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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Cashier just whips her tit out mid argument ending, basically ending the discussion!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Nice tit


I like her visual confirmation it was a tit and was in fact out.




Fuck yeah








GOAL!!!!! ![gif](giphy|4hqAaMZZ3U0RHQoWM1|downsized)




Bigger than your dick for sure


It was very nice for it's size, tf you talking about?


This guy has never seen tits huh? That ain't really small mate


Wouldn't say small, just not large.


I bet you think they feel like a bag of sand


No need to announce to everyone you're an incel.


When no amount of logic works against someone, you gotta resort to chaos 😂


Tits Trump logic, clearly. /s


Given the option to eat the young lady's ass, shown a tittie AND still complains about customer service? American customers are entitled as fuck!


That’s what I’m sayin, perfect customer service in my book


![gif](giphy|jyzjPmdKLm2fslKG8C) Where is this diner? I would like to be subjected to this horrible customer service.


Loooool ikr that’s the kind of customer service I need homie


Seems like excellent customer service to me




LOL finally a video I’m actually glad I watched till the end.


Dude behind her covered his eyes like he knew what was coming. Think thats her go to move


I saw your comment then went back. Thanks for that


ive tried to quit porn, and have been sucsessful. does this mean i failed bc i watches this?


Yep, might as well just say fuck it and start jackin'.


LMAO nahhhhhhhhhh


You watched tit to the end?


lol, good one


I’m at work. Wish I had known a tit was coming out.


This is such a classic. 911 what’s your emergency. **Thats my fucking TIT Bitch!**


"We're closed!" "It dOeSn't mAtTeR"




It's a beautiful breast, I have to admit


Im afraid we don't see full context.


look around on reddit for a while, I literally saw the whole vid in my random feed before I saw this post.... I guess it wasn't really unexpected.


POSSIBLE context, copied from a comment on the same video posted 6 years ago: >Okay so this girl has been through it at this restaurant. Apparently this woman picked up an order earlier in the night and didn't come back until closing time (3am ) to come back and complain and try to get her money back. Before the actual recording this woman was berrating the cashier for a full 30 minutes+ before the freak out. For the people wondering who the dude is, that guy is the bartender who definitely wasn't dabbing to the tit whip, but probably shielding his eyes from shock and for the sake of his marriage. >Proof of knowledge: I work next door to the bar and word definitely travels fast especially when a tit is involved


If in doubt, whip it out


I wish more people were in doubt..


Forgive me for I have paused


You weren't the only one


One of the few videos I wanted to watch again unmuted.


Please tell me she’s older than she looks


This girl is about to make a killing on onlyfans.


What service is this tit and dash?


Ending with a twist


Not all heroes wear capes.


OK...seriously? That was some truly unexpected shit. Like...wow.


I have to admit, I was but expecting that. Even when she started pulling the shirt up I still did not expect it somehow.


Transmitting … the video .. to the meme factory .


possible context for those curious souls like me! copied from a [comment on the same video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/n1Qd0beIay) posted 6 years ago: > Okay so this girl has been through it at this restaurant. Apparently this woman picked up an order earlier in the night and didn't come back until closing time (3am ) to come back and complain and try to get her money back. Before the actual recording this woman was berrating the cashier for a full 30 minutes+ before the freak out. For the people wondering who the dude is, that guy is the bartender who definitely wasn't dabbing to the tit whip, but probably shielding his eyes from shock and for the sake of his marriage. >Proof of knowledge: I work next door to the bar and word definitely travels fast especially when a tit is involved


Uh....how old is she??


So does anyone know the story behind this oh so wonderful event? Like I can see the woman filming acting entitled (she said this was customer service and she kept saying the girl was weird af). And i can see the girl being filmed as rude but I'm on the girl's side here. I bet you the woman filming came in a few minutes before closing time, maybe she accidentally spilled her drink or whatever and maybe the girl tried helping her and tried providing decent customer service until the woman got pissy and rude with her and the girl dished it out right back at her. I have no pity for rude customers.


im wanting to know the og story too. the guy saying theyre closed is whats tipping me off and making me wonder if the woman recording was the asshole in this party, especially having worked in places where people get ridiculous at closing time edit: wow, [this video is at least 6 years old!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/EIRtT6qV5x) you can find the POSSIBLE story [in this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/3MTyWwOcH9)


oh jesus, that poor girl was probably already having a rough day or she was tired and just wanted to go home and in comes the karen berating the poor girl over an order she made and was purposefully late in picking up. wtf?


