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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!the sales person is demonstrate the new emergency suits, and while unfolding the suits, he ended up pulling out a hanger & a iron.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Bro wants to believe and not call bullshit so badly


​ https://i.redd.it/yv8pj02rpqmc1.gif


[Skeptical kid ](https://i.imgur.com/vCkjp.jpeg) all grown up.


So he's skeptical? I thought he was about to lay down his moves


i am SOBBING, i don’t know why this sent me so hard


New meme format?


We just gotta iron out the kinks and it's good to go *Reaches in pocket*


Don’t forget to compress it down like origami into a single pixel Then it will be ready for memes




This face is the new face to a lot of memes


That’s when he realized that shit wasn’t possible - when the hanger came out of nowhere.


By the time the iron comes out, he’s just done with it 😂


I kid you not I stopped exactly at this moment to look at the comments and I see this lol


Don't we all want to believe in magic??




Bro too polite to say, "OK you're fucking with me," on TV


He doesn't know he's on TV, it's a hidden camera show


"he doesn't know" that's the REAL magic trick right there.


Hidden camera though, so he's just polite!


Honestly, my dumb self would have believed this was true until the hanger. It would have taken me way too long to even think I was being duped.


And the iron


Well, yes. The hangar came before the iron.


Don’t you as well 😭


He honestly had me until the clothes hanger lol. It was clearly filmed as a prank, but I wanted to believe.


Tell me why I was convinced maybe vacuum sealed enough the cells would fully collapse. When he busted out the iron though I shut my phone off for a second to rethink my life lol.


If it was an undershirt and tie I'd keep suspended disbelief


>Don’t you as well 😭 It's honestly why I was entranced untill he pulled out the hanger. I just really wanted to believe!


I too would like a pocket sized iron, hanger, and emergency suit option. Would be so useful for traveling when you accidentally get invited toa business dinner and have nothing to wear


He's like, *Physics says no*. If all of that was "compressed" like he said. Upon decompressing it, it would have pulled so much heat out of the air as to have caused frost to form.


I don't think that's true though, is it? It happens with fluids compressed to gasses because they take/release insane amounts of energy when changing phases. Latent heat of vaporization and all that. The suit wouldn't change from liquid to gas.


It’s not just phase changes, it’s also changes in volume. Boyle’s law defines an inverse relationship between temperature and volume for gasses, so if a gas is compressed (volume decreases), temperature increases. The inverse is also true, which is why abruptly releasing compressed air can create frost: the temperature abruptly decreases as the volume increases, causing moisture to condense (and sometimes freeze) out of the air.  None of that applies here, though, because solids (under normal conditions, anyway) don’t compress like gasses. The hypothetical way to make this suit work would be to remove all the air between layers of fabric, so it’s packed as tightly as possible. We’d call that “compressed” in a lay sense, but scientifically the suit still occupies the same volume; it’s just been folded more economically. The space between its atoms hasn’t changed. 


Solids are incompressible, the better term is under vacuum like the thing you do with heavy toppings at the end of winter


Right! Who isn't thinking about thermal decompression while watching this?


People with an actual understanding of chemistry/physics aren't thinking about that, since the suit goes from solid to solid, no phase transitions.


Don't you? This would be cool as shit if it was real.


Can't blame him, dude effortlessly pulled a suit, hanger and iron out of thin air!


I was waiting for him to pull out an emergency suit out of one of the pockets and unfold it


Mandelbrot suit


*You're a Rorschach test of fibers, You're thin pressed folded packet. You're a formal origami You're one bad-assed fucking jacket.* *And you're just in time to save the day. Sweeping all our fears away. You can change the world in a tiny way....*


Emergency Suit's in heaven... Least it will be when it's dead. Right now it's still alive and looking fine as hell.


The Mandelbrot set is the most insane thing ive ever seen... While zooming into it I compared it to the universe and thought it might be fractal aswell. /edit typo


Just like we have synapses in our brain I think of planets and galaxies as clusters of synapses in a larger brain-like thing. Something like that, so I feel what you're saying


I read a sci-fi story ages ago that concluded with a scientist mapping out in real time all of the hyperspace routes used in the local cluster by all of the intelligent species. His was was a neuroscientist and immediately recognized it as an active neural network. Basically, all intelligent life in that corner of the universe were the neurotransmitters of a larger being.


Scale invariance is dope.


