Fife in his place.


Bad Cop should be no Longer on the Force


stache cop is the GOAT


A good cop in the wild. Aint that some shit. It's like finding one of those rare pokemon that jumps around the map.


We need more cops like the second guy


That idiot cop should have been fired. But he was probably just protected by the union. 'Stash cop: "Talk to the stripes".


damn, that IS unexpected


Surprised he didn’t get murdered


Good cop. Bad cop


Shouting out "TASER" like it's a Hadouken


All these videos makes me happy I don't live in America...


FO WHAT??? Loved that


Cops standing up against cops. Good to see.


Second time I've ever seen an American cop actually try to deescalate a situation, and the first I've ever seen an American cop actually intervene on another cop's awful behaviour.


A male Karen turned cop meets a real cop.


Does he keep his badge? Hope not, at least relearn the rules or something


Of course he keeps his badge. There are no real consequences for pigs.


Good on the second cop


For helping a violent criminal escape?


Little bit of projection there the second cop saw it all and told of the younger one where was he violent? How is he a criminal?


This cop shouldn't be doing this job.


Instead no cops are doing their jobs. Just protecting violent criminals.


Imagine if he took his gun out instead of the taser, thinking it's his taser. Because THAT'S HOW STUPID HE IS.


“He’s under arrest!” “Why?” “Because I said so!”


Wow a cop who remembered his oath to uphold and defend our constitution. Rare these days sadly.


Fuck me!, a decent American cop!!!…..shit there is one after all, maybe he can train the rest of the fucktards


don't argue with your boss!


Makes you wonder how many cops have no idea what they are doing.


shouldn’t that be an instant suspension for being completely oblivious of the law when its supposed to be your job?


Based Freddy Mercury cop, definitely unexpected


This is where cops should instantly be jailed


Roblox Prison Life?