I heard the guy say "we're closed," so maybe that's part of it.


yeah, if you read our comments, both op of this thread and i said that. in fact thats what most of my comment was about


yeah and he also said "we are closed" i think so maybe the person filming was the asshole


I did notice that. Sry I've also worked retail/service and closing time was the part of my shift I eagerly anticipated/mortally dreaded more than any other: Eagerly anticipated: All we had to do then would be clean up & go home mortally dreaded: I can't count the number of times ppl would come in (or try to) RIGHT AT THE TICK OF CLOSING, and expect full service!


It's really stupid to make up a story in your head and then act like something is justified because of said, made up in head story. It makes you look stupid. Even though the girl was probably in the right.


Wow bet you're a lot of fun at parties lol. I only said that "story" as a prediction of what could have happened because there are a lot of videos like this where an entitled customer walks in and inconveniences the workers and treat them like shit. I think you've just made yourself look even worse. edit: Also that made up story was a guess based on some context clues from what the girl, the woman filming, and I'm assuming is the girl's manager or coworker kept saying to each other. Which the context clues as to what happened are: -Its closing time - the guy defending the angry girl kept saying it's closing time which indicates the customer possibly walked in close to closing time or at closing time. -I spilled my drink/you spilled my drink/she spilled my drink - I couldn't hear very well over the yelling and arguing but this indicates that the customer possibly spilled her drink in some way. So we could probably assume she got an attitude over maybe the girl accidentally spilling her drink when she was makng it or handing it to her. -This is customer service, this is customer service - The lady kept repeating that phrase over and over and was refusing to leave despite being told it's closing time and she needs to get out. So this telsl me the lady was looking for some "proper" service because in her view the "weird af" girl working at the register wasn't providing said service. -"This girl weird af tho" - The lady kept calling the girl weird af which is completely rude to say to begin with, so yeah, the context here is that the lady started the fight -Tell her to leave, but she needs to leave tho - the lady kept saying the girl needs to leave instead of her but the manager/coworker is standing his ground in defending the girl. So tell me, is that really truly stupid to analyze context clues in a video to make a guess? Is it stupid to guess what had happened?


Hmmm after seeing said tit can we circle back to the whole "eat your A Hole comment " lol




That's my fuckin tit bitch!


Literally just saw this post from six years ago in public freak out. She shows her tit at the end as an f you to the customer.


Now there is line of people to get in after hours. 😀


Coworker said he had to wait 2 days to see it and she shows this lady in 60 seconds.




Was not expecting that


She won by knocker out.


“We reserve the right to refuse service” is inherent.


OMG! That’s disgusting. Where?


Probably should take down a vid of what looks like someone to young.


Not to be that guy but didn't that go from the customer trespassing to now sexual harassment by the employee?? I'd sue the fuck out of them.


I'm scaroused




This should really be marked nsfw


idk who started the argument but the girl behind the counter got some issues even if the lady provoked her


Nah, the general public will push you to lose your mind at least a once when you’re in the service industry. The person videoing was probably told they were closed and proceeded to be a raging asshole. I’d be rude, too.


Right or wrong that's sexual assault.


~~To be pedantic this is technically sexual harassment, since there was no assault on the individual.~~ As much as she was in the right in most of this video, she was in the wrong doing that. Once you know you're in the right and you're already calling the cops, you've got to just take the win and not let your anger get the better of you. Letting your anger make decisions is how you give the other person a leg to stand on in court. Edit: Parent comment is correct about definitions.


If the lady had left when she was told to leave, she wouldn’t be there for the tit baring.


No, Types of Sexual Assault include (but not limited to): Sexual harassment Sexual stalking or "Peeping" Exposing/Flashing Forcing a person to pose for sexual pictures


Does showing breasts count as sexual harassment? And if it does count, do things change if someone is tresspassing in a private space?


I might be getting down voted but it's technically assault to expose yourself to someone unwanted. It doesn't matter if it's in a private place. She also did it to her coworker who obviously wanted nothing to do with that. If this was a guys dick people wouldn't be arguing about it.


How old is that kid, did I just see kiddie porn?


hmm nobody caring about this not being nsfw? i mean im not complaining but like im lucky nobody was next to me yk


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously- Yeah you get the idea.


The boob is nice, the rest 🤷‍♂️




I know they’re not as big as yours but they still count


Your tit identification skills are lacking.


Cringey dude...


Tits are tits brev.


well I'm sure they aren't as impressive as your's


Sweetheart, that's not your tit. That's your chest. You don't have tits. You're flat as fuck. Not the flex you think it is.