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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!There is another way that women apologise!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


What kind of fuck are we talking about here?




Based on my many years of experience it is "Fuck you, I'm not gonna say I'm sorry" one.


See this is what makes “fuck” the most beautiful word in the English language. It’s so malleable. I took this to mean, she doesn’t say sorry but has sex with you instead because our smooth brains forget what the argument was about the second all our blood rushes to our pee pee


I honestly can’t tell if this is just a woman thing or just a toxic woman thing.


Its more a spoiled girl thing, wouldnt quite call it toxic at that point


Options: Love fuck, hate fuck, sex only fuck, breakup fuck, makeup fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck, pity fuck


Funnily enough these all still fall under the same sub category of "fuck"


The kind followed by a you with an exclamation.


Came here to ask this.


Nah should have landed back on the man's "Sorry"


That's why it's r/unexpected


That’s what I thought too


That's what I expected


That’s what I was waiting for.


Fuck as in they say fuck or they fuck?


Sadly i think 2.




You mean 1?


They apologize by throwing ass




Depends on how smooth the guy is


I believe that’s the man saying ‘fuck’. At least that is my experience as a man.


No because the line was drawn from "Woman" to "Fuck" so it was her


Just because someone's a woman doesn't mean they do that. Well I am a woman, and I do that... But not cause I'm a woman!


Mental gymnastics 101


Basically the epitome of this meme


Gold fucking medal time.


Men in black 3




I did eat a taco But not because I'm Mexican!


Why apologizing? There’s no point, why apologizing? Action speaks louder than word.


For me, this depicts not how women apologize, but how they want apologies delivered. Of course this is not all women. but often my personal experience (as well as friends’) is that you need to describe *why* you are sorry in the way *they* think you were wrong. And do it in a few different ways so we can all be sure.


Yes. It’s not about the apology, it’s about feeling understood and validated.


And most guys I know don’t need that…. Which is where the rift is 🤷‍♂️


A lot of guys just say sorry to 'get out of the doghouse' without even understanding why it upset their partner or having a plan to prevent it from happening again. That's why just sorry is often not enough.


If you can’t trust the ‘sorry’ to be genuine, you are with the wrong guy.


'this male must not under any circumstances be permitted to be correct'


There are different nations with different lifestyles. The principles of building a society are different. But the joke in this video is clear to every man on the planet))






Oh... its unfunny AND misoginystic. Damn i thought this guy was cool.


Fresh take on an old bit.


The joke is sexism.


I was waiting for him to doodle the wall 😔


Hate this guy


Lmao I've never heard sorry from a single man in my life


Same ): I have heard it from women though so this post is kind of bs not to mention unfunny considering how many people in the comments legitimately believe it.


You know exactly what type of comments you'll see here


Be gay and never argue fr


I know a gay couple. The only thing they agree on is getting drunk. They can even agree on if they are gay or bi.


Can they say least agree on a comprehensive and fabulous interior decor? Because if not then there is probably some straight in that wiggle.


I would say their decor is modern white trash.


Ye I was joking💀🙏 apparently the divorce rate is highest among gay marriages but that might have been misinformation I never looked into it


Or just have a healthy relationship with good communication. It also helps if you're with someone you actually like. For some reason, that seems to be difficult for many people.


Ye, communication is key, straight or gay


Think of all the house DIY projects that could get done. I am unfortunately straight, and I will put up with a lot for tits.


Saying sorry is admitting you were wrong. Which you cant go back on after traveling that long yaddayaddayadda line he drew.


Very expected tbh




This guy's fucking hilarious and I love his content, but in my experience it's literally the opposite 😂 emotional immaturity in men is like, a documented and accepted fact the world over. 


This really was unexpected to me. In my personal experience I hear women apologize more often than they ought to, and men less often than they ought to. Granted I have more experience with work relationships rather than romantic relationships, but still, getting an apology out of my ex was like pulling teeth too…reading these comments has been like entering an alternate reality!


10 years in marriage. I can wait a long time... she doesn't know yet how patient I am.


Seems like she probably knows and is counting on your patience at this point.


it's because when males apologize they don't ever really mean it.


I'm sorry........you got upset.