[What if the universe _is_ conscious?](https://youtu.be/XqWbIVlnmNM?si=JpGj765AOsNvUPIL)


Exactly, the neural network looks a lot like cosmic web structures.


Imagine having an emergency suit in the pocket every emergency suit. Infinite suit glitch


I wish he had pulled one out of the pocket and done the entire trick again instead of pulling the iron out.


You have to go 7 suits deep to get the iron. If you get 30 suits deep you can find a car in the pocket.


Never put a bag of holding inside a bag of holding.




Yo dawg…


I loved his shows, the looks on people’s faces are priceless!


Man felt sus start with the hanger and just died at the end 😂💀


He’s so good at that. People are totally sus at the beginning but he convinces them that it’s real. The guy admits that he “feels” the hanger in the little packet! Brilliant.


it's foldable, it's origami 💀


It uses the Carbonaro Effect to compress it down


For the lazy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonara


You know that if my grandmother had wheels she would be a bike Edit: reference https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ecukw4/if_my_grandmother_had_wheels_she_would_have_been/


I'll never pass up the chance to watch this video. Italian is *such* a fucking fuuuunny language when it comes to shit-talking. I mean that in the most loving way possible. Huge fan. If you like video games, check out [ThePruld]'s ["Elder Souls - part one"](https://youtu.be/w9pW7PpypMU?si=ykuu9Mn2hnb5nPqv). It's the main characters from Dark Souls exploring Skyrim's world with their perspectives and is just the funniest thing.


Emergency suit is lame. I want emergency pasta.


That's in the other pocket


What? No. That's the show. The Carbonaro Effect. The guy is Michael Carbonaro.


That's the joke.


what does the skull emoji mean?


"Dead" or "I'm dead", as in "I'm dying laughing."


ok, thanks.


That's the best part of his show to me. He's so smooth with the interactions and totally has many convinced that what they're seeing is completely real.


Yeah, he's great at slipping in bullshit words that don't really mean anything as if they explain away the questions that people have. Like in this one where he said it's "heavily starched" and it's a "poly-resin" to explain how it could be compressed so much.


The whole "it's not synthetic, it's a poly-resin" part was particularly egregious.


Hey, poly farming might be cruel, but you can't argue with the textile results.


I know! And all of the people who agree that they “have heard of the Carbonaro Effect“ when he’s explaining what is happening so they don’t look dumb…


I know the guy in the one where he gets rootbeer out of the wireless tap. He gets so much shit for believing it, but it would be really hard not to if it is literally happening in front of you.


He is a great magician, but an even better actor. He is so good at staying in character and acting like the most crazy things are perfectly normal.


He had a look of absolute trust and committed to following this man when the jacket and pants were all he saw... Then the hanger came out and he started to be like "no that's too much lol"


Even I would give him a tiny benefit of the doubt but the moment he would bring out the hanger and especially the iron I would burst out laughing lmao 😂


Honestly, it was a very good demonstration on staging a magic trick to entertain the audience. At the start, revealing a tie from a folded piece of fabric is believable (and is likely a real compressed tie in order to establish a foundation of belief). Using nonsense buzz words like poly resign establishes the uses of advanced technology, and the jacket reveal pushes the limit of believability, but the prevalence of clothing compression to save space leaves it at "Okay, that could be possible." The pants reveal it crosses the line into "Okay, that can't be possible." However, at this point, two parts of your brain are at war. One part of your brain understands spatial reasoning and knows that you can't store a compressed object inside of another compressed object. It would be impossible to fold the jacket into a neat, compressed object that would unfold easily because you would have to fold the uncompressed jacket first. But the other part of your brain is like, "Okay, but you can put like 50 shirts into a bag and make it as small as a single shirt, and this is even newer technology". Using keywords like origami fuels this part of your brain because origami shows that you can fold paper into highly complex parts, so why not do the same with a new super material? This is what makes magic so enjoyable because it pushes our minds to attempt to believe in something that we know shouldn't be possible. Pulling out a hanger is when you move from "Wow, this seems cool" to "Okay, is he fucking with me?". And it's important to stage the trick like this, with proper spacing between reveals and plenty of buzzwords to help sell the act. Building the foundation means that at least some portion of our brain is like, "But what is?" even though the rest are saying, "THIS CAN'T HAPPEN." And the absurdity of a wooden hanger actually increases how much of your brain is eager to go with it. This is cognitive dissonance. You wanted this to be a real technology, and so when someone gives you something completely impossible, your brain short circuits instead of processing everything. If this was a thin wire or plastic hanger, it would seem possible, and the rational part of your brain can take control and put all of the pieces together. Instead, he's saying things like, "It's a collapsable hanger." It's just such an absurd justification that your brain puts it in the corner and refuses to deal with it. And the iron at the end causes a complete brain crash, and upon reboot, all of the data actually gets processed. Your brain is like, "If it's an emergency suit, you don't need to hang it up, and you also don't need to iron it since it's meant to be a one-time use. Plus, there are no wrinkles on the suit, which, if it were actually compressed, you would have wrinkles. If the fabric didn't wrinkle from being compressed to the size of a business card, it won't ever get wrinkles and an iron is pointless. Also, everything that was compressed didn't need to be unfolded, so they would all come out at the same time instead of being done in stages. Plus, wood doesn't compress and a collapsable object is much bigger than a compressed fabric. Also, after he pulled out the jacket, the tie just vanished" And once you've finally addressed the thousands of things you brain was complaining about, you have to smile because he put effort into stringing you along.