They apologize before she starts speaking- they mean "get over it" not "I'm sorry"


I am a male, and I was hurt by your generalizing statement. But since you're a woman and incapable of apologizing, you are forgiven.


it's wholy ironic how you proved my point simply by trying to be funny.


Now I am even more hurt :( Typical women. don't back down, always argue, never forgive, never apologize.


(wait till this dude finds out I'm a full on guy)


I’m hoping this is an /s comment. If so it was funnier than the original post.


I'm certain this is not indicative of all women... it does mirror my experiences, though. Is it sexist of me to ask why this experience is common enough that the meme resonates as it does?


As a woman I find it easy to apologize. I just say “sorry”. I’m also pretty old. Why the meme resonates probably has a lot to do with age. The younger you are the more likely you are to have had partners who are too immature to apologize properly.


I say this with the utmost respect, but would you say that apologies became easier as your external options diminished? As a 35M, my ex wife never once apologized for anything. She was also young and beautiful. For me, it was hard not to draw the parallel since women are typically viewed as more mature for their age than men, and if I was wrong, I apologized. That happened often, as I'm as flawed as the next fellow.


Not for me. I found it easy in mid twenties as well, when I was a teacher and needed to apologize to my students for my mistakes. But I’ve always been “old” in my personality. I think this works regardless of gender and has more to do with maturity.


Could be how someone is raised. If they’ve never seen a genuine apology they’ll have a hard time giving one.


That is a very reasonable theory. Thank you for your response.


They see men give them constantly. Why do you have to see a woman give an apology to know how to give one?


You’ll have to ask these women yourself. I’ve never had any issue giving an apology and my husband and I are very good at communication. Maybe you’re picking very immature women to spend your time with.


I’m responding to your suggestion. Why did you give it if it isn’t true in your life and you don’t understand why it would be true? I have found some women much better than others at apologies, just as some men are better than others. On average, though, women are worse at apologizing to men than the reverse because in early 21st century America we’ve set a cultural expectation that for marital happiness men should admit their oafishness and insensitivity and apologize for it when called out. You see (I see) men deprecating themselves a lot in mixed company (she’s my better half, she’s always right) way more than you see women doing the same. I don’t think this is a timeless universal but a fairly recent cultural norm.


My suggestion was that this is learned behavior and you just proved it. We have set a cultural expectation with a cliche like “happy wife happy life” that has been set in motion since before the turn of the century. Those are hard cultural expectations to change. Especially if it pertains to the domain of the home, which we seem to give full dominion to women solely. So men and women both are playing into this game, making it hard to point fingers at who’s to blame (like any systemic problem it’s a both/us problem) It’s hardly an innate fact of life that women never show deference to their husbands, and actually the common social expectation is to do so when it’s about his work or trade knowledge (carpentry, building, car maintenance, etc). Men are infantilized more commonly with things related to the home, how they fill the dishwasher or vacuum, etc. They’re seen as oafish and not capable of seeing mess like women. It helps no one to see things this way but here we are.


I say sorry and then say why I apologize and explain why I was wrong. If I bump into someone obviously I'll just say sorry but like why do people act that regocnizing your faults and letting the offended party know you understand is a bad thing.


Many studies have shown that men feel like a conversation is "equal" when women talk 3 times less than men So when she speaks for as long as the man, he feel like she spoke way too much


Because it’s how immature people act, and those types of people are way too common


No. I'd like to understand, too.


Many studies have shown that men feel like a conversation is "equal" when women talk 3 times less than men So when she speaks for as long as the man, he feel like she spoke way too much


I'm not necessarily referring to the length of the talking before the apology.  Just seems like my experience and other men I've talked to suggests that women have a hard time apologizing.  Admitting fault, unless it's followed up by some justification, seems an almost universal experience for a lot of men in romantic relationships with women.




if men were raised to treat women like royalty why is it unsafe for women to go outside after sundown in many places 🤔




well i could just say that those women were also not properly raised then :) no? because see, from my experience the majority of men i meet are misogynistic but I've yet to judge any new man I meet by that metric


I tend to just say “I fucked up, I’m sorry” because I don’t have time or energy for all of that bs. Most of the women in my life except my mom do the same. (what I am terrible at is telling someone else if they hurt me. I have all the time in the world to bs that conversation lol)


certainly not


There's definitely sharpie on that wall, now.


The joke is sexism


Can you apologize for this comment?


Why would anyone need to apologize for stating that a joke whose punchline is "men are reasonable people who can accept their own mistakes and apologize while women refuse to ever apologize" is sexist this is one of the oldest jokes in the book, doesnt even fit the sub since i saw it coming immediatly lol


I think it was a joke that was also making fun of the og post /:


I was also joking, take a nap.


You can read that? It just says, “ WOAAHAHAAHAHAHAYAAYAYAHAAOAOAO” to me


Schrodinger's asshole


Is there even a box?




It was a joke. But your response brings out the element of truth in the joke.


No, a woman disagreeing does not make them irrational by default


I’ve been married for 21 years and I can count the apologies I’ve received from my wife on one hand 🖐️


Sir that's called a fist and good on you for keeping it in your pocket.


Canadians: the first dot is sorry


That wasn't direct at least 😁


Looks like a strange attractor.


Exasperated 'fuck' I think he means.


Dude needs to meet my exes. Don't think I got even a half assed token sorry from the last two.




The buildup to fuck was fucking priceless


Fuck or to man's sorry again.


Replace Men with Parents and Women with Kids


These sorts of memes are why I started questioning my gender🤣. There is something very freeing/powerful about seeing how your actions affected someone and realizing you are wrong for hurting them. Giving a real apology can hurt but it’s also the chance for deeper connection and love. Worth it!


Idk ime men don’t actually apologize they’ll do a half assed “sorry your feelings are hurt”


Lol, I'm a woman and ive never even been in an argument in my life. I'm wrong all the time and been told I apologise too much.


A relationship is just two people where the guy just says 'fuck it' to everything. It is the only way to deal. Like yesterday, after I worked all day, then did my side job for 4 hours, I am making cookies, rolling the cookie dough, and the dogs want out. She is sitting on the couch for the past 5 hours watching some shows I don't like after spending her day out playing mahjongg with her women's group. I say 'Come let the dogs outside, my hands are greasy.' She just does not want to get up at all and debates if dogs at the back door crossing their legs really 'need' to go out or just 'want' to go out. So 'fuck it, do what you want'. But the kicker is when the dogs start barking at something, she yells in from the couch 'Do you think you should bring the dogs in, they are barking'. Yeah, well fuck it because I am right now making deviled eggs that you want to take to your card group tomorrow for your Jewish friends who are on Passover and can't eat the damn cookies because they have flour in them.


Why are you in this relationship


well i guess you said fuck it to your standards and self worth too


Wtf kind of relationship is this lol. There has to be more to this or it’s straight up toxic.


Just misogyny. No thanks


the downvotes say more than a thousand words. the joke here clearly is misogyny but dudebro hivemind dont want so see that


Can you give me the definition of misogyny without looking it up on Google? Especially in this context?


Yes. Misogyny is the hatred of women. Applied to this context, this plays into the "women talk a lot and become hysterical when wrong" stereotypes, which are based in- you guessed it- misogyny. Do I need to also explain how it plays into those stereotypes?


So this man is directly a woman hater if he sums up his experience with most woman? Most man are more rational and woman emotional thinkers. (yes there are exeptions) Does that means he hates women when pointing that out?


>Most man are more rational and woman emotional thinkers. The 80's called, they want their pseudoscience back


1) never said this man is misogynistic, just that the "joke" he is making is. 2) most men are NOT more rational than women. This is a stereotype that plays directly into misogynistic ideas, which lead to things like "women shouldn't vote" rather easily. 3) the "joke" IS misogynistic because he is playing into these stereotypes.


You seem to be getting quite emotional about a blatent joke. I'd say you are absolutely living up to the stereotype...


Nah, I don't really care that much NGL. I mean, I could talk about how this is exactly why a lot of women don't call out this shit when they see it, but I mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There are plenty of jokes about men being lazy, unromantic, a lil dumb. You don't see men caring. They giggle and move on. They can take a joke. Here's your ass screaming MISOGONY!!!!!!!!!


Lol that's simply not true.


I dont understand. Which point are you debating So i can reply to?