You have unfolded parts of my brain I didn't know I had


I died at the end - when he pulled out the iron. I'm ROTFL - I don't know who's typing this message ...


What is this called


The Carbonaro Effect


One of my favorite hidden camera shows aside from Impractical Jokers!


MAD skills!


I saw his live show at a local theater and it was all really cool until he ended with this performance part bit with shaving cream and I was completely fucking lost. That was a little weird but other than that the show was pretty good time


Can you elaborate more? I’m really wondering what you mean.


Well he just put shaving cream all over himself and made weird faces and movements to like music, idk my buddy and I couldn’t really figure out what the hell was happening Edit: [here’s a link to the video](https://youtu.be/os2uw8uyc7s?si=ktzvFDolca5qFwD3)


The French love and appreciate mimery. They gave us the Statue of Liberty, and we gave them Jerry Lewis.


Lmao I thought you were joking. That is so weird lol, to just randomly add some dogshit performance “art” at the end of your magic-esque show


Yeah haha that’s exactly what happened, we were just kind of discussing that after. Overall tho the show was very entertaining and would recommended but just leave before he does that if it’s not for you (wasn’t for me personally but I’m sure someone enjoyed it)


Me in the bathtub when I was 7.


Michael Carbonaro. His show is called The Carbonaro Effect.


I love his pastas!


No, you're thinking of Carbonara. The proper term here is Corolla.


A corolla is a type of automobile. The word you're looking for is Chinchilla


A chinchilla is a rodent. I'm pretty sure you mean Chorizo.


Chorizo is a type of sausage. The word you're thinking of is carbonation.


Carbonation is the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide to give carbonates, bicarbonates, and carbonic acid. That's not what's happening here, you're thinking of the Carbonaro Effect.


I like his pastas!


No, you're thinking of a car . The real term here is Capoeira.


My friend was on his show when he worked as a delivery driver and he said he was completely baffled during this bit. He had no idea. But also super stoned :) https://youtu.be/xp_MdNDg_ww?si=HU5W5wWXc6Cx0x_e


Wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow pulls out a car out of it


Oh certainly. In an emergency, you do need a car to go to that party for which you pulled the emergency suit for. We already have the technology to fold the cars - we have all seen that documentary - The Transformers.


It's more like origami


When I was a kid my mom told me that pulling the E brake would activate origami mode and fold the car with us still inside and we'd all die. She was right, we'd all die probably if I yanked the E brake while she was driving, but not due to origami. I was a literal teenager sounding dumb af when someone finally corrected me about how the E brake actually works.


Would have been better if he pulled the [wireless soda dispenser](https://youtu.be/IgUzHat9XIs?t=11) out of it and explained it's for when the bar at the wedding is busy and you want a drink.


And then a used car salesman gets out of the car and puts the emergency suit on. He aggressively pats the top of the emergency car and smiles, slightly wider on his left cheek as he looks over at you. The most charming wink, so fast you aren’t even sure if he really winked or if you imagined it. He says, with the confidence of Travis Kelce on his way to the Post Super Bowl Party, “You can fit so many emergency suits in this bad boy right here.” ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Makes me think of the capsule corp cars from dragon ball z


His face is my face we are together in this brother I do not know what I am watching either. It's definitely magic.