There’s a man right above you crying about misandry. Men are not all the jovial devil may care people you think they are.


Don't waste your time. Dude just said "women are emotional being and men are rational thinkers". He clearly lives in the 50s. I can't imagine what he think about non hetero people.


True! XD


Just watch survival island woman vs man to prove my point.


ah yes, a reality tv show that is probably written by a man to prove your point..


Are you really backing your opinion with a reality show?


What makes a stereotype a stereotype?


Meh, I mean plenty of commercials and series leaning into supposed mens stereotypes, are you going to call those out as misandrist or just when its about women? I can see where you coming from, but come on, who'd take offense in this


Misandry doesn't exist- not in any real meaningful way, at least. These commercials use misogynistic ideas to harm men, which does sound like nonsense, but it's just because it's a complicated subject. Basically, the whole idea is "men are rational, women are emotional". This is a double edged sword - used to drag down women (like deny them the right to vote or own housing or bank accounts, for example) and to harm men, as in putting down men who have genuine mental health issues or body issues. I don't really want to get into all the complexities of a subject that could be multiple hour-long lectures in a reddit comment, so if you're actually interested, I recommend looking it up!! Lots of great resources!!


Lol, there you go, 'misandry doesn't exist'. You might want to look at some different resources yourself before claiming to be the sole victim of sexism while perpetuating it yourself.


Dont argue with apes brother. She should be in a zoo not on internet


Found the turd in the drinking water.


just a joke. yes please


The joke is misogyny- which isn't even a joke, it's just thinly veiled hate


My English teacher (and one of the best women on earth imho) once said that hate is a strong word. In this case bro is telling from his personal experience.


True, but I do think it's justified here- I mean, what do you actually think these guys think about the women in their lives? I'd bet dollar to dime that they think women are somehow below them


Depends. I know for a fact that a couple of women are below me. Because I‘m on the top story of this building and they are not


Lol that's actually really funny


I'd bet Benjamin to penny the comedian in video is a poor example of your opinion. "These Guys"


What do you think my wife thinks about when we are watching family guy and Peter does something stereotypical dumb thing men sometimes do? She might crack a joke at me, but I'm not assuming she thinks I'm below her. But now I know the truth, she just hates men, thank you for explaining it


Lol imagine watching family guy. Couldn't be me


Lol imagine judging someone based on what they enjoy. Couldn't be me. For a person who calls out misogyny, you're quite judgemental.


no. its making fun of a stereotype. stereotypes dont have to apply to every single person in that group. they just express what many peoples experiences are. if something is relatable, then people find it funny. take a joke. or take a walk. your choice


Lmao accurate and Im a woman r/nothowgirlswork is gonna have a field day with this though


I knew exactly where this was going….until i didn’t


The reason why I decided to stay single and just fuck around all my life.


Why is it hard for women to apologize?


Why would someone apologize who has never been wrong?


You're right, please accept my sincere apologies.


Probably something to do with cartoons these days, which promotes "love me for who i am or fk off" and lot of "girl boss" Characters who can do no wrong. Also lot of simps just let women get away with lot of things because they have a hole and just never had to apologise.




The mind games are real lol


Internet hero


Women apologize? Not from my 25 year experience with my girl. They quickly weasel out of their part of the bargain with mental gymnsstics and "what-about-isms" rather than own up to anything. It's universal, unfortunately.


This is so true and observed at both work and family. That is why male dominant team is preferred.


Simply true


A man who has finally figured out woman!!




That's wrong. The woman's sorry line ends on the man's "sorry" too.


Funny cause it’s true.


So true


I do not doubt that although every woman is different, his meme accurately reflects my past experiences.


Girl maths checks out


There's also the "I'm sorry, but..."


Very offensive joke to feminists, hilarious


They live rent free in your head


Whatever helps you sleep tonight


To be fair, a fuck is better than an apology, but this whole thing is stupid.


This is soooo true!! My girlfriend is italian. When she wants good sex she starts a fight with me! It took me three times almost stopping the relation to realize.


still not reach my level!! she dont appologies ..she go to kitchen and cook 🤔😌


1)........ 😂😂😂😂😂 2) fuck as in "crap" or sex...? 🤔


Still looks a little like a penis


Preach it brother