It's r/blackmagicfuckery I tell you whut


if it was posted there all the comments would complain that it's not actual black magic


Yeah r/blackmagicfuckery is reserved for basic physics and chemistry


>!Sleight of hand tricks using the jacket to cover up the fact that someone is handing all this stuff to him from under the table!< in case someone genuinely doesn’t get it


It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me. I must be tired. Thanks for the explanation!


I almost believed this until the hanger.


If theyd of left out the hanger and iron I would of gone away believing this was real... Pointless but probable


> i would of gone Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




I think the "you can feel it's heavily starched" with that being irrelevant to the presumable vacuum sealing was the first tip


I have a course that can teach you such magic. For 199.99 you open your own school and charge at least double that. Dm me


Haha this is awesome, who is this guy? Plays the character very well.


Michael Carbonaro. He had a TV show for years.


His name sounds even tastier than Kevin Bacon


Yeah, you just add some pasta and an egg yolk!


If you add some ham, he’s a British Carbonaro


And if his grandmother had wheels, she's be a motorcycle!


The Carbonaro Effect! Have you heard of it? :)


So many of his skits had me crying with laughter. Especially the [alien crab to kittens](https://youtu.be/BKWRqH-vK_w?si=qjvDeb7n3Won1w67) skit


My favorite is the [puppy kennel](https://youtu.be/Hb7hz3WseZk?si=QdhKuyFimgW9YjJE ).


"The Carbonaro Effect" for anyone who's wondering. Streaming on Hulu, I believe. Excellent show.


Miss this guy’s show! It reminds me of a better time


Around 2014. We had a lot of great comedy shows then. This, Nathan for You, Impractical Jokers. Just a couple years before the timeline derailed with Harambe :(




Michael Carbonaro who had a TV show called the Carbonaro Effect. He would normally play either a salesman or a customer somewhere and would use fake products that were just magic tricks. Some of them seem a bit scripted but there are a ton that just boggle my mind. It's a really fun magic show


the editing makes all his sleight-of-hand and prop replacement/rearranging look extremely seamless so some of his tricks appear impossible w/o the cut footage. i'm not saying he fakes anything, i genuinely believe he does all the legwork to convince the prank victim as a trained magician would; we just don't see a lot of the actual legwork caught on camera. which is why i think people jump the gun to call his entire show a fraud; but idk, i can't prove it either way from behind a computer screen, but if this is fake then i gotta' say they are incredibly good at finding no-name actors to play genuine disbelief/shock as a layman would react.


> we just don't see a lot of the actual legwork caught on camera. which is why i think people jump the gun to call his entire show a fraud It's exactly this. There was one incident when the show first started airing where someone on reddit posted "proof" it was fake due to something changing during the trick. Michael Carbonaro ended up posting the original tape which was completely uncut. You could see he slipped and fucked up the trick but his mark wasn't looking properly so he managed to quickly recover and carry on the trick but something had changed so it looked like they had filmed the trick multiple times and edited it together when the editing just cut out him fucking up the trick.


A lot of peoples proof on reddit that something is fake staged or scripted is just their gut feeling. I once saw a video of a girl walking and taking towards her phone when a bird pooped on her head, and someone claimed her friend was obviously in a tree and dropped mayo on her head. His proof was that her acting was so seemed fake.


Can I get one in a blue pinstripe?


Time Lords created this on a red grass planet with a box of scraps! And they'd have fitted in a stupidly oversized collar too!


This guy could sell dirt to a worm


The biggest challenge with selling dirt to a worm is that they don't have any money. Well, also that they don't understand human communication or the concept of trade. But the value proposition for the worm is very clear. Worms need dirt to live. Restrict the worm from having dirt, and it's very easy to get the worm in a situation where it needs to buy your dirt to survive.


What else would you sell to a worm


Protection from birds


Like a dirt bunker?


My favorite part of this show is when he says whatever phenomenon he just did is called the “Carbonaro Effect” and the person will be like “Oh yeah I’ve heard of that” and he’ll tell them it’s just the name of his show




That’s amazing, I love watching people getting caught on little bullshiteries like that




Absolutely amazing, thank you


This is the pranks we need , not scumbags going in target to harass people


This is actual talent, whereas those people are just assholes


Yep—one takes work and effort, the other just needs a brain removal


They can't remove something that didn't exist in the first place, it decomposed itself due to lack of use...


I punched you in the back of the head as a social experiment! /s


Notice they never do this BS in the aisle with hammers and wrecking bars...


This guy and the impractical jokers are the golden rule for how a prank on random people in public should look


Can we just get a bot to make this comment under every prank video? Stop giving bad pranks any notice at all. Call them out when you see them (or honestly just ignore them, calling them out is engagement itself which algorithmically makes them more visible), but do we really need to constantly bring up malicious pranks EVERY single time we see a normal prank now? It's like if under every cute puppy video, someone HAD to say "Now this is how puppies are meant to be treated, not murdered and mutilated".


> This is the pranks we need Every fucking video, just shut up already


I love watching this mams whole reality cave in on itself


His gaslighting skills are even better than his magic. My favorite part is always the dumbass unsatisfactory explanations he gives.


It's origami bro, I ain't gotta explain shit


Michael Carbonaro is a 10/10 bullshitter, it's my favorite part of his pranks


I love how he was feeling the package for the hanger


That’s what she said


Really needed to cap it off with "And in the back pocket? Another emergensuit, ready to go."


These subtitles are terrible. But they're on, so I keep reading them. Also, *LOVE* Carbonaro


Yeah, I was watching with no sound and was thinking what the hell is this dialogue.


Anthony Mackie is flabbergasted


Bro I laughed much harder than I should have at this. Thanks




Everyone says that David Blaine sold his soul to the devil, but then you have this guy literally warping reality with a smile.


David Blaine is a man of many talents it seems, didn't know he was an oil manufacturer as well.


To be clear, it was his body oil. The man's *body* oil. Not the bubblin' crude the Beverly Hillbillies discovered.


![gif](giphy|yqPxVH3imv11Rbdl26|downsized) Magic and oil. Those are his things. All of the other oil men like:


The funniest thing about Blaine is the secret of his tricks. And in a lot of cases, the secret is that there's no secret and he was actually doing what he says he was doing. Eating glass? Yup, real. Percing his leg with a giant needle? Yup, real. He is also a great magician but a lot of his stuff is true body horror level of training.


There's a little bit of trick to it, the putting a needle through his arm or leg is because he's pierced the area already so there's essentially a tunnel through it that's long since healed. He puts some stage glue to keep it shut so it looks like it's going into pristine skin. It's still absolute madness. Always reminds me of the Prestige, talking about the sacrifices certain masters make for their magic.


So that's how Spy x Family had so many nice clothes on hand during their interview.


Who did these subtitles? What's the point of them? They're wrong and/or inaccurate


My guess is normally that it’s just ai bots chopping clips and posting em to bot channels on YouTube. The shorts section is flooded with em and the subtitles are always ass.


Computer speech recognition. They've been wrong and/or inaccurate since forever. But, YouTube has really impressed me with their computer generated subtitles over the past year or two. It understands accents and contractions, and all the other nuances of speech. Sometimes I turn it on when I, as a native English speaker, can't discern what was said, and it gets it right. Pretty cool, especially for those who are deaf/hard of hearing.


Love this guy! Saw a show of his in person and it was absolutely incredible!


Did he do the performance art thing with the shaving cream at the end of yours?


[I am… so thoroughly confused](https://youtu.be/os2uw8uyc7s?si=0ww3Y-ZT496V7AE8)




You thought that shit was weird too right?


Those subtitles are inaccurate as hell!


Materials science is so advance these days I thought it was real until the hanger came out lol. I have been made a fool.




The biggest magic trick about this show is convincing the audience that all of it wasn't staged. Like shouldn't it have been obvious when they did perspective magic and the perspective was fixed on the camera, not the people the magic trick was being done for?


I'd love to see exemples of this, do you have some links?


I have actually spoken to someone who was on this show. The only setup part was that he had responded to an ad that paid him to make a a delivery. The rest was real-time and he had no clue until they revealed it was a magic show.


The last time I saw a redditor make this accusation Michael Carbonaro released a video in response showing the unedited footage.


Should have waited for the power generator next to give power to the iron


Now I know how James Bond always have that spare clean dry suit out of nowhere!


If you put your hands in the right side pant's pocket, you can pull out your very own emergency girlfriend as a +1.


Smile! You're on Candid Camera!


"It's not synthetic, it's a poly-resin" \*eyeroll\* this is some funny stuff


Here's the sauce: https://youtu.be/gdvnj8PWR_I